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Estar Celoso

In which Kurt tells Blaine about David Martinez

T - Words: 361 - Last Updated: Feb 08, 2012
977 0 1 0
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: established relationship,

Author's Notes: Aka In which Sydni attempts a reaction fic, but it only ends up being 361 words. Well.
Kurt collapsed onto his bed after glee practice, smiling like an idiot with thoughts of Sexy and I Know It still running through his head. Who know that song would be so good in a foreign language? He felt his phone start vibrating in his pocket. He pulled it out and smiled at Blaine's name on the screen,

“Hey, you,” Kurt answered. “How's your eye?”

“Itchy and annoying,” Blaine responded. “It doesn't hurt though, the drugs are taking care of that.”

“Well that's good, at least.”

“Mm. Enough about my eye. How was your Monday?” Kurt laughed airily. “What?”

“Let's just say that you chose the wrong week to miss school.”

“And why is that?”

So Kurt told him all about David Martinez's performance. About his massive arms, his hair, and his teeth. And of course how even Artie was smitten. By the end of his tale, Blaine had gone from being interested to silent.

“...Blaine?” Kurt asked when he didn't receive a response.

“Hmm?” Blaine said distractedly.

“Are you alright?”

“Oh yeah, I'm great.” Blaine's voice sounded tight, like he was annoyed. But why would he...oh.

“Blaine, you... you're not jealous are you?” Kurt asked, doing a terrible job of concealing his laughter.

“Yes, because this is so funny,” Blaine said sarcastically. “I'm sitting in bed all day with an eye patch that makes me look like a Care-Bear gone wrong, while my boyfriend is being seduced by a bi-lingual tooth model!”

“Blaine,” Kurt wasn't laughing anymore. “Do you really think I would ever have the fleeting thought of leaving you because an attractive teacher came into Glee? Blaine, I love you. There's absolutely no reason for you to be upset over this.” Blaine sighed.

“Alright, I know, I'm sorry,” he said.

“It's fine. Also? The guy has a ton of tattoos. Not really my thing,” Kurt laughed.

“Oh, so I'm not allowed to get a My Little Pony prancing across my ass?”

“A My-Wait, what? No. Don't ever do that. What is with you and colorful children's television?”

“Let's just say there isn't a lot on TV at nine in the morning.” Blaine said, sounding a little uncomfortable.



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my litte pony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha i loved that!111