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Klaine and the Pea

Ever heard the tale of 'The Princess and the Pea? Well, a certain Blaine Anderson has...

K - Words: 4,986 - Last Updated: Jun 02, 2012
911 0 0 1
Categories: AU, Cotton Candy Fluff, Humor, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, David Martinez, Jeff, Jeremiah, Kurt Hummel, Quinn Fabray, Sam Evans, Wes,
Tags: friendship,

Author's Notes: Something fluffy that I wrote for fun. Excuse the awful French. I'm not fluent. :) Excuse the bad French. Also, this is just a bit of fun. Doesn't have to be taken seriously at all.
Dear Diary,

I don't know what I should write. My mother, Helena, got me this diary more than a month ago and I still haven't written anything of importance in it. What am I supposed to write to you? Am I supposed to describe my life? If that's the case, then I am afraid this will be a right bore to you, diary. I mean it - a tremendous bore.

Because my life is not interesting in the slightest.

And now I know why I'm writing, diary. I don't have anyone to talk to, anyone to love or hold. It's just me, all the time. I'm all alone. Well… I guess that isn't true. I've got Wes and David and Thad and Jeff and Flint… But they don't understand me, diary. I guess all I want is someone to love and cherish and hold - to call my own. And that, diary, is exactly what I'm going to do.

I'm going to find myself a boyfriend.

Blaine Anderson


Blaine Anderson snapped his diary shut, his face flustered. "Of course," he mused. "That's exactly what I need!"

He looked at his diary with a soft love and stroked the cover, smiling at the feel of leathery skin underneath his fingertips as he stroked it, his lip curling upwards in a smile. He bent down and gave the diary a small kiss. Thanks to unleashing his inner thoughts on to paper, he understood himself a lot better now.

Carefully placing it in his safe, he smiled sadly to himself and hummed. His parents were out of town and they wouldn't be back for a good few weeks. There was plenty of time to put his plan into action.

Blaine hated the fact that his parents were always out. He wanted a normal family, where everyone loved each other and was always around when someone needed them. Of course, Blaine Anderson, though rich and handsome, wasn't that lucky. He loved his parents - but they weren't the best at looking after him.


The next day in Dalton Academy, Blaine observed the boys. He had ruled out Wes and David immediately, knowing full well that they were completely heterosexual and had girlfriends. Of course, that didn't mean Blaine was lost. Even though Wes and David were his closest friends, and the ones who usually helped him with a problem he couldn't fix easily, there were plenty of other boys in the school and Blaine knew of a few who were bisexual or homosexual.

Sitting down next to David, he looked towards Wes and smiled at the boy. "Wes, David, I've got a problem."

"Like we didn't know that," David joked, winking towards Wes who shook his head and tried to eat his food without choking, stifling his laughter.

"Shut it," Blaine said, a playful grin covering his face as he observed his best friends in Dalton.

"Tell us what's got you all hot under the collar, then." Wes said, smirking at David, who raised his eyebrows. "Tell us, Blainey, dear. Have you gotten yourself a boyfriend?"

"Actually, that's what I wanted to talk to you about…" Blaine mumbled, his cheeks turning beetroot red as two sets of eyes turned to stare at him.

"What? Our dear Blainey actually does have a boyfriend?" David said, his eyes creasing as he smiled.

"Not quite." Blaine replied, holding his head in his hands. He had never expected a conversation to be so awkward with his best friends in the entire universe. "I… I want to get a boyfriend."

"A… A boyfriend?" Wes chirped, furrowing his eyebrows as he observed the shorter boy. "I thought you were afraid of the whole 'romance' thing… I mean, do you remember Bradley?"

"He wasn't my boyfriend!" Blaine protested, glaring into Wes's eyes defiantly.

"That may be true, but you two were always hanging around together, flirting with each other and, if I recall correctly, you kissed!" David interrupted, waggling his finger accusingly at Blaine.

Blaine rolled his eyes. "It was one time and he kissed me. I thought we were just friends! Anyway… I'm never going to see him again. He left me, shocked and alone. I didn't know what to do. Whatever chance we had, he destroyed it the day he terminated my trust."

Wes and David sighed. "So, you want us to help find you a boyfriend?"

Blaine flashed his perfectly white teeth. "You always get what I'm trying to say. So, boys… Know any decent guys? Preferably gay or bi?"

"Actually, I do." Wes replied, pulling out his wallet and flicking through some cards, smiling as he came across a slip of paper and pulled it out. "Sam Evans. Met him two years ago. Offered me his number. Brown hair, kind of cute and hot. He's muscular and bi."

"How did you meet him?" Blaine asked, his jaw practically dropping on the table as he took the mobile number.

Wes smiled and tapped his nose. "That is for me to know and me to know only, Blainey, dear."

"I hate you, Wesley, darling." Blaine said, a smirk gracing his lips as Wesley slung an arm around his back.

"I love you too, Blainey."

Blaine couldn't deny that he had some of the greatest friends ever.


Blaine nervously sat at a table in the coffee shop, looking around the room with unsettled eyes. He was more anxious than he'd ever been. Blind dates were nerve-racking and totally not his thing. He tapped his fingers on the table as he looked up and watched people entering the cafe.

There was an elderly couple, who were holding hands and smiling lovingly at each other. Blaine smiled at them. That was exactly what he was hoping for. In his relationship, he wanted pure love and nothing else for a good twenty years. So what if seventeen was a little young to start his path? It was better to start sooner than later, right? He observed more people coming in and sitting down and then… oh.

That was Sam Evans. And he was hot.

His hair was different, though. It was blonde, which seemed to compliment him, and his eyes were soft looking. He looked like a male model and Blaine couldn't believe just how lucky he was to even get the chance to meet him.

Which begged the question; how the hell did Wesley get this guy's number?

He waved Sam over with a smile and the taller boy grinned, practically running over the table in glee. "Hey, Blaine, right?" he said, flashing Blaine a perfect smile.

Blaine smiled back nervously. "Hi."

"So," Sam said, relaxing immediately as he sat down. "What can I get you?"

"A medium drip," Blaine said, his eyes flickering over Sam. The boy looked good - seriously good.

"Oh, cool! I like those too!" Sam said, a genuine smile spreading on his face. "I'm more of a cappuccino person myself."

"That's cool," Blaine said, offering Sam a gentle grin. "I'm glad there is someone who appreciates coffee. I always feel underwhelmed by how many people seem to hate it."

"I know, dude." Sam said, his eyes widening. "So, uh… I'll just get the coffees. Don't run out on me!"

"I won't." Blaine assured him, smiling as he looked down at his feet. Sam Evans was undeniably hot and, yes, very, very cute. He looked over at the rather friendly blonde and found his lips curling up into a smile.

Maybe there was a chance he wouldn't have to go on a stupid date again.

Sam returned with two stifling hot coffees and handed Blaine his medium drip, earning the blonde haired boy a pleased smile. "So, Sam, what do you like to do?"

"Well… I play the guitar." Sam said, his eyes glancing up to Blaine's unsteadily, gauging the boy for his reaction.

"Oh, that's incredible!" Blaine said, grinning in disbelief as he placed his hands under his chin, staring at the blonde haired god in front of him. "I play guitar too."

"Oh, cool! What do you play?" Sam asked, staring into Blaine's eyes, looking equally as interested.

"I play any song I like and… I write my own." Blaine offered the information almost shyly, unsure how Sam would react.

"Oh, wow!" Sam said, his eyes alight as he smiled at the shorter boy. "I absolutely love original songs! I suck at writing them myself, but, you know… I'd love to hear one of yours, one day."

"Are you suggesting I serenade you?" Blaine asked, with a flirtatious wink, making Sam laugh.

"Oh, of course!" Sam said, looking at Blaine adorably. "So, did you know that scientists believe that we can only see about five percent of the matter in the Universe?"

"Oh, really?" Blaine questioned politely, taking a sip out of his coffee and trying not to yawn. Science, although many believed otherwise, really bored him. Sam seemed like a decent bloke. Blaine didn't want to disappoint him just yet.

"Yeah!" Sam said, nodding his head enthusiastically. "The rest is made up of invisible matter, which is known as Dark Matter, and a mysterious form of energy known as Dark Energy."

"Fascinating…" Blaine said, taking another sip of coffee. It seemed like Sam was a geek.

A hot geek.

"…Neutron stars… dense… soup can full of neutron star material… has more mass… Moon… Sun… so much energy… every second the core releases the equivalent of 100 billion nuclear bombs…"

"It's getting late," Blaine mumbled, looking at his watch. "I've got to go. Driving back to Westerville will take me a good two hours. Nice to have met you, Sam."

"Right back at you." Sam said, with a grin. "So, how about meeting up again some time? You seem really cool."

"I… You call and tell me next place." Blaine said, deciding to ignore his gut instinct. He smiled at Sam, thanked him for the coffee and hurried into his vehicle, banging his head against the wheel.

Sam Evans would have been a beautiful, brilliant boyfriend. If only he didn't took about science non-stop. It wasn't that Blaine disliked science itself, he just didn't like people going on and on about it. He already knew the facts that Sam was reeling off the top of his head. Going to Dalton Academy sort of had you prepared for anything.

Starting up the car, he drove back to Westerville, listening to the 'Wicked' sound track he had on in silence.


Dear Diary,

I met Wes's friend today. You know, the one I mentioned yesterday? Sam Evans? Yeah, well, he was sweet. Seriously. I never knew a guy could be so sweet. I guess I hang around Wes and David far too much. They're a bad influence. My parents knew that they were bad influences on me - why didn't they tell me before I came all caught up in the troubling whirlpool that is their world?

Well, you're probably wondering how the date went along. I've got to say, it was brilliant at first. Sam was decent, hot, kind and… Well, hot. I'm sure you get the picture. He told me he was a guitarist, which is so sweet because seriously? How can someone who plays the guitar not be sweet?

Excluding me, of course, but then again I am the most dapper person in the world. I think I'm very sweet - not to sound self-obsessed or anything…

So, we sat down, got talking and then Sam went and ruined it all by talking about astronomy. I hate astronomy, diary. It's all planets and boring facts and just… Just boring and not me, at all. If Sam had said he could sing, I think I would be in his house right now, in the midst of a cool make-out session.

But that's never going to happen.

Why? I can hear you ask. Well… Sam phoned me after the date and told me that whilst he had enjoyed it and thought I was a 'real, nice guy' he had come across this beauty who he had immediately fallen in love with. Love at first sight, he said. A blonde cheerleader from his new high school, Quinn Fabreeze or something… I think it was Fabray, actually. Anyway, she's got his promise ring, now, so I guess Sam's out of the picture.

One good thing that came out of this whole experience? I earned a new, good friend. His name; Sam Evans.

Blaine Anderson


"Blaine, you're blushing! Tell me what happened!" Quinn said, elbowing Blaine with a soft smile gracing her pale lips.

Blaine had met Quinn a short while ago, when Sam had introduced him to her. To say things had been awkward at first would have been an understatement in the least, but Blaine didn't mind. Quinn Fabray had proved to be a lovely, understanding female who had done a few bad things in her life. All in all, Blaine thought she was lovely.

"Well, Quinny, I met this gorgeous guy at the GAP store. Seriously. He's almost hotter than Sam. Almost."

Sam smirked, swinging his arm around Quinn's shoulders possessively. "I'm glad to hear that. No one can be hotter than me."

"Full of yourself much, honey?" Quinn teased, pressing her lips onto Sam's cheek, who smiled.

"Only to make everyone even more jealous because they realize I've got the good looks, the right charm and the perfect lady."

Quinn blushed and smiled at Blaine, who grinned at her. "He's serious, you know."

"Oh, I know." Quinn assured him. "I think his mother dropped him on his head at birth."

This earned a few giggles from Quinn and Blaine alike, making Sam pull away from Quinn and cross his arms childishly, sticking his tongue out at his girlfriend and friend. "No way, Quinn. So not true. Mommy didn't drop me at birth!"

"Never mind that," Quinn said, recovering from her laughing fit and returning her eyes to Blaine. "So, tell us about this GGG."

"GGG?" Sam questioned.

"Gorgeous GAP guy," Quinn explained, waving her hand airily.

Blaine laughed. "Well, his name's Jeremiah, he's taken me out for coffee twice, he's gay and I'm completely and irrevocably in love with him."

"Whoa, no 'Twilight' quotes here, Blainey. Keep your obsession to yourself." Quinn said, raising her perfectly plucked eyebrow at the boy, who looked at her in shock.

"Are you telling me that 'Twilight' isn't a masterpiece?"

"Yes." Quinn said, her lips curling at the sides into a soft smile as she noticed Blaine's inner anger rising to the surface. It didn't emerge often. "You want to read a masterpiece? Go read 'Harry Potter'."

"Touch�…" Blaine murmured. "So, Jeremiah… Yeah… I want to ask him out."

"And how exactly are you going to do that?" Sam asked. "I don't think you're very good on dates."

"What are you on about?" Blaine asked, his eyebrows rising. "I'm the bomb! Okay… Never saying that again."

"You should learn to never speak again." Quinn teased, grinning at Blaine with a merciless smile.

"Now you're going too far, Quinn." Sam said, though his eyes were sparkling with amusement between the banter going on. "So, are you going to serenade him?"

"Ugh… No." Blaine said, pulling his curls. "I've thought about it… But it just doesn't seem right, serenading in the GAP store. Very 'uncouth'."

"True." Sam said, nodding his head as Blaine's explanation finalized itself into his head. "Maybe you could… I don't know… Just ask him out?"

"When you get coffee." Quinn said, nodding at the exact same time as her boyfriend. "That would be best."

"Thanks, guys, you've been great helps." Blaine said, offering a smile. He nodded to Sam and Quinn and quickly left, in search of the GAP store.

Entering the store, he immediately spotted Jeremiah, who was placing some boxes onto shelves and unpacking them. "Jeremiah," he said quietly, as the older man pushed out and gave him a worrisome grin.

"Anderson," he acknowledged.

"I… I just wanted to ask if you wanted to go out on Saturday." Blaine's voice was unusually high-pitched, higher than he had ever heard it. "As a date?"

Jeremiah looked around himself, searching for colleagues, and glared at Blaine. "Look, kid, you're miles too young for me. It's against the law at the moment. Anyway you could have gotten me fired a second ago. No one here knows I'm gay. Do you know what could happen to me? My colleagues are a bit… homophobic. I'm not prepared to do anything for you after two lousy coffees."

Blaine didn't know how to respond. He stared at Jeremiah and frowned. "You are nothing but a closet case and, if anything, I don't think that you deserve any of the attention I've been giving you. If you are more afraid to be who you are, then I think you deserve every spiteful thing that comes your way. You just lost me, Jeremiah. You just lost the one person who might have loved you, no matter what. The truth is; I can't date a coward."

"Whatever," Jeremiah shrugged.

Blaine walked out, as he tried not to cry. He hadn't wanted to sound so harsh, or so annoying, but obviously he was very upset. When Blaine was upset, it caused him to act irrationally.

And that bastard had deserved every word he'd received.


Dear Diary,

This entry will be rather short. I fear that if I write too much, I'll never be able to stop. That is how upset and angry and annoyed I am.

You see, diary, for once, I thought that I'd found true love. Because a cute, gay guy had bought me a coffee - twice. You know, I would like to be appreciated once. I try. He seemed really nice and really open about himself. How was I supposed to know this wasn't a date? I mean, it's not my fault if he's scared of who I am.

So I gave him the biggest speech I've ever given off the top of my head. I think I knocked him down good. The thing is, I didn't expect it to hurt so much. Why the hell does love have to be so hard? It's unfair.

Blaine Anderson


Jeff Johnson ran up to Blaine and patted him on the back, scanning Blaine. Blaine looked at him in surprise. "Heya, Jeffrey…"

"Heya, Blainey." He said in return, a stupid grin plastered on his face.

"What do you want, blondey?" Blaine teased, smiling at the other boy.

"Well… I've heard about your 'mission', Blaine, and I was thinking… How about you and I go and see a movie together?" Jeff said, his blonde hair making him look charming.

"I… Um…" Blaine was so shocked he didn't know what to say about this.

"Sorry… It was my fault… I shouldn't have asked… I mean, Natasha…"


"My girlfriend."

Oh. "Oh."

"Yeah…" Jeff said, scratching his neck awkwardly. "Forget I asked."

So, that was that.


Dear Diary,

Why is this so hard? Why can't I have an easy relationship? What have I done to deserve this? I've been good all my life, I looked after every friend I ever made and every enemy as well. I'm decent - I'm kind, I'm loving.

I'm me.

And that's what I want someone to accept. If they can't see me for the kind soul that I know that is inside of me, then they will never understand me.

Is that too much to ask?

Blaine Anderson


Blaine was tired. It was a stormy night and his parents weren't home. He flicked the television on and watched the whole Lion King trilogy - which was a 'guilty pleasure' of his - and yawned. He was settled comfortably on the sofa and was about to fall asleep, when he heard a knock on the door.

Three knocks to be precise.

Trying to think straight, he made his way to the door, rubbing his eyes, and opened it. He was met by the sight of a dripping wet, young boy, who was trembling and looked extremely tired. And, oh.

He was gorgeous.

"Are you done?" The boy asked, in a completely high-pitched voice, the smirk identifiable in his tone.

"Excuse me?" Blaine squeaked.

"You were quite clearly checking me out." The boy said, with a soft smile and looking rather abashed, though his tone was haughty. "It was quite… charming, thank you."

"Oh." Blaine didn't know why but he couldn't understand how this boy managed to get him tongue-tied in a matter of seconds.

The boy looked at him, a cute smile on his face as he observed Blaine. "For the record… You're not that bad-looking yourself."

"Thanks…" Blaine chuckled and was relieved at hearing his voice coming out normally once more. Observing the boy, he smiled and beckoned him in. "You look drenched. What's going on outside?"

"There's a storm." The boy said simply.

"Oh yeah…" Blaine said, with a nervous grin. "So… What's your name and why are you here?"

"My name is Kurt Hummel and I am here because my baby broke down two miles away. This was the closest house I could find." The boy explained, using various hand gestures to describe exactly what he was saying. "What about you?"

"Blaine Anderson. And who's your 'baby'?" Blaine asked, his triangular eyebrows raised to make a weird, pointy semi-circle.

"Oh, that's my car. I got it for my sweet sixteenth." Kurt replied, waving his hand light-heartedly.

Sixteenth? This boy was older than he thought… "Oh. Do you need to call your parents?"

"Parent." Kurt corrected and Blaine flinched visibly.

"Sorry, my mistake."

"It's not your fault." Kurt muttered and then offered him a grin. "It's not as if I don't have a step-mom and a step-brother."

"Oh! So, do you count them as part of your family too?" Blaine asked comfortably, sitting down on the sofa and patting his lap.

Kurt sat down next to him, ignoring the protest from Blaine's lips. "Je suis tremp�, jeune homme, et je ne veux pas de votre jeans mouill�s. D'autant plus que vous �tes un homme avec qui je peux dire appr�cie la mode. Et on peut esp�rer gay. Esp�rons-le. Plus, vous �tes tr�s attrayant et j'ai envie �trange de vous embrasser. Et maintenant, j'esp�re que vous ne parlent pas fran�ais ..."

"What? You speak French!" Blaine's lips parted in surprise. "Good French, too."

"Can you understand French?" Kurt asked, trying not to blush as he looked everywhere apart from Blaine.

"Um… Not really." Blaine said, with a shrug. "I'm more of a Spanish speaker, myself."

"Oh, really?"


Kurt giggled and looked at Blaine. "You don't understand French at all?"

"No…" Blaine reassured the boy. "So you might have to tell me exactly what you are saying."

"Maybe not exact." Kurt muttered, smiling at the boy.

"Can I have the gist?" Blaine asked.

"I was just saying that I am currently soaking wet and I don't want to get your clothes wet. Especially as you are a man who I can tell appreciates fashion…"

"There was more to it than that." Blaine teased, looking up at Kurt.

"Nu-uh, you are not getting any more out of me." Kurt said, rolling his eyes at Blaine's insistence. "What you can do is offer me some spare clothes. I guess I'll be spending the night… If that's alright with you and your parents."

"My parents aren't here." Blaine answered, his hands fumbling nervously. "They travel a lot."

"Oh. I'm sorry." Kurt said.

Blaine smiled. "It doesn't matter. I get company for the night! And I've got to say, you're cute."

"Can I ask you a question?" Kurt said, gripping his hands together, a sign that he was nervous. "Are you gay?"

"With a captial G." Blaine replied. "I suppose you are as well?"

"Yeah…" Kurt said, with a toothless smile. "You're cute too."

"Why, thank you." Blaine said, waggling his eyebrows.

"Stop that. You're not that cute." Kurt said with a grin.

"I'm not a little 'Princess'." Blaine teased.

Kurt looked affronted. "Hey, I'm not a Princess!"

"You are." Blaine teased. "You're so pompous but, don't worry. I think it's adorable."

"I'm still not a Princess." Kurt sniffed, haughtily.

"Get used to it, Princess." Blaine replied, laughing at Kurt's insulted expression. He reached over to Kurt and swung an arm around him. "Hey, do you like 'Disney'?"

"Depends…" Kurt mumbled, trying not to sound pleased about the sudden contact. It was a nice gesture and Kurt wanted to fall into Blaine's arms but he refrained and turned around to maintain eye-contact with the boy. "I am not a Princess, so no 'Princess' films."

"Fine." Blaine said, sticking his tongue out at the younger boy, who smiled and felt warm and safe and comforable. He felt almost at home… Oh damn. That reminded him.

"Can I borrow your mobile? Mine's out of charge." Kurt said.

"Sure." Blaine said, grabbing his cell from a table on the room and handing it to Kurt. The two boys skin collided and Blaine felt his whole world stop as he looked at Kurt, unable to take his eyes away from the pale boy in front of him. They stood like that for a good few seconds, before Kurt pulled away, mumbling about 'family, phone, now'. Blaine tried not to be disappointed at the loss of contact and quickly picked a DVD to place in the playstation.

Kurt came back a few minutes later, still soaking wet, and Blaine felt a twinge of guilt as he got up from where he was watching 'The Lady and The Tramp' and offered a weak grin at him. "Do you want some spare clothes?"

"Yes." Kurt said icily, sitting down on the sofa and folding his arms, watching Gaston propose to Belle. "I hate this scene."

"So do I." Blaine said and walked out of the room to get the boy some spare clothes. He came back with sweatpants and a simple t-shirt. "Here. This should fit."

"Oh," Kurt said, looking at the attire and trying not to seem rude. "Uh… Sweatpants really aren't my thing."

"It doesn't matter." Blaine told him. "I think you'll look beautiful in them, personally. I mean… I've only seen you wet."

"You're very open about everything," Kurt mumbled, with a soft grin as he pulled off his soaking clothes from his chest, earning a surprised gape from Blaine. Kurt blushed as he looked at his chest and back to Blaine. "I'm not muscular…" He mumbled.

"But you're beautiful…" Blaine mumbled, placing his hands on Kurt's chest, who shivered at the contact.

"I'm cold, Anderson." Kurt said harshly, turning around. "Let me pull on a t-shirt before you touch me."

"What- What did I do?" Blaine said, looking honestly shocked.

Kurt sighed, pulled on the clothes and ignored Blaine's obvious staring, to turn back around and greet him with a sad smile. "I… I just don't like being touched. There's this jock, at school. He's a jerk - his name's Karofsky… He… He kissed me… He's a closet case… And he said that if I told anyone about it… He'd kill me…"

I'm sorry. "I'm sorry."

"How were you to know?" Kurt said.

"Come here." Blaine said, opening his arms.

"I will." Kurt mumbled and buried his head into Blaine's welcoming chest, trying not to cry as he felt the warmth and love he'd always wanted. He felt so different from the past couple of weeks…

He felt complete.

"Here," Blaine lifted Kurt up, bridal style, and led him into the bedroom, a smile on his face. He slowly placed him on the bed. "Go to sleep. Have a rest."

"Thanks…" Kurt said, snuggling into Blaine's arms. They were warm and Kurt Hummel liked warm things - okay? "Hmm… You're comfy." He mumbled.

Blaine smirked. "Good to know."

He placed the boy down on the bed, where the wet kid instantly fell asleep. Blaine looked at him with a smile. The boy looked like a cherub - a sweet, angellic being.

And his voice… There were no words to describe it. Not any that Blaine knew, anyway. The closest he could think of were, 'incredible' and 'astounding'.

The boy did act like a Princess and Blaine was determined to prove it to him. Smiling, he entered the kitchen and opened the freezer, taking out some peas. His grin plastered onto his face, he carefully took one out and placed one underneath Kurt's bed.

Giggling, he left, and waited for the result of his experiment.


Kurt woke up feeling black and blue. Rolling over, he groaned as Blaine looked at him with a glint in his eyes. "You awake now?"

"Yeah…" Kurt mumbled, rubbing his eyes and yawning. "Oh my Gaga, I feel like I haven't slept at all… What is in this bed? I mean, look!" He lifted up Blaine's t-shirt, revealing a chest covered in bruises.

Blaine looked at him, wide-eyed and astonished, then burst out laughing. "Oh my, I'm sorry. Now, you truly are a Princess!"

"I am not." Kurt grumbled, climbing out of the bed and observing his bed hair with a sneer. "Oh God, I look awful."

"Actually, you are." Blaine replied. "I placed a pea under your bed… Ever heard the tale of 'The Princess and the Pea'?"

"You didn't!" Kurt said, his voice mocking but playful. His face changed as Blaine dived under the bed and picked up the pea. Kurt frowned and then face-palmed in embarrasment. "Oh, my god…"

"It's cute." Blaine told him, with a smile. "I told you you were royalty, Princess."

"What do I have to do to stop you calling me that?" Kurt asked, his eyes pleading.

"Become my boyfriend." Blaine said and Kurt's breath hitched.


"Please." Blaine said, getting down to his knees in front of the boy. "You're beautiful, you're funny and I really like you… Give me a chance?"

"Of course I will…" Kurt said, his eyes gleaming with happiness. "I like you too, Blaine Anderson. I'm sure after a few dates, we'll get to know each other perfectly and… I think I'm really going to like you."

"I think I'm really going to like you too."


Dear Diary,

Kurt and I are happy now. The other day… Well… It's only been a week since we started dating but… I'm so happy because Kurt kissed me! It was raining and dark and we were late home but, diary, it was worth it.

And now I've completed my mission and you've been with me from the start.

I'm sad to say good bye, diary, but thank you for your help. Without you, I doubt I would have ever been brave enough to get Kurt as my own.

And I love him, diary.

I really do.

Blaine Anderson


Dear Diary,

Blaine is perfect. The sweetest boy I've ever met. How is it possible that we just met one stormy night and decided to take a risk? I mean, I might have hated him! But I'm so happy. I feel… complete, around him. Like there's nothing missing and nothing can harm me.

I'm in love with him already and I want to stay with him forever and ever.

Because Blaine Anderson is my world.

Kurt Hummel
End Notes: Ugh, this is far too fluffy. xD


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