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Blaine texts Kurt when he should be revising.

K - Words: 532 - Last Updated: Jul 06, 2014
932 0 0 0
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff, General,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: established relationship,

Author's Notes:

Dumb and short and written when I should have been revising Nazi Germany. Enjoy :)

Blaine was about ready to collapse by the time he set his bag down in his room and had hauled his books out. He set them on the desk, piled them up beside his laptop, and set his pens down beside them: the illusion of productivity. It had been barely a week since exams had started and it was as though every time he sat down in the exam hall, his energy quota had been drained down to zero. The weekend wasn't even an incentive to keep going anymore because it was bound to be enveloped in revision.

Sighing, he sat down, tipped his head back, and scrubbed his hands over his face like it'd scrape away his tiredness. He had to focus – if he wanted to pass his exams, he had to focus. But whenever his mind drifted remotely close to Sine Rule, he dragged it back with a groan.

Eventually, he ended up pulling out his phone.

(To: Kurt)
How did you get through this last year? :c

He stared at the screen as the text sent and let out a heavy breath, setting it atop the pile of books. The last conversation he'd had with Kurt, apart from ‘good morning' and ‘goodnight' texts, had been three days ago over Skype and, to be honest, Blaine was half-asleep for the latter half, but refused to go until Kurt had made several ultimatums and he was practically using the keyboard as a pillow. It wasn't long, really, 72 hours, but to Blaine, the week was stretching on into a century and he really, really missed his voice. His phone buzzed against his History textbook.

(From: Kurt)
Finals stress, huh?

Blaine huffed out a laugh as he tapped out his reply:

(To: Kurt)

(To: Kurt)
I've forgotten what feeling awake is like.

(From: Kurt)
Well, considering you were still texting me at 1AM…

(To: Kurt)
You texted me back. You're a catalyst in this :P

(From: Kurt)
Apply some of that vocabulary to your work and you'll do just fine. ;)

Pouting, Blaine lay his arm on his desk and rested his head on it. Exams had never been enjoyable for him – sure, he was academic enough and he could get through them, but the thought of sitting still for an hour and a half writing about what the author infers from the text was exhausting in itself.

(To: Kurt)
How do you know? What if I blank out and forget everything and fail and my life is over

(From: Kurt)
Blaine's use of hyperbolic language suggests to his lover that he needs to CALM DOWN because he is going to do fine.

(To: Kurt)
Kurt's use of sarcasm only contributes to Blaine's sadness

(From: Kurt)
Poignancy would be a better word to use. ;)

(To: Kurt)
Can you poigNOT?

(From: Kurt)
Haha. Quality humor. But seriously, Blaine, don't worry so much. You're going to ace these exams, I know you are. :) 

(To: Kurt)
Do you promise you're not just humoring me?

(To: Kurt)
No pun intended.

(From: Kurt)
Do I need to call you so you know I'm not?

(To: Kurt)
Well, I wouldn't object to hearing your voice.


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