Last Goodbyes
After losing his mother, Blaine thought it was the worst thing that could happen to him. He was horribly wrong
T - Words: 1,188 - Last Updated: Jun 07, 2012 865 0 0 1 Categories: AU, Tragedy, Characters: Blaine Anderson, David Martinez, Jeff, Kurt Hummel, Nick, OC, Wes, Tags: character death,
-Wes p.o.v-
Watching Blaine get weaker and weaker is very difficult. He began needing a lot of sleep and became very sick. I was so impressed with how strong he was being. He continued to do school and warbler practice even if he needed breaks in between. It was difficult for everyone to think that soon he won’t be here, we won’t get to see him ever again. His smile, the way he uses way too much gel every day, just him not being there will cause everyone a lot more pain than they anticipate. There were so many people who were going to miss him even without any family he still has us his friends, and obviously Kurt, his boyfriend. There are so many people he is going to be leaving behind, he is like a brother to me and the other guys we were going to miss him so much, I can’t even imagine life at Dalton without him.
-Blaine p.o.v-
To say I am scared is an understatement. I am terrified. Having lost my mom to cancer really opened my eye, watching what she went through. I was there every step of the way, there when she was diagnosed, there through her treatment, there when she died. I never realised how serious mine was until the words came from the doctors mouth, “I am sorry Mr Anderson your cancer is terminal, there is nothing we can do, I am so sorry,”
My name is Blaine Laurence Anderson, I am 17. 9 months ago I was diagnosed with ALL, or Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia. The past 9 months have been the most stressful and difficult of my life, being a teen singing sensation with leukaemia is not easy and although I had a lot of support and help from everyone, balancing chemotherapy and radiotherapy with school and the warblers was extremely tiring. I did my school work as normal as possible but there were some days where I would have to go to the hospital wing between lessons to be sick before going back on and continuing with my day... Now, my time is coming to an end.
3 months ago I stopped responding to my treatment. From that day on it was certain I was going to die, and I knew it. There were so many things I wasn’t going to do, I wasn’t going to see my 18th birthday, I was never going to get married, have kids with Kurt. The many things I wanted to do, cut away from me. Now all I can do is lie here frail and weak, waiting for my friends and my beautiful boyfriend, having no family left. With the people I know and love around me I know I will be ready to die, ready to see my parents again, ready to let go.
-Wes p.o.v-
The tears continued to stream down our faces as I drove us all fast as I could to the hospital, David was sobbing openly next to me in the passenger seat, while Nick and Jeff were sat huddled together sniffling in the back seats. I had received a call from the hospital telling me that Blaine didn’t have long left and that they needed us to come to the hospital to see him. We all knew this day was coming, but we didn’t expect it to come so soon. I wiped the tears away as more fell. The flow of tears became stronger and faster as we pulled up at the hospital and everyone else was getting out their cars, we all knew when we left here that Blaine would no longer be with us.
Once in the hospital we were taken straight through to Blaine who was already with Kurt. We had just managed to pull ourselves together, but when we all saw Blaine lying in the hospital bed we lost what little composure we had managed to keep. His ribs were showing sharply though his uncharacteristically thin, pale skin. His usual shining brown eyes had lost their sparkle and they were shadowed by dark circles of exhaustion. He saw us through thin glass window to his room, he lifted a frail hand towards us and as we entered the room barely whispered,
“Hey, guys,” I don’t think he could manage to say anymore. Kurt was barely holding it together, sat faithfully by his side clasping his hand and gently stroking his hair now sobbing vehemently.
We all gathered round his bed Jeff and Nick opposite David and I as we tried not to disturb Kurt as he clutched at Blaine’s hand. Kurt gently cradled Blaine’s other hand in his own now clasping it with both his hands. They had been closest of everyone considering their relationship which, was so strong and although what was happening was devastating to everyone, I knew it was tearing Kurt apart, destroying him inside. We each took time to say goodbye to Blaine, properly. Everyone was now crying especially Kurt though who was the one who usually cheered everyone up, yet considering the situation I didn’t blame him for being the worst of all of us. David hugged him tight sobbing even more. Blaine was crying as well now. It still hadn’t sunk in , the boy we had all been firm friends with for years. We were losing him, we were never going to see him again. Kurt was still sobbing unable to control himself, losing his best friend, his boyfriend, they were so close it was unimaginable and the separation was nearly too much for him to deal with.
Blaine called for a nurse barely strong enough to press the button. Minutes later a young looking guy came in, he was dressed in a uniform so I presume he was the nurse. Blaine whispered,
“please can you send the Doctor white, please,” he smiled sadly and nodded saying,
“Yes mate, I will go and get him.” I held David in my arms gently trying to calm him.
The doctor came in looking sad,
“Blaine, Cieron said you wanted to see me?” Blaine nodded and smiled weakly, whispering softly,
“I am ready, now,” the doctor nodded smiling sadly. Kurt continued to sit to Blaine pulling his frail and weak body onto his lap, supporting his head. The doctor began to disconnect Blaine from the machine and softly said,
“I will leave you now, Blaine it has been a pleasure,” Blaine gave him a grateful smile and so did I just as he left.
We all gave Blaine our undivided attention as he grew weaker and weaker over the hours. We knew he didn’t have much longer. Each one of us told him we loved him and that we would never forget him. His breathing began to slow and he was now struggling to keep his eyes open. Kurt hugged him tight as his eyes closed for the last time and his face became peaceful and calm as he went limp in Kurt’s arms. Kurt hugged his limp form tight and sobbed while we all listened to the flat line beep of his heart monitor. He was gone...
Watching Blaine get weaker and weaker is very difficult. He began needing a lot of sleep and became very sick. I was so impressed with how strong he was being. He continued to do school and warbler practice even if he needed breaks in between. It was difficult for everyone to think that soon he won’t be here, we won’t get to see him ever again. His smile, the way he uses way too much gel every day, just him not being there will cause everyone a lot more pain than they anticipate. There were so many people who were going to miss him even without any family he still has us his friends, and obviously Kurt, his boyfriend. There are so many people he is going to be leaving behind, he is like a brother to me and the other guys we were going to miss him so much, I can’t even imagine life at Dalton without him.
-Blaine p.o.v-
To say I am scared is an understatement. I am terrified. Having lost my mom to cancer really opened my eye, watching what she went through. I was there every step of the way, there when she was diagnosed, there through her treatment, there when she died. I never realised how serious mine was until the words came from the doctors mouth, “I am sorry Mr Anderson your cancer is terminal, there is nothing we can do, I am so sorry,”
My name is Blaine Laurence Anderson, I am 17. 9 months ago I was diagnosed with ALL, or Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia. The past 9 months have been the most stressful and difficult of my life, being a teen singing sensation with leukaemia is not easy and although I had a lot of support and help from everyone, balancing chemotherapy and radiotherapy with school and the warblers was extremely tiring. I did my school work as normal as possible but there were some days where I would have to go to the hospital wing between lessons to be sick before going back on and continuing with my day... Now, my time is coming to an end.
3 months ago I stopped responding to my treatment. From that day on it was certain I was going to die, and I knew it. There were so many things I wasn’t going to do, I wasn’t going to see my 18th birthday, I was never going to get married, have kids with Kurt. The many things I wanted to do, cut away from me. Now all I can do is lie here frail and weak, waiting for my friends and my beautiful boyfriend, having no family left. With the people I know and love around me I know I will be ready to die, ready to see my parents again, ready to let go.
-Wes p.o.v-
The tears continued to stream down our faces as I drove us all fast as I could to the hospital, David was sobbing openly next to me in the passenger seat, while Nick and Jeff were sat huddled together sniffling in the back seats. I had received a call from the hospital telling me that Blaine didn’t have long left and that they needed us to come to the hospital to see him. We all knew this day was coming, but we didn’t expect it to come so soon. I wiped the tears away as more fell. The flow of tears became stronger and faster as we pulled up at the hospital and everyone else was getting out their cars, we all knew when we left here that Blaine would no longer be with us.
Once in the hospital we were taken straight through to Blaine who was already with Kurt. We had just managed to pull ourselves together, but when we all saw Blaine lying in the hospital bed we lost what little composure we had managed to keep. His ribs were showing sharply though his uncharacteristically thin, pale skin. His usual shining brown eyes had lost their sparkle and they were shadowed by dark circles of exhaustion. He saw us through thin glass window to his room, he lifted a frail hand towards us and as we entered the room barely whispered,
“Hey, guys,” I don’t think he could manage to say anymore. Kurt was barely holding it together, sat faithfully by his side clasping his hand and gently stroking his hair now sobbing vehemently.
We all gathered round his bed Jeff and Nick opposite David and I as we tried not to disturb Kurt as he clutched at Blaine’s hand. Kurt gently cradled Blaine’s other hand in his own now clasping it with both his hands. They had been closest of everyone considering their relationship which, was so strong and although what was happening was devastating to everyone, I knew it was tearing Kurt apart, destroying him inside. We each took time to say goodbye to Blaine, properly. Everyone was now crying especially Kurt though who was the one who usually cheered everyone up, yet considering the situation I didn’t blame him for being the worst of all of us. David hugged him tight sobbing even more. Blaine was crying as well now. It still hadn’t sunk in , the boy we had all been firm friends with for years. We were losing him, we were never going to see him again. Kurt was still sobbing unable to control himself, losing his best friend, his boyfriend, they were so close it was unimaginable and the separation was nearly too much for him to deal with.
Blaine called for a nurse barely strong enough to press the button. Minutes later a young looking guy came in, he was dressed in a uniform so I presume he was the nurse. Blaine whispered,
“please can you send the Doctor white, please,” he smiled sadly and nodded saying,
“Yes mate, I will go and get him.” I held David in my arms gently trying to calm him.
The doctor came in looking sad,
“Blaine, Cieron said you wanted to see me?” Blaine nodded and smiled weakly, whispering softly,
“I am ready, now,” the doctor nodded smiling sadly. Kurt continued to sit to Blaine pulling his frail and weak body onto his lap, supporting his head. The doctor began to disconnect Blaine from the machine and softly said,
“I will leave you now, Blaine it has been a pleasure,” Blaine gave him a grateful smile and so did I just as he left.
We all gave Blaine our undivided attention as he grew weaker and weaker over the hours. We knew he didn’t have much longer. Each one of us told him we loved him and that we would never forget him. His breathing began to slow and he was now struggling to keep his eyes open. Kurt hugged him tight as his eyes closed for the last time and his face became peaceful and calm as he went limp in Kurt’s arms. Kurt hugged his limp form tight and sobbed while we all listened to the flat line beep of his heart monitor. He was gone...