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Mistaken Identity

PROMPT: Blaine is confused for Darren Criss by an angry Darren fangirl who gets physical and Kurt makes him feel better. Smut? Kurt, Blaine, Mercedes and Tina go to the mall to hit up all of the after holiday sales. Their otherwise happy trip meets a hiccup when Blaine is mistaken for Darren Criss. Blaine has an idea for how Kurt can make him feel better. Includes Awkward Smut.

E - Words: 2,776 - Last Updated: Jan 01, 2012
593 0 0 3
Categories: Humor,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Mercedes Jones, Tina Cohen-Chang,

Author's Notes: This story is meant to be funny. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did writing it. This prompt was given to me by my good friend Isabelle. You can find her on tumblr at the url brizzbee
PROMPT: Blaine is confused for Darren Criss by an angry Darren fangirl who gets physical and Kurt makes him feel better. Smut?

Kurt checked his watch, 10:05 am. He still had the whole day ahead of him and there were so many stores that he has yet to shop in. Most of the stores were currently holding after holiday sales and Kurt wanted to take advantage of every single one of them. At his sides, linking arms with him, were his best shopping partners, Mercedes and Tina. Ever since they became friends through Glee, they had become regular shopping buddies. Today they had a new person joining the ranks, Blaine Anderson. He had heard the girls gushing with Kurt one day at school about going shopping that weekend and asked if he could tag along. His boyfriend had found his interest adorable but what Blaine did not know was that the mall was his domain. There are were only a few places where Kurt felt totally comfortable in this world; the mall, the stage and most recently, in Blaine’s arms. So when Blaine approached him with those puppy dog eyes, pleading to accompany them on their latest mall excursion, he just could not say no to him.

They had already hit up two stores in the first hour of the mall being open and Blaine graciously offered to carry their bags. Unfortunately for him, he did not understand how large of a task that was going to become. Kurt had purchased three sweaters, two pairs of slacks and a new pair of boots and he was just warming up.

“I was thinking we should go to Macy’s next. It is close by and they usually have good sales.” Kurt looked back at Blaine “What do you think honey?”

“That is fine with me, where ever you want to go is fine.”

“Oh Kurt, he is perfect. Mike would never do this with me.” Tina cooed into his ear.

Kurt grinned. He knew how lucky he was, but hearing it from his best girl friends made his heart soar. “Yes, he is quite wonderful. So Macy's?”

The girls both nodded and they made their ways towards that side of the mall with Blaine in toe.


Kurt scrunched his nose at the picked over selection of cardigans. He picked one out from the pile and held it up to look at it more closely. Tina and Mercedes were not far looking for clothing in the adjacent department that was within shouting distance from their friend. Blaine had wandered off to look around himself, which Kurt had highly encouraged because it gave him a few minutes to pick out a gift for him.

Unimpressed, Kurt put the cardigan back down and turned around quickly to look at the leather jackets. He ran his freshly manicured fingers along the taut material and cold metal zippers. His mind began to wander to the thought of his boyfriend wearing this while holding him from behind. A smile broke across his face as he held the sleeve a bit tighter.


Blaine voice broke Kurt from his leather daydream. He quickly dropped his hands from the jacket and turned to find his boyfriend nursing a split lip.

His stomach fell as he registered the fact that his boyfriend is bleeding. “Blaine! What happened?”

Blaine walked over to him and chuckled, instantly wincing at the pulling of the skin of his lips. “Some girl just punched me in the mouth.”

Kurt looked at his boyfriend with a shocked expression taking over his face. “She what? How did this...what were you.... what brought her to do this to you?” He took his boyfriend’s chin into his hands so he could get a better look at his injury.

Blaine laughed again. “I do not really know what happened. I was looking at some bow ties and this girl walked up. She was breathing really hard and kept calling me Darren Criss. I tried to ignore her but she got more persistent. I swear she followed me around the store for a good 5 minutes.Then I picked up a bow tie that I particularly liked and I guess that made her upset because she ended up punching me in the mouth.”

“Oh my.” He hummed sympathetically. “You poor baby.”

“She kept saying that I was too pretty for my own good, I ruined men for her and then began sobbing.”


“I am scared Kurt. I do not know who this Darren Criss guy is but I am worried for his safety with girls like that after him.”

Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine in a hug. “Don’t worry about him, she is a horrid bitch.”

Blaine raised an eyebrow, instantly deciding to tease his boyfriend. “Yeah she kept talking about how gorgeous he was and how big his dick was.”

“Blaine Anderson! People can hear you.” Kurt smacked his shoulder. Blaine could hear him mutter something along the lines of “how embarrassing” under his breath.

“I think I may want to meet this Darren guy. 1 To scope him out and see if he is hot 2. See how similar we look and 3. Warn him about the psycho punching girl.”
“Funny, I would of thought the warning would of come first.”

Blaine flashed a bright smile at the older boy. “Priorities.”

Kurt rolled his eyes. “You are incredible, do you know that?”

He laughed in response and pulled Kurt closer. A hint of jealously was hidden in Kurt’s words but Blaine picked up on it and he loved it. In fact, thinking of Kurt getting jealous did things to him. He started to feel all of the blood in his body begin to pool elsewhere so he tightened his grip on his boyfriend.

“Boy, what happened to your face?” Mercedes voice called out to them.

Blaine internally groaned.

“Some girl punched him in the face over a mistaken identity.” Kurt flattened some unruly curls from around Blaine’s temple.

“Are you okay though Blaine, do you think you are going to need stitches?” Tina leaned forward to get a better look at him.

“I am fine. Really, I am.” Blaine looked at Kurt and pouted. “I would however feel better if someone kissed it.” The younger boy batted his eyelashes at the end for good measure.

Kurt scrunched up his nose because he knew he would easily give into that face. Yet, he did not need Blaine to know that. Instead he rolled his eyes and laughed at the expression that still held on his face.

Blaine pulled out the dramatics and even had his bottom lip quiver.

“Fine.” Kurt gave him a light peck on the lips, not wanting to cause him any pain.

His boyfriend however, had his mind somewhere completely different. After the kiss he leaned forward and whispered into Kurt’s ear, “She kicked me in the balls, can you kiss that and make it feel better?”

“OH GOD BLAINE.” He moaned. “Not here.”

Blaine smirked, his eyes hooded and dark. “Why not?” He responded.

Those two words shot right down to Kurt’s cock. He looked into the eyes of the man who spoke them and instantly knew he was gone. Nervously he looked back at his friends, noticing the new tightness in his pants. “I-I-I am going to help Blaine find some new pants. Meet back here in 30?”
Mercedes raised an eyebrow, giving him a questionable glance. “Okay.” She dragged the word out as she tried to read her best friends face.

Tina grabbed her friends arm. “I need somethings from the department upstairs. Let’s go!” She began to drag Mercedes now.

“Ohthankgod.” Kurt said in a rushed whisper.

Blaine kissed along the shell of his ear. “You know, in order to find me new pants you have to remove the pair that I am wearing.”

“Changing room... now.” He ordered.

Blaine looked up at him and smirked. Without another word, he lead them into the changing room. The door to the handicapped changing room was swung open and the boys needed their hands on each other as soon as possible, so they took this opportunity.

Kurt locked the door and pressed his boyfriend’s body up against it.

“Someone is eager.”

“Shut up.” Kurt kissed along Blaine’s neck as he slowly began to pull away his outer layers of clothing.

Blaine helped him in his struggle by removing his scarf and jacket, letting them slide off of his body and on to the floor. Kurt made quick work of Blaine’s belt and added it to the discarded clothing pile before returning to the waistband of his jeans. Without missing a beat, Blaine’s hands were on Kurt’s pants, trying to roll them over his hips. Everything was sloppy, tantalizing touches, hot kisses and it was making them both dizzy with arousal.

Their clothing littered the floor of the changing room and Kurt pulled Blaine off the door of the changing room and began to kiss him along his neck while walking him towards the built in bench along one of the changing room walls. Blaine felt the back of his legs hit the bench just before his boyfriend moved his hands south to grab his cock. He inhaled sharply at the sudden contact. Kurt looked down and watched himself give a few pumps to Blaine’s already hard cock.


They locked eyes.

“I want you to fuck me.”

Kurt’s jaw dropped open a little bit but he knew that look in his boyfriends eyes, he was not kidding.

“Turn around.”

Blaine did what he was told. Kurt ran his hand up his spine and then pushed him forward until he was bent over the bench. He ran his hands back along his boyfriends sides, following his natural curves leading down to his ass. His hands moved to the inside of his thighs where he pushed them apart until they were in the perfect angle for him.

In that moment, Kurt was grateful that he had made the decision to pack his “special bag” in the case that he and Blaine decided to go over to his house after the mall but this was so much better. He pulled the bag out and took out the travel size bottle of lube and a condom.

He squirted the lube into his palm and then rubbed it around his fingers to make sure it was evenly coated. Blaine moaned beneath him, anxiously awaiting for Kurt to start..

Kurt dragged his first finger around the puckered muscle in a teasingly slow pace. Really drawing it out.


He pushed his first finger past the ring of muscle which made Blaine hiss.

“Shh, you don’t want the whole store to hear you.” Kurt moved the finger inside of him in small circles in order to stretch him slowly.

“More...” Blaine whispered.

Nodding in agreement, Kurt inserted another finger into his boyfriend who was trying really hard to keep his voice down. He scissored his fingers giving Blaine a good stretch that made him moan in a low tone. Seeing this as a good sign, Kurt curved his fingers and began moving them around until he found what he was looking for.

“OOOO KURT.” Blaine slapped a hand over his mouth, not knowing how loud he just was. Kurt knew in an instant that he had found his prostate. He added a third finger and made a point of hitting his prostate every few strokes just to tease his boyfriend, knowing how hard he was trying to keep himself composed.

Blaine’s legs trembled beneath him and he suddenly wondered if he was going to be able to hold himself up any longer. “Hurry.” He whined.

Kurt smacked his ass. “Who is eager now? Hold on.” He pulled his fingers out slowly. Blaine whined at the loss and Kurt patted his him. He brought the condom wrapper to his lips and tore it in half.

Blaine continued to whine beneath him. “I need you to fuck me.”

Kurt rolled the condom onto himself and then flicked the bottle of lube open to squeeze a generous amount into his hand. “Mmmm.” He responded as he rubbed the lube along himself.


The older boy lined himself up and then slowly push his cock inside of Blaine.

“Is that good?”

Blaine nodded, his breathing was heavy and he was pushing himself back onto Kurt.

He placed both of his hands on Blaine’s hips and began to thrust into him. It took him awhile to find a good pace.

“Yes-oh Kurt yes!” Blaine tipped his head back.

Kurt leaned forward and kissed along his shoulder blades. “I want you to come for me baby.”

Blaine whimpered.

Kurt tightened his grip on Blaine’s sides and thrust into him again.

Knock- knock

There was a knock on the door to their stall.

“Umm, hello in there? I was wondering if I could use this stall.” A familiar voice asked. “You see, it is a handicapped stall and I am in a wheelchair.”

Kurt could recognize that voice, he has the worst fucking luck. He cleared his throat and tried to steady his voice. “Sorry, occupied. There is another handicapped stall in the next department, Artie.” He hastily added his name to the end.

“...Kurt is that you?”

Kurt did not answer yet continued to thrust into Blaine, inconveniently this was the moment where he hit Blaine’s prostate.

“AhhhOoohhhAhhh.” Blaine yelled.
“Blaine? Are you there too?”

“Oh my god. This is not the time for guessing games. We are a little busy in here and I suggest you move along.” Kurt hit Blaine in the back of the head.

Artie remained quiet as he slowly began to back out of the room.

This was starting to get really awkward for Kurt so he froze and waited until he heard Artie roll out of the room before he started again.Kurt let out a sigh of relief. The small room was silent except for the sounds of Kurt’s balls hitting against Blaine and the sounds that he tried to muffle that delighted Kurt greatly.

“Come for me baby.” Kurt repeated.

“So close.”

He tried to regain his pace but instead he found it sporadic as he was close to climax himself. His nails dug into Blaine’s side, knowing full well it was going to leave him with a nasty mark. It excited Kurt knowing he had done this, that he could do this. He began thrusting harder not knowing how much longer he would last especially with all of the low moans that Blaine was currently making.


The older brother tipped his head back as he felt Blaine tighten around him. That was all it took and Kurt was coming not long after. He wrapped his arms around Blaine’s waist and laid across his back as their breathing evened out.

“Oh Darren!” Blaine let out in an exasperated breath.

Kurt released his arms from around Blaine and smacked his side playfully. “Oh my god I hate you.

Blaine turned around. “You can’t hate me.”

“Of course I can.” Kurt folded his arms across his chest defiantly.

“Not if you want me to return the favor when we go back to my house.” Blaine’s voice was low and growly and it made Kurt weak in the knees. A strangled moan was the only sound Kurt was able to form as a response. Blaine kissed his cheek and then walked past him to Kurt’s bag and dug through it in search of some sort of wipe or napkin to clean himself off.

After a few minutes of cleaning up and kisses between each layer of clothing that they put back on, Kurt and Blaine left the changing room hand in hand. To their surprise, Mercedes and Tina were waiting for them outside the room. Mercedes had a huge grin on her face and a knowing expression that made Kurt blush in an instant. Tina was texting someone intently on her iPhone and did not seem to notice them approaching.

“Well, how did your shopping go boys.” Mercedes was trying so hard to hide the teasing tone in her voice.

Kurt shot her a icy glare which screamed Shut-up-right-now-if-you-know-what-is-good-for-you.

Blaine smiled his 100 watt smile. “Fine, just fine what about you ladies.”

“Good. That is until Tina got a panicked phone call a few minutes ago. Didn’t you Tina?” Mercedes could barely hold herself together at this point. Her eyes moved to her friend that was at her side.

Tina looked up from her phone. “Oh, I don’t think Artie is ever going to be able to look either of you in the eyes after today.”

“No...” Kurt put a hand to his mouth.

Blaine just burst out in a laughing fit.

“Blaine this is not funny!” Kurt’s cheeks were a deep red at this point.

“Actually boo, it is.” Mercedes laughed along with Blaine.

Tina cracked a smile at Kurt. “You should of seen the look on his face.”

“Oh god!” Kurt turned to Blaine and hit him square in the shoulder. “I hate you so much right now.”

“Oh Darren!” This elicited more laughter from the girls.

Kurt rolled his eyes, turning on his heels and stormed off.

“Kurt! I was kidding!”


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