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Baking Shenanigans

In which Finn and Blaine try (and fail) to bake a cake for Kurt's birthday.

T - Words: 1,171 - Last Updated: Aug 08, 2011
1,027 0 0 2
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff, Humor,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Finn Hudson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: established relationship, friendship,

Blaine is an awesome boyfriend (according to Kurt). Finn is an awesome brother (according to Finn). And since he's such an awesome bro, he immediately agrees when Blaine enlists him to help him bake a cake for Kurt's birthday while Kurt is out shopping with Mercedes. Because even though Kurt got him the worst birthday gift in the history of bad gifts (an SAT vocab book, Finn recalls with an eyeroll), Finn likes his status as the best brother in the world. So he's going to help Blaine bake an awesome birthday cake. He's not just doing it because he really likes cake. Really.

So here they are in the Hudmel kitchen -- Finn getting out the mixing bowls and preheating the oven as Blaine puts on an apron with "KISS THE COOK" emblazoned across the front. Finn gives him a weird look.

"It's for Kurt," Blaine assures him. "Not you. I'd rather not kiss my boyfriend's brother. No offense."

"None taken, bro," Finn replies. "Now let's get started, 'cause I think Kurt's gonna be back in, like, an hour."

"As if," Blaine scoffs. "He's shopping, Finn. We have hours."

"Good point." After all, this is Kurt they're talking about.

"Okay, so just so you know, I've never baked a cake before. I've never baked anything before," Blaine says.

"Me too, dude! This can be some awesome bond-with-my-bro's-boyfriend time," Finn grins. "And anyways, how hard can it be? All you have to do is mix stuff together and put it in the oven."

Finn's going to regret saying that.


"Oh my god, Finn, I don't know how this happened, but you have eggshells in your hair."


"Shit! It's burning! Blaine, the cake is burning!" Finn exclaims in horror.

"Yes, Finn, I kind of noticed, what with all the noise your smoke alarm was making," Blaine deadpans.


"I told you not to try to put strawberry jam on it to hide the burns, dude."

"My apron," Blaine says sadly.

"It's okay, bro, the stain kinda looks like lips. It kinda goes with the theme of your apron," Finn says in what he assumes is a reassuring and comforting voice (it's not).


"Okay, we have to throw this one out, too." Blaine looks like he's about to pass out.

"But... it actually looks like a cake this time!" Finn protests, looking glumly at their third cake. "Kind of... if I tilt my head the right way and squint really hard."

"Oh my god," comes Kurt's horrified voice from the doorway. "What have you guys been doing?!"

"Oh, hey Kurt!" Finn beams, trying to play it cool. "What are you doing here?"

"I live here, Finn," Kurt replies, raising his eyebrows as Blaine launches himself across the room into Kurt's arms. "You're getting flour on my sweater," he says disapprovingly. "Normally, I'd kill you, but you look really adorable right now so I'll make an exception."

"We've been baking for you forever," Blaine groans, burying his face in Kurt's shoulder. Kurt pats his back comfortingly.

Finn takes this as his cue to go and get his phone so he can record this, because if Kurt makes out with Blaine on the kitchen table or something (and he probably will), Finn can use it as blackmail material. He pats himself on the back for thinking of this foolproof plan.

"I wanted to do something special for your birthday." That's Blaine, Finn notes as he makes his way towards the kitchen, phone in hand. He sees Kurt leaning against the counter, an exasperated smile on his face.

"You could have just bought a cake, you know," he's saying as Finn starts recording.

"But you like romance," Blaine replies.

"I also like my cake edible," Kurt points out with a smirk, sliding his arms around Blaine's waist and pulling him forward. Blaine pouts at him.

"What are you doing? You're going to get flour on your sweater."

"Don't mock me, sir--"

"Thad would be proud," Blaine interrupts with a grin.

"--I'm doing what your apron says," Kurt continues, ignoring Blaine's interruption and pulling him in for a kiss.

"Mmm, I knew you would like it," Blaine says smugly when he pulls away. "Too bad the cake was a flop."

"It's okay," Kurt murmurs. "It's the thought that counts. Come on, let's get this place cleaned up."

"And then I can take you out for dinner, since this failed so epically."

"Or we could go watch a movie that neither of us wants to see..." Kurt says, trailing off suggestively and raising an eyebrow.

"I like how you think, Hummel," Blaine grins.

"Though we'll have to stop by Baskin Robbins and get a cake for Finn. I know he was looking forward to that, though he didn't take your lack of baking skills into account."

Finn feels a rush of affection towards his stepbrother, and he steps into the kitchen, hastily stuffing the phone in his pocket. "That's awesome bro! Look, it's your birthday -- go on your date or whatever, and I'll clean up the kitchen."

Kurt turns to smirk at him. "Are you sure you won't burn the place down?"

"'Course not," Finn replies, rolling his eyes. "It'll take you an hour to get ready and clean Blaine up, and Mom will be home by then."

Kurt and Blaine both beam at him, and it's almost scary how in sync they are. But they've always been that way, so he should really be used to it by now. For a second, Finn thinks that Kurt's been smiling like that so much more lately, and that everyone has Blaine to thank because of that. Even if he can't make cake.

"So... about the cake... make sure you get the Oreo one from Baskin Robbins. That one is really awesome."

"Trust you to have an ulterior motive, Finn," Kurt says, rolling his eyes as Blaine tries to smother a laugh.

Finn just shrugs. "It's your birthday, bro. You're supposed to have fun, not clean up Blaine's mess."

"Excuse you, Mr. Hudson. I do believe you were the one that dropped the bag of sugar in the sink," Blaine protests.

Finn ignores him. "And I'm supposed to get to eat cake," he adds with a smile. "It's like, a birthday rule, or something. But seriously. You should be having fun, Kurt."

Kurt rolls his eyes again. "Thanks, Finn," he says, grabbing Blaine's hand.

He half expects Blaine to offer to help him clean, because the whole baking thing was Blaine's idea in the first place, and Kurt's always calling Blaine a dapper gentleman. But Blaine just turns and mouths "Thanks, man!" as Kurt drags him towards the stairs. And Finn can't really be upset about having to clean the whole kitchen by himself. Because a) it's Kurt's birthday, and he should be able to spend as much time with his boyfriend as possible, b) Finn's getting cake in the end, and c) he's maintaining his brotherly awesomeness.

That doesn't mean he's deleting the video he has on his phone. Because getting revenge on Kurt for blackmailing him with his internet history? It's gonna be sweeter than cake.
End Notes: For sun_and_rain on lj :)


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