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When you're worn out and tired

This is written after the whole spoilers about Blaine getting hurt and it being Finn/Sebastian's faults and Kurt taking care of him. I have no idea what will happen in the episode, and I am just writing what I think will happen. This is a fic about Kurt taking care of Blaine...kind of.

T - Words: 2,007 - Last Updated: Jan 09, 2012
1,857 1 1 0
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Finn Hudson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: hurt/comfort,

Every other time he had walked up to his room, he had been met with the sounds of 70’s art rock bands. Which was why walking up now made Kurt feel strange, his bones rattling as he kept making his way up and down the hallway in the dark, dimly lit house. But he hadn’t been expecting to hear music as he rose up to Blaine’s room; he hadn’t expected to hear any music at all. Still, even if he had prepared himself, Kurt felt uneasy and anxious. The lack of music made the house feel so dead, and the last thing he wanted to be doing was picturing Blaine somewhere so desolate. Especially with how he felt right now.

He was worried, and had been worried since yesterday after they had performed ‘Bad’ with the Warblers. Kurt didn’t want to think about it though, his stomach twisting into a knot of anger at the thought of yesterday. Everything had gone wrong, and just thinking about his face and his stupid sneer made Kurt want to drive up to Dalton and get things straight. But he stopped himself, for Blaine’s sake.

Opening the door slowly as he finally reached it; Kurt ducked his head into the room and smiled softly as he whispered, “Hey.”

Sitting up in his bed, Blaine returned the smile as he saw Kurt’s head poke through the crack in the door. There was a hazy look in his eyes, and Kurt tried not to smile wider as noticed that Blaine had probably just been sleeping.

As he made his way over to his bed, he took in the state of Blaine’s room. Although it was always in a state in between messy and clean, Kurt noticed the way things were thrown around a bit more. He made a mental note to help him pick some things up later, maybe after Blaine had fallen asleep again. On the bed, Blaine’s leg was propped up on a pillow over the covers, although the rest of the sheets were draped haphazardly over him. Kurt didn’t think about the last time he had been in those very same sheets himself, both to keep away a vicious blush from crawling into his cheeks but also because you weren’t supposed to be thinking about sex when your boyfriend was lying in bed with a sprained ankle and a broken arm. He looked at Blaine’s cast, and tried not to sigh too much.

It was strange, seeing Blaine bedridden. He was often so active, or at least around Kurt. Sure, there was the quiet reserved Blaine who was always ready to listen, but so often and especially nowadays Kurt knew the Blaine who was playing music and dancing around his room, or at least the one that would by sitting still for a moment before springing up the next to look for something in what he called his “orderly mess” of a shelf. Seeing him so helpless was disconcerting, and Kurt tried not to imagine if this was how Blaine had looked like after he had been attacked at the Sadie Hawkins Dance.

“Did I wake you?” Kurt asked, as he stood over Blaine, finally reaching his side.

Shaking his head, Blaine looked up at Kurt and reached out with his good arm for his hand. His voice was sleepy as he answered, and instantly Kurt’s heart filled with warmth. “Nah, I’ve been awake for a few minutes. It got boring just sitting here.”

Kurt squeezed his hand, but brought it up to his lips. Blaine’s knuckles were warm against his cold lips, but Kurt placed feather light kisses on all of them before he turned his hand over to his palm. Placing one kiss in its center, Kurt didn’t let go as he sat down on Blaine’s bed.

“Does it still hurt?” he asked softly, his free hand rising and pushing Blaine’s hair off from his forehead, free from the curls since Blaine hadn’t gone to school that day.

It took Blaine a moment to answer, and Kurt blamed his fingers for that. They had gotten lost in his hair, and Blaine closed his eyes for a moment and breathed in. Kurt’s hand dropped slowly, but their eyes met and locked onto each other. There was so much to say, but they had time.

His voice was clearer now as Blaine replied, looking down at himself and shrugging, “My leg doesn’t hurt anymore. But they said my arm will still give me a bit of trouble. It’s just a…”

“Mild fracture,” Kurt said, smiling and nodding. From Blaine’s puzzled look, Kurt laughed and knew he wondered how he had known. “Your mother told me. She let me in and we spoke for a bit.”

The smile that spread on Blaine’s face was small, and Kurt couldn’t even start to decipher what it meant. It was the same one that always came onto his face when Kurt mentioned speaking to his mother and held a mixture of happiness and sadness. Kurt understood Blaine’s relationship with his parents was difficult, and he knew that someday he would get him to fully explain it to him, but he understood that sometimes things came in steps, and if Kurt could show to Blaine that it was possible for people to get better and change their opinions, he would do it.

They stayed quiet for a moment, and Kurt absentmindedly let his thumb begin to stroke the back of Blaine’s hand as they simply sat there. It was quiet, but with Blaine’s steady breathing Kurt didn’t feel the house as empty anymore. But it was good to see Blaine, despite the pain in his chest just looking at him like this.

“Do you need anything?” Kurt asked, shifting as he toed off his boots and sat with his legs tucked underneath him on the bed, but closer to Blaine. He would have stretched out already next to him, but just in case Blaine said yes, Kurt was ready to get up and get what he wanted. “Water? Juice? Your laptop? Want me to shut up so you can go back to sleep?”

Blaine shook his head though, and squeezed Kurt’s hand. He chuckled a bit though, as he moved his fingers to lace his with Kurt’s. Looking up, their eyes met again, but Blaine’s smile reached his eyes there time as he answered, “Kurt, I’m fine. I got hurt, I’m not sick. I don’t need to sleep and you can stop worrying so much.” His eyes lowered and quietly Blaine mumbled under his breath, “I can tell you’re worried, you don’t have to be.”

That was so like Blaine, not wanting him to look after him. It was so like him to not understand that he was actually hurt a lot worse than anyone would have thought. But Blaine had fallen back after he had gotten hit, the chair being what hit his ankle but the fall being the reason for the fracture. Kurt couldn’t help but let his head be flooded with images of the other day and he sighed roughly as he looked at Blaine, his eyes not happy.

“You got hurt. I have the right to be worried and the right to be angry. You could have been hurt worse, I know, but you’re still hurt Blaine. Everyone’s been asking me how you are and when you stopped texting me today I stopped answering them because I got worried.” Kurt tried to keep his voice calm, but as he looked away, he felt an anger rise inside of him that he had been keeping down for quite some time. “It was all Sebastian’s fault too.”

“Can we keep Sebastian out of this?” Blaine mumbled, a sigh escaping his lips.

Kurt whirled his head to look at him, his eyes wide with confusion. Sometimes, deep inside in his most insecure parts, hearing Blaine say things like that hurt him. There was always a little birdy in his ear telling him that Blaine could have someone better, and after Sebastian had told him that Blaine was too good for him…Kurt couldn’t help but let his voice get to him. He hated the way he got to him, and he didn’t want to hate the boy who Blaine swore was harmless, but it was in his nature to be jealous and Kurt couldn’t help it. “Blaine, he’s the reason you’re like this..”

But Blaine shook his head, before reaching out with his good hand as he let go of Kurt’s own hand to cup his cheek. His thumb brushed over Kurt’s collar bone, and Kurt sighed as he waited for him to speak. Blaine’s voice was soft as he said, “Don’t drag Sebastian into this. He was an ass, yeah, but it was my decision to step up between him and Finn, okay? I didn’t want to see all war break out between the Warblers and New Directions, Kurt. I had to stop it. Let’s not make this about him.”

Kurt felt the anger subside, and he sighed heavily before nodding. He placed his hand over Blaine’s, and their eyes once again met. It was funny how even if he was older than Blaine, Blaine was typically the one with more reason, even for all of his antics and childish behavior. Kurt needed to remind himself that the confident, mysterious yet friendly guy he had met on that staircase was still there, deep inside of Blaine. Just because he had shed off the blazer and tie didn’t mean his Blaine had changed. But sometimes Kurt forgot these things, and sometimes he didn’t trust Blaine’s puppy like trust. But he told himself to trust Blaine more.

Leaning forward, their lips met hesitantly, Kurt’s palm moving to Blaine’s cheek as they kept kissing. It wasn’t over in a minute, and Blaine sucked gently at Kurt’s bottom lip as Kurt tried to move closer without hurting Blaine. Their lips lingered as they pulled away, moments later. Blaine brought out his tongue to lick over his lips, before he puckered them up again and pecked Kurt’s lips lightly, in which Kurt could only hum in response, his head in that happy euphoria that lingered always after their lips met.

“In that case,” Kurt whispered, his lip pulling into a smirk as he pulled away. “I should be scolding you for getting in the way. I don’t care if you were trying to be a hero, it was a stupid thing to do.”

Blaine could only roll his eyes, and Kurt’s smile was nothing but amused. They laughed at each other though, leaning forward until their foreheads met and the sound of their laughter filled the previously quiet room. Kurt’s hand slipped down to Blaine’s neck, and he shook his head softly as he basked in Blaine’s presence.

His voice was hot in his ear as Blaine said, lowly, “You’re the only person who would scold someone after they break their arm and call it their fault.”

Kurt just shrugged, and Blaine kissed the smirk on his lips as he pulled him down to lay on his side. Kurt was sure to be careful as he rested his cheek on Blaine’s chest, mindful of his leg and glad that he could still lie on one side of Blaine. But even with the bandages and the cast, Blaine still felt the same. Kurt tried not to think about how much he wanted to take care of Blaine, and how much he knew he would in small little gestures despite Blaine’s stubbornness.

They held each other, and it didn’t feel any different than the last time they had laid on Blaine’s bed, staring into each other’s eyes. Their hands remained on their cheeks, and Kurt forgot about asking Blaine if Finn had called to apologize yet, or if Sebastian had even bothered to send a text in some sort of apology as well. He lay there with his boyfriend, thinking about only him and promising himself that he wouldn’t let anything else happen to someone that meant so much to him.


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Really loved this :D So sweet and articulate