What If Kurt Hummel died Give Kudos Bookmark Comment

What If Kurt Hummel died

Kurt hummel kills himeself after the break-up episode. This is what happens next.

K - Words: 1,427 - Last Updated: May 15, 2014
1,339 0 0 0
Categories: Angst, Tragedy,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Burt Hummel, Carole Hudson-Hummel, Finn Hudson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: character death,

Author's Notes: Hope I didntupset too many. Comments are welcoming
The body laid there, cold as stone and as still as the apartment. Rachel and Santana walked in the apartment with smiles, but froze at the doorway. Their screams were heard all of the building as they cried out for their friend. They called the ambulance and while they waited, they grabbed pillows and blankets to cradle him. They opened his jacket and again paused, seeing a familiar face in a picture, his cold white hand still clutching the frame with pain. They froze there till the ambulance and police came, when they too paralyzed in front of the body. Slowly the paramedics unfroze and started to work, they put him on the stretcher as the police pulled Santana and Rachel out of sight, silent tears running down the their faces. They silently cried to each other, confused and scared of what had happened, and then the harsh reality hit them. Kurt had taken his life.

They stayed quite on the plane, and instead of a pleasant welcoming at the airport, everyone was silent as stone angels. Burt was there, Finn and Carol, Sam and Mercedes, Tina and Mike, Puck and Quinn, the glee kids with Blaine hiding in the back. He slowly came to the front as the plane unloaded Kurts coffin, walking straight to it. He placed a hand on the oak box as the workers settled it down. The rest of the group followed up slowly, circling the box and softly crying. No one had suspected that some one like him could go so quickly, so painfully, because they had always thought he would get back up. But as the soft crying echoed around him, that fantasy painfully died. Burt squeezed Carol for support, who was hugged by Finn, who had his mouth open but said nothing. Eventually, the workers took the box up and slowly walked outside to the limo waiting for him. The group silently followed with hung heads, marching like defeated soldiers.

As the funeral in shape, family members filled the peers, all dressed in black. The glee club members, past and present had excluded themselves to the second floor where Kurts body was being fixed for the open casket. They sat still as they watched him get dressed for the last time, eyes closed and mouth shut now, no resemblance to the pain stricken expression he was found with. It had been washed away and instead a peaceful cold one had replaced the once true one. Silently and slowly, the group descended downstairs, faces stained with tears. Blaine was the last one in the room, even though Burt and Finn tried to pursued him otherwise. He brushed them away and gestured to be alone. They obeyed solemnly.
"Its not your fault." Burt reminded him again.
When they shut the door, Blaines self controlled boiled over into the sob long awaited. He sobbed into his hands as he stared at the body once belonging to his lover, his friend, his soul mate. Memories flashed at him, the phone call he got to meet Burt and all to the airport, the shrill cries of Rachel and Santana earlier call, yelling and crying for Kurts lost soul. He knew that it was his fault; there was no doubt in his mind. It wasnt a secret that Kurt was found with a picture of Blaine, with a blood pooling out of his head while a broken beer bottle laid close by. He was harshly retold by the investigators how it happened. Kurt got drunk, stricken by the break-up they had; so pain stricken that he broke the empty bottle over his head. He didnt die by force blunt trauma, and if some one had found him then he may had lived, but they suspected that he hadnt planed to. Kurt had planned to die as slow and painfully as he truly felt, and by the time Rachel and Santana had come home, he had been dead for several hours then. All their cries did fall on deaf hears and sunken heart, too consumed by the dark thoughts and actions to hear their pleads for him. His mind flashed back to the night he had hooked up with the guy. The feelings he had thought he had was nothing compared to what he was feeling. The loneliness and horror of losing Kurt was deeper now, much deeper than he thought he could imagine. Blaine slowly closed his eyes and leaned over Kurts body in the casket. Tears ran freely his face as he replayed all the sacred memories of them. The first time they had met, the song he had sang to Kurt, the day he told Kurt he had transferred to McKinley, the night they had slept together, every memories slowed him, his heart sunken by the realization of losing the only thing he had to hold on to.
His mind wondered over and over, what Kurt mustve been thinking. Did he have second thoughts? Had he truly thought about what would happen next? Did he think of anyone but Blaine and the pain he had caused? If only Burt had been there, if only Santana or Rachel had come home sooner. If only they werent at a funeral home now, everyone waiting for Blaine to come down to start. He wasnt ready to live without Kurt, without seeing him ever again, even if it was them being awkward and broken up together. It wouldve been so much better than this reality, of never seeing him alive again and only seeing him through the memories and dreams Blaine would have.
The door opened up, and he slowly pulled himself off Kurts still body to look at the person. Walking in was Finn, dressed in black as everyone else, and tears making indentations in his face. He slowly crept to the casket and looked down at his brother. Blaine stood next to him kneeling beside it, crying to the person who would listen to him anymore.
"I still dont get it." Finn said between tears. "I still don't understand."
Blaine looked up at him.
"He had survived high school and being hated for what he was. Why now, right after he had become free."
"Because as free as he looked, he was still imprisoned."
The boys looked behind themselves to see Burt, along with the others behind him, at the doorway. The came inside and watched as the workers took the casket downstairs.
"How?" Finn asked.
"Third times a try, once on his fourth tenths birthday. I had found him at his mothers grave, pills of sleeping of mine were spread out in the grass and all of me died there."
There was a hush over the group, no tears, no pants, just the words filled up the room.
"Second time he had banged his head against his own locker and then stumbled for a place to lie down. They nurse had found him and rushed him to her office, his forehead was bleeding and," Burts voice died for a minute. "The call was such a shock. When I got there, all I did was cry and sob. And he just sat there and watched, confused? Disoriented? I dont know. But for some reason, I didn't ask him why. What could have he told me that the attempt hadnt. He was unhappy. I had know that, but what can you do for a person who could never be free of himself, hated for how he was by people that didnt know a single thing about him, and yet had no problem for telling him how hated he was. They are all here, every single one, crying for the person they couldve cared lass before."
"The person no one cared for until it's too late."
"If I hadnt done it, if I hadnt cheated on him, he would still be here." Blaine blurted out in tears.
"I dont think so bud." Burt patted him on the shoulder. "Hes been dead for a while now. If it wasnt then, it would have been later, when maybe it wouldve been me and Carol finding him, Finn and Rachel, maybe he wouldve hanged himself in the choir room. No ones really sure how it would have played out, except for when he goes off forever; Away from the pain, the misery, and the hatred unfairly given to him." Sobs broke out and Blaine knelt his sobs into his hands. Burt squeezed his shoulder. "Hes finally happy, and in a much more forgiving place now."


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