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rainy days

Kurt and Blaine go walking in the rain and share a notebook style kiss

K - Words: 701 - Last Updated: Feb 22, 2013
651 0 3 0
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,

The rain in Westerville was heavy it hadn't stopped for 2 hours, Kurt and Blaine had to walk back to Dalton from the coffee shop. Kurt hated the rain it messed up his perfectly styled hair but Blaine loved it, he loved walking through the puddles and having fun, his friends swore he was still a child inside. Kurt was furious that he had to walk back, he was wearing his favourite McQueen coat, there was no way in hell he was getting that wet.

"Blaaaine, do we have to go back right now?" Kurt moaned, he knew he would have to but maybe Blaine would take pity.
"Kurt, it's nearly curfew. Besides it will be fun, come on." Blaine held his hand out and after a few seconds of deliberation Kurt slipped his into Blaine's. Even that small gesture of holding hands made Kurt's heart beat faster.
Before they stepped out Blaine noticed that Kurt was still defensive of getting his coat wet so he slid off his jacket and slipped it on to Kurt's shoulders.
"Blaine, you need a coat too tho-"
"No it's fine, i was too warm anyway. Besides you look hot in my clothes." Blaine winked at Kurt before tugging his hand and running towards the shelter of trees.

"See it wasn't that bad"
"But my hairs a mess! and we still have 5 minutes to walk!"
"Kurt, your hair is perfect," Kurt blushed "this path is under shelter anyway."
Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist bringing him closer, Kurt could feel the heat of Blaine through his shirt and the warmth of his breath ghosting over his own face. Blaine took Kurt's hands gently and lifted them up to his mouth, warming them up and pressing light kisses to each of Kurt's knuckles.
"Are you still cold?" Blaine whispered into his ear, it seemed like such an intimate moment to Kurt that he gasped a little at the sound of Blaine's voice right next to him.
"n-no, not at all. Shall we keep going?" Kurt wanted nothing more than to stay where they were but it was late and he could feel the heat of his own blush and it was little embarrassing.
They walked towards the end of the street, hand in hand and stopped right outside of the Dalton doors, where the shelter ended.
"Thanks for lending me the jacket." Kurt said before they went.
"Keep it, you can give it me tomorrow. You still need to get to your dorm." Blaine's generosity and sweet smile sent a warm shiver through Kurt.
Before Kurt could say thankyou Blaine had pulled him out into the rain, Kurt squeaked quietly at the sudden action. Blaine's hand came up quickly to Kurt's face cupping his cheeks and pulling him forward, Kurt moved with him placing his left hand on the back of Blaine's neck and the other hand in his hair. They held on the each other tightly, looking deeply into each other's eyes, a whole new feeling of want and love in both of them.

Blaine gave in first and rushed forward to meet Kurt's lips, capturing them with his own like they were the most precious things he had ever touched. Deepening the kiss and trailing his tongue gently across Kurt's bottom lip, he stroked Kurt's cheekbones with his thumbs. Kurt's hands roaming through Blaine's hair gripping at the loose curls at the back of his head where the rain had washed the gel away, the other hand resting at the bottom of Blaine's back pulling him even closer so there was no space in between them. Collapsing into the wet, sweet taste of Kurt's tongue Blaine broke off slightly and whispered
"i love you" against Kurt's lips, resting their foreheads together and looking back into each others eyes. Neither of them caring about the time or the rain, the water droplets from their hair dropping onto each others faces. Kurt brought his hand to the front of Blaine's face and pushed the hair away from his forehead, clinging onto Blaine's waist and leaning further into Blaine's ear
"i love you too" he whispered before moving in to press another longing, passionate kiss to Blaine's swollen lips.

They stayed there for what seemed like forever sharing endless kisses in the pouring rain.

End Notes: please review, i might write more drabble type fics


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yes, please write more drabbles. This was very sweet

This was incredibly sweet and cute. I love seeing the boys in love.