Legally Wed
The State of Affairs Series
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Legally Wed

The State of Affairs

The second part of the Legally Wed series. The morning after Kurt and Blaine's marriage, they are paid a visit by a government official, showing them just how much the authorities are going to be involved in their lives.

E - Words: 5,795 - Last Updated: Oct 28, 2011
5,689 0 12 30
Categories: Angst, AU, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,

Author's Notes: Please note: There is a reference to a non-consensual examination, although nothing specific is said.
Soft sunlight licked through the gap in the curtains, staining the walls to the colour of half-mixed coffee froth. Everything was warm and still, stuck in the moment between slumber and waking. As the two boys slipped towards consciousness, they became aware of being wrapped up in something warm, pressed against something solid, curled close to something comforting. Blaine tilted his chin up, still on the edge of sleep, and his nose nestled into a soft dip. He breathed in and smiled as the sweet scent filled up his head. He tried to move closer to the soft something, wrapping his arm tighter around it. As he shifted, tendrils of cognition spread themselves further across his mind and he noticed that there was skin against his and a warm body beneath him. His senses caught up with each other all at once and he realised: Kurt.

He gave a contented sigh and tucked face into the crook of his neck. He felt Kurt’s breathing speed up from the slow inhale and exhale of sleep and his muscles move against Blaine as he shifted a little. A small moan came from him which Blaine felt vibrate from Kurt’s body into his. There was the sound of movement, then long fingers were brushing through his curls. At last, Blaine blinked his eyes open. He pressed a kiss to Kurt’s skin, then leaned his head back to look at him. Kurt’s eyes were almost green in the sleepy sunlight, and still drowsy.

“Good morning,” Kurt said, grinning sleepily at him.

“Good morning.” Blaine held himself back for a moment, but decided it wouldn’t be that bad of an idea. He stretched his neck up to press his lips against Kurt’s. He kissed Blaine back, gently, hand moving to cradle his cheek and hold him there. Blaine’s fingers flexed and gripped the skin of Kurt’s hip as Kurt tilted his head to deepen the kiss.

When they broke apart, they were breathless. Kurt let his head fall back onto the pillow and Blaine returned his head to Kurt’s neck. He pressed little kisses up and down one of the tendons, just brushing his collarbone and the hollow behind his ear. Kurt let out a whimper and gripped Blaine’s shoulder.

“I shouldn’t want you this much this early in the morning,” he said, whimpering again when Blaine tugged on his earlobe with his teeth.

Blaine pulled away, planting his hand on the other side of Kurt’s chest and pushing himself up to look his husband in the face. “There’s no ‘should’ or ‘shouldn’t’ with us, okay? We have enough of that from the rest of the world. We don’t need it from each other.”

Kurt smiled and cupped Blaine’s cheek again. “How come I got you? Out of all the gay boys in the world, how did I end up with you?”

“Fate,” Blaine teased and dropped down to kiss Kurt again. Kurt lifted himself up on his elbows to kiss back, but pulled away with a gasp. His face screwed up in pain and he immediately lay flat again.

“God, that hurts.”

“Kurt, what’s wrong?”

“I…” A blush spread across Kurt’s cheeks and he looked away from Blaine. “It just hurts because…because of last night.”

“Oh,” Blaine said, mouth open and head cocked to the side. Then his eyes widened. “Oh. Oh, Kurt, I’m sorry. I didn’t realise I was so—”

“It was always going to hurt. Don’t worry about it,” Kurt said, head still turned way.

Blaine leaned down on one elbow, lifting his other hand to stroke Kurt’s cheek. “Please don’t feel about embarrassed about this.” He kissed Kurt’s temple. “I just wish there was something I could do.”

Kurt turned his head, bright eyes capturing Blaine’s. A hand stroked the back of Blaine’s neck and a foot stroked up the back of his calf. “You could lie here with me and make me forget about it.”

“Kurt, I don’t think that will improve anything.”

Kurt let out a soft laugh and closed his eyes with an endeared expression on his face. “I didn’t ask you to sleep with me,” he said, “I just asked you to lie with me. I want you to hold me.”

Blaine rested his forehead against Kurt’s. “I’m ridiculous, aren’t I?”

“No, not at all.” Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine’s shoulders and pulled the him down onto his chest. Blaine, however, rolled off him. “What are you doing?” Kurt asked.

“You said you wanted me to hold you,” Blaine said. He put an arm around Kurt’s chest and dragged the his torso to lay slightly over his own. He brought his other arm under Kurt’s shoulders, pulling him closer. “So I’m holding you.”

Kurt smiled and turned his head onto Blaine’s chest as he reached an arm up behind him to wrap around his neck. “Thank you.”

They lay in silence for a while, each simply feeling the other breathe. Kurt soon dropped his arm from around Blaine’s neck to rest it across his husband’s stomach. He stroked his finger in patterns across Blaine’s skin and gained an appreciative hum in return.

The doorbell rang and they both paused. Kurt looked questioningly up at Blaine. “Who—?”

“I have no idea.” He frowned. “I’ll go.”

Kurt lifted himself off Blaine’s chest and lay back as he pulled open a couple of the boxes piled on one side of the room and quickly tugged on boxers, jeans and a t-shirt. Blaine jogged out of the room with a ‘back in a minute’ just as the doorbell rang a second time. He ran down the stairs and as he approached the door he could see the outline of a large man through the frosted glass. He flicked the latch and pulled the door back, looking up at the suited man standing in the doorway.

“Can I help you?”

The man pulled an ID card out of his pocket. Blaine saw the governmental seal and felt his stomach drop.

“I’m from the Ohio State Department of Domestic Regulation. I’m just here to check everything’s going as it should be.”

“Right. Yes, of course, come in.” Blaine stood aside, allowing the man into the house and shutting the door behind him. “Um, I’m Blaine Anderson, but I guess you know that, right?”

“Yes,” the man said, looking around the hallway before walking into the living room with Blaine following him. There was only the government-provided sofa by ways of furniture, but there were more boxes in piles in the corner. “Where is the other Mr Anderson?” the man asked, turning to Blaine.

“H-he’s upstairs. Do you need to see him?”

“I need to make sure that you have obeyed the federal law, Mr Anderson. I need to speak with both of you.”

“Right, of course. Could you give us a few minutes? You’re…welcome to sit down.”

The man nodded and settled himself on the sofa. Blaine hurried out of the room and back up to their bedroom, throwing open the door to find Kurt buttoning up his shirt. “Did you hear?” he asked, closing it behind him.

“Yes.” Kurt looked at him with wide eyes, tucking his shirt into his trousers. “What do you think he’s going to do?”

“He said he has to talk to us, but I don’t know whether that’s it.” He walked to stand in front of Kurt and put an arm around him, hand resting lightly on the small of his back. “Are you sure you’re feeling okay?”

“I’m fine. It’s better now I’ve started moving. I guess if I’m limping it will at least prove we obeyed the law.”

Blaine smiled, but there was no amusement in it. “Come on,” he said, putting his arm around Kurt’s waist and leading him out of the room.

Kurt tried to smile politely at the man on their sofa, but he wasn’t sure he managed it. He took the other seat on the sofa, wincing only slightly, and Blaine pulled up a box.

“The two of you were married yesterday at eleven am, correct?” The man had pulled a folder from his briefcase and was flicking through it.


The interviewer – or at least that’s what they assumed he was – checked his watch and jotted down what was presumably the time on one of his forms. “You have been married for just under twenty-five hours. Now,” he looked up at them both, “you are aware that you must have consummated the marriage within a twenty-four hour period?”

They both nodded, not daring to look away from him and at each other. Imprisonment due to potentially suspicious action was not an option.

The man gave them a polite smile which seemed out of place in the conversation. He made a ticking movement with his pen on the same form. “Are the two of you happy with your accommodation?”

Blaine couldn’t help shooting Kurt a look. That was not the kind of question they had been expecting; it was altogether too considerate.

“Yes,” Kurt said, sliding his eyes away from Blaine’s, “it’s great. We know there wasn’t anything available in Lima, but this is close enough.” He tried to smile, but he was sure it came off a little forced. He’d wanted to ask for New York or Los Angeles or one of the other big cities, but the government always provided in-state housing for at least one of the people in the marriage. As a general rule, they tried to pair people from the same state together, which was how Kurt ended up with Blaine, who had lived so close to him all his life. Their house was two hours drive from Lima, further from Westerville, but it was the closest they had been offered. Kurt had never thought he’d be asking to stay near to his tiny home town, but he’d come to realise that nothing was going to turn out the way he had imagined it.

“Are all your facilities working correctly?”

“I…think so?” Kurt said, looking at Blaine with a questioning look.

“We haven’t really used any of them,” Blaine said.

“That’s fine,” the man said, writing something down. “Just give us a call if you find any problems.”

The whole interview was surreally normal. They were asked whether they needed any more furniture, whether they wanted to go to college and if so where, whether they were considering careers. The man paid noticeably more attention when Kurt spoke about what he wanted to do with his life. His hand moved swiftly across the page so Blaine was partially convinced he was copying Kurt’s words down exactly as they had been spoken. There was a nod when he was finished, then a question about children that resulted in an awkward ‘we’re not sure yet’ and more words on the form.

The questions stopped after about half an hour. The man smiled at them again and shut his folder, tucking the pen into his top pocket. “Mr Anderson,” he said, turning to Kurt, “I will need to talk to you alone now.”

“Why?” Blaine said, sitting up a little straighter. Kurt shot him a look with narrowed eyes.

“It’s just standard procedure. Would you please show me to your bedroom?”

Kurt’s eyes widened at the words but he nodded, standing up as the other man did. Blaine grabbed his hand so Kurt turned to look at him. He tried to give him the most reassuring look he could. “I’ll be in the kitchen when you’re done.”

Kurt nodded and let go of Blaine’s hand, leading the man out of the room and up the stairs.

“How was it?” Blaine asked, looking up as Kurt came into the kitchen. He’d heard the sound of feet on the stairs and the door shutting a few moments before. Kurt went straight to the coffee machine – one of the few things they had unpacked – and busied himself with it.

“Fine,” he replied. Blaine watched him carefully, noting the tension in his back and the way he was gripping everything he picked up a bit too hard.

“Kurt,” he said, voice much softer, “what happened?”

“Nothing. He just asked me some questions, checked our bedsheets.”

Blaine stood up and came up behind him. He pried Kurt’s hands from the machine and turned him to face him, holding his arms gently. “That’s not all. Kurt, what did he do?”

Kurt’s face crumpled and he curled into Blaine, wrapping his arms around him and letting out a sob into his shoulder. “It was horrible. I feel so…I feel dirty. Violated.”

“Kurt, what—”

“He examined me. God, just thinking about it makes me feel sick.” Kurt took in a shuddering breath, gripping the fabric of Blaine’s t-shirt tight in his hands. Blaine rubbed between his shoulder blades and pressed a tentative kiss to his hair.

“Do…do you mean he…?”


“Oh, Kurt, I’m so sorry. If I’d known, I wouldn’t have let him in the house.”

Kurt laughed into his shoulder and the lack of humour in it cut at Blaine in a way he hadn’t been expecting. He instinctively pulled Kurt closer. “And get yourself arrested?” Kurt asked. “Don’t apologise, Blaine. I should have guessed this is what would happen.”

“But surely that’s…it’s harassment, Kurt!”

“Not when the state does it.”

Blaine bit his lip and rested his chin on Kurt’s head. He couldn’t believe he’d left Kurt alone with that man, the one whose name they’d never been told. He’d touched Kurt in a way he never should have and Blaine just wished he could have taken Kurt’s place. He wanted to take his pain and humiliation and let Kurt stop feeling this way. He looked around them, holding Kurt as close as he could, and tried to think of what he could do. There had to be a way he could fix this, or at least start to help.

He pulled back with a kiss to Kurt’s forehead. “Come on,” Blaine said, keeping one arm firmly around Kurt as he walked them up the stairs to the bathroom.

“What are you doing?”

Blaine leant over the bath, put in the plug and turned the taps on, testing the water temperature before straightening up and turning to Kurt. “You are going to have a bath. Trust me, you will feel better.”

Kurt nodded, then started to blush bright red.

“What is it?”

“Will you…will you take a bath with me? I just don’t want to be alone right now and I – I quite like the idea of letting you wash me, as weird as that sounds.”

“It’s not weird at all,” Blaine said, taking Kurt’s hands in his own. “I was actually kind of hoping that you’d ask me that. I didn’t think you’d want to considering…”

“I’d feel safer with you. You’ll help me forget.”

Blaine smiled, stroking his thumbs over Kurt’s knuckles. He pressed a kiss to his cheek and bumped their noses together. Then he stepped closer to Kurt and reached to pull his shirt free of his trousers. “Can I?”


Kurt leaned his head into his neck as Blaine pulled the hem of the shirt free and undid the buttons. He pushed it off Kurt’s shoulders, letting his hands trail down his arms more than was necessary. The garment dropped to the floor and Blaine moved his hands to the buttons of Kurt’s jeans. He unbuttoned each one carefully before stepping a little closer and pushing them over Kurt’s hips, taking his underwear with them. Kurt pushed off his shoes, the quickest ones he had found to put on, and the jeans and briefs pooled around his ankles. He stepped out of them, towards Blaine, and brought his hands to the his hips.

Blaine pulled his own t-shirt over his head, Kurt just watching all of the muscles in his chest and arms shift with the movement. When Blaine balled the shirt up and threw it somewhere on the floor, Kurt brought his hands up to Blaine’s shoulders, running his fingertips over them. He traced along Blaine’s collarbones, then pressed a soft kiss to his shoulder. He made swift work of the buttons and zip on Blaine’s jeans, pushing them to floor with the boxers and the two of them were fully naked, standing so close but not quite touching as the room steamed up. Blaine looked back and, seeing that the bath was full, turned off the taps. He held out a hand to Kurt and allowed him to lean on him as he stepped into the hot water. Blaine climbed in behind him, wrapping his arms around Kurt’s waist.

“You okay?”


Blaine kissed the side of Kurt’s neck and sat down in the water. He reached up and put his hands on his hips. Kurt lowered himself more slowly, hissing at the slight pain it caused. At last he settled between Blaine’s legs and leaned his back against his chest.

Blaine picked up the bar of soap that had been set at the end of the bath before their arrival and unwrapped it. He rubbed it between his hands in front of Kurt’s chest, letting bubbles froth up in his finger-gaps, then held it out for him to hold. Kurt took it, letting it slide slowly between his hands as Blaine lifted his palms to Kurt’s shoulders. He started to stroke large, soap-lathered circles across Kurt’s skin, up and down his arms, right down to his hands. There he took the soap again, dipped it into the water.

He set up a pattern: soap, lather, skin. He worked methodically all across Kurt’s torso, then pulled away from him to do the same to his back. He worked his fingertips into the skin, easing Kurt’s muscles into looseness. He felt Kurt relax under his hands and smiled at the back of his head, glad he could at least do something.

As Blaine stroked his hand across Kurt’s stomach again, he put his hand over Blaine’s, slotting his own fingers into the gaps between his and sliding their hands up to rest over his heart. He let them rest there, allowing Blaine to feel Kurt’s heartbeat against his palm. Blaine hooked his chin over his shoulder and closed his eyes, just breathing him in. The bath water was still hot, running down their skin, condensing on them in places. Kurt smelled like hot water and lavender soap; like clean skin and contentment. Blaine nudged his nose into the dip behind Kurt’s ear, eyes still shut, letting his other senses experience Kurt. He brushed his lips against the water-damp skin for a moment.

“Thank you,” Kurt said. The words, quiet as they were, echoed off the tiles of the room. They vibrated through Kurt’s chest, his back, into Blaine. He could feel them as much as he could hear them.

“For what?”

Blaine heard and felt the water lap and splash a little, meaning Kurt had probably shifted one of his feet. “For this. For earlier, for last night, for everything.”

Blaine kissed Kurt’s skin again, for longer this time. He slid his other hand from where it had been resting on his husband’s hip around to his stomach, so his arm was wrapped around his waist. He pressed tiny kisses at the juncture between neck and shoulder, warming the skin even more with his breath and lips. Kurt gave a small moan of pleasure and Blaine felt the sound again. He reached into the air with the hand Kurt wasn’t holding and was given the bar of soap once more. He rolled it in circles in one hand, feeling the soap suds build up in his palm as he licked at Kurt’s skin.

When Kurt took the bar from him, he tilted his head, resting it against Kurt’s neck. He reached out and found Kurt’s left knee. He rubbed his hand slowly, cyclically, from knee to water level. Then a quick swipe back up Kurt’s thigh, over his knee, and with a stretch from Blaine’s shoulder, just once down the front of his calf with a slow draw back up. He lifted their joined hands and slipped his behind Kurt’s. He opened his eyes now, leaning his head over Kurt’s shoulder to kiss his palm. He couldn’t stop himself from licking it a tiny bit, but he didn’t regret it when he felt Kurt’s shiver.

“Soap,” he said, voice cracking from the heat of the room and his sudden need to touch Kurt. Kurt doused the bar in water and handed it back to Blaine’s cupped palms. Lather again, then skin. Both thighs this time and Kurt leaned his head back onto Blaine’s shoulder, eyes closed and mouth open around gasped breaths.

Blaine stroked firm lines with his palms up the centre of each thigh, but stopped abruptly. He scrambled for the soap, which the two of them had dropped into the water. He found it on the bottom of the bath and lifted it out to press the fingertips and thumb of each hand against it, coating them. He let the soap fall into the bath again and brought his soapy fingertips to Kurt’s thighs. He brushed them lightly, barely at all, up and down the outsides. Kurt moaned against him, pressing his back closer to Blaine’s chest. Blaine took the skin of Kurt’s shoulder between his teeth, tugging it softly before releasing it.

He walked his middle and index fingers up the middle of Kurt’s thighs until he reached his knees. Then, as gently as he could, he let his fingertips draw tiny circles on the inside of his knees. Kurt let out a choked sound and one arm came up behind him to wrap around Blaine’s neck. The action pressed Kurt’s hips back into Blaine’s, against his swiftly-hardening cock. Kurt gasped and stretched his neck further back. Blaine turned to kiss it again, pressing his lips just next to Kurt’s Adam’s apple. He wanted to stop and ask if Kurt really wanted to do this so soon after what had happened, but he knew Kurt better now. He understood that his husband would stop if he wanted to stop, and he had a feeling that what he was doing was holding Kurt together, not breaking him apart.

So he dipped his hands into the water again, looking down over Kurt’s shoulder, over his chest, to where Kurt was just as hard as he was. That assured Blaine more than words probably would have, so he sat back again, chin just resting on his husband’s shoulder. He rubbed his newly wetted hands against each other, making the soap lather anew, then brought his fingertips back to Kurt’s skin. This time, he let them brush slightly further up the insides of Kurt’s thighs, not just at his knees. He drew barely-there lines back and forth, back and forth over two inches of skin until Kurt was keening and there were goosebumps under Blaine’s fingertips.

Blaine had never really considered the sensitivity of the inside of someone’s thigh before. He had understandably focused on the noticeable places, the well-known ones. He thought of legs as an abstract sexual thing; something attractive, but with no established sexual use. Now, as his fingers drew little circles higher and higher up Kurt’s legs, and he started to quiver against him, Blaine understood. He could almost feel the sensitivity of this part of Kurt’s body. Through him, he knew how much the light brushes against this intimately placed skin could unravel a person. So he kept going, circling higher, increment by increment. His hands were back underwater again, but it didn’t matter. The water only heightened it, making his skin catch on Kurt’s every now and again.

When he reached the very top of Kurt’s thighs, the point where they met his pelvis, he paused. There was a dip there and the skin was soft. Blaine pressed his fingers harder, then released. Hard, release; tiny pulses of pressure on Kurt’s skin. Kurt’s other hand came up to grab at Blaine’s curls. He turned his head, kissing at Blaine’s ear, his cheekbone, until Blaine turned his, too. Their lips met and Blaine could feel Kurt’s lack of control. It wasn’t tentative or overly respectful: it was hot, almost desperate, and their teeth clacked once when Kurt tugged on his hair with a whine. Blaine didn’t care. Kurt’s tongue was pressing against his own, drawing over his teeth and all around his mouth. His husband was moaning against his lips and Blaine could feel it through Kurt’s back, through his neck, through his mouth, through his fingertips. He could feel the sound through his whole body and still, still, the pulses of pressure against Kurt’s skin.

Kurt pulled away from the kiss to take a few deep breaths of air before letting his lips slide over Blaine’s again. He nipped at his bottom lip, loving how Blaine moaned, his fingers stopping, pressed hard into Kurt’s skin.

“More,” Kurt said into Blaine’s mouth. Blaine understood, and moved his hands closer together. They slid over Kurt’s skin, one hand letting the nails scratch a little. Kurt’s hips bucked and their kiss broke again. Kurt’s head dropped back as he leaned completely against Blaine, just letting him trace his fingertips back and forth around the base of his cock. All the way round, each hand drawing one half of the circle, meeting, parting, drawing with fingerprints. “Blaine, please.”

A kiss pressed to Kurt’s neck and finally Blaine’s hand wrapped around him, grip tight, making Kurt moan in a way that allowed his husband to appreciate bathroom acoustics. Blaine started slow, languorous strokes to Kurt’s cock. They were controlled, torturously so, and Kurt was panting uselessly. Blaine brought his other hand up out of the water, stroking it palm-flat up Kurt’s stomach to his chest. Then, fist keeping a steady pace on Kurt’s cock, he traced his finger around the edge of Kurt’s nipple. Both hands moved in time; slow, maddening strokes. Kurt turned his head towards Blaine, his breath hitting his ear.

“Fuck, Blaine, don’t do this to me.”

He shivered at the words, but didn’t stop. Kurt’s voice had been wrecked: low, indolent with lust, and broken. The sound was stuck in Blaine’s mind, replaying itself as his grip tightened around Kurt and his pace increased just a tiny bit. Kurt moaned, though, and there was relief in it. Blaine was giving him what he so desperately needed, but it was still muddling him, making the hot room hotter and his thoughts thicker until it was just feeling; just Blaine’s hand on his cock, thumb rubbing over the head for a second; just Blaine’s thumb and forefinger pressing around his nipple, pushing the boundaries of oversensitivity; just that building need for release spreading through his body, into his muscles, resonating in his bones.

Blaine’s movements stopped and Kurt cried out. Blaine turned and pressed his lips to Kurt’s, silencing him. He pulled back and looked Kurt in the eyes as he brought his thumb to the head of Kurt’s cock once more, rubbing it slowly along the slit until Kurt was moaning, eyes wide as he stared at Blaine. His other hand trailed down Kurt’s body to rest on the inside of his thigh. He let his thumb brush all around the head, circles again, slow. Kurt’s eyes screwed shut and he whined into Blaine’s neck. He could feel his orgasm building in him again and he needed it so much, but it wouldn’t happen like this. It was too slow and Blaine knew that. His fingertips started up on the inside of Kurt’s thigh again and Kurt felt tears in his eyes because he couldn’t stand it.

Blaine,” he choked.

Blaine just pressed his lips to Kurt’s neck again. He licked at the small lump of bone in Kurt’s shoulder, swirling his tongue in circles around it before leaning forwards, curving himself over Kurt to lick all the way up his collar bone. Kurt shuddered as Blaine settled behind him again, dick pressing into his back. He nipped at the skin all along Kurt’s neck, returning his hand to its leisurely movement up and down his length. Kurt’s back arched, trying to push faster into the circle of Blaine’s fist, trying to get something. Blaine pulled harshly on Kurt’s earlobe with his teeth and stopped moving altogether. Kurt whined and thrashed his legs.

When he stilled, sinking against Blaine in defeat, the movements started again. Blaine added a brush over the head with every stroke, just enough to make Kurt writhe. The fingers of his other hand danced higher up Kurt’s leg, brushing close to his balls – but not quite close enough – and slipping just once over his perineum. Kurt’s arms slammed down onto the sides of the bath, fingers gripping the ceramic hard. The fingers were gone again, back to his thigh, and the pace of Blaine’s hand was slowing again to a dragging, catching crawl that set Kurt’s teeth on edge. A tiny moan escaped Kurt’s mouth every time he breathed out and he was powerless to stop it. His whole body was tingling, like Blaine was pushing on every nerve and stoppering it so he was full of electric, vibrating energy that he just couldn’t release.

Kurt couldn’t help the way his hips started jerking in tiny circles, seeking out the friction Blaine was denying him. Tiny, rippling waves of warm water spread from his sides, lapping at the walls of the tub, his fingers curling into the porcelain edges as the tip of Blaine's dick slid along his crack. He moaned helplessly, utterly unable to contain himself and if it hadn't been for – no, he wouldn’t think about it; couldn’t think about it. Not when Blaine’s hands were soft and drifting and just barely pumping his cock.

He ground backwards, unable to help himself, and Blaine moaned, his hands stilling. His skin was hot where his legs pressed against the outside of Kurt’s and his chest was stuck to Kurt’s back. His harsh, shallow breaths were hotter on Kurt’s neck. Kurt squirmed, desperate for Blaine’s hands to start up again and just let him come, but it was to no avail. Blaine just kissed Kurt’s neck again, open-mouthed, licking each spot he pressed his lips to. He bit at the juncture between neck and shoulder, sucking hard on the skin, flicking his tongue back and forth over it.

Kurt tangled the fingers of one hand into Blaine’s hair and wrenched his head backwards. Blaine’s neck stretched back and he gasped. Kurt let his head flop onto Blaine’s shoulder again. “Please, Blaine,” he whined. “Please.”

Suddenly, Blaine’s hand was stroking him again, but it wasn’t slow any more. It was fast, hard strokes and his other hand was gone from Kurt’s thigh, reaching back and squeezing his balls and Kurt was gone. His back arched away from Blaine’s chest and he yelled as the orgasm that had building inside him for so long was ripped from him. His hips lifted out of the water as he came over Blaine’s hand, the edge of the bath, his stomach.

Then he slumped. He dropped back into the bath, water splashing around him. He fell against Blaine’s chest and just lay there, panting, unable to move. Blaine’s hand dropped from his cock, arm wrapping around his waist to stop him from slipping under the water. He could feel Blaine pressing kisses to his hair, his cheek, his neck, but he couldn’t reciprocate. It seemed like he was working to stay conscious as pleasure still coursed through his body.

He felt Blaine shift behind him, causing the water to slap against Kurt’s weak legs. Blaine was pulling him upwards, closer, to hold Kurt to him. With the movement, though, Blaine’s cock slipped into the cleft of Kurt’s ass, sliding until the tip hit his balls. Blaine had been hard for so long, just as worked up as Kurt, and that tiny bit of intimate friction was enough. He cried out, fingers digging into Kurt’s side and leg, and he came so hard his whole body shook.

They were still. Their bodies lay pliant against each other, only the way they were angled in the bath stopping them from sinking into submersion. Kurt knew there were many things he wanted to say, but every time he thought he had a sentence, it slipped from him. He gave up and just let himself be against Blaine. They stayed like that for so long – until they were prune-skinned and shivering. When they did climb out and Blaine wordlessly dried Kurt with a towel, they couldn’t stop staring at each other. Kurt wondered if he should be feeling this content, but realised as he let Blaine rub the towel over his hair with a tender expression, that this was how it was supposed to happen. This was the effect a bath with his husband was supposed to have.

It was a few weeks before Kurt was ready to have any kind of penetrative sex. They had handjobs and blowjobs and nights when they just lay in bed and talked, learning about each other’s lives with their fingers entwined between them. There was one night when Kurt turned his head on his pillow and studied Blaine’s profile, thinking about something he knew he shouldn’t. Blaine sensed it and turned his head, too, so they were face to face. He looked into his eyes and Kurt could tell Blaine knew what he was thinking. Blaine blinked slowly and he knew he meant no. Not ‘no, Kurt, I don’t want you inside me’, but ‘no, Kurt, what if they find out? I can’t risk that with you’. Kurt gave a shrug and shuffled closer to kiss him until they fell asleep.

They were sprawled in the sunshine, a blanket covering the ground beneath their backs. The small tree in their garden was throwing shadow dapples over their faces and arms. Blaine had long since abandoned the book he had been reading aloud to him in favour of kissing him. Their legs were tangled together and their hands cupping each other’s faces, their kisses lazy like the sunlight, but edged with need.

Kurt broke apart from Blaine to look him in the eyes, stroking a hand through his hair. There was nothing but trust in that look and he smiled, bumping his nose against Blaine’s.

“Here?” Blaine asked.


Blaine pressed him back into the blanket with another kiss. They made love right there in the garden, shaded by their tree, with the light in patches across their skin and the gasps of summer in their ears.


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I love this. I also read the first part if the series. This is really amazing. I hole you continue with these. I absolutely adore them.

ASKJHGFGJSKAJJ I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!!! It's my new drug! Thank you for writing this awesome story!

are you gunna write another coz i like these i read both and they were good

;3; Wonderful! I would want to read the couple's interaction with the rest of the heteronormative world. I mean, if they go to college they have to go to Ohio state because that's the place they been assignated? And how the straight couples, their age, react towards this situation of having so young classmates already married. And if Kurt was paried up with Blaine, that means Dave is still in the closet right? What happens when he comes out? Does he get paired up with Sebastian? He gets jail time because he didn't say he was gay? And if its supposed that gay couples get together by the goverment to not "spread the gay", how is the adoption system? Assuming is not mpreg, adopting would be a way of making more kids gay (in the way I think the goverment handle is). And, there's a law that stops gay persons to study certain things? I mean, if a gay person wants to work in the goverment to change things, is it allowed? I would think there's a lot of gay persons in the goverment but they just accept because they're tired of fighting and it's comfortable since, despite the harmless check-up, there's a lot given for gay couples, a lot. But, that's political bullshit that is not necessary in fanf fictions, I just thought for a moment; what if it was real? As a gay woman of 18 years old, I admit that it would be easier but, how about women? is the treatmentment the same? :9 questions questions, sorry. Now, I really ejoyed! :3 I would write about this forever but I'm at work, lol. :3 Thanks for writing!

Are you going to write any more of these, because I have fallen in love with the plot!

Ok, wow again. You have the most beautiful writing I have ever seen in Klaine. Your amount of typos is remarkably low (I counted ONE out of three stories I've read from you) and your knack for plot and smut combination is mind-blowing. Love love love your sex scenes. They're more than just smut - they are scenes of importance and of literary beauty. And they're hot. Very. Very. Hot. ;) They're so... I don't even know; real? Captivating? Whatever it is you do, you do it PHENOMENALLY. Congrats. More please!

Your writing is absolutely beautiful. This is a great AU, and I wouldn't say no to more.

So beautiful.

This was probably the hottest thing I've ever read. It was extremely tender and intimate, too. Basically I adored it.

Klaine <3how I adore you guys!amazing story :)

gtrfgt, so good.