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My mistake

Kurt Hummel was McKinley's biggest skank. He had pink hair and piercings, Blaine Anderson was in glee club and very popular. Kurt was his AP English partner and one night at Blaine's empty house things went too far. They had sex, Blaine lost his virginity to Kurt Hummel, after that Kurt just kept acting normal and flirting with everyone leaving Blaine to deal with it. 7 weeks later Blaine finds out he is pregnant. Will Blaine let Kurt be involved?

K - Words: 4,726 - Last Updated: Oct 05, 2014
2,265 0 0 0
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Burt Hummel, Carole Hudson-Hummel, Cooper Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: mpreg,


Blaine Anderson was the star of the glee club and football team. He was best mates with Sam Evans and Noah Puckerman. He had massive dreams of New York and planned to get there.

Kurt Hummel was McKinleys bad boy, he had pink hair and piercings. He was a bad boy. He loved to annoy all the football guys and of course his next target was Blaine Anderson.

"Okay class settle down!" Mr Gill shouted from the front and the class quietened down. "This year you will have new AP partners okay so I will read the list. No arguments! Noah Puckerman, Rachel Berry and Mercedes Jones, Samuel Evans." Blaine zoned out as he read the list and everyone partnered up until his name was called. "Finally, Blaine Anderson and Kurt Hummel. Okay you have until January 1st make sure you complete this assignment it is worth 30%." Blaine sighed. Of all the people Kurt Hummel. Kurt however smiled, the one guy he wants in his life, now he could seduce him. Blaine came up to him at the end of the lesson.

"I have glee club after school Tuesday and Thursday we only have 8 weeks, how about every Wednesday."

"Sure babe whatever, your place 4ish?"

"Yeah thats fine. By the way I am not your ‘babe and I never will be." Blaine walked off. Wednesday came around quick and Kurt knocked on the door. Blaine answered it, he was in skinny jeans and a blue V neck t-shirt that hugged his muscles.

"Hey sexy."

"Come in." Blaine moved out the way of the door and led the way to his room. They studied for about half an hour when Kurt slipped his hand in Blaines back pocket of his jeans. "Hands to yourself Kurt."

"All this studying is boring I have better ideas of how we can spend the time." Kurt turned to him and pushed Blaine onto the bed before laying on top of him and kissing him. It was a sweet gentle kiss but it quickly turned deep and before Blaine knew it he had lost his virginity to Kurt Hummel, of all the people, it was Kurt. Kurt left the next morning to get changed before school. Sure they cuddled all night but he was a slut and Blaine gave him what he wanted. Blaine stayed home that day but returned the next and Kurt was already flirting with other guys. Kurt came into English and sat next to Blaine.

"Hey babe I preferred you the other day, you know with your clothes on the floor and me fuc-"

"Shut up! It was a mistake I wish we hadnt but it will never happen again. I divided the work equally, you do this half I will do these and we can put them together at the library a few days before the hand in."

"Kurt Hummel never gives a repeat performance anyway babe, you were good for a virgin though." Blaine could have slapped him.

"You know what Kurt Hummel, you are a slut! You throw yourself about well enjoy getting AIDS or something and dying before you are 25 but you know what I will be living my life and I will never go near you again!" Kurt sat there in shock. The next few weeks were awkward and Blaine got stomach flu. Blaines sister came and sat on his bed, she gave him a pregnancy test.

"Blaine you and I both know this isnt stomach flu."

"Just because Uncle Luke had the carrier gene doesnt mean I do."

"Just take the test bro!" Blaine got up and came back in.

"Three minutes and my life could change."

"Yeah well you know we will all support you and the baby."

"Thank you Lia." The timer went off and he looked to his sister who gave an encouraging smile and looked down at the test.

"Two lines positive, one line negative." Amelia reminded him. Blaine looked up.

"Im pregnant, 6 weeks."

"Come on lets go to the doctors to confirm it, tell me about the dad." Blaine looked at his sister and felt a tear escape.

"It was a mistake, we were meant to be doing homework and it just went too far." Amelia hugged him.

"Well this baby will be your miracle Blaine, it doesnt matter how it was made but it is about the baby." Blaine went to his doctor and confirmed his pregnancy. A week later he was sat in his living room with Kurt putting their assignment together.

"Hey maybe we could do something after this." Kurt smirked to him.

"No way, we are doing this assignment then we can go our separate ways."

"Okay baby but I know you want me." Kurt moved closer and Blaine felt sick ‘baby he didnt even know about the actual baby in the situation. Before he knew it he got up to get a drink but Kurt pulled him down so he was on top of Kurt and started kissing him. Blaine pulled away. Kurt smiled. "Shall we go upstairs sexy." He started kissing Blaines neck but he pushed him of and got up.

"No we cant!"

"Why it is obvious you want to?" Kurt pointed to were Blaine was hard.

"I am pregnant okay?! You got me knocked up so congratulations."

"What?" Kurt looked stunned.

"I have the carrier gene and well we didnt use protection, I was a virgin and didnt sleep with anyone since I am seven weeks pregnant."

"Wow." Kurt smiled.

"Look you dont have to have anything to do with us but please dont tell anyone at school."

"I want everything to do with you Blaine and the baby. I want us to be together and have a baby."

"You wouldnt be able to stay faithful to me and what sort of an image are you setting to the baby." Blaine pointed to his outfit.

"I am not a slut Blaine, you were my first and last I was a virgin and I have been madly in love with you for years." Blaine knew Kurt was telling the truth.

"Why act the way you do and pretend you fuck lots of people if you dont?"

"Because I wanted to make you jealous and fall in love with me, it was stupid but I love fashion and singing and this was all a front." Blaine looked at him.

"Why would I fall in love with an ass?"

"I dont know but I know I want you so Blaine Anderson will you be my boyfriend and let me show you the real me, please?"

"Yes but I want to wait for the baby news."

"Okay." Kurt leaned forward and kissed Blaine. The next day he texted Blaine he would pick him up to drive him.

K- Just left mine see you in 5 xx I missed you!

B- Okay me and baby are ready we missed you. Xx

K- That is so cute! Xxxxxx

Kurt pulled up and Blaines mom walked with him to the door and waved to Kurt before hugging Blaine. Blaine got in the car and looked at Kurt shocked.

"Wow you look amazing."

"Thank you so do you." Blaine looked at him again. Kurt leaned over a kissed him. "You know Blaine we could always pull over and make out for a bit before school."

"Well you promised me hot chocolate."

"Okay how about make out session, then hot chocolate and school."

"Deal." Kurt drove and pulled them over before they ended up in the back of his car grinding against each other. They got hot chocolate and got to know each other in the Lima Bean. Kurt kissed him as they got in the car. They drove to school and walked down the hall hand in hand. Sam and Puck came over to Blaine the second Kurt went to home room.

"Anderson you pulled but why him?"

"We were doing that project and got to know each other and yeah well we like each other."

"You coming to glee tonight Puck wants us to do that ‘Hot for teacher performance."

"Yeah I never miss glee." Blaine and the guys went to their home room and Blaine went into the bathroom.

"Hey babies." Kurt put his arms around Blaines waist and on his abdomen. He kissed his neck and Blaine turned around in his arms to kiss him on the lips.


"How are you feeling?"

"Good I havent thrown up-" Blaine cut his sentence short as he ran into the cubical before throwing up. "Never mind." Kurt kneeled down next to him and rubbed his back. They got up and went to English. Sam and Puck sat with Blaine whilst Kurt sat with Mercedes and Tina. Ten minutes in Blaine and the guys were all in trouble      and in detention. A few weeks went by and Kurt and Blaine had been dating 5 weeks and Blaine had his twelve week scan. Kurt had joined Glee a few days prior and they were basically living together as they always woke up together at each others houses. They were currently waiting for the nurse so Kurt took this opportunity to discuss the baby.

"Blaine?" Blaine looked up from his magazine.


"We are keeping the baby right I really want us to be a family but I dont know how you feel?"

"We are keeping the baby and I want that too." Blaine kissed him.

"Blaine Anderson?" The nurse smiled to them. They went in and Blaine had an ultrasound.

"Okay Blaine sweetie you see that there." She pointed to the peanut on the screen.

"Yeah, that is our baby Kurt."

"Wow." Kurt squeezed his hand.

"That is baby number one and that is baby number two."

"Wait baby number two?"

"Yes you are carrying twins Mr Anderson." He looked at Kurt in awe but also tried reading his face. They were driving back to Kurts

"You still want this right."

"Yeah maybe even more, I know we are young but I love you and the babies so much it will be harder but I think we can do it but it means you will get a bump quicker so we need to tell our families." Kurt smiled to Blaine.

"Yeah I know and the school because I cant keep playing football I dont want an accident that may cause a miscarriage."

"At least we can continue Glee though."

"Yeah I spoke to Quinn because she is my cousin and went through it and she said that Puck and she will always be there for us whilst we go through this and wont let anyone hurt our babies."

"I still cant believe it we are having a baby well two babies together and I may only be seventeen but I know this is what I want."

"Eighteen soon though baby. Next Saturday, I think it is really cute you were born on Valentines Day!"

"My sister Lia loves it, I always think it should be a special day where you show the person you love how much they mean to you not be centre of attention because it is my birthday."

"Wait you have a sister?"

"Yeah Amelia she is 14 she goes to the girls school next to Dalton Academy where I used to go before I met Sebastian."

"Whos Sebastian?"

"My ex-boyfriend, I dont really want to discuss it not yet anyway." The car pulled up at the Hummels.

"Whenever you are ready babe." Kurt leaned over and kissed him. "My dad and Carole wont be home for another hour." Kurt smirked.

"Better make the most of it then." They went through the front door and Kurt was straight away pushed up against the door as they shared a passionate almost possessive but still loving kiss. Kurt led them upstairs. The second they were in Kurts room clothing was everywhere and they fell onto the bed. Blaine was on top of Kurt and they had sex again. When Burt came in he looked to Carole at the discarding of their bags.

"Honey Blaine loves him and he loves Blaine and they are teenagers."

"I know but how am I meant to know if Kurts going to get heartbroken when Blaine leaves for New York."

"Maybe he will go with him, start a life out there." They came down in the morning at about 11am. Kurts family was out and Blaine came in wearing Kurts shirt and put his arms around Kurts waist.

"Morning." He kissed his neck.

"Good morning babe." Kurt continued cooking their breakfast. He turned around and smiled at Blaine. "I cant believe it our babies are growing." He put his hands on Blaines abdomen.

"I know, I have to go in a bit my dad is picking us up to go to his." Kurt smiled.

"Tell me about your family I have only met Lia and your mom."

"Well my parents had me, Cooper and Amelia and then spilt up when I was six and my dad went off with some woman and had my brothers Kai and Kieran with her and my mom raised us but three years ago dad went to court and now me and Amelia go stay with him every other Saturday, Sunday and Monday."

"Wow maybe one day I can meet them all. How old are your brothers"

"Kai is four, Kieran is seven then you know Lia is fourteen and Cooper is twenty six." Kurt went home with him and they decided now would be a good time to tell the parents. Blaines father Justin Anderson sat down with Kiera Anderson and smiled to Kurt.

"Hello you must be Kurt, nice to meet you I am Justin Anderson." He shook his hand.

"Hello it is great to meet you Mr Anderson we have something to tell both of you."

"Mom, dad you know that Uncle Luke is a carrier well we found out I am fifteen weeks pregnant with twins." Blaine took his hoodie of and his bump was obvious.

"Sweetie that is a massive responsibility but congratulations." His mother enveloped them in a hug.

"Welcome to the family son." Blaines father smiled. "Blaine why dont you go get your things together and you go home Kurt I have to pick the boys up and it is a two hour drive." They went to the front door and Blaine kissed him before getting some things he was about to go into the living room when he heard his parents.

"No Blaine lives here, he is happy."

"No Kiera Blaine needs looking after, that boy is a fling nothing serious and Blaine is living with us because he needs to know that sex is a responsibility and now he has to live with the consequences. He can either abort them or keep them and we will support him but he is never to see that boy again! I will send Michelle to get his stuff make sure it is ready." Blaine quickly went upstairs and got his phone he dialled Kurt.

"Hey baby!" Kurt smiled happily.

"Kurt I need you! My dad is trying to-" Kurt heard the door open and Blaines dad.

"Blaine Anderson! We are going now!"

"No I am not goi-" The phone cut of, Kurt was worried. Blaines father threw his phone across the room and dragged Blaine downstairs and out the house.

"Blaine you are not old enough to make those decisions, you are never seeing that boy again!" His dad drove them to Westerville. Kurt came through the open door everything was smashed and he could see blood where he must have done something. He went into the kitchen and found Kiera sopping.

"Where is Blaine?"

"His father took him, I couldnt stop him! He controlled me when we were married and he still has more power."

"Where does he live I need Blaine to be safe!"

"I dont know they moved recently and never told me, I am so sorry there is nothing we can do." Kurt sighed he had to find his boyfriend, he was pregnant with Kurts twins. A week later he had no idea where Blaine was but then he remembered at sectionals the Dalton Academy Warblers, Blaine went there so he went over to them, what was his exs name? Sebastian!

"Excuse me which one of you is Sebastian?" A boy turned around.

"Why do you wanna know?"

"Does Blaine Anderson go to your school?"

"Yeah he just went to get a drink."

"Wait he is here?"

"Yeah he went that way." The boy pointed to the corridor that led to the green room.

"Thank you!" Kurt went that way and came in Blaines father had hold of his arm very tightly threatening him. "OI! Get your hands of him!"

"YOU! What the hell are you doing here?!" Blaine looked to him and he looked scared but his love for Kurt was clear.

"Getting my boyfriend safe and away from you!"

"Well, all it would take is me to beat him in his stomach and your precious babies will die." Blaine face changed and tried to adjust his body to protect his pregnant abdomen.

"No please dont!" Blaine had bruises all up his arms. He was petrified for his babies lives. Before they got the chance to do anything, the police busted through the door and held guns towards Justin.

"Justin Anderson get down on your knees, hands above your head now!" he did and Blaine fell to the floor crying and Kurt ran over to him and pulled him into his chest. Blaine grabbed hold of his lifeline. The police arrested Justin and Kurt took Blaine home to his moms she was so caring, she now had the power because Justin wouldnt be able to hurt Blaine or Amelia ever again. Kiera told the police about the domestic and emotional abuse and would get him sent down for more. Kurt held Blaine on the couch at his empty house.

"I missed you, all three of you." He smoothed circles on Blaines bump.

"I was scared of losing them and you, he dragged me out of the house and Michelle had a go at him that was when he hurt her. Kai and Kieran are staying with her parents until she can come home."

"Well you know I would never hurt you or those kids."

"What if I do though?"

"You wont."

"But I grew up thinking it was what couples do, when we fight what if my body reacts before I can stop it. I know I wouldnt hurt my kids but a husband I dont trust myself."

"Husband eh? Have I got competition?" Blaine laughed.

"One day I want us to get married right now the twins are more important."

"Blaine you are nothing like him I trust you and deep down you trust yourself I love you I know you wouldnt hurt me."

"I love you too. I am tired I am going to get changed, why dont you pick a movie and get some popcorn and we can cuddle upstairs." Kurt kissed his head. Blaine was about to put his shirt on when Kurt came in a saw his bruised back, it was black and blue. His entire back was bruised, some healing others fresh.


"Kurt, erm did you pick a movie?" Kurt nearly threw up at the sight of what a father did to his own son.

"Blaine, oh my god are you okay?" Blaine put a hand on his four month stomach.

"I protected them that is why it is bad. I heard it could cause one or both of our babies to have a disability if he hurt my body enough, I hope I protected them enough."

"Blaine you are amazing. You have protected them and no matter what happens we will love them unconditionally and no one will even touch a hair on our babies head. Come here." Kurt put his arms out and Blaine walked into them, he carefully wrapped them around Blaines body and kissed his head. "I love you I wont ever let him hurt you again."

"I love you too Kurt." The couple watched some films before Blaine fell asleep in Kurts arms and held him securely afraid to let him go. The next few weeks were similar, Blaines back heeled. The babies health was good, so was Blaines and Blaines dad got sentenced. His step mom was okay and he saw his brothers regularly. Blaine and Kurt had his six month scan today and would learn their babies genders. They went in with their hands interlocked.

"Hello Blaine, how are you today?"

"Good thank you."

"And the babies?"

"They seem okay, they started kicking two days ago."

"Okay excellent now do you want to know the sex today?" Blaine looked at Kurt who smiled.

"Yes please."

"Okay lets have a look. Baby A and Baby B are very healthy, baby A is a little girl and baby B is a boy congratulations boys."

"A boy and a girl?!" Kurt looked happy.

"Yes." Blaine smiled to Kurt who returned it, they both discussed it and wanted one of each. On the way back they were both thrilled about their babies and went to Blaines house.

"Empty house?" Kurt smiled, Blaine turned around into Kurts arms and Kurts hands were in his jean pockets.

"Yeah Lia is at Dalton and mom has work until 9." Blaine closed the gap and they spent the evening together, of course they didnt miss a chance to fool around. Everything was okay until they got into a fight over Kurt texting other guys, Blaine was curled up on the sofa remembering everything.

"I cant trust you Kurt!"

"You should be able to we are having the twins in less than three months we need to talk to each other and trust each other!"

"Kurt I know what you are like! I am carrying two babies and I am not who I was anymore so you do see other guys and flirt with them but I am not going to wait for the day you come home and tell me you cheated!"

"I would never cheat on you!"

"I cant believe that Kurt, look how we got together, we may have been single but it was still no strings sex you would still have done it had you have had a guy at home, we are finished Kurt!"

Blaines mom came into the lounge and sat next to him.

"Hey honey, where is Kurt?" She looked around the dark house.

"We broke up mom."

"Oh sweetie why?"

"I couldnt trust him I know we should have tried but as much as I love him right now seeing him texting other guys I cant be stressed out, the babies have to come first."

"Yes they do, you always have me and Amelia honey speaking of which this arrived today." She handed him a NYADA letter he opened it.

"I-I got in! Mom I got in!" His mom wrapped her arms around him.

"Honey I am so proud of you! The office will transfer me, Lia can go to a school there and we can by a place big enough for the babies."

"Thank you mom."

"When do you start?"

"September 3rd!"

"Two months today and you graduate in three weeks, after that we will move to New York to get settled."

"The doctor thinks the twins will arrive in August maybe end of July."

"Well that is good." His mom looked at some houses with him and arranged a weekend they would go to New York to view them. Blaine was currently in English with Puck and Sam who were loud enough that Kurt heard about the move.

"You and Sam in New York, me in LA dudes life is gonna be great."

"Yeah Mercedes and I are moving in together!" Sam smiled.

"What about you Anderson? Building a love nest with Hummel?" Blaine smiled sadly.

"No we broke up. My mom is moving us all out there and well I will do NYADA and my mom will help me with the twins."

"Whoa dude I am sorry bro."

"We rushed into this and didnt think about the consequences." Blaine smiled. A month went by and Blaine had graduated and was packing all of his things into boxes when Kurt turned up. Blaines mom let him up. He knocked on the door even though it was open and smiled at Blaines bump and his hand caressing it.

"Mom you do-" Blaine looked up and stopped his sentence. "Kurt, hi."

"Hey need any help?" Blaine looked at him.

"Look I should have told you but I didnt need the stress I just wanted to have the babies and then deal with it all."

"Oh its cool, Rachel and I are moving in together in New York, she got into NYADA and I got into NYU."

"Oh congratulations, it will make it easier when we have the twins if we are both in New York."

"I have tried for the last month to try and get you to trust me but nothing."

"Look Kurt, I think we need to wait until they arrive and then think about it." Blaines mom shouted saying she was going to see Blaines step mom with Lia and Blaine didnt want to go so when they heard the door shut Kurt turned to him.

"Are you horny?" Blaine looked at him.

"What, why would ask that?"

"I read pregnancy makes you horny."

"Yeah all the time." Kurt smiled, Blaine turned around to finish packing.

"Even now?"

"Especially now with the dad to the babies about." Kurt smirked and went up behind where Blaine was facing the wall packing some stuff. He pressed his hard cock against Blaines ass and snaked a hand round to palm Blaines hard cock.

"How about I fuck another one into you." He whispered into Blaines ear and kissed his neck, it send shivers down Blaines spine. He turned around and pressed his lips to Kurts. They smiled into the kiss and before they knew it they were naked in Blaines bed. Blaine snuggled into Kurts side and Kurt kissed his head. They woke up a few hours later and got dressed.

"Look about earlier. I love you Kurt and I want us to work out."

"I love you too." Kurt smiled.

"I over reacted, but I trust you I always have, I was scared of losing you, so Kurt Hummel will you give me another chance and be my boyfriend again?" Kurt smiled even more.

"Yes I would love too." They went out for dinner and decided to be boyfriends again. They moved to New York together and Blaines mom and sister stayed in Ohio. They had decorated the nursery in their two bed apartment and on 31st July Blaine gave birth to two beautiful babies. Kurt kissed Blaine and laid on the hospital bed as he snuggled up to him.

"They are perfect I love you I am so proud of you." He kissed Blaine deeply.

"I love you too and we really should sleep I am tired." Kurt held him an hour later the nurse handed Blaine his daughter and Kurt his son. "What are we going to call them?"

"How about you chose a girl and a boy name and I will do the same then whichever way they sound better can be their names."

"You first."

"Joseph and Chloe, your turn."

"Natalia, Talia for short and Toby."

"Toby Joseph or Joseph Toby?"

"Toby Joseph" They both said at the same time.

"Natalia Chloe or Chloe Natalia."

"Chloe Natalia." They both said at the same time again. Blaine smiled down to his son and daughter.

"Hello Toby, hello Chloe." Blaine and Kurt took the twins home a few days later. They both thought they knew what love was but having their twins now they knew the true meaning of love. The first six months were difficult making sure they were both with the twins and each other at points in the day but they got through it. They struggled especially for the first year of the twins lives but got through it and kept getting through it. Now three years later they were still doing well with the twins. They got engaged 6 months prior and got married a week before. They had just come back from their honeymoon and Blaine picked Chloe up.

"Hello sweetie I missed you so much!"

"We missed you more daddy!" She kissed him.

"Not possible sweetie!" Kurt came in with Toby and smiled to his daughter.

"Hello princess." They switched twins so they cuddled both of them. Blaine smiled to Kurt.

"Our babies."

"Our beautiful talented babies!" They knew they would have a future together that was forever. "Babies how do you feel about a baby brother or sister?"

"YEAH!" They both got excited and Blaine put his daughter and sons hands on his abdomen.

"Feel that?"


"That is your baby brother or sister."

"Wow daddy! Take it out!" They both laughed.

"Sorry sweetie but the baby isnt ready yet to come out but soon. Look this is the baby." They showed them a scan photo and Chloe asked them to put it in a frame with other pictures of the family and off course the boys wanted that. Six months later they welcomed their daughter Jasmine Lily and they loved her with all their heart. They lived with their kids in a three bedroom apartment and were happy together as a family.



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