Aug. 29, 2013, 4:37 p.m.
Aug. 29, 2013, 4:37 p.m.
Blaine knows Kurt would have been alone tonight if he didn't show up to say, Isalnd View. And you know what, he really does love cuddles. And big round butts... Just a short little pickle about Blaine's careful heart. He always thinks about Kurt, and the situations he'd be in
Island View
By: cookiemonsterunicorn.
The feeling of the cold, fluffy white rug in my living room was comfortable beneath me. The heat from the fire pit beside me was keeping me warm until my curly haired boyfriend returned from his hot shower. He'd arrived about thirty minutes ago, drenched in snow. He shivered on the porch for a minute before I pulled him in and sat him down with hot coffee and a blanket. I asked him why he'd shown up at eleven o'clock at night. He replied simply.
"You're all alone tonight. I love you. Plus, it's freezing and snowy and yucky. I wanted to keep you company."
And I melted. Right there. Or at least my heart did. It was amazing to have such a caring person in your life. Someone who thinks about these things. He knew I'd be alone; I told him my dad and Carole were going to Washington for the week. Which meant Finn would be at Sam's with Puck and Mike.
I curled my legs under me, wiggling my toes as I did so. I bent over to get the blanket I had folded up by the wall, pulling it over my shoulders, rubbing my arms to keep warm. My heater only works upstairs, which meant the only hear we get down here is from the fireplace.
The noise from the master shower stopped with a creaking noise, before the door opened; revealing a very wet Blaine. A blue towel hung just below his belly button, his hair was astray, and his toned muscles were dripping wet. I took a moment to admire this.
"Want me to twirl for you?" He remarked, like the smart ass he is. I rolled my eyes.
"No." I laughed, "your cloths are in my room..."
"Okay. Big round butts!" He yelled, before rushing to the stairs and making a shit ton of noise on the way up.
"Big round butts...?" I asked myself, under my breath. BRB... Be right back. Oh. Big round butts. Dumb.
He returned not five minutes later, clad in his silk pajamas. I opened my arms for him to settle in the blanket with me. He stood there, a quizzical look on his face. I looked back with a similar expression. He simply shook his head. I made a sad "hmm" noise before putting my arms down, along with my head. He chuckled.
"No, dummy." He said. I looked up, a bit taken back. He shook his head, still laughing. He set himself on the floor next to me. "I still wanna cuddle..."
He took the blanket from around my shoulders, pulling it over his legs before laying down. He settled on his side to face me, lifting the side up for me to join him. I happily obliged; snuggling into the arm not holding the blanket, while the other settled over top of me. He rubbed his hand up and down my side. We stayed like that for a couple minutes before he pulled my on top of him. I straddled his thigh, resting my head in the crook of his neck. As his hand traveled beneath my shirt, I gently kissed the soft skin of his neck. He let his head relax against the floor as my lips moved against his skin, his hand moving all over my lower back. He sighed in content before flipping us over so that I was underneath him. He was resting between my legs, hands now under my knees. He spread my legs apart even more, lifting them. He began placing sweet kisses below my ear.
"Island view." He whispered, his hot breath in my hear, making me shiver.
"What?" I asked, confused. He laughed again, tickling my waist a bit. "Stop it!"
"It means 'I love you'. Get it? Island view. I love you. Anything...?" He explained, hovering his face above mine. I lifted my hands to rest on his shoulders, smiling.
"Oh. Island view, too, then." I said, attaching our lips. We moved against each other in unison, comfortably and very gentle. We were safe from the storm, warm with each other, and very much in love. Island him. Forever and for always.