Aug. 14, 2023, 5:01 a.m.
Aug. 14, 2023, 5:01 a.m.
The smile on your face let's me know that you need me There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me The touch of your hand says you'll catch me if wherever I fall You say it best when you say nothing at all
Happy incredibly belated birthday and congrats on beating me in the Fic Line Guessing Game, RockItMan! ♡
It’s been several hot minutes, but here we finally are, and on the 1 year anniversary of when I posted my first fic, Wild Rose, too! =D
This fic is incredibly soft, even for my standards, and I am so ridiculously in love with it. The title and summary inspiration only came after I had written half of it, because it just popped into my head out of nowhere and full body slammed me with how perfect the parallels are between the lyrics and this story. You don't have to listen to Ronan Keating's When You Say Nothing At All if you don't want to, but it does add a little extra 'help I'm melting this is so soft' factor to it imo lol.
Thanks always to quizasvivamos for being my sounding board and last minute beta ;) ♡
“Lean forward a little.”
Humming softly, Blaine did as Kurt asked and was rewarded with warm hands trailing over his back. The motion made goosebumps rise on his bare skin, despite the heat coming off the gently sloshing water. He moaned softly as Kurt pressed into a particularly sensitive spot, leaning back as if to urge Kurt to go deeper.
Kurt chuckled softly as he pressed his thumbs harder into Blaine’s skin, paying extra attention to the spots that made him sigh softly or hitch his breath. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were faking it to get a massage.”
Blaine huffed a laugh and shook his head. He threw a cheeky grin over his shoulder and subtly flexed his muscles while waggling his eyebrows.
“Yes, yes, you look very impressive, dear. I’m not at all jealous of all those dancers who get to be lifted up and thrown around by you all day long,” Kurt joked as he cast an admiring glance over his husband’s well defined back and arms. Leaning forward, he hooked his chin over Blaine’s shoulder and trailed his fingers over Blaine’s biceps before tracing the shape of his equally impressive abs. “You know I love you no matter what you look like, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t appreciate your newfound ability to pick me up and hold me against the wall...”
Feeling Blaine shiver in appreciation, and perhaps anticipation, Kurt gently pushed him to sit up again and lathered up his hands with Blaine’s shampoo. His nails scratched a soothing rhythm into Blaine’s scalp as his fingers tangled with his curls. “I’m also very much a fan of this new haircut they made you get. I love seeing your beautiful curls free at last,” he said as he pulled teasingly on one, watching it spring back up.
The relaxing motions lulled Blaine back to a blissful silence, and Kurt was more than happy to release some of the tension he had been carrying with him. Candles flickered as he reached over and grabbed a cup to rinse the shampoo out of Blaine’s hair, before working in the conditioner with steady, soothing strokes.
With his hair all taken care of for the moment, he guided Blaine to lay back down against him and rest his head on Kurt’s chest with eyes closed. Silently, not daring to disturb the peaceful calm, Kurt grabbed the massage oil he had left out and dabbed a bit on his fingertips before placing them on Blaine’s temples.
Kurt couldn’t help but smile when he saw the lines on his forehead disappear with each sweep of his fingers. Blaine’s own lips lifted in a contented smile when Kurt gently ran his index fingers down the sides of Blaine’s nose and moved his fingers back up over his cheeks. Gently, he rubbed his earlobes and dragged the back of his nails down Blaine’s jaw and to his chin covered with day old scruff.
Blaine’s plump lips softly kissed his fingertips as they slowly moved back up to his temples. Every inch of him radiated peace and happiness, from his content smile, to how he bonelessly rested against Kurt, so full of trust.
Loath as he was to interrupt Blaine’s relaxation, Kurt could feel the water slowly start to lose its heat. Making sure he was jostled as little as possible, Kurt lathered up the washcloth he had left nearby and gently washed Blaine’s skin, waving off his attempts to help him.
Once completely clean, Kurt reluctantly pulled the plug and helped a lethargic Blaine up and out of the tub. The fluffy towel left goosebumps in its wake as he softly, yet efficiently, dried both of them off as best he could while supporting Blaine’s weight as well as his own.
The cool night air that invaded their peace as Kurt opened the bathroom door roused Blaine enough that he managed to get into bed under his own power, curling up on his side and tracking Kurt’s movements across the room as he hung up their towel and blew out the candles.
Blaine sighed as Kurt climbed into bed and tucked himself against Blaine’s back, legs tangled and arms wrapped around him. Goosebumps spread from the point of contact of Kurt’s lips on his neck, breath fanning across his skin as he settled in for the night. Blaine laced their fingers and brought their joined hands up to his mouth, pressing a soft kiss on the spot where their wedding rings touched.
“Sweet dreams, my love.”
Thanks for reading, If you liked it, I'd love to hear it!
~ Gwen ♡