Tease Me, Please Me (No One Needs To Know) Give Kudos Bookmark Comment

Tease Me, Please Me (No One Needs To Know)


Blaine sitting on Kurt's lap, provided by little-escapist on Tumblr

When a lack of seating means Blaine has to sit on his lap, Kurt is not concerned. It's the logical choice and certainly more comfortable than the cold, hard floor. What Kurt seemed to have forgotten, however, is just how animated Blaine gets when he is talking…

E - Words: 3,410 - Last Updated: Oct 27, 2022
759 3 0 1
Warnings: It's porn, so mind the tags and you're good.
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff, PWP, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: oral sex, anal sex, anal fingering, edging, barebacking, minor use of a cock ring, fluff, engaged Klaine, semi-public sex, because what are walls even?,

Author's Notes:

First of all, a massive thank you to Nery for providing the prompt and then betaing your own present. You are amazing! ♡

There are some very light D/s themes if you squint, but it was not intended to be written as such, hence why it's not tagged. You can use your own imagination for what they get up to outside of the pages of this fic ;)

The title was inspired by the song Tease Me, Please me by the Scorpions, but the actual song has nothing to do with the fic.

Enjoy! ;)


(I edited this to have 3333 words, because I could. Sadly, S&C's wordcount is weird so it says its more. Still, you should know about and appreciate the editing skills of Nery and myself for ending up with such a nice even number xD <3)

It was a bitterly cold December night, and the streets of Bushwick were quiet and deserted. Outside, snow was coming down in thick white flakes, but inside the loft was bursting with life. The music boomed loudly from the speakers and people had to shout to be heard. The alcohol had been flowing freely for hours already, while Rachel kept finding new people to toast to her 21st birthday with. 


The unofficially dubbed ‘Rachel Berry Trainwreck Extravaganza 3.0’ had thus far gone about a million times better than its predecessors. Blaine and Kurt danced the night away in their own world, paying as little attention to their friends as they could get away with. They felt slightly buzzed, but were pacing themselves while everybody else got more and more drunk. 


It was well after midnight and a lot of the guests had left. Only their core group of friends stuck around, sitting around the living room while chatting and reliving memories. The lack of seating available meant that some people had to either double up or sit on the floor. When Blaine came back from the bathroom and saw that Sam had stolen his chair, he wasted no time and claimed his new seat right across Kurt’s lap in their oversized armchair. Kurt just responded by wrapping an arm around his waist and continuing his conversation with Elliot. 


However, it was only a little while later that Kurt started to doubt the cleverness of this set up. Blaine was enthusiastically talking with Sam about some superhero or other while wildly waving his hands and wriggling about on Kurt’s lap. At first, he was able to ignore it, but the more excited Blaine got, the more he moved around. 


It started with light shivers from the friction and blushes that could easily be blamed on the alcohol. Then Kurt felt his blood rush south and his cock harden. Next came the barely concealed gasps and moans, and he often had to bite his lip just to keep the sound in. Kurt desperately wanted to adjust himself, but he knew that it would be a dead giveaway of his predicament. Instead, he clenched his fists and breathed deeply in through his nose and out through his mouth. 


It was after one particularly wild bounce that Elliot started to have an inkling of what was going on. “You okay, man?” He asked with a meaningful look at Kurt’s hand that was gripping the armrest tightly. 


“Just fine, thank you,” Kurt responded while trying to hold back a gasp. 


Kurt tightened his hold on his fiancé and managed to keep him a little more still that way, but it was when Elliot went to the bathroom and Blaine started to get up to grab refills that Kurt decided to clue him in. 


“Blaine, honey? Do you think Sam could get us those drinks instead? I’ve got something I need to ask you,” Kurt said with a glance at Sam. 


“Sure dude, no worries! Beer and a white wine, right?” Sam shot back.


“Thanks, man!” Blaine replied before turning around to look at Kurt. “What’s up, sweetie?” he asked, while giving Kurt the most innocent look he could muster.


Kurt simply raised an eyebrow before leaning in close, “You do know the effect you have on me, right? Or am I supposed to believe that you are so drunk that you cannot feel this digging into your ass?” he whispered as he tightened his grip on Blaine’s hips and thrust up lightly. 


Blaine’s eyes twinkled with mischief as he deliberately ground down again and murmured back, “It started out as an honest accident, really. But you can’t expect me to just ignore all that deliciousness you have hiding away in your pants, can you?” 


“Hmhmm, that’s what I thought,” Kurt replied, the corner of his mouth ticking up slightly. “You do know what happens when you tease me, don’t you?”


“You’ll want me to please you, too?” Blaine answered with big eyes and a playful smile. 


“Oh yes,” Kurt said. “So, you can have your fun now, but just know that as soon as everyone is asleep, your ass is mine.”


Blaine shivered in response and his eyes darkened in arousal. “I’ll be looking forward to it.”


Their little moment was interrupted when Elliot and Sam returned, but Blaine made sure to give one last barely there grind and a sly look over his shoulder before resuming his conversation with Sam. 


Throughout the rest of the night, Blaine kept up his hidden torment. Sometimes he would surreptitiously squeeze Kurt’s knee or thigh, but at other times he genuinely got so excited that he unknowingly started bouncing again. Kurt always made sure to respond by squeezing his hip or poking him in the side warningly, making Blaine give him a quick, heated look over his shoulder. 


In the early hours of the morning, the last of the guests had started leaving or drunkenly passing out where they were. Kurt had just deposited some glasses in the sink when Blaine came out of the bathroom. With a quick look around, Kurt strode over to his fiancé and kissed him fiercely. “Bedroom. Now.” 


He grabbed Blaine’s hand and dragged him behind the curtain that separated their bedroom from the living room full of their sleeping friends. 


Pushing Blaine up against the dresser, Kurt claimed his lips in a heated kiss and tugged his polo shirt out of his tight jeans. 


“Kurt, wait.” Blaine managed to get out. “Living room– people– noises–” he whispered in between kisses. 


“I guess we’ll just have to be quiet then, won’t we? No one needs to know,” Kurt said with a devilish grin. He knew how difficult that was for Blaine, so staying quiet would torture him just like Kurt had been tortured all night. 


With deliberately slow movements, Kurt helped Blaine take his shirt off and draped it over the nearby chair. He nuzzled his face in Blaine’s neck and kissed a line from his ear to the base of his throat. He licked the skin there before biting down and sucking a bruise on Blaine’s skin where his bowtie would normally rest.


Blaine let out a groan and ran his hand through Kurt’s hair. Moving lower, Kurt tweaked a nipple with one hand while he sucked and nibbled on the other, making Blaine pull on his hair as he threw his own head back in pleasure. He teased and tortured until both nipples were hard as pebbles. 


Once he felt he had driven his fiancé crazy enough, Kurt kissed his way down Blaine’s front and nuzzled his face into his hip. “You’ve been teasing me so much tonight. You have no idea how hard it was at times not to just drag you into our bedroom and have my way with you, party be damned,” he said while opening up Blaine’s pants and pushing them down over his ass.


“Oh, I think I had a pretty good idea how hard it was for you,” Blaine chuckled. 


Kurt gave a little hum in response as he gently released Blaine’s throbbing cock from his underwear. “You can laugh all you want now, you won’t be doing so when I’m through with you,” he said before taking Blaine deep into his mouth in one go. 


With the dresser digging into his back, Blaine sunk his hands into Kurt’s hair and gave over to the feelings that Kurt aroused in him. No matter how often they did this and in whatever position they came together, it never got old. There was no safer place on earth for Blaine than in Kurt’s arms, and there was nowhere he felt more sexy and desired than under Kurt’s hands. 


Kurt brought Blaine’s attention back to the present with a long pull, as he licked around the head and kissed his way down to his balls, gently taking them in his mouth one by one. “You with me, love?” he asked cheekily.


“Always,” Blaine responded. “I was just thinking of how much I love you and your mouth, and how I never want to be without it.” 


“And you’ll never have to be,” Kurt told him as he got back to his feet. He took Blaine’s cock in his hand and started a gentle pulling rhythm while leaning their foreheads together. “Not while I draw breath. I love you, and you are mine, Blaine Anderson.”


“Yours, always,” Blaine breathed out. 


With a kiss Kurt stepped away from his fiancé, and began unbuttoning his vest. He laid it with Blaine’s shirt before whipping off his henley and starting on his own very tight pants. “Are you going to stay like that all night?” he asked Blaine with an arched brow. 


“Whatever you want, Kurt. This is your payback and I’m your willing victim, remember?”


“In that case, I want you naked and on all fours before I’m finished undressing myself,” Kurt instructed. 


Blaine hurriedly took the rest of his clothes off and got on his hands and knees on the bed. “Is this more to your liking?” he asked while wiggling his firm, round ass in Kurt’s direction. 


“Gorgeous,” Kurt said with a lecherous grin, very much appreciating the view of his fiancé who was shamelessly enjoying himself. The pure enjoyment Blaine always got out of their sex life never failed to warm his heart or turn him on. 


He carefully put away the last of his clothes, and grabbed the lube and a studded leather cock ring from the nightstand. He knew that what he had planned was going to ask a lot of both their stamina’s, and he didn't want anything to distract him from driving Blaine to the highest highs that he could reach. 


Kurt swiftly placed the ring around his cock and balls before he turned back to his fiancé. The sheets rustled as he climbed on the bed behind Blaine. He ran his fingers up the backs of Blaine's legs, making him shiver in anticipation. “Can you be quiet?” 


Blaine nodded, and let out a low hiss as Kurt’s cold, lubed finger stroked directly over his asshole. Teasing with a fingertip at first, Kurt soon had one inside and worked at having a second finger join in. Feeling the heat of Blaine’s insides and making him quiver with anticipation never lost its spark. Kurt luxuriated in the tight grip Blaine’s walls had on his fingers, and twisted them around until he found his prostate. He gently moved them about before Blaine started fucking himself back on his fingers, wordlessly begging for more. 


Bringing his other arm round, Kurt took a hold of Blaine’s hard cock. “Tell me when you get close,” he instructed before setting up a steady rhythm. 


In a synchronised motion, Kurt fucked two fingers into Blaine’s ass, randomly brushing over his prostate, while steadily jerking him off with the other hand. With every brush of his fingers, and every swipe of his thumb, Kurt brought Blaine higher and higher.  Blaine clenched his jaw to hold in his moans and steady his trembling limbs, but he was a panting, sweaty mess of arousal before long, steadily leaking precum on the bed sheets. His legs were shaking from the intensity and his moans graduated from actual words to nonsensical gibberish.


Just when Kurt thought he might have to make the call himself, he heard Blaine call out. “Kurt… So close. Please make me come.”


Contrary to his fiancé’s wishes though, Kurt took this as a sign to stop moving his hands altogether and gently pulled his fingers out of Blaine’s ass. 


“No baby, please… I was so close!” Blaine groaned loudly. 


“Hush darling, you were going to be quiet, remember?” Kurt admonished with a gentle tap to his hip. “Now, turn over on your back and let me see that gorgeous cock of yours.”


Blaine had no choice but to comply. He had made his bed, and now he had to lie in it. Literally. Sighing, he turned over and spread his legs wide, giving Kurt easy access. “You’re going to push me to my limit tonight, aren’t you?”


“I don’t know, sweetheart,” Kurt mused as he sat back on his heels. “They say that revenge is a dish best served cold, but I prefer it to be hot and desperate.” 


He grabbed hold of Blaine’s cock, and began licking around the head and up the shaft. “Now, be a dear and spread yourself for me, would you?”


With an eager grin, Blaine reached down and grabbed hold of his legs. He spread himself wide and gave Kurt a magnificent view of his gaping hole. Lubing his fingers up again, Kurt wasted no time reinserting his middle and index fingers. He immediately started thrusting deeply. He made sure to tilt his fingertips up enough to brush past Blaine’s prostate, but never in any recognisable pattern. Kurt waited until Blaine threw his head back with a moan, eyes closed in ecstasy, before he surprised him by once again enveloping his cock with his lips. 


“Oooh yessss… Mmmm baby, feels so good,” Blaine slurred as Kurt bobbed his head up and down. Teasingly, he pulled off and painted random figures on Blaine’s cock with his tongue.


Feeling his arms get tired, Blaine let his legs go and draped them over Kurt’s shoulders. He reached down with his right hand and buried his fingers in his fiancé’s hair. He bit down hard on the knuckles of his left hand to keep in the wanton moans that threatened to escape. 


“Oh fuck! Yes! Do that again,” he cried out when Kurt took him deep into his throat, while simultaneously sweeping his fingers over and around Blaine’s prostate. Blaine was breathing heavily, and Kurt could feel his muscles tensing in anticipation when he called out. “So close… I’m gonna… So close baby, please!”


Once again, Kurt waited until Blaine was right on the edge before abruptly pulling away with his mouth and fingers. 


“Shh, sweetie. It’s okay. I know what you need, trust me,” he whispered, while gently caressing Blaine’s side as he cried out in agony from his denied orgasm. 


Kurt sat up against the headboard and gently pulled his fiance into his lap. Blaine slumped over exhausted, and let his head rest in the crook of Kurt’s neck. Kurt lightly stroked his fingertips over Blaine’s back while he calmed down from the intense sensations of the denial. 


“Kurt, I’m so hard. I need to come so badly, please.”


“You will honey. Just a little bit more, you can do it, can’t you? If you can’t, just say the word, and we’ll stop.” 


Blaine took a moment to gather himself before nodding. He lifted his head, and softly kissed Kurt. “I trust you. I love you so much, Kurt.”


“I know sweetheart, and I love you too. Are you up for riding me?” he asked, as he cradled Blaine’s face in his hands, brushing errant curls away from his eyes. 


“Yeah, but can we go slow? I want to feel you everywhere,” Blaine replied while sitting up. 


Kurt quickly unsnapped the straps of his cock ring and lubed up his rock hard cock. “Of course, darling. Whatever you want.”


He carefully guided his cock into his fiancé’s aching hole and helped him settle comfortably on his lap. Sitting up, Kurt pulled Blaine’s legs behind his back, and tucked one arm around him in support. He grabbed hold of his hip with the other hand and started a slow rocking motion. 


Trading soft kisses with their foreheads leaned against each other, and breathing in the same air, these gentle movements felt so different from the frenzy of earlier. Blaine was so on edge that he knew he would not be able to last long, and he told Kurt as much.  


“One more time, okay, my love? Ride me until you’re close, and once I’ve come, you can let go,” Kurt instructed his tired lover. 


Blaine pulled his legs back underneath him, and, with a renewed sense of vigour, he swivelled his hips and bounced up and down Kurt’s cock. For a while, the only sounds were their heavy breathing, and the slapping of skin on skin. Kurt moved both his hands and grabbed Blaine’s ass in a firm hold while thrusting up hard. He carefully supported him while Blaine leaned back and Kurt fastened his lips around his right nipple. He teased and twisted until it was once again rock hard. Blowing softly on the wet skin, Kurt then moved on to the left nipple to give it the same treatment. 


Blaine was already so worked up, it did not take long before he once again neared the edge. Remembering Kurt’s instructions, he slowed down and clenched his cheeks tightly to try and stave off the coming orgasm, while also grabbing a firm hold just under the head of his cock. 


“Well done, honey. That was the last time, I promise,” Kurt praised him as he felt his own orgasm rapidly approaching. The cock ring might have made it impossible for him to come prematurely, but it did not stop him from wanting to come. When Blaine was ready to continue, he helped him back to a steady rhythm and it did not take long before he felt those first, tell tale tingles shooting up his spine. Kurt roughly thrust up a few more times, before his pleasure overwhelmed him and he came with a groan.


Blaine could feel the warmth of Kurt’s release inside of him, and just the thought of it took him right to the edge. He grabbed Kurt by the back of his head and pressed their foreheads together with one hand, while quickly stroking up and down his own cock with the other. His thighs were burning, but Blaine could not bring himself to care. He kissed Kurt roughly and with a last drawn out moan, he finally came shooting thick ropes of come all over their chests. Blaine's orgasm dragged out so long that Kurt was worried he might pass out. Completely spent, Blaine slumped against him and hid his face in Kurt’s neck.


“I love you so much, baby,” he slurred with his eyes closed, laying soft kisses on whatever skin he could reach. 


Kurt had to chuckle at Blaine’s adorableness post-orgasm. He rarely got like that unless he was completely pushed to the limit and worn out. Kurt softly kissed his forehead before laying him down on the covers. Blaine protested sleepily at not being held anymore, reaching out to Kurt with one hand. 


“I’ll be right back, darling. I’m just going to get something to clean us up.”


Blaine mumbled his assent, and Kurt pulled on a bathrobe before leaving their bedroom. He quietly made his way to the kitchen to grab a glass of water before tiptoeing past their friends to retrieve a warm washcloth from the bathroom. 


Once back in their bedroom, he gently wiped the drying come off of Blaine’s chest, and helped him put on his underwear. Blaine was already falling asleep, so he tucked him under the covers. Gazing down at him, Kurt could not help but be overwhelmed with love for his fiancé. The complete trust Blaine willingly gave him time after time was humbling. The unconditional love and acceptance no matter how hard life got were things Kurt had always dreamed of, but could never have imagined actually having when he was younger. If only fifteen year old Kurt could see him now…


After he had cleaned himself up and put on his own boxer-briefs, he crawled into bed and wrapped his arms around Blaine. “Thank you, my love. You were incredible. I love you so much,” he whispered softly in his ear. 


“I love you too, Kurt,” Blaine whispered back. 


Kurt leaned over and turned off the light. He tucked himself up against Blaine’s back, and with limbs intertwined, slowly drifted off to sleep. 

End Notes:

This was my second attempt at writing smut and the first to get published. It was a lot harder to write than my usual stuff, but I'm very happy with how it turned out thanks to the incredible beta skills of Nery! =D

If you liked it, please let me know :)

~ Gwen <3


Come find me on Tumblr

Disclaimer: All things recognisable belong to their respective owners.


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