Kurt wakes up Blaine with some kisses.
Blaine flopped down onto Kurt's bed with a sigh. Glee practice, the last one before they left for Thanksgiving break, had been particularly brutal and, coupled with a severe lack of sleep the past few days due to his overwhelming excitement because Kurt was coming home, he was exhausted. He hadn't seen his boyfriend since mid-September because of a family emergency and he was aching to touch him, to taste him, to just look at him.
He leaned back with a groan, wincing at his sore muscles. Burt refused to let him skip so that he could come with him to pick up Kurt, so he was left waiting. And Kurt's bed was so soft and it smelt like him...
He guessed he drifted off because the next thing he knew, lips were brushing against his, lightly at first with the pressure growing as he woke up. His eyes fluttered open and he smiled at sight of Kurt's face hovering above him.
"Hey, honey," Kurt murmured, swooping down to kiss him again.
"Hey." Blaine grimaced at the rough quality of his voice, swallowing drily. "Did you just get here?"
Kurt hummed, dropping to kiss him again, his lips gliding smoothly against Blaine's dry ones. One hand came up to skim down his side, causing him to shiver as he brought his arms up and around Kurt's neck. Kurt pulled back with a hum of content, moving to curl up to Blaine's side.
"I missed you."
"I missed you, too."