Nov. 27, 2011, 9:42 a.m.
Nov. 27, 2011, 9:42 a.m.
Kurt arrives at his college dorm and begins to wonder if its worth it, being away from Blaine.
"Damn." Kurt hissed as he stubbed his toe on the bottom of door 238-C. He dropped his alarmingly heavy duffel bag to his side and zipped open the front pocket in search of his keys. Why didn't I prepare for this situation beforehand? He thought to himself. His hands trembled, partly from the release of the weight that was just in his hand, but mostly because he was finally here. He'd made it. He was in New York at his university directly in front of his dorm room. He had to drive himself here, blasting his and Rachel's own demo. Seemed a bit vain, but Kurt could not care less. Someday he hoped that he could sit around listening to his�platinum-selling album with his adorably handsome husband while sipping expensive wine and eating fancy Camembert cheeses. Okay, the wine and cheese part was optional, but he expected that he could do that if he wanted.
Kurt finally fished the keys out of his duffel, only to have them drop to the floor. He groaned and leaned down to grab the keys, but a second pair of hands grabbed for them first. He shot up to yell at whoever had just stole his keys, but a smile that would cause someone that didn't have a wonderfully loving boyfriend back in Ohio to absolutely melt into a puddle stopped him in his tracks.
"You must be my roommate. Do you need some help? Go ahead, I'll get your bag. I'm Daniel, by the way. Most people just call me Danny, though." Kurt just couldn't stop this guy from talking. Danny stared expectantly at Kurt with a darling grin.
Kurt came to his senses and sputtered, "Oh, uh, yeah. I'm Kurt."
Danny set the bags down by the bed without the star wars sheets.
Kurt peered around the room. White walls, dark wood floors. Two twin beds, a large dresser between them. Two lamps attached to the wall by either of the beds. Danny's side of the room had a shelf above the bed, which was decorated with figurines of Chewbacca and the TARDIS, a cheap replica light saber, and a ship in a bottle.
"Do you mind having the bed by the door? I just have this weird thing about beds, if you don't mind." Danny cracked his knuckles.
Well this guy is an absolute joy, isn't he, Kurt sighed silently. "Yeah, it's fine."
Kurt heaved the duffel onto his bare bed. He started taking out some of his extra clothes and facial products to find his laptop.
Danny was strewn across his own bed, his finger dragging against the screen of an iPhone. "So, where are you from?" He asked.
"Ohio. You?" Kurt asked, purely out of politeness.
"Rhode Island. Glad to be out of there, am I right?" He snorted.
"Uh, yeah. Sure."�Oh my god, this guy is an absolute dork. Not even in the adorable way, like Blaine. He's not even hot enough to have it be ignored, like Sam,�Kurt speculated.
"Where's the rest of your bags?" Danny raised an eyebrow. "You're dressed nicely and you look pretty well groomed, so I assume you have more bags. And, sheets."
Kurt nodded, smirking. "My dad is bringing the rest tomorrow. He's got a 25 inch flat screen that we can share, if you want."
"Oh yeah, cool." Danny marveled.
Kurt found his iPod in his bag, raveled the ear buds around it, and set it on the dresser next to him.
"Oh, by the way, I'm gay." Kurt decided beforehand that it was best to out himself to his new roommate as soon as possible, in case they were a homophobe or something. But really, how could you be prejudice if you're going to a college in New York. Probably the gayest state in the US.
"Oh, that's cool. I'm not one of those homophobe jerks or something." Danny said, but his eyes were focused on whatever was on the screen of his iPhone.
Kurt was actually hoping that Danny would be a little bit iffy to gay people, just so that he wouldn't talk to Kurt so much. Tough luck, damn the supportive heterosexuals. Kurt smirked to himself.
Kurt had found his laptop squished in the middle of his bag between some pants, so that it wouldn't get damaged. This laptop was the only thing Kurt had to keep him sane through the year. He found the wall socket by his bed and plugged in its charger. He plopped on the bed after pushing the clothes back in the duffel and using it like a pillow.
"Do you mind if I skype with my boyfriend for a bit?" Kurt asked Danny.
"Oh, yeah, sure. What's his name, your boyfriend?" Danny inquired, peeling his eyes away from his screen.
"Blaine." Kurt smiled. "And, if you don't mind, I'm going to be doing this a lot actually."
Danny nodded. "'Young love, so charming' or something like that. But if you're going to be having skype sex, wait until I leave or give me a heads up, okay?"
Kurt's cheeks rouged. "Uh, yeah. I'll be sure."
Kurt waited a few minutes for his laptop to get booted up and skype to log in.
He checked the time. 4:06 PM. He had told Blaine that he'd be on around this time. He called Blaine, and within seconds, Blaine's face was smiling on his screen.
"Hey babe!" Blaine called.
Kurt grinned. "Blaine, your mic works just fine. You don't have to scream."
Blaine shrugged. "How's college life? Been to any drunken raves yet?"
"Totally. I met some hot guy covered in glow in the dark paint and we eloped." Kurt jested.
"Well, I'm not partial to polygamy, but we could work it out."
Danny waved at Kurt. "I'll be going to go to the commons,"
"Mmkay." Kurt nodded.
"Who's that?" Blaine inquired. Kurt turned the laptop towards Danny.
"This is my roommate, Danny. Danny, this is Blaine."
Danny waved. "Treat my boyfriend good, now." Blaine said in the toughest tone he had. Danny pursed his lips to keep from laughing and nodded, closing the door as he left.
Kurt turned the screen back towards himself. "That's my man, always looking out for me."
Kurt and Blaine talked for another 30 minutes, and Danny didn't come back for another hour. He probably got the hint. Kurt told Blaine about how big of a nerd his roommate was, gave him a tour of the small room, and Blaine told Kurt everything that had happened since he'd last seen him. Ten hours ago.
Apparently he'd already gotten a solo. Him and Tina made a pact to be this year's Kurt and Rachel. Kurt was touched that he was a legend in New Directions.
"Schue still kept the name, New Directions?" Kurt furrowed his brow.
Blaine made a face and nodded.
"Does he really not realize that it sounds like nude erections?" Kurt murmured.
Blaine giggled, which he only ever did around Kurt. He leaned his head backwards on his pillow. "I miss you."
Kurt was dreading this moment. The "I miss you" moment. It is literally the most cliche situation of long distant lovers. Kurt told himself that he wouldn't let himself be one of the ones that cry, but still his chin quivered.
"I miss you, too," Oh, god. He said it. Kurt was digging his own grave.
Blaine rested his head on his shoulder. "What am I going to do without you here?"
"Don't think about it like that. Think about it like that time I had a family reunion and you couldn't come over for a week. You'll see me within a matter of days." Kurt's throat tightened.
"Weeks. Months." Even in the dim light of Blaine's room, Kurt could see his eyes glistening.
"That's still days. Fall break will be here sooner than you know. I'm only three hours away."
"I bet I could make it there faster." Blaine attempted a smile.
"Remember, I don't find high school drop outs sexy." They both let out an exasperated effort of a laugh.
"Blaine, time for dinner!" Kurt heard in the background of Blaine's microphone.
"Yeah, mom. Be right there." He called back. Blaine looked at Kurt with sad puppy eyes.
"Go eat dinner." Kurt sighed. Blaine pouted. "Go. Get your strength up for whatever sport you're attempting this year."
Blaine skewed his head and released his pout.
"I love you."
"I love you, too. I'll see you before I go to bed, okay." Kurt replied.
"I'll be waiting for you," Blaine kissed two of his fingers and lifted them in front of the camera. Kurt mirrored him, then they brought their fingers back to their lips.
Kurt cracked a smile and logged off, knowing that Blaine would never be first to.
He let out a breath and put his laptop under the bed. He searched through the room's closet and found a spare set of white sheets and a flat pillow. Soon I'll have Egyptian cotton and memory foam, he reassured himself. He draped the sheets over his small bed and covered the pillow. He rummaged through the duffel once again and found a picture of him and Blaine on a rollercoaster, making ridiculous faces. He kissed it and set it on his dresser. He shut off the light above his bed, not bothering to turn off Danny's, and layed the pillow next to him on the bed. He was still using the duffel bag as a pillow, because it had more arch support than the real pillow anyways but also because he had sprayed it with Blaine's cologne before he left. He squeezed the pillow and fell asleep in minutes.
Kurt awoke with a buzz coming from the top of the dresser. He rubbed his eyes and searched for his phone blindly. He found it and tapped a few buttons on his screen to get to his messages.
From: Blainers [10:45 PM] Bedtime?
Kurt smiled and grabbed his laptop from under the bed. Danny was snoring on the bed next to him, but he seemed like a deep sleeper.
"Hey, sweetie," Kurt mumbled as he logged onto skype.
"Sleepy?" Blaine puzzled.
"I guess I took a bit of a, nap." Kurt's eyes were adjusting to the light from the computer screen.
Blaine continued on to tell him about what he ate for dinner, and oozed at the fact that his mom said that he could come see Kurt for the weekend in a few weeks.
Kurt barely said anything, he just loved to hear Blaine talk. Blaine ran out of stuff to talk about, so they simply stared at each other.
After a while, Kurt dozed off.
When he woke up, the first thing he saw was Blaine's slack face. He waited an hour for Blaine to wake up.
A buzzer went off on Blaine's side and the camera shook a little. He banged on the alarm clock a couple times then rubbed his face. He poked at his eyes to readjust his contacts then his eyes widened when he saw Kurt on his screen.
"Good morning, Starshine," Kurt grinned.
Blaine's smile beamed. "Can I wake up like this every day?"
Kurt rolled his eyes then blew a kiss towards the screen. "Have a good day at school, babe." He logged off.
He stretched his arms then scuffled down the hall to find some food.
If they did this every day, Kurt could definitely make it through college. Completely content.
Oh my god, this is so cute! Also this pretty much fits in with my headcanon perfectly, so thanks :)