In which Blaine comes over when Kurt returns from the hospital. Slight spoilers for 3x14
Author's Notes: Aka in which Sydni is officially addicted to writing reaction fics, not matter how crappy they are.
When Kurt returned home from hospital, he sat on his bed, staring at nothing for a moment before laying against his pillows. The tears came easily, but it didn't mean it was easy to deal with. Kurt pulled out his phone and dialed Blaine's number. His boyfriend answered on the first ring.
“Do you want me to come over?” he asked, not even bothering with a 'hello'. Kurt nodded, then, realizing Blaine's couldn't see him, he spoke up.
“I'll be there in twenty minutes, okay? I love you.”
“L-love you too.”
Seventeen minutes and forty-eight seconds later, there was a knock on his bedroom door. Kurt sat up, but before he could answer, Blaine swept into the room, over to the bed, and immediately pulled Kurt into a hug. Kurt latched onto his boyfriend, clutching the fabric at his back and sobbing into his neck.
“It's all m-my fault,” he cried, gasping a little.
“Shh, baby, no,” Blaine stroked his hair. “It's not your fault, you didn't do anything wrong.”
“If I had j-just called him b-back—”
“No, Kurt, look at me,” Blaine grasped Kurt's shoulders and pushed him away so that they could look each other in the eye. “None of this is your fault. Even if you had answered your phone or called him back, those kids still would have done what they did, and said what they said. Let's just be grateful that Dave is alive, alright?” Kurt nodded solemnly, leaning his head into his boyfriend's shoulder. “Good,” Blaine continued. “Do you want to tell me what you two talked about?”
So Blaine scooted up to lean against the headboard, and Kurt laid his head in his lap, closing his eyes contentedly as Blaine combed his fingers through his hair. Kurt told him that Dave wanted to be friends, and they'd spent the next hour and a half pretending that they weren't in a hospital room, and just talked. They talked about music and movies, and how Kurt had tried to explain his love for fashion.
“You know he's not a bad guy,” Kurt said as he wrapped up his story.
“I didn't think he was.”
“His mom thinks he has a disease and can be cured. That's probably where the homophobia and conflict came from.”
“That sounds pretty logical. I mean, you didn't know how your dad was going to take it when you came out, but having a parent who you know would disapprove? That would be hard,” Blaine said.
Sighing a little, Kurt sat up and moved so that his knees were still bent over Blaine's lap, head resting on his boyfriend's shoulder.
“Blaine?” he asked.
“I love you,” Kurt said. Blaine smiled a little.
“I love you, too.”
“No, I mean,” Kurt started, leaning back to look at Blaine. “I really, really love you. So much. You're the most amazing part of my life. When I was trying to get Dave to imagine his future this afternoon, I would close my eyes, and all I could see was you. In a thousand different scenarios. In a crappy, dingy apartment as college students, in a house with a little girl, and as old men, complaining about our applesauce.” They both laughed a little. “In every single one you were there. I can't fathom life without you, Blaine.”
Without missing a beat, Blaine leaned in and kissed Kurt hard, raw passion and pure love going into the movement of his lips.
“You know how I said I look forward to marriage equality?” Kurt nodded. “I plan to marry you in all fifty states.” Kurt chuckled.
“That's not legal.”
“Shh, just let me dream.”
Kurt hugged him tight, whispering, “You're my dream, too.”
End Notes: My heart is officially broken, how about you?