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Because Blaine masturbates

Blaine's unexpected statement sends Kurt's mind into proper fantasy mode. After a little discussion they find out that they have very complimenting kinks.

E - Words: 2,824 - Last Updated: Feb 12, 2012
1,361 0 0 2
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: established relationship,

Author's Notes: I'm not quite sure how to tag this.. so I'll put it here (sorry admins!!): this story includes mild dom!Kurt. (voyeurism) Also, I'm sorry about the title..
“Uh, yeah. But that’s why they invented masturbation”

This unexpected statement echoed through Kurt’s well-coiffed head.



His boyfriend just bluntly stated he masturbates.

That in itself wasn’t what surprised Kurt; after all (as Blaine so casually stated) they were young and had urges. It was the way in which his bashful ex-Warbler had said it, that had caught the other teenager off guard.

Kurt refrained from elaborating on the topic, however, because Blaine had covered his mouth in a casual smooch.

Now the raven-haired was back to dancing to Roxy Music and Kurt found himself pushing back images of his boyfriend alone in his room. And in the shower. And..

The blue-eyed teen fervently shook his head.

“Kurt? You okay”

“Mhm”, the boy absentmindedly murmured

“You look kind of troubled though..”

Apparently Kurt’s attempts to focus on anything but his lover’s solo career had showed on his face.

“N-no”, he stammered as he felt his cheeks turn a deep crimson, “nothing.”


Blaine gave him an unconvinced look and made his way forward.

“I thought we didn’t do secrets?”, he inquired as he joined his lover on the bed.

“I don’t have any secrets”, Kurt said as he tried to avoid his lover’s piercing green eyes.

“Then why won’t you look at me?”

Blaine inched closer, forcing his blushing Officer Krupke to look at him.

“Kurt..” he said in a low voice

Kurt tried to move away, but Blaine pulled him back on the bed and straddled him. The feeling of being clutched between his lover’s, surprisingly powerful, thighs made Kurt’s mind go into an even bigger frenzy and his body just froze.
Blaine tried to look stern, but his eyes betrayed his amusement.

“Kurt Hummel”, he started, “you will now me tell what is wrong or, God help me, my hands will infiltrate alien territory.

Kurt gave his beaming boyfriend a questioning look.

Was he serious? Or was Blaine just making fun of him? A part of him (though Kurt would never admit it) was hoping for option one.

Suddenly an unexpected feeling pulled Kurt back to the physical reality.

“B-Blaine!” he gasped

It seemed that Blaine had grown tired of waiting and he was now fondling the other boy’s nipple.

“I told you”, he answered with a goofy smirk, “tell me what’s wrong!”


“Tell me”

“It’s not important”, Kurt hissed as he felt a shiver run down his spine.

“You are always important”

Blaine bend down to kiss his lover’s forehead.

“You know that right?”

Kurt looked up and was met with the same puppy-dog eyes that made him fall in love those many moons ago.

“Fine..” he sighed.


The taller teen chuckled at his eagerly awaiting boyfriend.

“Promise you won’t make fun of me?” he started hesitantly as he and Blaine sat back up.


“Well.. it’s about err..”

Kurt felt himself turn red yet again as he struggled to find the right words.


“Well, when you said you did err that, I just.. you know”

“That?”, Blaine asked innocently.

Kurt wasn’t sure if Blaine just wanted to hear him say it or if this was one of those moments where the raven-haired was a little slow on the uptake.

“Masturbation” Kurt finally mumbled without meeting his lover’s eyes.

“What about it?”

“Well I just started thinking about it. I guess”

“Oh okay”

Blaine nodded but still looked puzzled.

“Then why didn’t you just say that?”

Oh for God’s sake!

“Because who would normally admit to their boyfriend that they are fantasizing about him?!”

As soon as the words (which he had practically shouted) hit his ears, Kurt’s face turned a shade that would have made Ron Weasley proud.

Blaine just stared at him in a mixture of amazement and excitement, which resulted in a somewhat awkward silence.

“Fantasizing?”, he finally chuckled, “Oh really?”

The raven-haired gave his lover an amused look.

“Shut your face”, Kurt whispered. He wanted to dig a hole, no a cave, in which he could disappear.

“But I think it’s cute” Blaine stated as he went full puppy on Kurt again.

“It’s not..”

“.. and hot”, the raven-haired added softly.

The other boy could feel his heart skip a beat.

“Say, Kurt”, Blaine continued as he placed a warm hand on Kurt’s thigh


“Won’t you tell me what you were thinking off?”

“I already told you”, Kurt shrugged

“No, I mean. Give me some details?”

“Details?!”, the blue-eyed teenager exclaimed, eyes growing wider.

“Yeah.. come on”

Blaine gave a little pinch and Kurt felt his breath stock in his throat as he his eyes met strangely determined-looking ones.

“Why?”, he managed

“Because I want to know what my beautiful boyfriend fantasizes about”, answered the raven-haired without breaking eye-contact.

Kurt gulped audibly.

“Please”, Blaine whispered with a pleading look on his face.

That was the final blow to Kurt’s resolve.

“It’s not really all that creative, you know?”, he said as a last resort.

“I don’t mind”, the ex-Warbler chuckled.

The taller teen looked up to the heavens and took a deep breath.

“Basically”, he started, “it was just you in various.. situations”

“Situations?”, Blaine encouraged him

“Like.. in the shower or in your room”, Kurt confessed.

“And where were you?”


Not having actually thought about it, Kurt stayed silent for a while.

“Watching.. I guess”, he answered after some consideration

“Just watching?”

The green-eyes of his lover’s showed an eagerness that Kurt wasn’t expecting in their current predicament.

“Err.. yeah”

“Are you a voyeurist?”, his boyfriend smirked

“What? No!”

Kurt gave the raven-haired an appalled look. Honestly he had never felt like peeping in his life, but he just figured that ‘watching’ was his logical place in a fantasy about Blaine masturbating.

“Oh..” the other boy mumbled

Did he just sound disappointed?



The brown-haired teen noticed his boyfriend's ears turning a soft red.

“Could it be you want me to.. To..”

Kurt hesitated; he couldn’t quite bring himself to say it.

“That’s why I said it was nothing”, Blaine said in a small voice.


“I’ve made you uncomfortable, right?”

Kurt glanced at his lover, whose confidence had disappeared as quickly as it had popped up, and he smiled to himself.

“Then do it” he said in uncharacteristically low tone.


Kurt let his eyes lazily glide down to his lover’s groin and back up to face said lover’s questioning stare.

“Do it”, he repeated.

“You mean..”


“Right now?”

“Right now”

The blue-eyed teen desperately tried to keep his cool as images of his boyfriend writing in pleasure in front of him seeped into his consciousness.

Blaine still didn’t quite know what to make of this sudden one-eighty in his boyfriend’s personality. Kurt had never, ever, talked to him like that before. In that controlling, confident kind of way nor had he ever implied that Blaine was to do things to himself in front of him. The raven-haired ignored a shiver running down his body.

“What are you waiting for?” Kurt whispered, slightly darkened eyes stern.

“I really don’t think..”

“Do. It.”, the taller teen hissed.

“But Kurt”


Taken aback by the fierceness in his lover’s normally soothing voice, Blaine fell silent.

Kurt looked at him and winced. He hadn’t meant to sound as dominantly as he
Did he go too far?

But then a sudden rustling captured Kurt’s attention.


Momentarily forgetting his resolution to be cool and collected, the blue-eyed boy gasped as he watched his boyfriend unbuckling his pants.

“You want me to keep it on?”, Blaine said and a blush ran over is face.

Kurt hesitated for a moment, but then he cleared his throat and said:

“Keep it on. In fact, don’t even loosen the front. Just leave it like that”


“Do as I say!”

Blaine felt his toes curl inside his shoes as he rearranged his clothes.

The air between to two teenagers had grown tense and excited. Neither was quite sure what the next appropriate move was, so they just stared at each other. Breathing subtly quickening.

Kurt was the first to act.

“Massage it”, he ordered the boy

Blaine nodded and positioned himself against the headboard. He gave Kurt one more uncertain look before he slid his hand down to cup his already half-hardened erection.

He let out a sigh when his sweaty palm made contact through the fabric.

“That’s it”, Kurt encouraged him with a breathy groan.

The raven-haired winced as he palmed himself into full hard-on, the tightening pressure of his jeans growing.

“Nhn Kurt..”

The brunette bit his lip.

“Harder”, he commanded

“Yes”, Blaine moaned

“You like that?”

The boy arched into his own hand, eyes fluttering close.

“Answer me”

“Y-yes” he whimpered as another shiver went right to his crotch.

Kurt silently watched his boyfriend coming undone and wondered what he found more unbelievable; the words coming out of his mouth or Blaine obediently acting them out.

Blaine opened his eyes when he felt something shifting.


The other teen had left the edge of the bed and was instead leaning against the wall, arms crossed and gaze intense.

“Did I say you could stop?”

Blaine’s body involuntarily shivered at the recently discovered controlling tone his lover’s voice could possess.

“Sorry” he mumbled

“What did you say?”

“Sorry”, he repeated, a little louder.

Kurt smirked and felt something, pride?, settle inside of him.

The raven-haired continued massaging the heated bulge. Gasping at the sensation of delivering pressure to all the right points, but wanting to touch it directly so much it ached at the same time.


“Go slower”

Blaine looked at his boyfriend. The boy was partly concealed by shadows, but his bright blue eyes pierced through him nonetheless.

“Yes Kurt”

He slowed down his hand, the loss of friction paradoxically turning him on even more.


Kurt let out a high-pitched chuckle, nothing like what Blaine was used to hearing when Kurt thought his lover had done something stupid again.

“I can’t believe you”, the boy smirked with an unfamiliar look in his eyes.

“You must be some kind of pervert!”

“Am. Not”, the raven-haired hissed as another wave of pleasure hit him.

“No? Are you trying to tell me you get this out of control when nobody is watching you?”

Arousal and embarrassment melted together on Blaine’s face.

“I didn’t think so” Kurt answered his own question with another out-of-character chuckle.

Then they settled back into their routine with the raven-haired softly moaning at his own ministrations and his boyfriend watching him with lithed eyes.

Blaine’s brain, well maybe not his brain, was urging him to release his manhood from its clothed prison and the boy threw a pleading look at his lover.

“What?” Kurt said with obviously feigned ignorance.


“Please what?”

“Please Kurt! Please let me take them off!”

The brunette twitched. His usually very composed boyfriend was begging him for release. Him. Kurt Hummel. The boy who still gets bullied for his lack of masculinity.


Kurt would never admit it but, if his rapidly hardening member was any indication, he was enjoying this just as much as his young lover.

“You know what?”, he started with an evil smile, “Why don’t you just stop the touching all together?”

“Wh-what?”, Blaine gasped, eyes wide.

He had been close to the edge for so long, that even thinking about losing the little friction he was allowed was unbearable.

“I told you to stop”

“Kurt! Please!” the raven-haired sobbed as his hips buckled without his consent.

“You want to touch yourself that badly?”

Another chuckle.

“Well, do you?”, Kurt whispered in a low voice as he slowly moved back to the bed.

“Yes”, Blaine said in a small voice.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite get that?”



The taller teen raised an eyebrow as he locked darkened eyes with Blaine.

“Say it!”

Blaine felt his composure snapping.

“Yes! God, Kurt! Please just let me do it!”

“Do what?”

The ex-Warbler bit his lip.

“Come now, you weren’t so shy before”, Kurt purred

Blaine desperately tried to hold on to his sanity, but the very immediate need to free his straining erection made that very hard.

“Say. It.”

He was a good three feet away from him, but Blaine shivered at the smug look on his lover’s face.

“Please Kurt!”, the boy pleaded

“Please let me touch myself!”

Kurt felt his erection twitch at the victory.

“And what would be in it for me?”


Coherent thinking was proving more and more difficult.

“What will be in it for me” Kurt repeated

“If I allow you to come”

Both teenagers’ breath stocked at the idea of Blaine orgasming with Kurt right there.

“Whatever you want”, the raven-haired wheezed.

He hadn’t touched the burning, and still clothed, muscle since they started their discussion and it couldn’t go unattended for much longer.

“Whatever I want, hm?”


Blaine had completely given up. All he cared about now was finally feeling skin on skin.

“Fine then”

Kurt felt pride swell in his chest once again as he stared into his lover’s greedy eyes.

“Take your pants off and finish it. By yourself”

Blaine fumbled with his belt and kicked his shoes off. He got to his feet, unceremoniously threw his pants and boxers to the floor and gasped at the much-awaited cold air hitting the oversensitive skin.

“Aren’t you eager”, the brunette chuckled as his eyes followed the drops of pre-cum trailing down the boy’s thigh.

“Get on back on the bed”


Blaine scrambled his way back to the white sheets and positioned himself against the headboard again. He then looked at his boyfriend for confirmation.

“Yes. That’s it. Do it” said boyfriend hissed and he swallowed a moan as Blaine wrapped his hands around his own erection.

“Oh fuck! Kurt!”, he whimpered.

Kurt’s lips settled in a self-satisfied smirk at the sight of his writhing lover.

The raven-haired had two hands clamped around his manhood, stroking it at a pace he had never used before. Fast and hard. That was all he needed right now.


Blaine arched back against the headboard. He felt his orgasm pooling in his stomach and he knew he was only seconds away from reaching it. The muscles in his thighs twitched vigorously.

“K-Kurt!” he gasped

The blue-eyed teen just watched his boyfriend thrashing on his bed. Watched him move one of his hands to fist the sheets, while he shouted incoherent sentences.

“Oh God! Kurt! I can’t!”

It pleased Kurt to know that even when completely lost to pleasure, Blaine still called out his lover’s name.

“Kurt! Ahh! Please!”, the boy pleaded.

“Blaine”, the taller teen whispered in a low voice.


“Come for me”

And that was all it took. His hips jerked upwards and the raven-haired climaxed with previously unknown intensity, nearly causing him to pass out. After it being denied him for so long, he came in waves, covering his hand and abdomen in his own hot fluid until he collapsed back on to the bed.

Watching his boyfriend come undone hadn’t left Kurt unbothered and he mentally kicked himself for having so little self-control. Then again, it was nothing a good splash of hot water couldn’t fix.

And it was s� worth it.

The blue-eyed teen smiled to himself as he sat down next to his boyfriend.

“So, what do you want?”, Blaine asked, still slightly panting.


“Well that was the deal right?”

Kurt chuckled, this time in the way that the raven-haired was so used to hearing.

“Don’t you want to take a shower?”

Blaine looked down at his besmeared body and giggled.

“Yeah, that might be a good idea”

Kurt started laughing too and for a few moments they were grinning at each other like idiots.

“Well then”, said the raven-haired as he grabbed some tissues to wipe the cooling substance of off him, “I’ll go take that shower now”.

He got up and kissed his lover on the forehead before leaving him.

The taller teen laughed at his boyfriend complete lack of shame as the boy, still very naked, walked of.

What the hell did they just do?


Kurt didn’t quite know what to make of this situation and he was about to start judging his actions when Blaine popped his head around the corner.

“I just realized”, he said with that lopsided grin of his


“Even after all that”

The brunette shifted uncomfortably.

“We still haven’t granted our hands visas to travel south of the equator”.

A few moments of silence ensued before a pillow missed Blaine by an instant.

“Go take your shower!”

“Yes. Yes.”

And with a giggle the raven-haired left again.

Kurt caught himself smiling at his awkward boyfriend. He contemplated if he should put more thought into their previous situation, but decided against it. Instead he got up and mumbled:

“Now, what to do about these trousers..”


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