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Let The Rain Fall

Kurt and Blaine are out on a picnic when it starts raining. Let's just say there's rain, a pool and a shower.

T - Words: 814 - Last Updated: Aug 05, 2011
1,103 0 3 3
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff,
Characters: Blaine Anderson,

"Today has been...perfect." Kurt said as Blaine fed him a round grape. "Mm!" He cutely squeaked as he chewed it.
They decided that it looked like a great day to go on a picnic, so they headed out to a small forest by Blaine's house.
Blaine chuckled, "You're so adorable."
Kurt lightly nudged Blaine and shyly smiled, "Stop it."

Blaine was planning to say 'I love you' for the first time that day. He was just waiting for the perfect moment.
"Kurt." Blaine took Kurt by both hands and they both stood up, "This whole summer with you has been beyond amazing. You're fun and beautiful. Every little thing about you, I love."
Both boys began blushing.
"Blaine I-"
"What I'm trying to say is... I lo-"
"Ohmygod it's raining!" Kurt shrieked as a hard down pour suddenly fell upon them.
Blaine looked up and frowned at the sky before running towards his house pulling Kurt close behind him.
"Are we almost there?" Kurt yelled over the sound of pouring rain, breathless.
"I think so yeah. I can almost see my house."
"Good cause I do NOT want to get soaked." Kurt grasped Blaine's hand tighter.
"Wait." Blaine stopped running and grabbed Kurt around the waist, "I have to do this first."
He pulled Kurt in so close that their bodies were touching.
Their rain soaked lips gently touched.
Kurt fell into Blaine and threw his arms around him.
Their mouths and tongues moved together as Blaine ran his hands through Kurt's drenched locks.
They both pulled away. Blaine cupped Kurt's face with his big hands.
"Gorgeous." He whispered.
Kurt looked down and blushed, water droplets fell from his eyelashes and nose.
Blaine swiftly picked up Kurt.
Kurt yelped loudly, "Blaine put me down!"
"Nope!" Blaine laughed and lightly jogged into his own backyard.
"Blaine I command you to release me this instant!" Kurt kicked his legs and clutched to Blaine's shoulders.
"Okay. Fine." Blaine smirked.
Next thing Kurt knew he was flying through the air screaming.
He hit the water. Atleast Blaine's pool was heated.
He came up to the surface and rubbed his eyes and spit out water, "I cannot believe you just did that."
"Believe it!" Blaine yelled as he jumped into the pool causing a huge splash over Kurt.
"Blaine I'm going to kill you!" Kurt dunked Blaine farther under the water.
Blaine came up for air, "Pretend like that wasn't funny." He giggled.
Kurt glared, "It was not-" He couldn't help it. A huge grin spread across his soaked face and he started laughing.
He wrapped his legs around Blaine's waist and kissed him.

Blaine carried him out of the pool and upstairs, leaving puddles of rain and pool water behind.
They were both laughing uncontrollably.
"Here take these." Blaine handed Kurt some sweats and a big sweater, "Take a shower in here and I'll take one downstairs."
"Thanks." Kurt shyly bit his lip and slid into the bathroom.
Blaine heard Kurt step into the shower and turn on the water. Kurt quietly began humming 'Teenage Dream' to himself.
A streak of heat went through Blaine's body.
He couldn't resist. He quickly took off all of his wet clothes and tossed them aside.
Kurt was doing a little dance as he hummed and rubbed shampoo into his hair.
"Did I ever mention how cute you are?"
Kurt jumped and twisted around, "Blaine!"
Blaine opened the shower door and got in with Kurt.
He looked him in the big blue-green eyes and smiled. He reached slightly up and ran in fingers through Kurt's soapy hair and made it into a mohawk.
Kurt giggled as he did the same to Blaine.
Kurt rubbed body wash all over Blaine's chest and traced patterns with his finger while Blaine lightly kissed his collar bones.
Kurt threw his head back while Blaine began kissing lower down on his chest then stomach.
"B-Blaine..." Kurt sighed as he tugged at Blaine's dark curls, "Blaine that tickles." He began to chuckle, "Blaine!' He spazzed backwards causing them to both slip and fall.
"Ow!" Blaine laughed hysterically as he landed on top of Kurt.
Kurt held Blaine around the waist and kissed his nose, "I love you so much you know." He softly said once they stopped giggling.
Blaine looked down into Kurt's eyes and smashed his lips into Kurt's.
"I love you-so-much." Blaine said in between kisses.
They rolled around until Kurt was on top of Blaine.
"I've never loved anyone as much as I love you Kurt Hummel. And I've been freaking out all day trying to tell you."
"Beat ya too it." Kurt winked and slid off of Blaine and got out of the shower.

The boys spent the rest of the night cuddled in Blaine's bed watching old Disney movies.
Kurt was curled up next to Blaine with his still damp head resting on Blaine's dry warm chest as he stroked Kurt's hair.
"Kurt?" Blaine softly said.
"Yeah Blaine?" Kurt looked up.
Blaine smiled, "Thanks."
"For what?"
Kurt blushed and placed a kiss on Blaine's cheek, "I'm in love with you."
"I'm in love with you too." Blaine whispered.
Kurt snuggled closer to Blaine and they held one another tight.
End Notes: Thanks for reading :)


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Bravo! I loved it! I always love Klaine fluff but your story made me squeal, smile, and laugh(: I couldn't stop "Awwwing" the entire time! Keep up the great work! Can't wait to read more from you!

That's cool. You can totally give me diabetus from how sweet this was. No really, go right ahead.