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Learning Through Song

Blaine expresses his feelings better through music.

K - Words: 900 - Last Updated: Nov 17, 2011
1,022 0 2 0
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: first time,

Author's Notes: I wrote this originally as a birthday present for my friend Christy! Enjoy! Lyrics are changed a little, and the changed words are in bold.
“For the last time, Blaine, I’m fine!” Kurt yelled down the hallway. Blaine had been following him non-stop all day, and today was only his second day at Dalton!

“I just want to make sure that you’re settling in okay!”

“Blaine, darling,” Kurt said as he stopped in front of his dorm room door, “I told you, I’m fine. You don’t have to be a mother hen.” He unlocked the door and walked in, with-big surprise-Blaine at his heels.

“Well, I just know that you are…um…” Blaine struggled with how to not make this awkward, “Well, boys are going to like you here, and I know that I’ve dated before, so I thought I could…I dunno, help or something.” Damn. Still awkward.

“Oh, wow, Blaine…um. Well, I can just tell you that I am perfectly fine…with that…” Truthfully, he’s not. He is just too proud to admit it.

“Kurt, do you realize that when you lie, you shift your eyes down?” Blaine chuckled.

“I’m not lying!” Damn him and his observation skills…”Look, Blaine. You played mentor for me when I was still at McKinley. Stuff like this only happens in movies. And real life is not a movie.” Wow, this is what Blaine does to him. Makes him stupid and redundant.

“Oh, boy…how do I explain this to you…I got it!” Blaine ran over to Kurt’s laptop and opened iTunes. “Now, I know it’s here somewhere….ah! Here it is.”

Blaine clicked on a song and hit the space bar to play it. It was instrumental, and Kurt laughed as he recognized the first bars instantly. “Oh, you have to be kidding me…”

Blaine chuckled and started in on the verse.

You wait, little boy, on an empty stage,

For fate to turn the light on.

You’re life, little boy, is an empty page,

That men will want to write on.

Kurt, unable to stop himself, leaned into Blaine’s personal space and said the next line.

To write on…

Blaine swallowed and backed up. He held his hands up, stopping Kurt.

You are sixteen, going on seventeen,

Baby, it’s time to think.

Better beware, be canny and careful,

Baby, you’re on the brink.

He lifted his index finger and shook it Kurt with a smirk on his face.

You are sixteen, going on seventeen,

Fellows will fall in line.

Eager young lads and roues and cads,

Will offer you food and wine.

Blaine copied the choreography from the movie, clasping his hands behind his back and pacing the floor. Kurt laughed, knowing all too well that Blaine has seen this movie a gazillion times.

Totally unprepared are you,

To face a world of men.

Blaine held his hands against his cheeks, mimicking the look that Kurt gets when he blushes. Kurt, in fact, blushed when he sees how much Blaine pays attention to his mannerisms.

Timid and shy and scared are you,

Of things beyond your ken.

Blaine pointed a finger at himself.

You need someone older and wiser,

Telling you what to do-oo

I am seventeen, going on eighteen,

I’ll take care of you.

Blaine looked at Kurt, “Now do you understand?”

Kurt smirked. “I think so, and the song isn’t over yet.” Kurt cleared his throat and picked up Lisle’s lines.

I am sixteen, going on seventeen,

I know that I’m na�ve.

Fellows I meet may tell me I’m sweet,

And willingly I believe.

Kurt fluttered a hand to his chest, rolling his eyes up to feign innocence. Feign being the operative word…Blaine thought.

I am sixteen, going on seventeen,

Innocent as a rose,

Bachelor dandies, drinkers of brandies,

Kurt shrugged.

What do I know of those?

He mimicked Blaine’s posture from earlier, exaggerating his movements.

Totally unprepared am I,

To face a world of men.

He dug his foot into the carpet and peered at Blaine under his lashes. Oh, sweet merciful Katy Perry, that is hot… Blaine thought.

Timid and shy and scared am I,

Of things beyond my ken.

Kurt straightened up and walked toward Blaine, smiling earnestly.

I need someone older and wiser,

Telling me what to do-o.

Okay, now or never…Kurt thought to himself. He’s been planning to do this for a while. He walks to Blaine, poking finger into his chest.

You are seventeen, going on eighteen,

I’ll depend on you…

Kurt swallowed. “Blaine, the reason I keep telling you that you don’t have to worry is….well, the only boy I had planned on asking out is you.”

“R-r-really?” Blaine stuttered out.

“Yes. Blaine Anderson, will you go out on a date with me?”

“Well, I mean, I’m supposed to be your mentor, so I don’t know if it would be right…”

Oh, my God, I have to do EVERYTHING…Kurt sighed, grabbed the sides of Blaine’s head, and planted a chaste kiss to his lips. Blaine froze, then his eyes fell closed as he opened his mouth instinctively to deepen the kiss. Kurt responded by opening his own mouth. When they broke the kiss, Blaine opened his eyes and sighed, staring into those beautiful cerulean eyes. “Well?” Kurt asked nervously, hoping that he hadn’t just screwed up his chance at a date.

“Kurt, I would love to go out with you. The Lima Bean for a nonfat mocha?” Kurt chuckled at Blaine memorizing his coffee order.

“Why yes, that would be lovely. And don’t forget the medium drip.” He blushed, not realizing that he essentially just told Blaine that he also had his coffee order memorized.

Blaine laughed and held out his arm. Kurt straightened up and linked his arm in Blaine’s and that’s how they walked down the hallway, not even noticing the stares and high fives from the other Warblers, who had been waiting for this to happen for a while.


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what a fantastic use of 16 going on 17! i love that song! i never really noticed that it would fit a gay couple, but it fits really, really well. i wonder if rogers and hammerstein realized this when they wrote it. this is such a sweet story :)

Thank you! I'm looking at my read count and I'm like OMFG I LOVE THIS FANDOM. I should have more fic to post soon!