Play Nice ... Give Kudos Bookmark Comment

Play Nice ...

Blaine is Rachel's cousin visiting from San Francisco and 'overstaying' his welcome with Kurt. (I'm so bad at summaries LOL)

K - Words: 2,792 - Last Updated: Mar 27, 2015
1,298 1 0 0
Categories: General, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Rachel Berry,
Tags: friendship,

Author's Notes:

Just a short one I wrote ... Not much, just a silly little thing that I had to get out of me. Maybe I can/will write something more from it but I guess that depends on the reactions I get on this.    

It all started with a simple question from Rachel. Asking Kurt if her cousin from San Francisco could come and stay with them in the apartment while he was visiting. Seeing they could easily use the guest room now that, since they moved into a bigger one, they actually had a third one. Kurt was easy to persuade, the promise that it would only be for a couple of days until hed pack up again and go back on his way, made by Rachel. He cant really say no to it anyway, knowing from the way she talks about him that they are really close even if they cant visit each other regularly.
That was five weeks ago, three of them where the guy actually stayed with them and its getting on Kurts nerves. Dont get him wrong, Blaine is easy going, doesnt leave a mess all around the loft and he actually makes them breakfast almost every day but still. The fact that he walks around the place almost naked is infuriating. Okay, maybe thats a bit of an exaggeration, he usually has at least his boxers or pyjama pants and a tank top on but well, its as good as naked in Kurts eyes. Especially since Blaine is actually really good looking and Kurt cant help but let his eyes roam over his body every time he walks by him.

But he refuses to acknowledge it, not wanting to give Blaine the satisfaction of realizing just that. Though when today, a saturday where he has nothing to do really since a long time, Kurt walks into their combined living space and kitchen area after his shower and fully dressed to find Blaine standing by the stove. Hes making french toast, standing there in nothing but his boxers and tank top as he looks up with a smirk at Kurt. Not able to help the roll of his eyes, Kurt grabs a mug from the counter near Blaine and pours some coffee in it. He takes a seat at the table and looks up when Rachel suddenly appears, still clad in her nightgown and hair a tousled mess from sleep.
"Good Morning boys!" she chirps happily, directing a bright smile at Blaine before winking at Kurt. He has to hold back with everything he can not to snap at her so just focuses his attention on his coffee cup in front of him. Blaine though seems to have another idea as he flips the toast and looks at Kurt with a crooked smile, "Good morning Rach, and good morning Kurt!"

Finally staring back up at Blaine, Kurt sighs heavily and looks back at Rachel, his expression one with enough annoyance to let Rachel stop in her tracks towards the refrigerator for a second before going further while keeping her eyes on Kurt.
"Rachel, will you please tell your cousin to put on some actual clothes? Im beginning to think he doesnt own anything ... Like, at all!" he says, trying to sound annoyed but he himself is pretty sure that its not coming across like he thought it should be.
"Aw come on you guys, be nice okay? And Blaine, ... Ah forget it!" Rachel giggles as she sticks her head in the fridge trying to find the yoghurt she likes so much but that Kurt always hides in the back or secretly eats when Rachel isnt at home.

Turning off the stove, Blaine grins at Rachel but since she doesnt see it, he redirects his attention back to Kurt. "Dont listen to Kurt, Rach. He totally wants my babies! We all know that." he says with a smirk and Kurt cant help but look astonished and utterly disbelieving although he can feel a slight blush creeping up his face too.
His expression is quickly replaced by a roll of his eyes and a disdainful look, "Yeah, sure. Cant wait to get you alone! Seriously ...."
Blaine regards him for a moment as he puts the plate with french toast on the table in front of Kurt. he rest his one hand on the side of it and leans slightly down, eyes intently on Kurt.
"So ... Why dont you?" he asks, voice smooth and low before winking and turning swiftly around to take a place on the other side of the table.
Kurt sits there staring at Blaine now, mouth slightly parted and for possibly the first time in his life not really knowing what to say. But when he snaps his mouth back shut, seeing the grin on Blaines face as he puts a slice of bread on his plate, Kurt gets startled when he wants to start to say something back by Rachel slamming the fridge closed and turning to them with her arms crossed in front of her chest. Shes got an exasperated look on her face but the smile underneath it is more than obvious as she states, "Will you guys just get a room already and get it over and done with? Jeez, you two ... Im gonna get dressed and get myself a bagel from that little shop down the street since someone ..." She glares at Kurt now as she adds, "Someone else apparently ate my favorite yoghurt." Pretending he doesnt know what shes talking about, Kurt grabs a slice of bread too and starts to eat, eyes downcast on his plate for the remainder of breakfast long after when Rachel had left the apartment.
Its silent, ‘Too silent, Kurt thinks as finally dares to look up at Blaine sitting at the other end of the table. But he immediately regrets that decision when hes met with Blaines grin and his eyes on him, Kurts face flushing a shade of red that he cant deny.
"Euhm, okay ... You just ... Get dressed or something, Im gonna  ... Im gonna go." Kurt stammers out as he pushes himself up from the table and hurries towards his room, grabs his stuff and rushes through the apartment and out the door without glancing back at Blaine.

When he arrives back at the apartment a long while later, Kurt stops outside of the door, hearing Rachels voice loud and booming through it. He stops in his tracks with his keys still in his hand midair. He doesnt really want to start eavesdropping so he decides to make enough noise entering the place that they know hes here but then he hears his name. So he waits, inching a bit closer to the door so he can hear better.
"Blaine, you cant do this to Kurt!" Rachel shouts, "You cant just lead him on and try to seduce him and then drop him when you pack up and leave again!"
"Oh grow up, Rachel. Hes perfectly capable of standing up for himself. If he doesnt want me to look at him the way I do, hell say it. And if Im right, he actually likes the attention by the flushed cheeks hes getting whenever I wiggle my eyebrows at him." Blaine chuckles and Kurt can hear him moving a couple of dishes on the counter.
"Stop acting like youre such a macho, Blaine. I love you but god, youre not that person." she says loudly with a sigh of exasperation. Theres silence now and Kurt contemplates getting inside now since it looks like theyre done. Hes wondering though what Rachel means, the Blaine he knows is indeed some kind of macho but he cant deny that it was something that has gotten under his skin. Right when he finally decides to open the door, Kurt hears Blaine say quietly, "I know Rach, I know ... As if hed like the me that wears bowties and capris and bursts into song at every given opportunity. Okay, that last one may be exaggerated but still."
"Oh Blaine ..." Rachel sighs and thats what makes Kurt decide hes had enough of this, he opens the door with much more noise than is actually granted and steps inside.
Rachel turns immediately as she hears Kurt step inside and tries to smile as brightly as she can, "Oh hi Kurt, youre back?!"
"Looks like it." Kurt mutters, not really able to spare Blaine a glance now as he drops his bag near the door and heads off towards his bedroom, followed by hushed voices but not able to hear what theyre saying. He drops himself face first on his bed with a loud groan as soon as he shut the door and stays there for a long time until he hears the front door open and close again. He waits a few more minutes, making sure that he doesnt hear anything anymore and when hes sure the apartment is empty Kurt pushes himself up and off his bed. His mind is still filled with what he heard Blaine say ever so quietly before and when he finally emerges from his bedroom and walks into the living room, hes startled by the sight of Blaine sitting on the couch with his arms around his knees, for once fully clothed with to his surprise a dark blue shirt on top of black jeans and a brightly checkered bowtie to top it off.
"Oh ..." he stutters as he comes to a halt in the middle of the living room. Hes staring at Blaine without himself even really noticing it but gets pulled out of his reverie the moment he notices Blaines eyes on him too. "I thought you left with Rachel?"

An apologetic smile plays on Blaines lips as he shakes his head, "No, I thought ... well, I figured by the way you stormed in and away earlier that you mustve heard something. So ... Did you?" He asks this with a slightly dreading look in his eyes and Kurt is already nodding to his question.
"Yeah, I ... I did hear a bit." Kurt replies quietly, biting his lower lip feeling a bit unsure of what to say or do right now. "Im ... Im just gonna make myself a cup of coffee. You want some?" he asks, needing the time to really think this through since this was the last thing he expected to happen today.
"Yes, sure ... Thanks." is all Blaine answers and Kurt is already off to the kitchen, making two cups of coffee.

Coming back inside, carrying two cups of coffee, Kurt walks towards Blaine with a slight blush on his cheeks. Hes trying to reign himself in, speaking to himself that he shouldnt act so shy, that this isnt the first guy hes had a crush on and apparently the other way around too, and that is sure as hell isnt the first guy that ever made advances to him that eventually had been sealed with a lot more than just a kiss. But Blaine, Blaine is something that he can feel buzzing underneath his skin like a current that keeps flowing subtly but always just noticeably there, ever since he laid eyes on the guy. And seeing him like this, after hearing him say what he did earlier when Blaine didnt think he heard, it makes his skin crawl in the most pleasant way.
He hands Blaine the cup and takes a seat at the other end of the couch, turned slightly towards the other guy.
After a silent thank you, Blaine takes a sip of his coffee and puts it down on the coffee table before he turns to face Kurt. He just keeps looking at him though, doesnt say a word and its getting on Kurts nerves, so he sharply turns and says, "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"
Opening his mouth a few times but no words coming out, Blaine looks down for a moment and then chuckles, "I cant believe you didnt even say anything about the fact that Im fully clothed right now." He glances back up at Kurt, and for a moment, Kurt is mesmerized by his eyes. But he shakes it off quickly, taking another sip from his coffee before replying,
"What? You want me to congratulate you for doing what every normal human being on the planet does every single morning?" Rolling his eyes he puts his coffee cup down and adds, "So ... Why dont you?"

It takes Blaine a bit by surprise, having it asked so bluntly but he takes a breath and sighs before he answers. "Well, obviously you heard something earlier on. So yeah, I normally did do that but ..." He runs his hand over his hair, wincing a little at the feeling of gel that sticks to his fingers and he discreetly tries to wipe it off with a handkerchief from his pocket. "Its been a while since Ive been dressed. Like this I mean! I guess Ive been trying to be someone I wasnt since I started college but then I dropped out and well, havent stopped since then." Its actually the first time hes talked about it, before not even bothering with much more than a hi and wanna head up to my room whenever he had his eye on someone. Rachel knows him, obviously, but shes the only one who actually knows the one he was before college, the nerdy kid with too much love for musicals and video games and too short pants.
Kurt is staying silent for a long time, just eyes Blaine with a small grin on his face. Its not until Blaine looks back up at him that he finally asks, "So .... Did it help at all at all, you know? Acting all flirty and hanging around half naked."

"What, well ..." Blaine coughs lightly and his cheeks start to burn just enough for Kurt to see and if that isnt a sight that Kurt likes, he doesnt know what is. "I just ... Well, I guess it did." Then he looks at Kurt with wide eyes, "Oh, euhm ... not in that way at least. I just ... People didnt think of me as uptight and all that anymore when I was just like that instead of ..." He points down at himself and his attire, "... this!"
"I like you like this too ..." Kurt mumbles behind his cup just when Blaine starts to say something else and then almost drops it when he realizes he actually said that out loud. "That is ... well ... euhm, yeah, never mind. You were saying?" He quickly takes a few more sips, turning his face slightly away from Blaine now as he knows his cheeks will be matching Blaines from before.

Theres another silence, Kurt not daring to look back at Blaine until he can feel the other shift on the couch next to him. As he gazes right at Blaine, he bites his lower lip slightly and Blaine has a bit of a smirk on his face. "You didnt actually have a problem with me running around in my boxers, now did you?" he asks, tilting his face a bit to the side as he looks into Kurts eyes.
"But what I wanted to say, I never slept around, that wasnt the whole purpose of this. Hell, I only had two boyfriends over the course of the passed 5 years."
Surprised by this piece of information, Kurt lowers his cup to be able to put it next to him on the coffee table and just looks at Blaine, his blush still not completely gone but not able to look away either.
"Hmm, so ... You do like me, huh?" Blaine asks as he puts his own cup next to Kurts. "Like I was and now?" Kurt eyes the two cups for a moment and lifts his gaze back to say something but is suddenly met with Blaine leaning in, cupping his cheek ever so softly and finally letting his lips collide with his. Its merely a press of their lips in the beginning, Kurt gasping softly in surprise but when he feels Blaine slightly pulling away, he lifts his hand to mirror Blaines hand and presses closer again. He deepens the kiss instantly, angling his face a little as he does so and when he hears the content hum coming from Blaines throat slides his hand into the short hair on the back of his head. Blaine is just about to slide his other hand around Kurts waist when a loud bang startles them out of the kiss and they both look surprised towards the door where Rachel just burst in exclaiming, "I forgot my ..." She stops and looks at them on the couch, her eyes widened but a delighted sparkle in them as he claps her hands in front of her, sighing, "Finally!"


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