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Simply Found

Prompt: Kurt and Blaine adopt a kitten and lose it in the apartment when they get home.

K - Words: 734 - Last Updated: Aug 03, 2013
768 0 0 2
Categories: General,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,

It had been a long, draining week for both Kurt and Blaine. Kurt had been dashing to and from Vogue and running errands while Blaine dealt with a heavy workload from his classes and working at one of their favorite coffee shops. They were both feeling worn out as they walked home, both from their day of work, having gotten off around the same time as each other. Hand in hand, they took their time going home. It was nice to just get a break and enjoy each other's company as they walked the busy streets to make their way to their apartment.

The two passed by an alleyway, not thinking anything of it. It was just like the dozens upon dozens of other alleyways New York City had. But something made Blaine stop, tugging gently on Kurt's hand to get him to stop as well.

"What is it, Blaine?" Kurt asked, eyebrows raised as his boyfriend let go of his hand as he stooped down beside a cardboard box, a bit ragged looking but more tall than wide, sturdy looking enough for something made of cardboard.

A small meow was heard from inside the box, the same sound Blaine had heard that made him stop. "Oh, Kurt..." he murmured, reaching down into the box. He pulled out a small, fluffy, orange kitten. He couldn't be any more than two months old. His fur was dirty and he was growing thin, which made the two boys wonder how long this little kitten had been stuck in this box.

"He's so adorable, Blaine...we can't just leave him here," Kurt murmured, stroking the top of the kitten's head, who purred softly. He didn't seem to be scared of them, probably having been in contact with humans before he was dumped here.

"We'll take him home. Our apartment is okay with pets, right?" Blaine asked and Kurt nodded in response. The kitten mewed softly, pressing himself closer to Blaine, who held him with a smile.

So now they had their first pet together. After going by the store to pick up some kitten food, water and food dishes, a collar, and cat shampoo the two returned home with the kitten. Blaine sat the small creature down next to his food and water bowl, which Kurt had filled and sat on the kitchen floor. The kitten began to eat quickly and Blaine smiled, stroking his back before he walked over to the sink to start getting water ready to bathe the kitten.

Kurt returned to the kitchen after he had went in search of the scissors to clip off the tag on the kitten's collar and raised his eyebrows.

"Blaine, do you have the kitten?" He asked, the little animal not in his sight.

Blaine turned around, shaking his head. "No, he was just..." he trailed off, seeing that the kitten wasn't at the water or food bowl.

In no time it all, they had seemed to have lost their new pet, which started the little search party around the apartment. Under the couch and chairs, behind the cupboard, in cabinets, and behind doors were checked. He still wasn't found under the bed, in the closet, or hiding behind the potted plant.

It seemed as if Kurt and Blaine had searched everywhere as they made another sweep of the house. Blaine checked the kitchen and bedroom, while Kurt looked through the living room and bathroom. Kurt paused a moment, raising an eyebrow as he saw a small bit of orange in the laundry basket. When he moved a thin shirt he found the kitten, curled up amongst the clothes in the basket, purring softly and looking up at Kurt with what seemed to be a small smile.

"Blaine!" Kurt called and Blaine came into the bathroom a few moments later, grinning when he saw where the cat lay.

"He just went to find a nice, cozy spot to rest," Blaine said with a smile.

Kurt laughed softly, kissing Blaine's cheek as he wrapped his arms around his waist. "He just better be lucky those clothes haven't been washed yet," he murmured.

Blaine chuckled and smiled, watching the small creature rest his head back down on the soft clothing, obviously comfortable and happy in his new, warm home.


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