Your Lips Are Magical Anywhere Give Kudos Bookmark Comment

Your Lips Are Magical Anywhere

Kurt and Blaine in Paris!

K - Words: 339 - Last Updated: Dec 06, 2014
528 0 0 0
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff, Romance,
Characters: Kurt Hummel,
Tags: established relationship,

Author's Notes:

Reviews would be nice.

"Kurt, come to bed. You must be exhausted" Blaine says.

"No, Blaine. I have to make sure we have everything" Kurt retorts while looking in their bag for the multiple time.

Kurt and Blaine had flown out to Paris for a fashion show. Isabelle needed a corespondent there so she chose Kurt since he had the experience and thought it was a nice treat for him to get out of the office since he was one of the hardest workers at Vogue.

Blaine just flops on to the bed in annoyance. "Kurt, you must be exhausted. Heck, I know youre exhausted. We were just on one of the longest flights either of us have ever been on and you are running around like you just had the sleep of your life rather than just getting off a plane"

"Blaine, I need to make sure we have everything for tomorrow" Kurt says into his bag.

"Whatever" Blaine replies while smacking his head on the pillow. "Dont come crying to me when you are exhausted tomorrow"

Kurt continues to shuffle around the room, his mind preoccupied on checking every suitcase they brought. Eventually, he lets his mind wander.

He kept stealing glances at the bed. It sure did look comfortable. And the guy in it wasnt half bad himself.

Finally, Kurt closes the suitcase he had half heartedly been looking at and creeped over to the bed, in hopes to not wake Blaine.

He climbs on and steals a small kiss on Blaines forehead. Blaine, however, was prepared for this.

He then pounced on to Kurt, pinning him down and sitting on top of him. "Surprise" Blaine whispers

"I thought you were tired mister" Kurt says.

"Sleeping can wait. This moment calls for this" Blaine leans over and kisses Kurt longingly and for an extensive amount of time. But of course, Kurt did not care.

"I have never kissed someone in a foreign country" Kurt finally says after he lets up. "Is it any different than kissing me back home?" Kurt asks.

"No. Your lips are magical anywhere" Blaine replies as he leans in again.


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