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Not Some Delicate Flower

Kurt and Blaine are happy, living apple pie lives as proud fiances.On a relaxed Friday night, Kurt is invited by Santana to a club outing as a celebration for her new job. When Blaine warns him about being careful, something rebelious sparks in Kurt's mind. He soon finds himself wanting to prove to Blaine that he can do well on his own in a bar, but when a man persues him, Kurt finds it hard to be careful. Will Kurt be able to handle it?

T - Words: 2,583 - Last Updated: Oct 10, 2014
1,521 0 0 0
Categories: Angst, Drama, Romance, Suspense, Tragedy,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Elliott Gilbert, Kurt Hummel, Santana Lopez,
Tags: established relationship, non-con, hurt/comfort,

Author's Notes:

I most likley will not continue this, it is just a side thing from my main story, BloodLust.

Anyway, thanks for reading! Love you guys. Comments are encouraged! Cx

I smiled at my fiancé who stood up from the table after a sweet little dinner we had together. I took the dirty plates and silverware, gently sliding them in sink and starting the water.

I heard Blaines familiar ringtone along with his voice answering the phone over the loud spray of the faucet.


"Whats up?"

"Oh yeah sure."

"No problem Ill be there in a bit."

"Mhm bye."

I scrubbed some dirty plates with the soap, trying to ignore the thought of my hands in the gross water, handling all this dirty food.

"Who was that?" I spoke over the water, guessing he finished the call.

Blaine answered, his voice seemed to be closer behind me than it had been, "That was Sam, somehow he broke his guitar so Im going over for a few hours to take a look, if you are okay with it of course." I giggled as I felt his strong arms snake around my waist, Blaine hugged me close to his chest from behind.

"Only if you kiss me," I grinned and turned the faucet off, grabbing my monogrammed hand towel and drying my hands.
"and you let me go to that club Santana invited me to while youre gone." I smirked and placed my towel back on its little holder, spinning in my spot to face Blaine and hug him back.

Blaine planted his lips on mine, I smiled into his soft lips that made everything better in the short second that they lingered. He pulled back and poked my nose, making me giggle.

"Ill see you later babe, and you be good," His face and voice went serious as he pointed a finger at me "I dont want you getting drunk and someone hurting you, or worse, taking advantage of you." He sauntered to the front door across the house.

I playfully rolled my eyes "Thanks mom."

Blaine chuckled and grabbed his keys that jingled as he stuffed them in the rear pocket of his attractive skinny jeans.

"When I proposed I promised to protect you and Im doing just that. Love you Kurt!" He called to me through the house.

"Love you more!" I called back and heard the front door creak open and bang closed.

I sighed and quickly made my way upstairs to the master bedroom where me and Blaine stayed. I walked to my closet and pulled the doors open, running my eyes over all my fancy clothes that hung up in an orderly fashion. I decided that to be too fancy and closed the closet, going to my dresser and pulling out a simple outfit that I found suitable for the club outing that Santana suggested.

I pulled off my clothes and tugged on the new ones, taking a minute to squeeze into my purple skinny jeans. I looked in the mirror as I tied my necktie, examining my appearance. My shirt was a white, short sleeve, button up and my necktie was a lilac and green, matching my pastel lilac skinny jeans.

I grabbed my phone off my dresser and dialled Santana, putting the phone to my ear and listening to it ring. Finally she picked up.

"Sup lady face"

"Hey, are you coming to get me? Blaine took the car so..." I ignored her snarky greeting, that was the way she was.

"No, Im making you walk across town cause Im too lazy to get you. Of course Ill pick you up, but you better be ready when I get there, Auntie Snixx aint afraid to go Lima heights on your ass."

"Thanks San, beep when your here." I ended the call. Me and Santana never bother to say bye or love you or be all affectionate like I normally am with my friends, we already know that we love each other so whats the point? That rule only applies to Santana though, cause shes a special friend.

I stepped into the living room and fell on my couch, sliding my phone in my back pocket and staring at the wall, getting lost in thought.

Why was Blaine being so weird and protective? I mean, I get that Im going to a club and things can happen; but he doesnt need to tell me to be careful, I know how to take care of myself. Im not some delicate flower that he needs to protect.

A loud beep coming from outside disturbed my train of thought. I quickly jumped up from the couch and turned off most of the lights in the house, making my way to the front door and locking it on my way out. Santana sat in her small black Toyota, I opened the passenger side and climbed in.

"Hey." I mumbled as I pulled my seatbelt over my chest.

"Hey." She answered and pulled out of my driveway.


We got there and walked in, the club was booming with music as drunk and some sober people danced in a tight crowd on the dance floor. Its normally not this crowded, but a bunch of high schoolers were here cause it was 8 o clock on a Friday night. The stench of sweat and alcohol filled my nostrils and I grimaced, even though I was used to it. I guess Santana saw my face cause she quickly made a remark.

"Get some drinks youll feel better."

I was about to refuse when something inside held me back. 
I know Blaine told me to be careful and I will, but I can drink, frankly I can drink as much as I want, as long as I dont get myself into trouble. I need to prove to him that Im not that little freshman who covers my ears when I hear the word sex anymore, and I sure as hell know that I wont throw up on anybody like that first time I got drunk; besides, who said I have to get drunk? At least the bar isnt scandals or another gay bar, whos gonna be gay at a straight bar?

I smirked, "Okay, but youre driving us home." I poked her right shoulder.

She rolled her eyes, "Fine, only because I owe you for getting me that job."

I giggled and headed over to the bar, ordering a Shirley temple. I left Santana behind knowing I could find her later, she would probably be hanging around with a bunch of hot straight guys or some lesbians and that is not my thing.

I looked around to get a feel of the kind of people here, I noticed an old man that looked too creepy for this place, some drunk and unattractive men, a group of giggling high school girls, and an attractive guy who was looking straight at me with a smirk. I caught his eyes for a second and raised an eyebrow just when the bartender slid my drink to me. 
Awesome, a distraction.
I looked away and sipped my drink calmly, my scandalous eyes kept glancing back at him, the last time I looked back he wasnt there. I sighed, assuming he probably wast even looking at me, after all there was a pretty girl behind me.
I jumped when a deep voice sounded on my left side, it was him.

"Hey hot stuff." He slurred, still with that smug look.

I was taken aback at how drunk he looked and sounded "Hi."

He got dangerously close, his alcohol breath on my face. He slowly leaned in for a kiss, I widened my eyes and backed away a little, trying to show him that I didnt want this. Apparently he didnt get the message because he moved in faster and pressed his lips to mine. It didnt take me a second to think about it when I instantly pushed him off, a little more rough than I meant to be.

"Whats wrong?" He breathed, looking a little too satisfied.

"Im engaged."

He lost his smug expression and glanced down at my hand, obviously noticing my ring.

"They dont have to know." His smirk came back and he stepped closer to me, putting his hand on my cheek. I mindlessly leaned into his soft touch, my mind screaming at me to stop, scolding me for my stupidity, struggling to take control. My body was in control still and it wanted more, more touch, more kiss. I felt something warm on my hand and realised the guy was holding my hand, I guess my mind won because I quickly jerked my hand away, sharply turning away from his touch.

"I cant...just...go find someone else whos single." I had to keep my eyes from him, if I saw his face again I would give in.

"No but I want you," he moved so his hot breath tickled my ear, sending chills down my back.

"Its okay," he whispered,
"just this once." 
The guy spoke between pecks on my cheek "It will be our little secret."

I whimpered a little. I cant do this to Blaine, I love him and we are doing so good, this cant happen. 
Im not about to cheat on the love of my life, but this feels...good, its been weeks, maybe a month, since Blaine and I have been intimate, there has only been an occasional peck or a rare kiss. 
I gasped when I felt an arm slide on my back and another arm snake under my legs, lifting me from the chair. I struggled a little but he only tightened his grip.

"Put me down!" I grunted, not giving up the struggle, he didnt react as he carried me outside.

It was already dark and the parking lot had no sign of other people, I noticed we were heading to his car and I struggled even more. I succeeded and fell out of the mans arms and tumbled to the asphalt. The impact was painful, I earned a few new cuts and scrapes but I ignore the sharp stinging as I slowly pulled myself up from the ground. I was too slow because I felt a pair of strong arms pull me up, the moment I was on my feet his lips were against mine as his hands found their way to the hem of my shirt, one of his hands slipped under my shirt and again my skin, his cold fingers holding me tightly. I squirmed a little and I felt him start pushing me backwards, soon enough I found myself pushed up against a car as this guy gave up on kissing my lips and decided to go to my neck. I gasped when he groped my ass. No one can do that unless they are Blaine, this guy is going too far. I smashed him in the crotch with my knee, I heard him groan with pain and back away.

"What kind of asshole are you?!" I spat, taking most of my anger that I felt towards myself out on him. "Apparently you dont know what leave me alone means, I dont want you or this. I said no and that means no." I was practically screaming now. "Go rape someone else!" I finished and quickly hid myself behind the building, sliding down to the ground and pulling my knees up to my chest.

I closed my eyes and imagined Blaines face when he found out. Would he be mad at me? Of course he would. Would he break up with me? Oh please no.

Tears came to my eyes at the thought of loosing him, after all we have been through, all the emotions and love I felt with him, ruined by a stupid man at a stupid bar. How could I be such a fucking moron?! I should have listened to him in the first place, he was right after all. If I cant even take care of myself in a bar, how am I going to take care of myself without Blaine?

I let out a sob I had been holding back and I stayed there, curled up behind a bar alone.


I must have been outside crying for 30 minutes, I checked the time on my phone, 10 o clock. I unlocked my phone and dialled Elliot, my only friend that would probably be awake. It took a few rings before he picked up with a chipper Hey Kurt whats up?

"Elliot, hi, Im sorry to call you so late." My voice was low and I sounded stuffed up from crying.

"No no its fine, are you okay? You sound a little stuffy."

"Im okay but Im kinda stuck outside a bar, can you take me home?"

"Yeah of course," I heard shuffling like he was moving "Why cant you call Blaine?"

I froze, Im not going to tell him over the phone. "I cant talk to him right now, Ill tell you later, maybe we could go out for coffee or something but right now I just..." A sob came out that I couldnt hold back, Blaine was a very touchy subject.

"Kurt oh my god are you crying?!"

"I just need to get home." I managed to say before another sob came out without my control.

"Okay okay Ill be right there dont move!" He hung up.

I locked my phone and set it down, hiding my face in my arms so I could maybe muffle my sobs.


I put my hands down from my tear-filled face when u heard footsteps next to me. I was flooded with relief when it was Elliot, who looked worried sick. He rushed to my side and wrapped his caring arms around me, helping me up and to the car.

As we started driving, the car was silent except for my occasional sniffle.

"Do you want to talk about it or?" Elliot broke the silence.

"Can I tell you everything later?" I let out a shaky breath.

Elliot nodded and soon we turned into my driveway, I gathered myself and thanked my friend, telling him I would call him later. I closed the car door and made my way to my front door, Blaines car was in the driveway. I took a beep breath but I knew it was no use as tears came to my eyes again, I knocked on the door since I had forgotten my key. I heard the door unlock and a silent tear fell, in a half of a second I saw the smiling face that I knew so well.

(Blaines pov)

I opened the door that I knew my fiancé was behind.

"Hey Kurt I was-" I stopped when I noticed how he looked.

His hair was messed up, his necktie was loose and his shirt was untucked. Kurts eyes were pink and his irises were dark blue, his cheeks red and tear-stained. This worried me a little, considering that he just came back from a bar with Santana. Santana never stays with you, she always leaves to do her own thing. Why did I even let him go in first place?

He took me by surprise by stepping inside and hugging me tightly, a sob came out of him as he clung to me.

"Whoa, are you alright?" I asked in all seriousness, what happened to make him like this?

"Im sor-Im so sorry." He managed to apologise between tears.

I tensed up, why was he apologising? What did he do? I felt terrified thinking of all things that he could have done at a bar that he would feel sorry for. A layer of scared sweat formed on my skin and under my clothes as I closed the door with one hand and put my other in Kurts ruffled but soft hair.

"Okay, Kurt you scaring me now, tell me whats up."

"I-I messed up." He cried into my shoulder.

I peeled the crying mess that was Kurt off of me and held his face in my hands. By now I was terrified, I searched his eyes for something, anything to hint what exactly happened.

"Kurt, what did you do?"


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