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Army Greens

Blaine Anderson was in the army, and after a long year away, he's finally returned to his family. A cute little story of how he announces his arrival home. ONE_SHOT ARMY! BLAINE

K - Words: 1,416 - Last Updated: Sep 14, 2012
1,662 0 2 8
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Rachel Berry,

A sea of Army greens.

That’s what it was as the plane touched down in New York and waves of soldiers passed through the airport, faces showing no sign of any emotion but love. They walked as one through to the large area where hundreds of worried families stood, all eyes on the doors as they opened and closed, letting out two or three soldiers at a time, fresh batches of tears flowing from peoples faces every time.
One soldier who didn’t show any emotion on his face except worry was Blaine Anderson. He clutched his bag tightly to his side as he walked out towards the crowd, his hat pulled down firmly on his head.
He wasn’t expecting anyone here, not today, though his eyes still scanned packed room for a glimpse of something he knew wouldn’t be there.

“Cheer up Anderson, they’ll be here” a soldier clapped him on the back and wondered off toward his waiting family, Blaine nodding as he scanned the crowd once more, walking towards the exit. It wasn’t until he was hallway there that he heard a yell and his head raised to see a young brunette woman come racing toward him, her eyes swimming with tears. Blaine dropped his bag and caught her in his arms, a smile forming on his lips.

“You’re home” the girl breathed and Blaine pulled back to look at her.

“How did you know?”

“Finn told me” Rachel grinned and she hugged Blaine once more, exhaling deeply. Her eyes were still flowing with tears as she wiped them away, her hand resting on Blaine’s cheek.

“We missed you so much” she smiled and Blaine kissed her cheek, picking his bag up.

“You didn’t tell him did you?” he asked and Rachel shook her head.

“He still thinks you’ll be back in three weeks. Same with Ruby” Rachel took Blaine’s hand and they walked out of the airport, the sweet smell of home hitting Blaine instantly.
It had been a whole year since he’s been in New York, since he’d seen Rachel, since he’d seen his little girl.

“What if she doesn’t remember me?” Blaine asked as they walked, Rachel giving his hand a gentle squeeze.

“Of course she’ll remember you Blaine, you’re her daddy” Rachel gave him an encouraging smile as they climbed into the car, Blaine looking at his reflection in the mirror. He’d aged, only by a little but he could still tell. At the age of 31 he had stubble on his chin, his eyes haunted by many things, yet now they were filled with longing. He was going to see his little girl.

“What if they don’t let me in?” he swallowed and Rachel gave him one of her looks. She hadn’t changed.

“They’ll let you in”


Blaine walked down the hall of the school, his palms sweating. What if he wasn’t remembered? What if he was just stared at?
He shook away his nerves and made sure his hat was on good and tight, Rachel walking by his side.

“Loosen up, you’re all she ever talks about” Rachel smiled and Blaine nodded. He could do this. Rachel knocked on the door of a wonderfully painted classroom and the door opened, a young woman standing there in a red dress.

“Mrs Hudson, its nice to see you. Can I help you?” she asked and her eyes fell on Blaine.

“Oh, Hello.” She spoke and Blaine nodded his head with a warm smile.

“Hello. I’m here for Ruby?” he asked and the woman nodded her head.

“Of course. You must be her daddy, she’s just doing show and tell at the moment” the teacher beckoned them inside the room quietly, Blaine’s eyes falling immediately onto the little girl who was standing with her back to him, her long brown hair falling in curls down her back. She was holding something in her hands that looked like a picture.

“This is my daddy. He’s in the army. He’s coming home in three whole weeks! I haven’t seen him since I was 4, but I’m 5 now, I’m a big girl. My dad misses him so much, and we keep his picture on the fridge and cross of the days until he gets back with a big purple pen.” Ruby carried on talking and Blaine could feel the tears start to fill his eyes. This was his little girl. She’d grown up so much, her little blue dress making him smile. He placed his hand to his lips as he crept forward and took his hat off, placing it gently on the little girls head. A few of her class mates giggled as she frowned and spun around, her glasz eyes widening as they landed on Blaine.

“Daddy!” she cried, her little arms being thrown around Blaine’s neck as he scooped her up, the picture falling to the ground. The clapping died out as Ruby held onto her father, her little eyes filling with tears as she kissed his cheek, Blaine crying now.

“I missed you Daddy,” she whispered into his ear and Blaine kissed her nose.

“I missed you too pumpkin. I missed you so much” he grinned, fixing his hat on the girls head. She kept on hugging him, a smile on her little face.

“Is it ok if I take her?” Blaine asked and the teacher nodded, Blaine and Rachel leaving the room, Ruby in her father’s arms. They walked in silence until Ruby moved her head from by Blaine’s neck and gave him a quizzical look.

“Where’s dad?” she asked and Blaine kissed her hair.

“We’ll go surprise him too yeah?” he smiled and Ruby nodded.

“He’ll love it. He kisses your picture every night before we go to bed” Ruby stated and Blaine felt his heart soar.

“He does, does he?” he smirked and ruby nodded, her head resting on Blaine’s shoulder.

“Yep. He cries sometimes too, but only when we get letters from you daddy” she sighed and Blaine looked at Rachel, the woman nodding.

“He always says he’s doing fine” Blaine frowned and Rachel rolled her eyes.

“You know him Blaine. He’d never tell you he wasn’t coping.”

“Well, it’s the last time I’ll be coming home. I’ve been discharged” Blaine smiled and Rachel let the smile come back onto her lips.

“That’s great Blaine”

“I know. I just hope my wonderful husband will think the same” he grinned as they walked towards the car.

“Next stop, Broadway.”


The lights fell as the audience cheered, Kurt Hummel standing on stage, his breathing deep. That had been an absolutely thrilling performance. He was about to move backstage when the lights hit him and he shielded his eyes for a moment, the audience’s cheers dying down.

“Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen, This is your director speaking” a voice came over the speakers and Kurt frowned. What was going on now?

“I hope you enjoyed this afternoons show, but before we let you leave, I’d like to introduce you all to our wonderful male lead, Mr Kurt Hummel-Anderson”

Kurt smiled and gave a small bow as the audience cheered and he took a small step forward. May as well embrace it.

“Kurt here is a very hard working star of ours who also has a five year old daughter by the name of Ruby, and a wonderful husband who’s in the army… oh… was in the army. He’s just been discharged after 8 years!” the director called and Kurt stood dumbfounded as the audience clapped and whistled, the man so very confused as to what was going on.

“At least give me a smile Kurt,” a voice echoed around the stage and Kurt spun around to find Blaine standing there in his army green’s, a cheesy smile on his face. Without a second thought Kurt raced into his arms and kissed him full on the lips, holding him close as the audience burst into applause, Blaine lifting his husband up, spinning him around.

“I’m home” he whispered and Kurt cried into his shoulder, Ruby racing over to them, wrapping her arms around their legs.

“Now we can be a family again!” she called and Blaine scooped her up, kissing Kurt’s head before he looked at the audience.

“Have a great day everyone!” he cried before he pulled his family off stage, the applause following them. Blaine put Ruby down and she hurried to Rachel, Kurt wrapping his arms around Blaine’s neck.

“Am I dreaming?”

“Hell no” Blaine smiled and Kurt kissed him hard, pressing their chests together.

“I love you so much” he cried and Blaine kissed his nose, wiping away his tears.

“Hey, I’m here to stay” he smiled and Kurt nodded, kissing him once more.

“Good. Because I am never saying goodbye to you”

“Thank god”


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I love military!klaine....this was a beautiful story :D

Omg I actually have tears in my eyes! x