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Unintentional Interest

Kurt finds Rachel's naive younger brother endearing and decides to tease him a little. But their little game carries until Kurt learns that he's already more involved than he would care to admit.

E - Words: 5,338 - Last Updated: Mar 15, 2012
1,613 0 2 9
Categories: Angst, AU, Humor, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Burt Hummel, Carole Hudson-Hummel, Finn Hudson, Kurt Hummel, Rachel Berry,

Author's Notes: Anderberry-siblings!AU .. so Rachel & Blaine are siblings. Because I love this headcanon.Anyway, I really like this one :D so please comment! 3
“Kurt! Rachel! Over here”

“Dad! Papa!”

“Welcome home darling”

The dark-haired girl all but threw herself at her two fathers as her taller companion gave a burly-looking guy a tearful hug.

“We’ve missed you Kurt”

Kurt gave his father a loving smile before he turned around to greet Carol and Finn. Well, he really only greeted Carol, because his stepbrother was too busy squeezing his long lost girlfriend until she had to pull away for air.

Kurt and Rachel had come back to Ohio to spend Christmas (or in Rachel’s case: Hanukkah) with their families and since Finn and Rachel would want to be around each other 24/7 it was decided that there was to be a ‘HummelHudsonBerry HanMas-party’ at the Berry residence.

“Hey Kurt”

Oh. Make that a ‘HummelHudsonAndersonBerry HanMas-party’.

Kurt looked back into shy green eyes before he gently hugged Rachel’s younger brother.

“Hey Blaine, you came to pick us up too?”

“Of course”

“I wouldn’t have heard the end of it from Rach otherwise”, he added in a low voice

Kurt chuckled, he was far too able to imagine his best friend ranting at her brother for not meeting her at the airport.

“I should probably..” Blaine muttered as he eyed Rachel


“You’ll be at the party?”

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world”

Blaine smiled like the kid he was a heart and then he turned on his heels to tip-toe his way to the Berrys.

Kurt watched the younger boy as he pounced on his sister, which earned him a high-pitched screech.

Kurt knew a little about Blaine. The raven-haired teen, who lived with his mother, was their junior by one year. And after the whole ShelbyRachel-debacle, Kurt wasn’t surprised to learn that Blaine and Rachel were only half-siblings. Despite their genetic differences, however, there were certain similarities. The AnderBerry duo shared, for example, a dizzying talent and matching ambitions (Kurt was sure that Blaine would follow them to New York), not to mention their dark hair and animated eyes. Kurt had met with the raven-haired boy on several Berry-family occasions and he had concluded early on that Blaine was much like the puppy his grandmother used to have, silly and eager to please.


After dropping his luggage off at home and taking a quick shower, Kurt rang the doorbell of the excessively decorated Berry residence.

“Come in, come in!”

“Rene! Thank you again for inviting us”, Carol chirped

“The pleasure is all ours!”, the dark man replied

As they were shooed into the living room, the remaining family greeted them.

“Do sit down! Do you want something to drink? Dinner will be served shortly”, Rachel’s other dad chattered.

Dinner when by without a hitch. It was probably the most unusual dinner party Kurt had ever attended though. The menu, for starters, had been an interesting combination of Kosher, low salt and vegan and the brunette had to keep himself from crackling every time he saw his stepbrother struggling with his food, because Rachel was literally glued to him. What popped out the most, however, was the way Blaine kept glancing at him from across the table.

Kurt never priced himself as ‘experienced’, especially when it came to these kinds of matters, but he had learned a thing or two in New York. He had, for example, quickly understood that the way people look at you tells you a lot about their intentions. And the way the green-eyed boy had stared at him, he knew, was way too intense to be a look of general interest as Kurt discussed the latest fashion.

“Why don’t you kids take a seat in the living room, while we brew some nice, hot, coffee”, Carol said when they finished their considerable amount of food.

Burt wanted to follow the children back to the comfortable couches, but he was pulled back into the kitchen by his surprisingly strong wife.

“You help”

Burt mumbled something beneath his breath and Kurt chuckled as he saw his father reluctantly clearing the dishes.

Now what about Blaine? The younger teen had, seemingly casually, placed himself in the two-seat, forcing Rachel and Finn to occupy the bigger sofa. He glanced to Kurt, only to avert his eyes as they met bright blue ones.

This could be interesting.

Kurt felt a little bold tonight, which might have been due to the generous amounts of wine he had already consumed, so he decided to test the waters.

“May I take this seat?”

“Of course”

“So..” he started as soon as he sat down, “didn’t you want to spend Christmas at your mom’s place?”

“I always spend Christmas Eve and the first day of Christmas with my dad”

“Oh. I see”

“But wouldn’t you like to spend some time with your girlfriend on Christmas Eve though?”

Kurt realised that this was probably not any more subtle than just asking him directly, but Blaine didn’t seem to care.

“Well no.. I’m single”


“And gay”, the raven-haired added as he carefully inspected his shoes.



The older teen tried to keep his face neutral as his first hunch proved correct.

“Do they know?”, Kurt hushed

“My parents?”

“Yeah they know. Rachel knows too. In fact, she might have been more excited about it than strictly necessary”

“Yeah, I suspect that she is more of a hag then she’s letting on”

“You might me on to something there”

Blaine grinned and Kurt figured the too-big smile caught him off-guard, because his heart momentarily fluttered at the sight.

“I’m actually quite sure!”, Kurt exclaimed, “when I brought my boyfriend home, she was all over him!”

The brunette carefully observed the boy’s reaction after dropping that bombshell. And he didn’t disappoint.

Blaine averted his gaze, trying to hide his shock.

“S-so..”, he stumbled, “You have a lover?”

Kurt chuckled as his conversational partner fumbled with his sweater, his ears turning red.

“Well, we broke up a while ago”

This was actually a lie. Kurt never had brought boyfriend home, but he figured Blaine didn’t need to know that. Yet.


Blaine didn’t bother trying to hide the eagerness in his voice as he locked eyes with Kurt once more. Then his face dropped again.

“Oh I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to sound insensitive”

“No. It’s fine. Don’t worry about it”, Kurt shushed the boy, earning him a shy smile

“Here you go boys!”

Rachel’s father handed each of them their coffee.

“Be careful, it’s hot”

The boys nodded and Rachel turned on the T.V. to make them to watch the Christmas Special on Fox.

The rest of the evening continued in silence, which was only occasionally broken by Kurt and Rachel harmonizing to the Sound of Music or Rachel’s dads offering them another hot beverage.


“So how’s Dalton?”

Kurt and Blaine were both in various states of undressing. It was decided that they would share Blaine’s bedroom for the night, as Rachel wanted to spend the night with Finn and Burt and Carol were assigned to the only guestroom.

Not that Kurt disliked this set-up.

“Well it’s fi- “

Blaine froze as he openly ogled at the taller boy’s bare chest.


Kurt feigned ignorance, but he had realised earlier in the evening that he enjoyed teasing the raven-haired schoolboy.

“Are you okay?”

Blushing, Blaine pulled his gaze away and focused on his flannel trousers instead.

“Yes. Fine. Dalton is fine. Everything’s fine”, he stammered

“How’s NYADA?”

“Oh it’s the best!”, Kurt exclaimed

“I mean. We get regular classes as well, but it’s mostly musical theatre and it’s perfect! I mean, how many people can say that their final exam is directing a dialogue? “And the people! Everybody is so accepting and..”

Blaine smiled, while Kurt continued to gush about his new-found college life.


“Well I was just thinking, maybe I should try to get into NYADA as well?”

“You should! You’ll definitely get accepted”

“You think so?”

“I know so”, Kurt said solemnly as he buttoned up his pyjama shirt.

Then the room grew quiet again. The two teens glanced at each other, then at the bed and then locked gazes once again.

“You want to sleep?”, Blaine finally asked

“Yeah. I’m pretty tired”

“Okay. Why don’t you lie down, I’ll be right back”, the green-eyed teen said as he shuffled backwards.

“Where you going?”



Kurt held his composure until Blaine had left the room, but his calm face cracked as soon as he was alone.

I can’t believe how innocent this guy is! He brings a whole new meaning to dapper private-school boy!

The brunette draped himself on the bed, face still straining from too much laughing, and he wondered how he should meet Blaine when he came back.

He had just settled on ‘on top of the blankets, with his pants riding a little too low on his hips’, when the other boy re-entered the room.

“Oh. Uhm. Aren’t you eh.. cold?”

Perfect reaction.

“No, it’s actually pretty hot in here, don’t you think?”

Kurt cringed as the words left his mouth, but Blaine didn’t seem to care about the cheesiness as he inched closer to the bed.

“Can I uhm.. turn of the lights?”, Blaine asked softly

“Yes. That’s fine”

“Well good night then”

“Good night Blaine”, Kurt smirked

The raven-haired quickly pulled back the covers and slid underneath, turning his back to Kurt in the process.

The brunette sighed and joined Blaine under the thick blanket.

Let’s play with him a little more.

Kurt reached out to slide his fingers over the schoolboy’s back, when he realised just how far away the boy was.

A little bit taken aback by the obvious attempt to ignore his presence, Kurt snorted. Not only was he at the opposite side of the bed, their psychological distance put the New York – Ohio commute to shame.

Maybe he had misread the Blaine’s behaviour entirely?

Kurt studied the clothed back as it moved slowly with the boy’s gentle breathing. Then he heard a soft thud and a chocked giggle coming from the room next door and he silently cursed himself for not bringing his earplugs with him.

When Blaine still maintained his silent protest, Kurt shrugged and turned around. Nothing good would have come from this anyway, he was Rachel’s little brother after all. Kurt shouldn’t mess with him (too much).

Soon after, the brunette’s eyes fell shut and he failed to register the subtle shift of cotton beside him.


“Kurt! Breakfast is ready”

Kurt’s barely opened eyes were met with the obnoxiously happy ones of his New York roommate.

“Rach? What time is it?”

“It’s 11.30 sleepy head!”


“Downstairs in 5?”

Kurt groaned a confirmation and he was wondering why he had slept so uncharacteristically long, when he realised that the bed he had shared with Blaine now only housed him.

“Hey Rach, what happened to Blaine?”, the blue-eyed teen asked when the raven-haired boy wasn’t downstairs either.

“He had breakfast hours ago. I think he went back to his mum”

“Oh”, Kurt replied dumbly

Did he run away?

“Kurt.. did something happen between you two?”, Rachel probed

“What? Why would you even think that?”

“Well.. you know. You’re gay. He’s gay. You’re both gay”

“Excuse me? I happen to find that statement extremely offensive. Unlike some people, I do not have relations with my best friend’s sibling, especially not when she’s in the room next to me”, Kurt snapped

“Oh excuse me, I didn’t mean to hurt your delicate feelings”, Rachel bit back

“Oh please, you don’t care about my feelings at all. You just want your daily dose of gay sex”


“Did you forget we use the same computer? Did you really think I wouldn’t find out? Luckily for you, I do not meddle in other people’s business”

Rachel’s complexion went from pale to flaming and she stormed back into the kitchen, grumbling obscenities at Kurt as she turned on the kettle.

Kurt hadn’t meant to snap at Rachel like that, but sometimes she was just so.. annoying! He decided to make it up to her before they flew back to New York, because the flight was a bit too long to silently glare at each other until they landed.

“How have you been, Kurt?”

Blaine and Finn had come to pick them up from the airport and Rachel had insisted on a date to celebrate her two-week stay in Ohio, so Blaine had suggested that he and Kurt made themselves scarce. And now they were at the Lima Bean.

“Fine. Had to pull some all-nighters to finish a costume before the deadline, but I somehow managed”

“Didn’t you guys want to spend spring break in New York?”

“Have you met your sister?”

Blaine snorted at the taller boy’s snarky comment.


“But you could have stayed behind?”

“Yeah well.. after Rachel told Finn she was coming back, my parents sort of assumed I was coming back too”, Kurt shrugged

He hadn’t seen Blaine since their ‘sleep-over’, he hadn’t even come to send them off, and now they were engaging in polite conversation. Something about this whole situation set Kurt’s teeth on edge.

When they met at the airport, Blaine had offered Kurt a hug. The undergraduate had half expected that the raven-haired would’ve grown, but the boy had looked even shorter than he remembered when he shyly pulled away.

“What about you then? Almost graduating.”


“You’re going to make it?”


“Oh. That’s nice”

Kurt impatiently tapped the dark-wooden table as the silence filled his ears.

“You want to go back to my dad’s place?”

The sudden question caught Kurt off guard.

“Excuse me?”

“Oh! No! I didn’t mean it like that!”

The brunette quirked an eyebrow, causing a deep flush to settle on the other teen’s cheeks.

“No. I just thought”, the boy stammered, “this might be boring for you and we could maybe watch some T.V. or something until Rachel and Finn come back”



“Okay, I will wait for Rachel and Finn at your dad’s place”, Kurt repeated

“Oh. Awesome”, the raven-haired replied with his trademark grin, “let’s go then”


“I’m back!”, Blaine yelled as he stepped into the hallway, “Is anybody home?”

“I guess not”, the boy unnecessarily commented when he was met with silence, “it will be just the two of us then”

Just the two of us.

Kurt’s stomach made a pleasant loop at that. This was his chance to get Blaine to explain his contradictory behaviour. It had bothered Kurt since the teenager had fled the scene at that Christmas dinner and he hadn’t been able to discuss it with Rachel for obvious reasons. The brunette wasn’t quite ready to think about why it bothered him so much though, but he set his impromptu plan into motion immediately.

“Would you like something to drink?”

“You’ve got diet Coke?”

“One diet Coke coming up”

Kurt positioned himself on the sofa he and Blaine had conversed in last December and he crossed his legs as he waited for the other teen to reappear from the kitchen.

“Here you go”


Blaine flopped back against the other couch, carefully avoiding eye contact as he switched on the T.V.

As expected.

“Won’t you sit next to me?”, Kurt asked in his sweetest voice

“Uhm.. well. If you want”

Kurt tapped on the seat next to him and Blaine obediently settled into the soft cushions.


The taller boy leaned over the teenager to place his drink on the cabinet.

“You’ve got a boyfriend yet?”


Blaine swallowed loudly as Kurt hovered over him.

So obvious.



“Me neither”

“Do you want one?”, Kurt added after a pause

His voice was low and barely louder than a whisper.

Blaine’s gaze followed Kurt as he pushed himself back up. But Kurt didn’t return to his original position, instead he leaned against the back of the couch, his chest almost touching the raven-haired’s shoulder.

“Have you even kissed a guy before?”, the blue-eyed boy continued as Blaine remained silent



The teen’s eyes lingered on Kurt’s lips and he absentmindedly lick his own.

“You want to give it a spin?”


Blaine looked positively shocked as the other boy inched closer, the warm breath sending shivers down his spine and then-


The raven-haired had pushed Kurt away with so much force that he knocked him of the sofa.

“I’m sorry. I think you should leave!”

“What?”, the taller teen exclaimed in a high-pitched voice

He was about to start ranting at Blaine for being the absolute master of mixed signals, when he noticed tears glistening in the younger boy’s eyes.


Blaine angrily brushed his tears away.

“Just leave”

Kurt’s annoyance turned into genuine concern and he slowly moved towards the glaring teen.

“Blaine? I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. I was just teasing you.. I went too far. Sorry”, he pleaded as he reached out to the boy.

But Blaine pushed his hand away.

“It’s all just a game to you!”, he yelled


Blaine’s voice quivered with anger and tears started to flow freely as his mouth released the words he’d been holding in all this time.

“’Let’s tease Rachel’s naive little brother! It’ll be a nice way to pass time!’”

Kurt silently took in the stream of frustration.

“’Maybe he’ll fall for me, that’d be hilarious!’”

The raven-haired fell back against the couch, eyes red and breathing irregular.

The taller boy observed his companion as exhaustion replaced anger.

Maybe he’ll fall for me.

Kurt took the subsided rage as a signal to crawl back onto the sofa, leaving a good foot between him and Blaine.

“Do you..”

He hesitated. Maybe this wasn’t the best time to discuss such delicate matters.

“What?”, Blaine grumbled, anger less prevalent in his voice

No! Kurt wanted to sort this out once and for all. He wanted, no needed, to know what Blaine thought about him.

“Do you like me?”

The raven-haired’s eyes went wide and the telltale blush crept back along his neck.



“No! No I don’t! In fact, I hate you! Yeah. You’re mean and a tease and you’re my sister’s best friend and.. I just hate you!”

“What has me being Rachel’s friend got to do with any of this?”

Kurt was honestly confused and couldn’t quite process what Blaine was trying to say.

“God! I has everything to do with this!”, the boy exclaimed



The older teen foresaw another outburst, so he tried to calm Blaine down.

“Please. I don’t understand what you’re trying to say..”

The high-schooler sighed when earnest blue eyes locked with his.

“You really don’t get it?”, he inquired warily


Blaine rolled his eyes and Kurt let out a surprised yelp when dark curls met with his shoulder.


“Of course I like you”, the raven-haired confessed against Kurt’s upper arm, “I’ve liked you ever since I caught you singing Blackbird in our kitchen”

The brunette felt an unfamiliar tightness in his chest.

“My eyes follow you around whenever you’re near and I always rewatch your performances that Rachel sends me”, Blaine continued in a soft voice

“Then why did you push me away?”

Kurt’s own voice had grown gentle and he fought back the urge to stroke the other boy’s back.

“Because it’s just a game to you”

The undergraduate didn’t know why, but that hurt.

“And you’re my sister’s best friend..”


The taller boy made sure to keep his replies to a minimum, so Blaine could continue the unexpected confession.

“So. She would hate me forever!”



Blaine hesitated and he raised his head, so his eyes met Kurt’s again.

“Because it’s not a game to me. And I would want you around as much as possible and I would probably move to New York and constantly text you and Rachel would be upset because I’ll want the time you would spend with her and-“

The raven-haired’s desperate rant was cut short when Kurt sealed Blaine’s lips with his own.

Blaine mumbled something against his mouth, but that only granted the taller boy excess to his tongue.


Using his tongue to explore every bit of the moist cavern, Kurt coaxed a muffled moan from the other teen’s throat.

Blaine’s body grew rigid at the sudden invasion, but he soon relaxed as his own tongue was teased into action. Their tongues curled around each other, tickling the insides of the foreign mouths. Kurt’s hands found their way to the dark curls, and he deepened the kiss even more. It was messy and uncoordinated and perfect.

When lack of oxygen forced them to break away, their pulses were already erratic.

“K-Kurt?”, Blaine panted


Kurt gave the boy a sheepish look before claiming his lips once more. The bruising kiss continued, the brunette bit his companion’s lower lip only to sooth it over with his wet tongue moments later.


The undergraduate had pushed Blaine down and he groaned as their hips rocked together. The green-eyed teen blushed profoundly when he saw the lust-blown pupils of his sister’s best friend. It took him longer than it should to realise that Kurt was now straddling him.

Oh my God.

Somewhere in the back of Kurt’s mind, alarm bells were going off. Normally, Kurt would never act on impulse, but seeing the panting boy between his thighs had short-circuited his brain.

He let his hands eagerly roam the surprisingly firm chest before undoing the red bow tie that Blaine seemed so fond of and dropping it to the floor. He undid the top buttons on the boy’s shirt, his fingers trailing the skin as soon as it was exposed.

“Kurt! Stop!”

The younger teen placed his warm hands on top of his soon-to-be lover’s.

“Please don’t do this”

“Why not?”

Kurt rolled his hips back into Blaine’s, causing friction on their rapidly hardening flesh.

“Ah! No. Please. I told you. It’s not a game to me”

“Will you stop saying that!”

The high schooler frowned at Kurt’s sudden anger.

“It’s not, okay”


“It’s not..”, the blue-eyed boy blushed and his voice dropped to a whisper as he continued

“It’s not a game to me either”

Blaine’s eyes grew with shock and hope.

“You mean..?”

“I like you too”

And it was the truth. Kurt didn’t know why it had taken him so long to figure it out, but he liked this na�ve schoolboy. He liked his puppy-dog enthusiasm, his too-bright smile, his dapper personality, his slicked-back curls.

He liked him.

But before Kurt’s mind could fully process his epiphany, his lips were back on Blaine’s and this time the boy wasn’t pushing him away.

He dragged out the kiss before he released his lover’s mouth to nip at the boy’s neck.


Blaine had arched of the sofa (accidently rubbing his erection against Kurt’s as he did) when the wet lips met the sensitive skin behind his ear.

“You like that?”, the older boy chuckled

The raven-haired just groaned and Kurt smirked as he continued to lavish on the taunt skin.

“Nhn! Kurt..”, Blaine pleaded wordlessly and he pushed his groin into Kurt’s more deliberately this time.

“For a virgin you sure are eager”, Kurt said teasingly before he bit down on the skin again to suck an angry red hickey there.

“What do you want?”

The older teen had sat back up and licked his lips at the delectable sight beneath him.

“You. Now.”, Blaine wheezed

“You sure?”

Kurt didn’t want to freak Blaine out like he had done earlier, so he was very willing to take this slow. Even if there was so much strain on his skin-tight jeans that he was sure they were going to tear.


“Because you were saying something about Rachel before and..”

“Oh. Fuck. Rachel..”

The raven-haired went pale and Kurt was mentally kicking himself for bringing it up, when Blaine clearly hadn’t given it any more thought after their kiss.

“We should stop”, Blaine said unconvincingly

“Are you worried about hogging her gay-time?”

“Her.. what?”

“I’ve said it before and I will say it again”, Kurt stated when he saw the questioning look on the boy’s face.

“Rachel Berry is for all intended purposes a hag. I’m serious. She called me ‘her best gay’ on several occasions and that should be insulting, but that’s just how she is”

Blaine quirked his eyebrow.

“Although I admire your, very likely, analysis of my sister, I don’t quite understand what you are trying to say here”

“What I’m saying is”, the older boy continued as he leaned back down, “that I think Rachel wouldn’t mind if I were to have relations with her little brother”

Blaine wanted to laugh at awkwardness of that statement, but the lidded blue eyes fixating on his own had silenced him quite thoroughly. So the only thing he could do was nod when Kurt’s hand lingered on his belt.

Kurt didn’t bother to remove it after unbuckling though; he instead attacked the remaining buttons on Blaine’s shirt.

When the boy’s chest was finally fully exposed, Kurt bend down to mouth at the skin. He placed butterfly kisses on Blaine’s collarbone, before continuing his path south.


The raven-haired threw his head back as Kurt sucked on one of his nipples, lapping at the hardening bud with his hot tongue.

“Fuck! Kurt!”

Blaine thrashed against the pillows, fisting his lover’s shirt as he arched of the sofa.

Kurt hummed against the sensitive flesh, sending sparks of pleasure straight to the high schooler’s already aching member. He rocked his hips back and fourth, the friction sending waves of pleasure through both of them.

“K-Kurt! Please”

The brunette could’ve teased his young lover forever, but he figured that he should be gentle with him. He just had his first kiss after all. Besides, Kurt could do with some release himself.

The taller teen pressed their groins together one more time before he moved back to start palming Blaine through his pants.

“Oh my God! Kurt!!”

Kurt would’ve found his lover’s pleading endearing, if it weren’t so damn hot. Watching the raven-haired as he arched back into Kurt’s hand, eyes firmly closed, curls coming loose at the seams, send the brunette’s mind into a haze and he applied a little more pressure.


The blue-eyed teen had decided on more direct contact so he gently wrapped his slender fingers around Blaine’s burning excitement. Blaine was technically still fully clothed though and his chosen position strained Kurt’s wrist. Kurt, therefore, removed his hand again and roughly pulled down the boy’s jeans and boxers, freeing Blaine’s manhood from its cloth prison.

The high-schooler gasped as the cold air hit the heated flesh and he involuntarily bucked his hips, when the other teen took hold of him once more.

Kurt lazily stroked Blaine towards his climax. The brunette licked his lips as he watched his shy lover fall apart beneath him. He moved down to claim the other’s lips again, when Blaine suddenly sat up, almost knocking their heads together.

“Wh- what about you?”

The green-eyed teen tried to regain a regular breathing pattern, which proved difficult, as he hesitantly cupped the bulge in Kurt’s pants.

Kurt hissed at the unexpected contact.

“You don’t have to..”

“I want to”

Blaine gave the boy an eager look through heavily lidded eyes.


The taller boy swallowed loudly as he searched for a reason to stop the high-schooler from touching him. When he couldn’t find one, he just nodded and crashed their mouths together.

Blaine clumsily undid Kurt’s pants. He struggled with the tight fabric and whined inside the other boy’s mouth when he couldn’t take it off.

Kurt took the hint and ungracefully shimmied his jeans and boxers down to his ankles, before removing his shirt and carelessly dropping it to the floor.


The raven-haired immediately grabbed the exposed flesh, coaxing high-pitched moans from his lover’s throat.


The teenagers rocked into each other’s fists, their groans filling the empty living room.

Kurt wasn’t so keen on giving the younger boy the upper hand, however, so he took Blaine’s wrist and pinned him down against the pillows.

“Fuck!! Kurt!”

Not wanting to deny them the pleasure of each other for too long, Kurt moved back down, this time sliding their already leaking members together in a slow grinding motion.

Their breathing grew heavy as their bodies moved faster.

“Nhn! Kurt! Don’t! Ah!”

Blaine dug his toes into the sofa. His body desperately wanted to arch into the slick feeling of his lover, but this proved impossible as Kurt was still holding him down. The boy’s weight pressed down on him and all the raven-haired could do was moan incoherent sentences.

The blue-eyed teen felt the muscles in his thighs trembling, signalling his orgasm.

“God.. Blaine!”, he groaned when Blaine bit down on his shoulder.

Their lips met for another bruising kiss. Kurt couldn’t be bothered with technique, though and he nipped at the younger boy’s lip as he felt the familiar warmth pooling in his abdomen.

“K-Kurt! So. So close!”, Blaine warned against his open mouth

The brunette released his wrists and his hands immediately locked behind Kurt’s neck.

Kurt’s movement turned frantic as he pushed them both over the edge.


He felt Blaine spill his hot fluid over both their bodies and Kurt thrust two, three more times before he came too, white sparks invading his field of vision.

“Wow”, Blaine groaned

“Wow”, Kurt repeated before he collapsed on top of his blissed-out lover.

The green-eyed teen chuckled and Kurt smiled when he felt the vibrations caused by said chuckle on the warm chest.

The brunette lifted his head slightly; his muscles still in post-climax state, and grinned. Blaine mirrored his expression and his eyes were positively beaming.



“Do we have to talk about this?”


“Yeah.. thought so”



The two teenagers nearly fell of the couch when Rachel stormed into the room.

Blaine turned red, then pale, then red again before his face lost all colour.

“Rach! I can explain..”

“Rachel what’s go- oh”

Kurt groaned as his stepbrother joined Rachel with a shocked look on his face.

Blaine tried to move away from Finn’s and his sister’s gazes, causing the other boy to hiss at the friction.


Kurt had realised, way too late, that they were both still quite naked and he blushed profoundly as he said:

“Could you guys please give us 5 minutes to.. clean up”

Finn made an intangible noise.

“You can bite our heads off later?”

Rachel shrugged.

“Please Rach”, Blaine added softly

“Fine. Fine.”, the girl sighed, “5 minutes!”

When they were alone, Kurt gently lifted himself up. The sticky feeling of their cooled cum making him insanely self-conscious.

They rearranged their clothes in silence, wiping their bodies clean with paper towels and checking the couch for any stains. When they found none, they sat down and waited for Finn and Rachel to return.

“So..”, the big-mouthed girl started as soon as she sat down, “What do you guys have to say for yourselves?”

“Rach, please..”

Kurt’s heart broke when he noticed that Blaine was trying to hold back his tears.

“Kurt has nothing to do with this!”

“Then he wasn’t naked on my couch just now?”

Blaine cringed at his sister’s sarcastic comment and Kurt couldn’t bear to watch his new lover be terrified any longer.

“Listen. It has nothi-“

“I trusted you Kurt!”

The brunette was silenced by his stepbrother’s abrupt statement.


“I thought you were better than to play with high schoolers!”

Kurt suddenly understood why Blaine had been so scared of Rachel finding out. Finn’s disappointment showed thick on his face and that hurt.


But Finn just shrugged.

“Finn, please!”, he pleaded, “I’m not playing with him! I mean.. it might have started out as a game but, not now it isn’t! I..”

Kurt glanced at the shivering raven-haired boy beside him.

“I like Blaine”

The blue-eyed teen took his lover’s hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

“And it’s none of your business who we love!”

Finn’s eyes grew wide and he opened his mouth to say something, but his girlfriend beat him to it.

“I knew it!”

Kurt and Blaine looked at her in surprise and they saw a mischievous twinkle in her eyes that hadn’t been there two seconds ago.

“Pay up Hudson!”, she chirped, “that’s 10 for them getting together and another 10 for them getting further than first base today”

The boys gaped at Finn as he reluctantly gave Rachel 20 dollars.

“Damn it Kurt, I thought you would at least be able to keep in your pants”, he grumbled

After securing the money in her pink purse, she turned to Kurt and Blaine with a too-big grin plastered on his face (and Kurt silently wondered whether big smiles were a genetic trait).

“No worries boys! As long as you two are both committed to this relationship, we couldn’t care less. Right Finn?”

Her boyfriend mumbled obediently.

“How could you!”

Blaine finally seemed to regain his composure and he threw a pillow at his sister, who effortlessly ducked it, while he continued ranting.

“How dare you place a bet! A bet! I’m not some kind of toy you can play with to pass the time!”

“Oh come of it little brother”, she smirked, “you’ve been including me in this affair since the beginning, why wouldn’t I get something out of it?”


“Oh please. Did you really think I wouldn’t notice the way your eyes light up when I mention Kurt? Not to mention the fact that you ask me about him all the time!”

The teenager turned a deep scarlet and he bit his lip as he tried to avoid eye contact with any of the people around him.

“And you”, she pointed at her best friend, “I may be selfish, but I’m not stupid! I’ve seen the way you look at him!”

Kurt rolled her eyes at her before redirecting his gaze at the fumbling Blaine and he felt a bubble of laughter coursing through his chest.

“I told you see wouldn’t mind”, he chuckled

“She’s a hag after all”

A pillow hit Kurt’s head with a muffled thump, but the brunette was too busy kissing his young lover to notice.


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I read this at least two times, probably more and it's amazing so adorable.

Oh! I just noticed this comment.. :O thank you, that means so much. <3