March 10, 2013, 9:17 a.m.
March 10, 2013, 9:17 a.m.
It was New Years eve and Kurt Hummel was determined to spend it with someone
New Year's Eve was always a disappointment to Kurt, not having anyone to kiss at 00:00 while everyone else had partners was never the best start to a new year but Kurt refused to sit in the corner drinking endlessly this year. There was only one problem it was the day before New Year 's Eve and he still hadn't found anyone, Kurt didn't want to seem desperate but he knew if he wanted to get that kiss he would have to go to scandals, the place all hot single men go on new year's eve.
"Hey Bas, what are you doing tomorrow night?" Kurt didn't really want to go with Sebastian but he was the only other gay guy he could think of and he wasn't going to go to the club alone.
"Are you asking me on a date Hummel? i knew you would want on this soon enough."
"Ha in your dreams Sebastian. I was going to say could you come with me to Scandals, apparently it's the best place to be on New Year's Eve." Kurt had to think of a lie to explain why he wanted to go.
"if by its the best you mean the best place to get into hot guys pants, then yes it is and i suppose i could go with you I really need to get laid."
Somehow every time Kurt talked to Sebastian their conversation always lead to talking about Sebastian's sex life. Kurt just sighed,
"Okay, meet me outside there at 10?"
"See you then, sexy"
Kurt snorted at that last remark, it was nothing he hadn't heard from Sebastian before, tossing the phone on to his bed he walked over to his wardrobe he really needed to figure out what to wear.
He wanted to make sure he looked irresistible, leather and tight pants was always the way to go.
New Year's Eve, 10pm.
"Wow Hummel, just when i thought you couldn't look any better. Those tight pants really do you justice."
"Shut up Bas, let's just get inside." though inside he was slightly pleased that he pulled off the look.
Scandals was packed, you couldn't move 2 feet without accidently elbowing someone's crotch or looking like you were trying to feel up everyone around you.
Kurt lost Sebastian amongst the crowd an hour ago, he probably already found someone to turn his "charm" on.
Kurt didn't care that he didn't have Sebastian around to be his wing man, he was on the dance floor getting a lot of attention and he loved it. He was flirting with everyone and he didn't care if he looked needy, he was past caring after his 5th shot.
It was 11:45pm and everyone seemed to be going off in little groups or couples. There were a few people left on the dance floor still, about 4 were trying to get Kurt to kiss them or go off with them but Kurt just giggled at their attempts and walked over to the bar.
He slumped onto one of the bar stools and finished the rest of the drink.
"Hey" Kurt was taken aback by the low seductive voice that reached his ear; he looked up from his empty glass to meet a pair of hazel eyes that were staring back into his own. Kurt's breath caught in his throat, the boy in front of him was by far the most beautiful person in the club, even if his hair was inches deep in gel. Kurt must have been staring for longer than he thought
"um hello? Could i get you a drink?" there it was again that voice, fuck.
"Oh y-yeah, thanks."
"No problem, I'm Blaine by the way"
"well Kurt it's nice to meet you" Kurt nearly let out a satisfied groan at the way his name rolled off the other boys tongue. Dear god, now he was thinking about Blaine's tongue. Before his mind could travel any further Blaine handed him a drink and was talking about something but Kurt was still transfixed on those lips to realise what he was saying,
"......so are you here alone?" Kurt tuned in at the right moment he thought.
"Yes, all on my own. What about you? It's hard to believe someone like you could be." Blaine didn't have to know he was there with Sebastian and he kind of let that last bit slip but he hoped Blaine would realise he was flirting.
Blaine let out a small giggle, "actually yes i am, besides scandals is always better on New year's eve when you're on your own." he looked into Kurt's eyes with a knowing smirk.
Kurt choked a bit on his drink at the seductive tone in his voice.
"Speaking of, have you got the time?" Kurt pulled out his phone, but he was too drunk to read the time, he shoved it into Blaine's hands and slurred that he couldn't see properly. Blaine laughed and said "its 11:55." Kurt leaned over and took back his phone but stumbled and nearly fell off his chair, he felt strong arms grasping him and stopping him from falling. Kurt melted into the embrace and looked up at Blaine's face that was inches apart from his own. Everyone else around them had started counting down but Kurt's ears were muffled and all he could hear was Blaine's voice in his ear...
"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5" Blaine pulled Kurt back up so there were standing but still close together,
"4, 3, 2.....1!" Blaine rushed forwards and crashed his lips to Kurt's, licking the other boy's lips and tasting the alcohol on them. It was rushed and hot, Kurt was flustered but they didn't stop kissing. Blaine's hands found Kurt's hips and pulled them closer, flushing their bodies together so their legs were sealed tight against each other's, only a thin layer of fabric between them as they started grinding to the music, causing their pants to tighten and Kurt's half hard cock to rub up against Blaine's.
It was the single most heated New Year's Eve Kurt had ever had.