March 29, 2014, 7 p.m.
March 29, 2014, 7 p.m.
This takes place after Valentines day 2013, prior to that, it's canon. Kurt is still broken up from Blaine and is not quite sure what is going on with his relationship with Adam. An unexpected meeting has him thinking about and doing things, he's only done with one other person.I figured Kurt would need a little action during his break up with Blaine. I wrote this to fill the void.
Well theres that. Just a little Sunday afternoon smut.
Kurt stood in the lengthy line at his favorite coffee shop. Yeah, he hated waiting but the mocha here was so good and the prices so much less than Starbucks, so concessions had to be made. If he had to wait an extra fifteen minutes, so be it. As he neared the front of the line, he noticed a familiar looking figure coming into the café. “Shit” Kurt whispered under his breath. Here was about the last person he had hoped to run into again. The other man's face lit up with a huge, largely fake smile, when he realized Kurt was standing there.
“Hey Kurt.” Sebastian called out as he made his way towards Kurt. “Long time no see.”
Kurt rolled his eyes and plastered on a smile as he looked at his former nemesis. Not long enough is what ran through his head but he bit his tongue before replying. “Sebastian, so great to see you again.” Sarcasm dripped heavily off his words. “What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at Dalton, or jail or something?'
“Funny story there. After the whole doping controversy.” He made the parentheses sign with his fingers. “Well I didn't see the point in sticking around that place. My mom remarried this guy here in New York and I talked her into letting me live with them so I could go to another prep school with a good music program. So long story short, here I am.” Kurt nodded his head and tried to look interested.
“Great, good. Well nice to see you.” He was next to order. And if he didn't see him again for the rest of his life, that was fine by him.
“What about you, what are you doing here?” Kurt stared at him incredulously.
“I, live here. I go to NYADA.” He snapped back. Sebastian gave a slight, but impressed smile.
“That's cool. Didn't know.” He was surprised. He honestly didn't think that Kurt had that kind of talent in him. Getting into a school of that caliber was no easy task.
“Medium nonfat Mocha,” Kurt gave his order to the barista.
‘I'll have a double espresso.” Sebastian added. He gave Kurt another slight smile. Kurt shook his head in disbelief. The man really did have no shame. When Kurt went to reach for his wallet, Sebastian put a ten dollar bill on the counter. “My treat.” He gave Kurt a wink.
“Thanks,” Kurt mumbled as he stared at Sebastian. “Why are you being so nice by the way?” The grin on Sebastian's face widened.
“I told you last year that I turned over a new leaf. I really have. I mean, I even went out with a kind of homely guy.” Kurt eye's rolled back so far in his head that he thought he could see his skull. “What?” Sebastian exclaimed as he picked up their drinks and headed towards an empty table.
“Seriously Sebastian, that's your new leaf?” Kurt asked as he sat, all the while wondering what motives Sebastian had.
“Gotta start somewhere, right?” He gave Kurt a huge grin before taking a sip of his drink. “You look good Kurt, New York agrees with you.” Kurt blinked rapidly, now really confused by this conversation.
“What's your angle Sebastian, you hate me, remember?”
“I never said I hated you. I said I didn‘t like you. ” He shrugged. “Don't know where you might have gotten that hate idea from.”
“Oh I don't know, there was that whole rock salt slushy thing.” Kurt looked at him over the rim of his cup.
Sebastian gave another beaming smile.
“That was,” he waved his hand dismissively. “It was just a prank.”
“Prank,” Kurt replied incredulously. “You nearly blinded Blaine and that's only because he was protecting me.” Kurt just could not believe how casual he was being about that incident. “What was I supposed to think about that?”
“I apologized about that. I really am sorry Kurt. I was stupid and it was childish.” He sounded contrite.
“Blaine forgave me.”
“Did he?” Kurt asked. “When did he do that?”
Sebastian looked at him curiously. “You know, after Hunter stole the National trophy and Blaine came back to Dalton. I assume he told you about that. We tried to lure him back but he wasn‘t having it.”
“Well, Blaine and I don't talk as much as we used to.” Kurt said quietly. Sebastian raised an eyebrow.
“Trouble in paradise?” Kurt nodded. “You guys break up or something?” Kurt nodded again. Sebastian considered this for a second. “Hmmm, Blaine didn't say.”
“It wouldn't surprise me. It's been about 7 months.” Kurt took another long pull of his mocha. “But it's ok, really.”
“If you say so Kurt.” Sebastian said as he continued studying the man in front of him. “I kind of figured you guys were the real deal.”
“So did I,” Kurt murmured softly, “So did I.” He glanced down at his watch.
“Am I keeping you?” Sebastian asked politely. “Do you need to go?”
“What? No. I just have to catch the 4:30 train to get home.”
“Where are you living?” Sebastian continued to eye Kurt curiously. He really liked the changes in Kurt. He had really matured and it was something that Sebastian found strangely appealing. He wasn't the oddly dressed, over the top femme guy he had first met nearly two years ago.
“Bushwick” He replied glumly. “I'm currently living with two divas with more estrogen then I can handle sometimes.” Sebastian raised his eyebrows.
“Do tell.”
“You remember Rachel, right?” Who was he kidding, of course he knew who Rachel was, he was the one that had given her that doctored pic of Finn wearing nothing but a pair of stilettos and a smile. Sebastian nodded, yes. he was very familiar with Rachel. “And Santana?”
“Underboob? Yes we've met.” He smiled remembering back to their duet. She had been formidable. “You live with both of them?” Kurt nodded wearily. “That must be, um interesting.”
“To say the least. You have no idea.” Kurt said as he took another drink.
“How did that happen?”
“Well Rachel moved here because she got into NYADA after high school. I didn't get in right off the bat but moved here a couple of months after she did and we moved in together and that's where we could afford to live. Santana showed up a couple of months ago after she dropped out of college. The rent is cheaper divided by three.”
‘Sounds very bohemian.” Sebastian commented as he continued staring at Kurt.
“I don't know if that's the right term but I know I have absolutely no privacy and even less closet space.” He gave an exasperated sigh.
“Living the dream, huh?” Sebastian asked, an idea formulating in the back of his head.
“I kinda am.” Kurt replied happily. “I mean except for .. .” his voice trailed off.
“Except for what?” Sebastian knew the answer the second the question popped out of his mouth. “A boyfriend?” Kurt nodded. “I feel ya. I haven't met anyone here yet either.”
“Oh I've met someone. Problem is . . .” He stopped cold, why was he sharing this information with Sebastian, of all people.
“Problem is what?” Sebastian asked, very much intrigued.
“Never mind, forget I said anything.” He glanced at his watch again. Sebastian reached over and grabbed his hand. Kurt looked back at him with a shocked expression on his face before pulling his hand away.
“Look Kurt, I know we got off on the wrong foot.” Kurt gave him a look of disbelief. “But it would be nice to have a friend here.”
“I have enough friends.” Kurt replied, well, curtly. “Sorry, that came out wrong.”
“Hey I understand. I wasn't the nicest person back in Lima.” He sighed heavily. “I am sorry Kurt, for the things I said and did to you, and Blaine.” Kurt didn't know what to think, he seemed quite repentant but there was something about him that he didn't think he would ever be able to trust.
“Water under the bridge.” Kurt announced. He gazed over Sebastian's shoulder and looked into the street. He wondered if he should give him a chance he did seem sincere, but then again, this was Sebastian. He decided to take a giant leap of faith. “ The problem with the guy I'm seeing is that he's nice and all but I am not crazy head over heels about him. He doesn't . . .” Kurt considered how to say this.
“Doesn't get you hard?” Sebastian said, finishing his thoughts albeit crudely. Kurt rolled his eyes again.
“Jeeze Sebastian.” Kurt whispered. “But yeah, something like that.”
“Like Blaine made you feel?” Kurt nodded shamefully. “Can I ask you something? What happened with you guys? You two seemed so tight.” Kurt sighed heavily and let his head fall back against the back of his chair.
“He cheated.” Kurt said flatly. Sebastian blinked in surprise. He certainly didn't see that one coming.
“No fucking way. Goody two shoes cheated on you? Wow!” He honestly didn't think Blaine had it in him to pull something like that off.
“Wasn't too long after I moved here. He hooked up with some guy.” It still felt like a punch to the gut every time he thought about Blaine with another man.
“And he didn't call me.” He gave Kurt a shit eating grin. Kurt wasn't amused. “I'm just kidding. I wouldn't have slept with him.” Kurt looked at him pointedly. “Ok I probably would have. But I wouldn't have enjoyed it.” Kurt shook his head and rolled his eyes and finally gave a slight smile. “Ok I wouldn't have enjoyed it much.”
“Yeah you would have.” Kurt said matter of factly. Sebastian raised his eyebrows.
“Do tell.” Sebastian leaned into Kurt. Kurt crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair, giving a knowing smile as he did so. He shook his head.
“Tease.” Sebastian hissed.
“Let me put it this way Sebastian. Blaine is short in stature, but that's the only part of him that's small.” Kurt couldn't believe he was telling him this. But he figured there was no harm in rubbing some salt in old wounds.
“I knew it.” Sebastian muttered. Kurt just gave him a knowing smile. “Shorter guys do seem to have longer ones.” He stared at Kurt as he sipped his espresso.
“Well I guess I should get going.” Kurt murmured. Against his better judgment, he was sort of having a nice time talking to Sebastian. It was good to talk to another guy whom he hadn't or wasn't currently dating.
“Are you sure. I mean it's Friday night, aren't you going to go out?”
“Well I was supposed to do something with Adam.” He glanced at his phone, there were no messages from anyone.
“That the boyfriend?” Sebastian asked. Kurt nodded. “Is he as hot as Blaine?” Kurt looked around as he considered the question.
“No.” He admitted sheepishly. “He isn't. But he's cute and from England.”
“Oh so an accent. Very sexy. Is he hung?” Kurt almost spit out his coffee. He couldn't believe the things that came out of Sebastian's mouth. He apparently had no filter.
“I wouldn't know.” Kurt said a few moments later. “We haven't had sex yet.” Again he wondered why he was sharing so much of his life with this guy who he could barely stand. But then again, it's not like he a lot of people to discuss this stuff with.
“Saving yourself for marriage or what? What are you waiting for?” He stared at Kurt. “Oh I see. Blaine again?”
“No, well maybe. I don't know.” He slumped in his chair. “Probably.” He looked at Sebastian glumly. “How do you tell your heart that you don't want to be in love with someone anymore?” Sebastian shook his head. He knew even less about love than Kurt did.
“Asking the wrong man, dude. I've never been in love.” His eyes softened and for a second Kurt knew his guard had come down. “One day, maybe.” He was quiet for a minute and then his face brightened. “Hey you still got that fake ID?”
“Chaz Donnaldsworth, at your service. Aloha.” Kurt spewed out. Sebastian looked at him like he had horns growing out of his head.
“What are you talking about?”
“Chaz Donaldsworth. That's the name on that fake ID you got me. He's from Hawaii.” Kurt pulled out his wallet and was thumbing through it, not sure if he still had the driver's license. He finally found it and pulled it out joyfully. “See?” He said as he handed it to Sebastian. Sebastian eyed it curiously.
“And this actually worked huh? Used it outside of Scandals?” He handed it back to Kurt.
“Amazingly enough, it has. I've been able to buy wine and get into a couple of bars. What about yours?” Sebastian reached into his blazer pocket and removed his wallet. Finding the ID, he handed it over to Kurt.
“Simon McCallister from Wichita Kansas. My you've changed since this picture was taken. Seriously that looks nothing like you.” He laughed as he gave it back to Sebastian.
“It gets me where I want to go. But hey, why don't we go out to a bar and see what kind of trouble we can get into?” Kurt sighed heavily. It did sound like fun but he was wearing school clothes and to get back and forth from New Jersey would take hours.
“We can go to my place, I probably have something that would fit you.” Sebastian said, reading Kurt's thoughts. “Seriously, I live a few blocks from here. We could grab something to eat and then head out. What do you say? It'll be fun.” Kurt didn't know what to think. Part of him thought it would be fun to go out on the town and see what's doing, but then again, it would be with Sebastian, someone who he really didn't trust.
“I don't know Sebastian. I should probably head home.” He sighed heavily while reaching for his bag.
“Come on Kurt, what else do you have to do? Gonna sit home with some takeout and watch the Golden Girls reruns on Logo?”
Kurt glared at him, actually that's what he would probably have done. He would never admit that to Sebastian though. “No but . . .”
“But what? Come on Kurt. I know a great place, good music, hot guys, cheap drinks. You know you want to. Come on.” He gave Kurt a pleading look. Kurt sighed heavily. Sebastian knew he had him.
“What the hell.” He muttered as he grabbed his bag and followed Sebastian out into the street.
Sebastian hadn't been kidding when he said he lived nearby. The walked in relative silence to the apartment building a few blocks away. Kurt marveled as Sebastian ushered him into the building.
“Your stepfather have a lot of money?” Kurt asked as they go onto the elevator. Sebastian gave him a knowing look.
“You have to ask?” He leaned back against the wall of the elevator as it began it's ascent. “But yeah, he comes from old money. My mother met him at some charity event a few years ago. Apparently we moved to Ohio so they could work on their marriage but the whole time my mom was in contact with George.” He rolled his eyes. “They both finally got divorced and the rest is history.” Kurt's eyes widened as he listened. It was all so very General Hospital. “He's a nice enough guy and he seems to make her happy . . .” He shrugged. “But I'm pretty sure he would prefer it if I would just go away.”
A few seconds later the elevator dinged and they exited into the hallway. Kurt followed Sebastian as they walked down the hall before arriving at one of the penthouses on the floor.
“Come on in.” Sebastian said to Kurt as he opened the door. “Don't worry, no one's here. I think they went to the Hamptons for the weekend.” Kurt stepped into the foyer and marveled at the opulence of the room. His apartment in Bushwick would have fit in the living room of this place. Sebastian flung his bag onto the sofa before flopping down next to it. “Have a seat.”
Kurt placed his bag on one of the chair before joining Sebastian on the couch. “Wow.” Was all Kurt could think to say. He had never seen an apartment quite so grand.
“Well if you gotta live in New York, might as well do it somewhere nice.” He didn't seem happy though Kurt noted, a air of melancholy hovered around him. “Want something to eat, drink?” He asked as he got up and headed towards the kitchen. “Hopefully Elsa left something.”
“Elsa?” Kurt inquired.
“Our housekeeper. She sometimes makes me dinner when they go out of town.” Kurt could hear him rummaging around in the fridge. “You okay with a sandwich?” He cried out.
“Sounds fine.” Kurt replied. He hadn't eaten since before his dance class and he was starving.
“How about something to drink, we got Coke, Diet Coke, beer, wine?” Kurt had to give it to Sebastian, he was quite the host.
“Diet coke is fine. Need any help?”
“No I've got it.” Sebastian said as he came out of the kitchen carrying a tray with some sandwiches and a couple cans of sodas. He sat it on the coffee table. “Help yourself.” He grabbed a sandwich and sat down again.
“Thanks” Kurt murmured as he took one of the sandwiches. He started devouring it. Sebastian watched him with a bemused expression. “Sorry.” Kurt muttered, his mouth half full. “I didn't realize how hungry I was.” Sebastian laughed.
“It's cool.” They sat there and ate quietly. After all the sandwiches had been polished off and the sodas drained, Sebastian glanced over at Kurt and studied him.
“What?' Kurt asked as he shifted in his chair feeling a little uncomfortable under Sebastian's relentless stare.
“Nothing. I was just thinking that if someone had told me a year ago that I would be sitting here with you shooting the shit, I would have told them that they were full of crap.” He gave Kurt what appeared to be a sincere looking smile. “I'm glad I ran into you today.” Kurt gulped hard. He still wasn't quite so sure what to make of Sebastian.
“So, what's the plan?” Kurt asked, desperately trying to change the subject. He glanced at his watch, it was still way early, they still had a while before people started making their way out.
“Dunno.” Sebastian said ad he kicked off his shoes and put them up on the table. “We could watch TV or something.” He picked up the remote and turned on the giant flat screen. He flicked through the channels trying to find something interesting but gave up after a few minutes. “I've got some porn in my room, if you want to watch that.” Kurt was pretty sure his jaw hit the floor with this comment. He stared at Sebastian incredulously.
“Um. I , um.” Kurt stuttered. Sebastian's grin merely widened.
“I'm just fucking with you Kurt.” He laughed loudly. “You should see the look on your face.” Kurt blinked rapidly and squirmed in the chair. “Lighten up Hummel.” Sebastian said as he got up and tossed off his blazer. “You want a real drink?” He walked over to the bar and poured himself a drink.
“No. I'm still not much of a drinker.” Kurt got up and walked over to the window. “Wow, that's some view.”
“Yeah I guess.” Sebastian said as he walked over to where Kurt was standing. The way he said it, Kurt could hear the sadness in his voice.
“You're lonely aren't you?” Kurt turned and faced him. “That's why you're talking to me.” Sebastian shrugged as he loosened his tie. “That's it, isn't it?”
“Not exactly. But yeah it's been hard since I moved here. The guys at the prep school are so . . .”
“Clique-y?” Kurt piped. Sebastian smiled and shook his head.
“No, straight. I mean come on it's New York, you'd think there would be gay guys everywhere. But no, not at this school. I am like the token gay guy there. And no one wants anything to do with me. I mean, I was captain of the Warblers, until Hunter. And I was the captain of the lacrosse team, but here, I'm invisible. Have any idea of what that's like?”
“Yeah, I do actually. Kind of like the better part of my high school experience. If I wasn't invisible then I was bullied and tossed into dumpsters. I think I preferred invisible.” He continued staring out the window watching as the sun sank in the sky. “Welcome to my world.”
“Yeah well. I'm not used to it I guess.” He drained the remaining liquor from his glass. “I'm gonna go grab a shower. I need to wash this preppy stench off of me. Make yourself at home.” He turned and left the room.
Kurt stood and watched the sunset before heading back to the sofa. He stretched out on the luxurious furniture. He thought to himself that he could definitely get used to living like this. This was the life he saw for himself, right? Living the high life in New York, money, fame and love. He closed his eyes and in a few short minutes he had fallen asleep.
The sound of singing roused Kurt from his nap. Sebastian, it seems, was singing the entire back catalogue of The Village People.
“Macho, macho man. I want to be a macho man.” Sebastian crooned as he came back into the room. He was wearing a robe and singing into a hairbrush. “Come on Kurt, join me. I know you know the words.” Kurt just gazed at him like his head was on fire.
“Sebastian, even I , am not that gay.” Kurt muttered as he ran a hand through his hair. Sebastian just grinned and plopped down next to Kurt.
“Oh come on Kurt. We both know you are.” His grin was absolutely wicked. “But you know what, I've kind of always admired that about you . You just let your gay flag fly.” Kurt made a humph noise.
“Like I had a choice? Was it or was it not you that said I had a serious case of ‘gay face'?” Sebastian cackled.
“You knew why I said that? What was it you said that I looked like? A meerkat? What the fuck is a meerkat anyway ?” He shrugged . “Did you want to take a shower?” Kurt considered it for a minute. He had finished the day with his dance class and had just planned on going home and showering. So, yes, he probably should take Sebastian up on his kind offer.
“Yeah that would be nice.” He got up and was looking around.
“Through that hall, first door on the left. Clean towels in the closet.”
“Great,” Kurt murmured as he picked up his bag. He still had his other clothes in there, the ones he had worn to school. He supposed they would be all right for going out. He walked out of the room and into the bath. “Oh my god!” Kurt exclaimed as he entered the room.
“What?” Sebastian yelled back.
“This bathroom, it's huge.” Kurt was really impressed. The room was massive with a shower and an old fashioned claw footed tub. It was the kind of bathroom he had always admired in Architectural Digest. He imagined that Queen Elizabeth had a bathroom on this level. “I may be in here for a while” Kurt called out.
“If I'm not out in a couple of hours, send in a search party.”
“Will do.” Sebastian said as he stretched out on the sofa.
Kurt couldn't decide what he wanted to use, the shower with the multiple shower heads or the tub. It had been so long since he had had a good long soak that he finally decided that the bathtub was the way to go. That and he had seen a collection of various bubble baths under the cabinet. He settled on a Bvulgari fragrance and began filling the tub.
A half an hour later, he finally decided it was time to get out of this little corner of heaven. He didn't want to turn into a total prune if he was going out in a short while. A knock on the door brought him back to earth.
“Kurt, you still alive or is it time for the search party?” Sebastian asked through the door.
“I'm fine. Do you think your mom and step dad would mind if I moved in here?' Sebastian laughed.
“I have a feeling they might. I'm about all the gay teenager they can stand right now.”
“I'll be out in a few. Maybe.” Kurt yelled out. A short while later, Kurt pulled himself out of the tub and began drying off. He was changing into his clothes when he noticed his shirt now had a huge ink stain on the front of it. “Fuck” he muttered. He wandered out into the hall and began looking for Sebastian. “Sebastian. Where are you?”
“Back here.” He called from the rear of the apartment. He came out in the hallway to find Kurt standing there, shirt in hand, wearing only a pair of tight skinny jeans. Sebastian gulped hard as he looked at him. He really was something to behold. He had no idea Kurt was hiding all that under his prissy clothes. “What do you need?”
“You said something earlier about having something I might fit into.” He held up the shirt. Sebastian nodded and headed back into his room, trying to get all these thoughts he was having about Kurt under control. Kurt followed. He was looking through his closet when Kurt came into the room.
“What about this shirt?” Sebastian asked, pulling a polo out of the closet. “Or this?” A button down oxford type. Sebastian had a feeling that neither of these two options would strike Kurt's fancy. His breathing hitched when he felt Kurt directly behind him. He could smell the Bvulgari body wash and it was overwhelming his senses. And when he felt Kurt's arm brushing past him as he reached for a shirt, his dick twitched.
“How about this one?” Kurt asked as he pulled a cashmere sweater. “ It's not too much?” He asked as he held it up to his chest and looked into the mirror. Sebastian shook his head. The color was a beautiful shade of blue and was very much suited for Kurt's coloring.
“Yeah, sure. That'll work.” Sebastian murmured as he backed away from Kurt. He prayed Kurt didn't notice the physical reaction he was currently having to him, he knew he would never be able to live that down.
“It's really nice, you sure it's okay?” Kurt asked as he turned to face Sebastian. He sensed the change in Sebastian, it was like the air in the room had just thickened. Kurt looked at him for a moment before running a hand down his hairless chest. Sebastian gulped hard. Kurt toyed with the fastenings on his jeans as he gazed up through hooded eyes. He wasn't sure if this was a good idea, but god if he wasn't horny as hell. It had been since February since he had last touched or been touched by another man, and that time had been literally mind blowing.
“What are you doing Kurt?” Sebastian asked as he eased toward him. “It's not nice to tease.”
“Who's teasing?” Kurt asked as he began unbuttoning his fly.
“You're really not my type.” Sebastian continued as he paced around Kurt, eyeing him skeptically.
“And you're definitely not my type.” Kurt responded wryly. “What is your type anyway?”
Sebastian shrugged. He wasn't sure he actually had a type. He liked cock and generally hadn't been all that discriminating about whom it was attached to. But right now, with his smooth nearly hairless body and slight frame, Kurt was his type at this minute. “Does it matter? What about you, what's your type?”
Kurt shot him a knowing look. “You have to ask?”
“Stupid question, right? Short talented brunette preppy types with big dicks?”
“You got it.” Kurt answered as he closed the gap between Sebastian and himself. “So . . .” he toyed with the sash on Sebastian's robe.
“So . . .” Sebastian responded, his breathing becoming jagged. He reached up and tentatively ran a hand across Kurt's chest. He could feel Kurt's heart pounding beneath his fingertips. “You sure about this?” They stared at each other , their eyes locked. Kurt gulped hard but nodded his head. Yeah, he wanted this, needed this. He untied the sash and pushed the robe to the sides. Sebastian was wearing briefs underneath and Kurt could see his impressive erection straining against the fabric.
“How about you? You sure?” He toyed with the waistband of Sebastian's underwear. Sebastian laughed.
“When it comes to sex, I'm positive. Well not that kind of positive. I mean I‘m negative. Never mind.” He grabbed Kurt's hand and eased it toward his crotch.
“Good ,” Kurt murmured as he stroked the now leaking cock. “So get on your knees and suck me.” His voice was cool and calm. Sebastian laughed, surely he had to be joking. Kurt just kept his steely gaze fixed on him, his face expressionless. “I'm serious and I'm not going to say it again. On your knees.”
Sebastian considered this and after a few moments, was kneeling in front of Kurt, easing his zipper down. Kurt wasn't wearing underwear, how could he with those pants being as tight as they were. His eyes widened in surprise as he freed Kurt's dick from the jeans.
“Nice,” he whispered before licking his lips. Who would have guessed that Kurt was packing such a nice cock.
“Suck it.” Kurt said, his voice cold. That was all the encouragement that Sebastian needed. A half a second later his mouth enveloped Kurt's dick whole. “Ow,” Kurt said loudly. “Watch the teeth.” Sebastian glanced up and nodded. He was usually pretty good at giving head but giving it to Kurt was throwing him off his game a bit. “That's better.” Kurt murmured as Sebastian got back to work.
He had to give it to Sebastian, once they got past the initial hiccup, Sebastian was blowing him like a champion. He had thought that Blaine was pretty good at this but this was pretty remarkable. He had to grab onto the walls after a few minutes because he was afraid his knees would give out from underneath him. Sebastian looked up at him and grinned, never stopping in his ministrations.
“I gotta hand it to you” Kurt whispered as he gently extricated his cock from Sebastian's mouth. “I thought you were probably all talk.” Sebastian smirked as he got up off his knees and settled on the bed. “But you do know what you're doing.”
“Years of practice.” Sebastian said matter of factly. “Come here. I want to fuck you now.” Kurt chuckled softly.
“Oh do you now? Well what if I want to fuck you?” He stepped out of his jeans and kicked them across the room, his erection bobbing in front of him.
“So you're a top?” Sebastian asked as scooted back on the bed. He looked at Kurt skeptically. Kurt shrugged.
“I guess it depends on whom I'm with.” He approached the bed and then like a cat, moved up on top of Sebastian.
“So with Blaine?” Kurt gave him a knowing look as he eased Sebastian's briefs down his long legs.
“I'm not here to talk about Blaine.” Kurt said as he ran a hand across Sebastian's dick. It was weird seeing another man's dick, one which didn't belong to Blaine. He hadn't really gotten acquainted with Adam's member as they hadn't gone too far as of yet but he did know for a fact that Adam was uncircumcised.
“So what's it going to be?” Sebastian asked as he looked into Kurt's eyes.
“I think I am going to fuck you then if you're a good boy, I might let you fuck me.” He nibbled on Sebastian's neck. “That okay?” Sebastian gulped and then nodded quickly. “You got condoms?”
Sebastian gave him a look that said, ‘what do you think?'
“Nightstand, in the back. Should be lube in there too.” Kurt reached over and found the supplies along with some other interesting things. He pulled out a smallish dildo and some anal beads. He gave a questioning look with a raised eyebrow but said nothing. Sebastian just shrugged.
“Told ya it's been a while. Boy's gotta do what a boy's gotta do.” He gave one of his famous shit eating grins as he laid back on the bed, hands behind his head. “So . . . ?”
“So.” Kurt replied as he raised his hand and started putting lube on it. He looked up and gave a glance to say that he was ready. Sebastian read it and gave a slight nod.
Sebastian gave a hiss as the cool gel hit his ass. Kurt watched him as he pushed in a probing finger, it went in easily. He moved it around slowly, allowing Sebastian to get acquainted to the intrusion. He sucked in a large breath of air as Kurt added a second finger. “This okay?” He asked as he eased the fingers in and out of the receptive hole.
“Fucking great.” Sebastian moaned as he stroked his own cock. “Don't stop now.”
Kurt just gave a wicked smile and continued to move his fingers in and out of Sebastian who was, more than accommodating. Sebastian's moans increased as Kurt found just the right area and began toying with it.
“So damn good.” Sebastian whispered as he stroked his dick furiously. “Fuck me already!”
“Patience, patience.” Kurt murmured as he moved his fingers more purposefully, seeking out Sebastian's prostate. Sebastian's breathing hitched every time Kurt stroked the gland.
“Fuck Kurt, that feels amazing. Blaine teach you that?” Kurt stopped abruptly and scowled at him.
“Are you going to keep talking about Blaine all night, because if you are, then I'll just be going.” He withdrew his fingers rapidly. “You can call him, compare notes.” He started to move off of the bed, but Sebastian grabbed his arm firmly.
“I'll shut up about him, promise.” Sebastian said quietly as he pulled Kurt back towards him. Kurt eyed him suspiciously but said nothing as he allowed himself to pulled back on top of Sebastian's chest. “Just don't stop, or go.” His eyes pleaded up to Kurt as he placed Kurt's hand on his dick. Kurt nodded and squeezed the cock lightly.
“You really want me, don't you?” Kurt whispered teasingly. “You want me to fuck you.” Sebastian gazed up at him with glassy eyes and nodded slowly. With Kurt's hand encircling his cock, doing things that were making him crazy, it was the only possible reply. “Turn over.” Kurt commanded sharply. Sebastian wasted no time in rotating his body, raising his ass into the air.
“Quite the eager beaver aren't you?” Kurt cooed into Sebastian's ear. “And here I was thinking you were some kind of power top and it turns out you're just a bossy bottom.” He gave Sebastian's ass a playful slap. “You're just full of surprises today.”
“You talk too much, you know that Hummel?” Sebastian retorted as he glanced over his shoulder. He smiled as he watched Kurt expertly apply the condom onto himself. Kurt laughed quietly as he positioned himself behind Sebastian.
“You wouldn't be the first person to tell me that.” Kurt replied as he placed the tip of his cock right at Sebastian's entrance. Sebastian sucked in a deep breath as he felt the initial pressure. Sebastian was tempted to ask if it was Blaine who had told him that but shut up quickly remembering his promise from just a few minutes ago. “And no, it wasn't Blaine.” Kurt continued, as if he were reading Sebastian's mind. He moved his hips slowly as he pushed into Sebastian, millimeter by millimeter.
“You aren't going to rip me in two” Sebastian grunted out in frustration. Kurt smiled slyly, enjoying the fact that he was tormenting him so. “Just fuck me already!”
“I'm a bit proponent of patience, sounds like you need to work on that.” Kurt said glibly as he continued his slow ease into Sebastian. “And you remember what they say comes to those who wait?”
“What, blue balls?” Sebastian snapped and then thrust his ass back onto Kurt, firmly seating Kurt inside of himself. He peered over his shoulder and gave a self serving smile. “Get to it Hummel.” Kurt rolled his eyes and shook his head but said nothing. “What are you waiting for? An engraved invitation?” Sebastian's want and irritation growing by the second.
And with that, Kurt was off. He had months of pent up sexual tension inside of him and by God, today would be the day he would get rid of it all. Granted, Sebastian wasn't his ideal partner but he was willing and it did feel so good. Kurt closed his eyes as he pumped his hips wildly. He hadn't had any other sexual partners other than Blaine so he wasn't sure if was any good at this. Blaine had always assured him that everything was fine, but what did he know? He wasn't experienced either, well back then anyway. But this was different, Sebastian was very much different, he had loads more practice. Well, at least he claimed to.
“Feels good Kurt. Faster.” Sebastian panted breathlessly. “Right there, yeah..” Kurt rolled his eyes again, now who was talking too much he thought to himself. Kurt could feel himself getting closer to the edge, he fought it with all his worth as he knew he wasn't ready for things to end just yet. He found himself focusing on Sebastian and his need, so he reached around and began massaging his wilting cock, quickly bringing it back to life. Sebastian moaned loudly.
“You like that?” Kurt muttered roughly into Sebastian's ear. Sebastian's head bobbed up and down rapidly. “Do you want to cum?” Again , Sebastian's head moved rapidly. “I don't know if I should let you cum.” Kurt hissed. “You probably don't deserve it.”
“You'd probably be right.” Sebastian grunted out. Kurt just smiled as he eased himself back and forth. It felt so incredible, Sebastian's body gripping onto him. It had felt better with Blaine . . .
“Shut up Kurt,” he whispered under his breath.
“Huh? What?” Sebastian stammered.
“Nothing, nothing.” Kurt responded quickly, he hadn't meant to say that out loud. “I'm close.” He panted as he continued pounding himself into Sebastian, the only sound in the room besides their frantic breathing was the slap of Kurt's balls hitting Sebastian's ass.
“Fuck Kurt, right there. Don't stop. Jesus, this is amazing.” Kurt figured that these were just the rantings of a horny man, Sebastian had probably had more sex than Kurt could imagine so he didn't think he could even begin to stack up to his other partners. But Sebastian, wasn't exaggerating, this was some of the best sex he could remember having, maybe it was because he never had any sort of relationship with any of those other men. And while he didn't have a relationship, per se, with Kurt, this was something more then a random hook up. There was history there, after all.
“Bet you say that to all the boys.” Kurt teased as he quickened his pace, inching closer to his own release.
“Maybe,” Sebastian replied quietly, “but I mean it today.” Kurt smiled to himself, maybe he wasn't too bad at this after all. “I'm so close Kurt, right there, don't stop.” His words just all ran together as he lost himself to the sensations coursing through him.
A few minutes later, Kurt felt Sebastian's body tighten around him and then felt the warm spurt of semen over his hand. He knew that a few more thrusts and he would also reach climax. When he finally came, it felt like such a tremendous relief, months of sexual frustration exploded out of his body. He collapsed in a heap on top of Sebastian's inert body. He didn't move for a long while as he regained his breath.
Sebastian was the first to say something after a long pregnant pause. “Not bad Hummel. Who'd of thought?” Kurt sighed heavily but said nothing. He rolled to his side and Kurt's cock slid out of him like a slug. Kurt just remained prone, face in a pillow. He was now worried about what would happen next.
“You thirsty?” Sebastian inquired as he lay there, staring up at the ceiling. Like Kurt, he was also concerned about where they would go from here. After sex, he usually just got dressed and left, but circumstances were definitely different today. “So . . .” he began to say.
“Don't, just don't.” Kurt huffed. “No pillow talk.” He glanced up from the pillow. Sebastian blinked furiously, Kurt looking up at him like that, right now, face half buried in a pillow, was quite possibly the sexiest thing he had seen in a long time. He reached over and stroked Kurt's hair with a tentative hand. Kurt pulled back immediately, this was getting a bit too intimate for him to handle. And that was saying something considering just five minutes prior he had had his cock buried deep inside this man.
“Sorry, sorry. I just . . .” He took a deep breath.
“It's okay, I get it.” Sebastian said, a trace of hurt in his voice. “It's just a fuck right?” He sat up abruptly. “I need a drink, you want anything?” Kurt shook his head and watched as Sebastian hurried out of the room.
Another heavy sigh escaped Kurt's mouth as he sat up and looked around the room. This was decidedly a very bad idea he surmised as he looked for his clothes. He wiped his hand on Sebastian's cloth robe and then struggled back into his jeans.
A few minutes later he padded out to the living room, wondering where Sebastian had wandered off to. The apartment was dark and he had a hard time maneuvering his way around. He finally found Sebastian standing on the balcony, his skin pale in the moonlight, a bottle of alcohol in his hand.
“Sebastian,” Kurt said quietly as he walked out to join him. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah, great.” He replied, his gaze remaining fixed out on the city. “You heading out?” Kurt wasn't sure if it was a question or a command. “I mean, you don't have to.” He turned to face Kurt finally. Kurt gave him a wistful smile. He motioned to the bottle, as if to offer Kurt a swig.
“Yeah I probably should go. Rachel and Santana will wonder what happened to me.” Sebastian nodded but said nothing. Kurt blew a long stream of air out, ruffling his hair. He didn't know what to do in this situation. “I had a nice time.” Sebastian nodded and then bit his lip. “Really, I did.”
“Look Kurt, let's just . . .” his voice and eyes trailed off into the night.
“Let's just what? Pretend it never happened. Don't know if that's possible. But alright.” Kurt crossed his arms and glared at him indignantly. Sebastian shook his head wearily and gave a weak laugh.
“Let's just call it a night. That's what I was about to say, jeeze, still quite the little drama queen.” He leaned back against the railing. “But if you ever want to do this again sometime, I'd be up for it. But next time . . .” He gave Kurt an amused smile.
“Maybe next time I'll think about it.” Kurt retorted. “But yeah, I should go.” He wandered back into the penthouse and began gathering up his things. Sebastian remained out on the balcony, just watching the city.
“Sebastian,” he called out as he stood at the door a short while later. “I'm leaving.” Sebastian sauntered towards him, his body sinewy and lithe in the moonlight, like a panther it seemed to Kurt. He approached Kurt and gathered him up in his arms. Kurt could smell the booze.
“Thanks for an interesting evening Kurt.” He purred into Kurt's ear, his words slurring. “That will be one for the spank bank.” He gave Kurt a sloppy kiss on the cheek. “And remember, my offer stands if you ever want to do this again sometime. You know where to find me.” He let go of his hold on Kurt and slunk back into the living room, never turning to look behind. Kurt took a deep breath and shook his head. Yeah, he knew where to find him alright, deep inside a bottle of Jack Daniels.
He let himself out of the apartment and headed home. All the way to Bushwick, he thought back to what his dad had told him when they had the “sex” talk. He finally understood what his dad had been talking about when he advised him not to throw himself around sexually. Sure the sex with Sebastian had been good but it left him feeling empty and unfulfilled. He had never felt that way when he was with Blaine, never. But it had been nice to have that contact with another human being but he decided that from here on out, it would be with someone who he cared about and who cared about him.
And as he went to sleep that night, he prayed to the universe that Blaine never finds out that he had sex with Sebastian, somehow he didn't think there would be anyway he would ever be able to live that one down.