Dec. 4, 2012, 8:34 p.m.
Dec. 4, 2012, 8:34 p.m.
Kurt and Blaine are having their very first Christmas while living together, but they don't exactly agree on everything.
“KUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT, PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEE?” Blaine whined, holding up his box of ornaments from his childhood.
Kurt had to admit even though they were all brightly colored, and horribly handmade, they were also simply adorable and endearing. To be honest, Kurt had his own box of childhood decorations stashed away in their tiny storage closet. He also had to admit that it would be cute to have their very first Christmas tree while living together decorated with their childhood memories. But his tree, his perfect well thought out tree. He had stayed up for 2 hours the night before planning, and even drawing a model of how he wanted the tree to look. It was perfect, and it would match their furniture so well. It was simple yet tasteful, and he was set on it. One look at Blaine standing there in his rumpled pajamas, curls sticking up everywhere, and his puppy dog eyes turned on full blast however, had him changing his mind very quickly. Who needs perfection when you can have a cute childish tree with a happy boyfriend as a bonus?
Sighing, he turned and walked out of the living room, and down the hall to the storage closet. He opened the door, digging around inside before pulling out a box, and turning to Blaine who was watching him curiously. He reached into the box tugging out the first thing his hand found, which just happened to be a hideously decorated bauble which said Kurt on it.
“Let’s do it,” he said exasperatedly. Blaine then emitted an adorable excited sound before bouncing back into the living room.
“It’s gonna be sooooooooo great Kurt, you’ll see. I have this awesome dog ornament I made when I was 7, oh and there’s even a Harry Potter one from when I was 11! And he’s wearing a bowtie, a bowtie, Kurt,” Blaine rattled off excitedly as he began taking ornaments out of his box.
Kurt’s eyes suddenly widened in horror as he wondered what he had gotten himself into. He eyed some of the ornaments Blaine was pulling out while wondering if he could get rid of them without Blaine noticing. Blame it on the cat maybe? Shaking his head slightly, he sat his own box down.
“Slow down, Blaine. We still haven’t done the lights yet, or the garland,” he said, giggling slightly. Rolling his eyes at Blaine, who’s lip had poked out in a pout, he turned, ignoring his childishness and pulled out a few boxes of lights he had purchased the day before.
“White or rainbow?” he said, turning back to Blaine who was once again distracted by his box of ornaments. Oh my god what even is that? he thought, seeing the mass of yarn and glitter in Blaine’s hands.
“LOOK KURT, IT’S A CAT,” Blaine said excitedly, as he held up the thing in his hands.
Kurt nodded and plastered a smile on his face, “That’s great, honey,“ … well I suppose it looks like a cat if you squint. “Back to my question, White lights, or Rainbow?”
Blaine tilted his head slightly, looking at the tree for a moment, then back to the lights, “Rainbow definitely.”
A bit later, after some struggling, and Blaine getting tangled up in the lights at least twice, they finally had the lights on. Kurt turned away, to grab the silver and blue garland he had bought. Turning back to the tree, he was horrified to see Blaine placing rainbow garland on the tree.
“BLAINE DEVON ANDERSON, YOU GET THAT OFF MY TREE RIGHT NOW,” he demanded, standing with his hands on his hips.
Blaine froze, and turned to him, puppy dog eyes once again on full blast. Shaking his head, Kurt snatched the rainbow garland, and tossed it into a corner away from the tree, “I can deal with the homemade ornaments, but that is not okay, Blaine. It’s blindingly hideous,” he said, as he began winding his own garland around the tree, while ignoring Blaine who had sat on the couch, scowling at him.
After finishing the Garland, he turned back to his still scowling boyfriend and sighed, “Blaineee, C’mon. I’m sorry, but you have to admit, it was hideous, and the blue and silver looks much better,” he said as he walked over to the couch, leaning down over Blaine and pecking his lips, before taking his hands and tugging him off the couch, “It’s time for your favorite part.”
Suddenly, an excited smile lit up Blaine’s face, “Ornaments?”
Nodding, Kurt leaned down and picked up a random ornament from Blaine’s pile. It seemed to be the dog Blaine was talking about earlier, but he wasn’t sure. He handed the thing to Blaine, with a small smile, “You first.
Shaking his head, Blaine took Kurt’s hand, and placed it on the ornament as well, “It’s our first Christmas living and decorating together, we have to put the first ornament on together.”
Kurt’s heart melted, and his eyes were suddenly moist. Nodding his head, he guided their hands to the tree, placing the ornament near the top. Smiling brightly, they both stepped back, admiring their work, before continuing.
They placed all of their ornaments, each of them explaining the story behind each one. Kurt had found the angel he had made the year his mother died in the bottom of his box. He had made it to look like her, and Blaine insisted on putting it on top of the tree, even though Blaine had his own handmade star. Blaine had found a cheesy glitter heart ornament, and attempted to hand it to Kurt, and ‘give him his heart’ unfortunately he had dropped it in the process, breaking it to pieces. Laughter had ensued to the point that both were clutching each other while trying not to fall to the floor, with tears running down their faces.
An hour later, their tree was complete, and Kurt had to admit it didn’t look too bad. Standing back, with Blaine, he smiled as an arm wrapped around his waist.
“It doesn’t look as good as your tree design,“ Blaine said, fearing Kurt would be disappointed.
Kurt just smiled, looking over at Blaine, “It’s perfect,” he said softly, before placing a kiss to Blaine’s cheek, “Can we do this every year? And maybe even make more?”
Blaine’s smile lit up the room as he nodded, “Absolutely,” he said as he removed his arm from Kurt’s waist and made his way over to the corner, “So, about the Rainbow Garland. Can we put it over the fireplace?” he asked hopefully.
Kurt’s smile fell off his face, “ABSOLUTELY NOT.”
“BUT KURTTTTTTTTTT IT’S RAINBOW,” Blaine whined as he grabbed the garland and started off in the direction of the fireplace.
Running after him, Kurt tackled him to the ground, wrestling the Garland from his grasp. After a few moments, he sat up, straddling Blaine’s waist while smiling victoriously, “HA, NO RAINBOW GARLAND,” he said, smirking. He then felt something poking him, and looked down at Blaine with wide eyes, while Blaine just stared up at him innocently. Rolling his eyes, he tossed the Garland away, before leaning down and capturing Blaine’s lips.