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Klaine. Blaine angst. Angsty drabble. Character death. How Blaine copes with losing the love of his life.

T - Words: 460 - Last Updated: Jan 01, 2012
943 0 2 1
Categories: Angst, Tragedy,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: character death,

Author's Notes: A/N Angsty angsty drabble. I don't know why I put myself through this.Warning: Character death.
Blaine was numb. He hadn't felt anything since it happened. One nasty accident, one act of carelessness by a drunk driver, and his whole world had been snatched away from him in a blink of an eye. Blaine had watched it happen, watched as the car ran past the red light and hit straight into Kurt, who had been looking back at him and laughing as they crossed the road, Kurt darting ahead of Blaine teasingly.

Blaine had instantly fallen down beside Kurt, clinging onto his hand tightly, whispering comfort to him, that the ambulance would arrive, and would help him, and he'd be fine. But the ambulance didn't arrive in time, and Kurt wasn't fine.

It was Blaine's desire just to feel something, anything, that led to him knocking on the door to Kurt's house, a place he hadn't been since Kurt died. Carole answered the door, looking bleary eyed and tired 'Oh…. Hi sweetie. Come on in.'

Blaine nodded and stepped through the door 'Hi Mrs Hummel' he said, his voice cracking upon saying Kurt's surname. Burt came through upon hearing Blaine's voice 'Hi Blaine.' Blaine looked up at him. He had never seen the man look so broken, and he couldn't help but reach out and give the larger man a hug. Burt patted his back awkwardly before wrapping his arms around him 'Thank you for making my son happy, Blaine. Even if it was for such a short time.' His voice cracked and Blaine just nodded into his shoulder.

After a while they broke the hug, and Blaine looked at Burt and Carole 'I wondered if I could go sit in Kurt's room? Just for a little while?' Carole nodded 'Of course, sweetheart. Go right on up.'

Blaine squeezed her hand gratefully 'Thank you, Mrs Hummel.' Blaine went up the stairs and opened the door to Kurt's bedroom, seeing it exactly the same as when he had last visited. He let out a small wimper as he walked into the room, tears starting to stream down his cheeks. He toed off his shoes and slipped off his jacket, climbing into the bed and pulling the sheets over his head, inhaling the scent of Kurt that still resided on the sheets. The tears started falling faster and faster as he sobbed against Kurt's pillow, clinging tightly onto the bear Kurt kept in his bed, the bear only Blaine knew about.

When Carole and Burt checked in on Blaine later that evening, they found him curled up in Kurt's bed, bear clutched to his chest, hair tousled and cheeks still wet, but fast asleep. They stepped back out of the room, carefully closing the door. Carole whispered 'We should leave him.' Burt nodded, clutching onto Carole's hand, slowly leading her back down the stairs.


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omg, sobbing!!! beautifully tragic

Thank you for reviewing :) I'm not sure what I was thinking when I wrote this, as a rule I don't write Klaine death fics as they make me too emotional, so this plot idea came as something of a surprise. I'm glad you liked the story and thank you for taking the time to read and review.