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Educational purposes

Kurt falls ill after a performance, so he spends the night (and morning) at Blaine's.

E - Words: 4,618 - Last Updated: Feb 12, 2012
1,073 0 4 1
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff, Humor, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: established relationship,

Author's Notes: Though Kurt falls ill, this oneshot mostly takes place the morning after, when he's feeling a lot better.
The Hummel House

“I’m home!”

“Hey Finn. How was the party?”, Burt Hummel asked his stepson


“Hey.. I thought you would pick up Kurt on your way home?”,

“Well I went to get him, but he had already left with Blaine”


“Well, Blaine called me soon after I got there and he told me Kurt had passed out from a fever and that he took him home with him”, Finn stated matter-of-factly

“Wait.. you mean he’s at Blaine’s now? Just the two of them?”, a flicker of worry showed on the older man’s face.

“I guess..”

“Wh-what.. of all the things..”, Burt mumbled, “I’ll give him a call”.

Finn wondered if that was really necessary, but he figured not to argue with his stepfather when he was in ‘worried-father’ mode. Burt dialled Kurt’s number and, sure enough, Blaine answered the phone.

“Hello, Kurt can’t come to the phone right now. This is Blaine speaking”

“Blaine! This is Kurt’s father. Where the hell is my son!”, Kurt’s father shouted over the phone.

“He’s in my bed”, the dark-haired teenager said calmly.

Blaine wasn’t surprised when he heard Finn trying to calm down an enraged Burt, but he figured he should tell him what was really going on.

“Sir. … Sir?”

“What..”, the mechanic, who was still silently fuming, answered.

“What I meant was, is that he’s asleep in my bed. He passed out from a fever right after we finished our show. He’d been pushing himself lately, so I thought it’d be best to let him sleep it off. My parent’s house was close by you see”, Blaine explained

“… I still don’t think it’s responsible to let you two sleep in the same bed”, Kurt’s father said hesitantly

“Sir. Don’t you trust me?”

The sudden question caught Burt Hummel off guard and he stayed silent for a while.


“Err.. well. No I guess that’s not really true. I mean well.. you seem to care for Kurt”

“I do”

“It’s just.. well.. he’s still so young. I don’t think he’s ready for that sort of thing yet”

“Then do you think I would force myself on your son?”, the teenager asked bluntly.

“Well.. you seem to be more experienced. You told me to talk to Kurt about it..”

“Sir, let me make this clear. I love your son and I would never do something he didn’t want me to!”.

Blaine had sounded uncharacteristically fierce and Burt caught himself thinking that his son might have found someone who was completely devoted to him.

“…ne? “, the older man heard on the other side of the line.

Before he could find out the source of the mumbling, however, the dark-haired teenager whispered:

“Sir, I’m sorry. Kurt seems to have woken up and I think he doesn’t realize I brought him here”.

“Oh okay..”

“Well, I’ll bring him home tomorrow then! Bye”

“Blaine, wait!”


“Please treasure him. He’s been through a lot, you know?”

“I know”, Blaine said reassuringly

And with that, their conversation was cut off. Burt stared at his cell phone for a little while longer, before he felt a reassuring hand on this shoulder.

“He’ll be okay”, his stepson said from behind him


“Blaine’s a good guy”, Finn continued

“… I know”

The Anderson House

“Blaine.. where am I?”, a younger-looking teen asked

“You’re in my bed. You passed out. Go back to sleep”, Blaine said as he stroked his boyfriend’s hair

“Who were you talking to?”, Kurt inquired in a small voice

“No-one. Don’t worry about it. You’ve been working too hard lately, haven’t you?”

“Maybe..”, the boy answered

“Exactly. Now go back to sleep”

Blaine placed a gentle kiss on his young lover’s forehead and was repaid with a weak smile from aforementioned lover.


“Goodnight Blaine”

The next morning


A brown-haired teenage boy rolled on his side.

“Where am I?”, he thought as he looked across a room that definitely wasn’t his

“Oh you’re up? Good morning! Or maybe I should say ‘good afternoon’”

Another dark-haired teenager stood in the doorway

“Blaine? Is this your place?”

“Yeah, you passed out yesterday after the show. Don’t you remember?”

“No not really..”

“Well I guess you were running a pretty high fever”

“Now that you mention it, I feel a little sweaty, can I take a shower?”, Kurt asked shyly.


Blaine rummaged through one of his drawers and threw something on the bed.

“Here a towel. The bathroom is over there”. He pointed at a door across the hall.

“I have the cattle on so..” and with that he went downstairs

Kurt wondered if Blaine lived alone, but didn’t spend much thought on it since his head still felt heavy from the fever. He turned on the shower and got undressed.

Blaine came back up to get dressed. He laughed when he heard his boyfriend singing ‘It’s raining men’, and he was wondering if he should chime in, when he noticed the towel stil lying on his bed. He grabbed it and walked into the bathroom.

“Kurt you forgot your tow..”

Every ability he possessed to form coherent speech left his body when he saw his slender boyfriend’s naked body. The water running over his untainted skin gave Blaine all kinds of un-dapper thoughts.

“Blaine!”, Kurt exclaimed in a mixture of shock and cheekiness.

Pulled back to reality, the raven-haired teen averted his eyes.

“What do you want..?” His, still quite naked, lover gave Blaine a look the green-eyed boy had never seen him make before.

“You forgot your towel”, Blaine said in a small voice

“Oh thanks..”

“Why didn’t you pull back the curtain!”,

“Why didn’t you knock?”, his boyfriend answered defiantly

Only the running water broke the awkward silence, which neither teenager seemed eager to break. Suddenly Kurt let out a small chuckle.


“No nothing. I was just wondering if your boxers were maybe a few sizes too small?”, Kurt said with a sheepish grin.

“What ar- AH!”

When Blaine had looked down at his boxers, he found that his body had not stayed unbothered by the unexpected sight of his naked lover. He turned around, covering up his excitement with the towel in the process. He wanted to walk away, but his legs were apparently not in the mood to listen.

Kurt loved watching his usually so composed boyfriend squirm in embarrassment, so he decided to tease him a little more. He turned of the water and stepped outside of the shower. He halted right behind Blaine, snatched the towel from his hands and put it around his waist.


Kurt had recently gone through a growth spurt, and now his mouth was at the exact same height as his boyfriend’s ears. A fact of which Blaine was perfectly aware when he felt his lover’s hot breath.

“Blaine”, Kurt repeated, now tugging at his boyfriend’s slightly dampened shirt.

“What..?”, Blaine answered hesitantly.

The shorter teen couldn’t make out if the way in which Kurt said his name, together with the tugging on his shirt was either insanely cute or surprisingly arousing.

“Kurt!”, Blaine suddenly yelped

Kurt’s hand had left his lover’s shirt and had slowly found its way to the bulge in Blaine’s boxers.

“What?”, Kurt purred way too close to his ear

“St-stop!”, the darker-haired teen hissed


Kurt let his fingers experimentally play with the other teen’s excitement. It was the first time they had done something like that and Blaine realized he had never been this sensitive before, even though he only felt his lover’s hand through the already tightening fabric.

“Hn.. Kurt..”

Blaine, despite his objections, closed his eyes when he felt a warm hand give a little squeeze to his most sensitive place.

“I don’t think he’s ready for that sort of thing yet”

“Kurt, stop!”, Blaine said with more intensity than he had intended to.

Kurt angrily pulled his hand away.

“I knew it! You have no intention to take this relationship any further, do you!?” , he yelled

“What?!”, Blaine was taken aback by the sudden change in mood

“Forget it!”

Kurt stormed out of the bathroom, leaving behind a flabbergasted Blaine.

After the initial shock had passed, the darker-haired boy went to search for his upset lover and he found him in his bedroom, getting dressed. Though he was still only in boxers.

“Kurt..”, Blaine started, while leaning against the door post

“Shut up! Leave me alone!”

“Kurt, listen.. you seem to have misunderstood something”, Blaine tried again

“I haven’t misunderstood anything! You’re just bored with me already!”

“Kurt Hummel! Of course it’s not like that!”

It annoyed Blaine that his boyfriend wouldn’t listen to reason.

“Listen to me!”

The sudden raise in volume forced Kurt to turn around.

“What?”, he said without looking Blaine in the eye

Suddenly faced with his still barely dressed boyfriend, the teen swallowed loud before he continued:

“It’s not like I don’t want to touch you, okay. It’s just well.. I didn’t think you wanted that”

A blush ran over the shorter teen’s cheeks, who now redirected his focus at his feet.

“Why would you think that?!”, Kurt asked surprised, forgetting his anger.

“Well, you know.. when I wanted to educate you about it… you wouldn’t listen, you even told me to leave!”, Blaine said in a slightly desperate tone

“What?!”, the other boy exclaimed, “that was months ago!”

“Two months actually! And we haven’t been dating for that long either”

“So if I said it was okay.. would you..?”, Kurt asked hesitantly

“Err.. well..”, Blaine stammered

Kurt stared from underneath his eyelashes at his fumbling lover.


The intense stare wasn’t something Blaine was used to seeing in the other teen’s bright blue eyes and he wondered why he ever bothered to teach Kurt to look ‘sultry’ as he felt a shiver run down his spine.

“Of course I do!”, he finally confessed, “I love you, so of course I want to touch you. Isn’t that what any normal teenage boy wants? Do you have any idea how much self-control it took me to not jump you when I saw you like that!?”

Kurt didn’t say a word, but kept staring at his now slightly panting boyfriend.

“What now..?”, a heated Blaine asked.

“If you’re going to keep staring like that, I will really lose control you know!”

Even after that bold statement, Kurt wouldn’t break his gaze. If anything, it seemed more intense than before.


Then Blaine finally took the hint and somewhere in the back of his mind he apologized to Kurt’s father as he gently pushed his young lover down on the bed.


Kurt’s intense gaze was replaced by a gentleness with which the raven-haired was all too familiar.


Blaine placed a light kiss on his boyfriend’s soft lips. They had kissed before, but somehow this time it felt different. Kurt parted his lips, allowing the other boy to enter.


The darker-haired teen slowly let his tongue slip in between the half-parted lips of his boyfriend and explored every bit of the moist cavity in detail before he eagerly started coaxing the other boy’s tongue into action.

They lay silent for a while, only the sound of rapid breathing and sloppy kissing filling the room. Kurt let his hands roam through his boyfriend’s hair, tugging at the dark strands when he couldn’t go without air anymore. Only a few moments of rest were allowed, though, before his lips where forcefully reclaimed.

“Kurt..”, Blaine whispered without removing his lips from the slender body beneath him

“Yes?”, the boy answered, slightly panting

“…Can I?”

Kurt gave his blushing boyfriend a tender smile before he rolled them over. They now lay facing each other, legs still dangling off the side of the bed.

“Didn’t you say you wanted to educate me?”, the taller boy said as a little grin appeared on his still covered lips

Blaine, a little surprised by his cheeky boyfriend, raised his eyebrow and said:

“And who was it again, that plugged his ears every time I tried to talk to him?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about”, said the other teen as he gave a little nibble on his boyfriend’s lower lip.

Persuaded by Kurt’s advances, Blaine pressed his young lover’s body more tightly against him as he deepened their kiss once more.


A moan escaped the raven-haired when their groins brushed together. Blaine, who had been half-hard ever since he saw his lover naked, welcomed the eagerly awaited friction with another fierce attack inside the other boy’s mouth.

Kurt, aware of his boyfriend’s pressing situation, let his hand slip down Blaine’s abdomen. He then, for the second time today, let his fingers brush over the straining fabric.

“Nhn.. Kurt..”

Encouraged by his Warbler calling his name, the brown-haired teen gripped the hot mass more firmly.

Overtaken by the urge to throw his head back, Blaine broke their kiss. But as he arched into his lover’s warm hand, he was released.

“Kurt..?”, when he opened his eyes at the lack of friction he saw his boyfriend sitting up.

Kurt hastily took a few gasps of much needed oxygen before he moved to the middle of the bed and beckoned for his young lover.

The other boy happily, though hesitantly, complied and placed himself next to the taller teen.

A few moments they stayed silent, but Kurt seemed determined to get his way as he mounted his boyfriend and let his hand slide down yet again.

“Kurt?”, the raven-haired repeated, now with a clear tone of surprise

“You want me to stop?”, purred the teenager, while letting his fingers play with the brim of Blaine’s boxers.

Blaine looked up to his boyfriend, still searching for some excuse to stop, but was only met with a cheeky pair of blue eyes. In their reflection, the boy saw how his own normally light green ones had already been darkened with desire.

“Well, do you..?”, a now slightly less secure Kurt asked

Then it hit Blaine. Why was he so against it? His lover wanted to be with him, that’s all that mattered. He let out a big sigh he didn’t even know he was holding and he took his boyfriend’s head in his hands.

“I love you”

The sudden confession caught the brown-haired teen off guard, but he quickly restored himself and he captured his lover’s lips in a small kiss.

“I love you too”

It seemed those three words were all Kurt needed to hear, for he let his hands slip inside the other teen’s underwear. He curled his fingers around the darker-haired boy’s excitement, which immediately earned him a small hiss of pleasure. He never knew his boyfriend was so sensitive, but he wasn’t about to complain about it now.


Kurt had taken of Blaine’s shirt with his free hand and was now sucking at a quickly hardening nipple. He was trying to replicate what he had seen in ‘those’ movies and it did seem to work. The position felt a little awkward, but the low moans escaping from his lover’s mouth encouraged the brown-haired boy to continue.

He let his tongue roll over the tip, making sure every bit of the pink skin was attended to. He bit the hardened flesh, before soothing it over with his tongue again.


The taller teen then decided it was time to release his lover’s excitement from its cloth prison, so he roughly pulled down the boxers. The sudden feeling of freedom and cold air against his heated skin, made Blaine unintentionally buckle his hips.

“Kurt!”, he whimpered

The blue-eyed teen licked his lips as he saw his boyfriend completely exposed. His hand found his way back to the other boy’s, now completely hard, erection and he languidly started stroking it. His mouth still working on the boy’s nipple.

“A-ah! Kurt!”, Blaine panted as he fisted the sheets

Kurt wondered if he had a hidden sadistic streak, because he loved the sight of his normally composed lover writhing in pleasure beneath him.

“Nhn Kurt!!”

The brown-haired teen took up a more frantic pace. He let his free hand play with the abused nipple as his mouth gave much needed attention to the other one.


Blaine senses were over-stimulated, sending his mind into a haze. He felt the pressure in his thighs signalling the end of his control, but he found no way to communicate this to Kurt.

“Aah! K-kurt.. I can’t…”, the boy tried

But that seemed all the information the other teen needed, for he took a firmer grip of his boyfriend’s manhood and began stroking it even faster. Making sure not to neglect the other teen’s nipples, Kurt coaxed his boyfriend into climax.

“Ah! Kurt!!”, the raven-haired spasmed underneath his lover, trying to resist the overwhelming need for release.

Kurt left Blaine’s nipples, and took his mouth instead. He slid his tongue in, still stroking the leaking excitement with his hand.

The new group of nerves that were stimulated by his boyfriend’s skillful tongue were too much for the green-eyed teen to take. He moaned one more time inside Kurt’s mouth before he tensed underneath the taller body and arched his back.

“Ah!! Kurt!!”

He came, probably more heavily than he’d ever done before. His hot fluid covered both their torsos, but Blaine couldn’t bring himself to care. He was still feeling the aftermath of his powerful orgasm and was in no state to get tissues.

Kurt held out his hand and Blaine nearly died from the embarrassing sight. The slender digits were covered in his own sticky substance and his boyfriend was inspecting it with an odd sort of curiosity.

“Err.. Kurt”, Blaine started, still slightly wheezing

“Yes”, Kurt answered without averting his gaze

“Well.. you know”


Blaine sat up, which inadvertently lead to Kurt straddling him.

“What about you?”

The raven-haired, who was still quite naked, looked down at the small bulge that had settled in his boyfriend’s underwear.

Kurt followed his lover’s eyes and chuckled at the implication.

“What did you have in mind then?” he whispered against his boyfriend’s throat.

Blaine shivered, swallowed hard, took a deep breath and then said:

“Sit over there”

A little surprised by his boyfriend’s sudden assertiveness, Kurt positioned himself against the hard-wooden board of the other teen’s bed. He got a tissue from the bedside table and wiped the substance off of his hand before redirecting his focus at his lover.

“So err.. I’ve never actually done this before but..”, Blaine said as he crept towards his waiting lover.

He halted when his face was about3 2 inches away from Kurt’s.

“Will you let me?”, he whispered

Kurt was still not quite sure what it was his boyfriend was planning on doing, but he liked this pro-active Blaine.


As soon as the teen had opened his mouth to allow his boyfriend to proceed, his lips were sealed in a passionate kiss. The boy who had been listless from pleasure only a few moments ago, forced his tongue inside Kurt’s mouth.


Now it was Kurt’s turn to moan as the other boy’s hot muscle stimulated every nerve inside the wet cavern. When the brown-haired teen was about to grab the dark hair in front of him, Blaine broke their kiss.

A disappointed groan escaped from the taller teen’s lips.

The raven-haired seemed to pay it no attention though, for he started a trail of butterfly kisses on his lover’s jaw.

Kurt, who found his boyfriends determination more endearing than arousing, relaxed against the cool timber.

“Mhn..” he sighed to encourage his shy lover.

And it seemed to work, for Blaine became bolder in his touches. He let his hands roam over his fair-skinned lover’s torso as he moved down to mark said lover’s neck. He made sure to cover every bit of skin, only stopping every now and again to nibble at the soft flesh.

“Nhn..”, the blue-eyed teen now unintentionally moaned.

“Ah!”, Blaine suddenly exclaimed.


Kurt’s surprised face was met with a blushing raven-haired’s. Without any explanation as to why he had so abruptly stopped, the shorter teen reached for his tissue box. Making sure to avoid eye contact with the other boy, he started to clean his boyfriend’s abdomen.

It was then when the other teen realised what had just happened. His lover had probably felt his own fluid, which still covered both their stomachs, when his hands became more eager. Kurt suspicions proved true when Blaine quickly cleaned his own body as well.

The taller teen chuckled at his awkward boyfriend, earning him an embarrassed smile. They grew silent for a while, but then Kurt said in a low voice.

“Why don’t you continue..”

“I don’t know..”, Blaine answered hesitantly, “Didn’t I kill the mood?”

“You did no such thing!”, the other boy answered quasi-annoyed

He emphasized his point by capturing his lover’s lips in a gentle kiss.

“You should have realised I wouldn’t have allowed you to stop even if you wanted to”

Blaine saw his reflection in the deep blue eyes of his boyfriend and rediscovered his resolve.
As he resumed his course of action, he paid careful attention to brown-haired teen’s collarbone. He showered it with kisses, eliciting another chuckle from his lover.

“What..?”, the raven-haired asked timidly

“No nothing”

This was obviously not the response he was looking for, because he wouldn’t continue his pleasing. Kurt figured his stubborn Warbler wouldn’t be satisfied unless he got his explanation, so he stated:

“Well it’s just.. that it tickles”

“Tickles?!”, Blaine repeated in cracked voice

“It’s not supposed to tickle..”

Kurt feared that his boyfriend would drown himself in his insecurities if he didn’t say something positive. He thought of a way to subtly say he enjoyed it, even if it didn’t arouse him.

“Well tickling”, he started, “It’s not like it felt ba—”

“Fine then!”, Blaine interrupted him with an unusual intensity, “Let’s just skip the introduction, shall we?”

And without paying mind to his completely stunned boyfriend, he removed the final piece of clothing in one swift swoop and parted his lover’s legs.

“Wh-what are you doing?”, the cold air hitting his suddenly exposed manhood brought Kurt back to his senses.

“What I’ve been wanting to do for some time now”

Before the taller boy could possibly figure out what that meant, Blaine took the head of his lover’s member inside his mouth.

Kurt’s eyes grew wide when he felt how the place that had felt no skin besides his own, was being engulfed in his, normally so coy, boyfriend’s mouth.

“B-blaine.. wait!”, he stammered

But his pleas were to no avail. Blaine let his tongue play with the sensitive skin, drawing a low man from his lover’s throat.


Encouraged by his boyfriend’s complete lack of resistance, the raven-haired took in the quickly hardening flesh even deeper.


Kurt tried to understand the sudden one-eighty in his boyfriend’s behaviour, but coherent thinking proved difficult as he noticed the green eyes of his lover darkening with lust once again.

All of a sudden a humming filled the room, but the taller teen’s body violently arched against the hard panel before he could identify the source.

The humming, which he now recognized as Blackbird, had come from the only other mouth in the room that, coincidentally, was still covering his most private part.

“Wh-what are you doing?”, the boy panted

“Mhmmm?”, the raven-haired hummed

“Ah! That! Why are you doing that?”, Kurt repeated as he tried to regain some of his composure.

Then with one final kiss, Blaine released his boyfriend’s excitement.

“You don’t seem to dislike it”, he said teasingly while wiping some of the pre-cum from his lips.

“It must be uncomfortable against that board”, he continued when he got no reply, “why don’t you lie down?”

An embarrassed Kurt obediently slid down on the bed, still feeling the incredibly intense stimulation of the Beatles song between his legs.

“Well, shall we continue?”, Blaine purred against his lover’s thigh.

Kurt wondered how much experience his boyfriend really had when his manhood was yet again taken and the humming resumed.


The familiar notes of the song that turned the raven-haired into his lover were wasted on the blue-eyed teenager. His boyfriend’s hot tongue, together with the vibrations of the humming, turned his mind into a haze.

“Blaine..”, he wheezed

Making sure to bring his young lover release, Blaine took the hot flesh deeper inside his mouth.


Kurt helplessly buckled his hips into the moist feeling, eliciting a small gagging sound from his boyfriend.

“Blaine? Are you okay?”

The green-eyed teen momentarily let go of his lover to take a few deep breaths.

“You don’t have to do this, you know”, the brown-haired teen whispered worriedly

But Blaine pushed down the other boy’s hips, making sure they wouldn’t move until he deemed it appropriate and resumed his pleasing.


With his hips locked, the impulse to feel more of his lover found no other output than desperately fisting the sheets.

Seeing his boyfriend trashing under his ministrations gave Blaine a sense of pride and he took up a quicker pace, making sure not to stop the immensely effective vibrations as he did.


He let his tongue taste every bit of his lover’s excitement and let his fingers play with the sensitive skin on the boy’s thigh.

“Ah! Blaine!”

Kurt closed his eyes shut, but he still saw stars. The overstimulation of the moist feeling going up and down his length was unlike anything he ever felt before and it sent shivers all over his body.

“Blaine..!!”, he gasped again

The blue-eyed teenager felt a familiar pressure building in his stomach and he knew he wouldn’t be able to last much longer.

Feeling this too, Blaine smirked

“You’re already leaking”

“Nhn! Shut up!” the other boy managed

The green-eyed teen decided that it had taken long enough and he made his mouth work harder. He nibbled at the tip and licked every inch of his lover’s sensitive skin.

“Mhn! Blaine…”

Blaine took up a faster pace, making his boyfriend spasm at his will.

“Blaine, st-stop!”, Kurt hissed

But the raven-haired seemed relentless as he pulled a long moan from his lover’s throat with another flick of his tongue.

“Blaine!!” the other teen gasped

The blue-eyed boy gripped the dark strands of hair, trying to get Blaine to let him go before it was too late. The boy, however, wouldn’t budge and kept sucking his boyfriend to climax.

“Blaine! I’m going to come!” Kurt screamed in a high-pitched voice

“Go ahead”

“Ahh!! Blaine!!”

Blaine’s calm statement really did send the brown-haired teen over the edge. He arched of the bed as he released his hot fluid inside the mouth that he had only associated with beautiful music and gentle kisses. Not with intense pleasure.

Still desperately sucking in air after his orgasm seemed to have used up all of it, Kurt let himself fall back on the sheets. He then followed his boyfriend with unfocused eyes as the raven-haired sat up.

When Blaine noticed his lover watching him, he experimentally swallowed the white substance, earning him a shriek from aforementioned lover.

“Eew! Don’t swallow that!”

“I should be the one saying ‘eew’!” Blaine sighed as he lusciously licked his lips, “besides, how can anything that originated from you be dirty?”

Cheeky green-eyes were met with Kurt’s blank stare, resulting in a somewhat uncomfortable silence.
“Too much..?” Blaine finally said

“A little”


The taller boy chuckled at his blushing Warbler, sure the assertive Blaine was sexy but Kurt figured he preferred the awkward puppy-eyed version anytime.

“Why would you even say that?”

With a quasi-mockingly look on his face; Kurt pulled himself up to face his young lover.

“Well.. they always say it. You know..”, the raven-haired mumbled

“Who do?”, the other boy asked innocently

“Huh? You know..”


“Kurt, come on..”

Another chuckle escaped the blue-eyed teen.

A blush ran over Blaine’s face as he realised his boyfriend was teasing him.

“So? Did it really taste good?”

“No, not really. In fact, it was really hard to swallow”, the teenager answered honestly

This time the brown-haired boy laughed aloud at his lover’s blunt confession.

“Don’t you dare laugh! Who was moaning my name a few moments ago?” Blaine as his face turned a deeper red.

Kurt watched his boyfriend’s fumbling and he vowed to himself that he would never let this one go, not even if it meant losing everything else.

“I love you” he whispered


Kurt leaned in to gently take his green-eyed boy’s lips, making sure Blaine got the message this time.


They stayed like that for a few moments, before the taller teen broke their kiss with a final taste of his boyfriend. Blaine figured it would suit the mood to stay silent, but his young lover had other ideas.

“Wow, that’s gross!” the taller teen exclaimed

The raven-haired grinned at the other boy’s disgusted face.

“I love you, Kurt”

The soft whisper found it’s unsaid reply in beaming blue eyes.

Blaine took his love’s slender hand in his own and when he felt his boyfriend giving him a little squeeze, he knew Kurt would be there to lead him to where-ever they would go.


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That was really amazing! Honestly! Can I also applaud some of the language you used in that. I love how you didn't keep saying cock cock cock cock and varied a bit. :)

Oh thank you! :DI actually don't like using 'cock'.. not sure why. So I use every possible metaphor lol :p Thanks again for the review!

thank you! :D