Aug. 1, 2015, 7 p.m.
Aug. 1, 2015, 7 p.m.
Set after 'Tested'; Blaine opens up a little more about his feelings in the after glow of making up.
literally just wanted to write blangsty hurt/comfort so TADA
“Nights can be hard sometimes.” Blaine swallowed and shifted a little on the bed to fit better against Kurt's body. The air in the room was fresh from the window open to their right, the cool outside drifting inside, but the boy felt warm curled up with him, with covers slung lazily around their waists and tan skin pressed against pale skin. He had worried, somewhere between Kurt taking him to the bedroom and stripping off his shirt, that the afterglow would feel stilted, but instead it felt cripplingly familiar. Blaine had been so caught up in his body for the past week that he forgot how nice it felt to just be.
Kurt's body moved beside his, an arm adjusting under his head and another stroking his thigh, currently draped over the boy's hips. “What do you mean?” he pressed gently.
“I mean...” Blaine sighed out a breath, tracing the faint outline of his fiance's ribcage before remembering he was ticklish and tucking his hand away between them. “You're busy during the day, you know, constantly moving from this to that, and you don't have time to stop and think. When night comes, everything slows down -- well, as much as it can in New York City -- and the day catches up with you.”
Kurt's fingers toyed with a curl that sweat had made free from Blaine's gel. “Is that a bad thing?”
Blaine looked up at him, lashes brushing his shoulder, and worried his lip. “It used to be. I used to hate going to bed,” he admitted. “I'd just end up staring at the ceiling. Then my parents would think I'm asleep and I'd hear them arguing downstairs.”
Kurt frowned. “Blaine...”
“No, I know. It's done. I won't have to put up with that anymore. But I don't think that feeling ever really left. It was just dormant -- you know, like a volcano.”
“And is it active now?” Kurt questioned. He didn't take his eyes off the boy in his arms as he nodded his head. He saw his throat work, then his gaze drop back to Kurt's hand on his leg. “Is it...erupting?”
“Kind of,” Blaine said noncommittally. When it became clear Kurt was waiting for him to elaborate, he added, “This past week was bad. I- I like to know I'm doing my best at everything, but I feel like my best is mediocre on a good day. Things keep happening and I can't keep up.” The covers fell a little lower as Kurt ran his fingers further up his thigh, then back to his knee again. “And I know it's not a race, and we're not against each other, but I'm not scared of not winning, I'm just scared of--”
“Disappointing people. Being left behind,” Kurt provided. From the way Blaine silenced, Kurt guessed he was right, and it made something twist inside his chest. “You're insecure because you feel like you're not good enough for the people in your life.”
“I'm glad I won't have to pay for a therapist,” he muttered under his breath.
“Blaine, I don't love you because you're perfect. I love you for all of you.” Kurt's hand tilted the boy's chin up so he could look at him. “Yes, you've messed up. Welcome to life. But do you understand how hard you try for other people? You go out of your way to make people feel good.”
Blaine's throat worked. “I want them to like me,” he said in a quieter tone.
Kurt met his gaze with soft eyes. “I know you do. But you can't be so hard on yourself or you'll end up suffering,” he cooed, leaning over and pecking his lips. “And I hate seeing you sad, Blaine. I can't stand it. You look like a kicked puppy.”
He huffed out a laugh before he could help it. “Glad to know I look cute when I'm upset,” Blaine muttered, and Kurt's lips tugged up.
“You do!” he told him. “You look cute most of the time, though. Like right now, laying naked with your hair ruffled up. You look gorgeous.” When Blaine blushed and tried to duck his head, Kurt cupped his cheek and kept eye contact. “You're stunning,” he said seriously, watching as Blaine's smile wobbled a little. “I love your body -- your shoulders and your tiny belly and your thighs and your ass.” The boy choked out a chuckle. “I love your hair however you do it. I love how you smile with your whole face. And I love your heart, your big, kind heart, but I wish you'd share some of that love with yourself once in a while.”
A lump had grown in Blaine's throat. “I'll see if I can squeeze myself in there next to you,” he whispered, feeling the smile on his face as Kurt mirrored his expression.
“Good,” he whispered, pulling Blaine's face close again for a kiss meant to be sweet and tender, but when Blaine parted his lips against Kurt's, he accepted the invitation, kissing him deep and slow and pulling his thigh tighter around him.
“Thank you for knowing me,” Blaine breathed once he began kissing away, down to Kurt's jaw. “I won't get insecure and miss a week of intimacy again.”
Kurt laughed and threaded his fingers through Blaine's curls. “While I appreciate that, it's okay if you do,” he murmured, tugging gently so Blaine lifted his head and looked at him again. “And I'll still be here once it passes.”
Blaine gave him a grateful look. “Promise?”
Kurt kissed his nose in response just to see him scrunch it up. “Promise.”