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Blaine comes home to find his boyfriend upset, and on a cooking rampage. Two things he never wanted to face. A onesh0t!! in which Blaine relieves Kurt's tension. It's silly and short but sweet and should brighten your night a bit. 3

T - Words: 1,235 - Last Updated: Aug 23, 2013
1,415 0 0 2
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: established relationship, futurefic,

Author's Notes: Pickles O.0 don't forget to review and tell me what you think!!!

The minute Blaine walked through the door of their shared New York apartment, he knew something was wrong. He heard pots and pans clanking together, three beeps of the oven preheating, and furious/aggravated sighs from his boyfriend, who was obviously upset. Kurt always over did the cooking when he was upset. And Blaine had know clue why... Or where the hell he got it from...

Blaine hesitantly walked into the kitchen, not expecting what he'd find (well, a little). And when he did, his jaw dropped. The kitchen was disastrous.

There were bowls of various mixtures everywhere, spilled liquids and batters, flour and sugar splayed out across ever surface, smoke from whatever was burning on the stove, and a devastated Kurt, sobbing into his knees on the floor. Blaine did not hesitate to draw attention to his presence.

"... Kurt?" He said quietly, not wanting to startle him.

Kurt's head snapped up from where it was buried in his tear stained jeans. His eyes were red and puffy, like he'd been crying off and on for hours. His hair was astray in all directions, and his nose was pink and irritated. He looked plainly upset and small. Blaine looked at him; taking in his appearance for a moment, before kneeling down to collect the boy in his arms. No words needed to be exchanged.

Blaine rocked Kurt back and forth, arms secure around his limp body, while he cried into the curly haired man's chest.

"I-I'm... S-sorry..." Kurt sobbed, stuttering a bit, to Blaine's surprise. Blaine didn't reply, only shushing him, hoisting the light boy up so that Blaine could sit with him in his lap. They ended up in a comfortable position; Blaine criss-cross with Kurt curled up to his chest in his lap. Blaine rubbed up and down Kurt's arms in a comforting way, kissing the top of his messy head.

"Tell me what happened," Blaine whispered. Kurt nodded slightly, before sniffling a bit.

"It's just-" Kurt threw his hands up in frustration, "-I always get the short stick. My day was a-awful."

Kurt stiffened, and Blaine knew he was holding in a few sobs.

"First, I wake up with a massive head ache that I still have. Then I go to school and Cassandra makes me do all these things I never learned because I was out visiting dad. Then I get an F on a paper I worked really hard in just because of the FONT that it was in! And Rachel called me to tell me how AMAZING her day was, and I really didn't need that. So, we got into an argument and then I cried a little because she brought up you... and when you... You know...." He sighed, breaking from his long ramble,"then I came home and Dad called me about some... Memorial he's doing for Mom," his voice cracked, letting out a long waited sob, "and I burned my self three times trying to get a this done. And I have to clean... This mess! It's all a mess! I'm a mess!"

Kurt was full on crying now. He managed to escape Blaine's arms, curling up in a ball on the floor. Blaine watched him for a while, not knowing what to do. All he wanted was to make everything better. To take all of Kurt's pain and heartache into himself. He wanted Kurt to feel happy. Not upset. He was at a loss with words. Tears of his own found their steady way down Blaine's cheeks. Only a few, and Blaine had no idea when they started.

"Hey... Look don't... Please don't cry..." Blaine pleaded. Kurt curled into himself even more. Blaine thought of the only thing that could possibly get them anywhere. He picked him up bridal styled, taking him to the living room and placing him gently on the couch. He wanted to get Kurt as comfy as possible before putting in a movie. He chose Moulin Rouge, because... We love those dancing hoes... Kurt just cried louder. Blaine kissed the pale, child skin of his neck, letting his lips graze it for a minute before pulling a soft blanket over Kurt's chilly body. Kurt shivered, quieting down as the pictures moved across the screen. Blaine smile at the now mesmerized and distracted man.

And, since Kurt now took up the entire couch, Blaine decided to take an even bigger burden off of Kurt's shoulders. He knew he had to do it now, so Kurt wouldn't resist later. Blaine made his way to the kitchen.

He turned the stove and oven off, collecting the dishes and emptying each one in he garbage before placing them in the sink to soak. He quickly got into the rhythm of it, sweeping the dirty floor, wiping down the counters, and scrubbing the life out of all the dishes. Before he knew it, the kitchen looked brand new again. He smiled and praised him self for such good work.

And he made his way to check on Kurt. Upon entering the living room, he heard immediate snuffling noises. He peeking under the covers, to find Kurt's eyes closed and small puffs of breath escaping his stuffy nose. The peacefulness way too hard to bear, but the couch was NOT made for sleeping, Blaine knows. From experience, too. After a fight, once, Blaine decided to sleep on the couch. Bad choice on his part. He knew he didn't have to, Kurt would never make him sleep anywhere other than the bed they shared.

And right now, he needed to get Kurt into it... avoiding disturbing him. Hmm...

Blaine gently picked Kurt up like he'd done to get him there earlier. Kurt stirred a bit once Blaine placed him on their soft mattress. Sliding on top of the sleeping boy, Blaine pulled the covers over both of them. He let his hand wander below Kurt's waist. Blaine began peppering light kisses to Kurt's neck, causing his eyes to flutter open.

"Mmmm...?" Kurt brought his arms up to rest on Blaine's shoulders. He noticed Blaine still wearing his work cloths. "Blaine?"

"Yes, baby?" Blaine murmured against Kurt's silky skin. His hand rubbed up and down Kurt's sides, lifting his shirt with them. Kurt parted his legs for Blaine to be more settled atop him.

"Nothing..." Kurt sighed, letting his head fall back against the pillow as Blaine sucked at his tense neck. "I've had such a bad day."

"I know, hon." Blaine said, pulling his jacket and tie off. "Bet you're exhausted."

"Mmmm..." Kurt breathed, hooking an ankle over Blaine's leg. "Which means I'm not at all willing to do anything."

Blaine chuckled, pulling Kurt's shirt over his head, attaching his lips to the now fully exposed skin.

"You don't have to..." Blaine replied, unzipping his pants, then Kurt's purple skinny jeans. He hovered over Kurt's face for a moment before resting his forehead to Kurt's.

"Good." Kurt three his arms around Blaine's neck, crashing their lips together.

They both knew everything would be alright in the morning. If... Blaine could get Kurt up before noon.


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