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Tu sei l'essenziale

Short drabble for Klaine Au Fridays, theme Italian!Klaine. Kurt and Blaine spend their honeymoon in Firenze.

K - Words: 539 - Last Updated: Jun 02, 2013
574 0 0 0
Categories: Cotton Candy Fluff,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: established relationship, futurefic,

"This is..."
Kurt doesn't finish his sentence, just stands there, staring, with his mouth hanging open, but Blaine doesn't need him to say anything to understand what he means. He remembers the first time he stood in that very same spot. It had been the first time his parents had taken him with them on one of their journeys to Europe and he couldn't help thinking that no other city could possibly have made such an impression on him as Firenze. He can still remember the awe he felt for this beautiful place the first time he saw it, and right now it's just as impressive as it was back then. So he doesn't say anything, just hums, pulls Kurt a little closer to his chest, his chin resting on Kurt's shoulder, and lets him take it all in.
"I never thought I'd be able to just stand here and watch the same view for longer than five minutes, but now that I'm here I kind of don't want to leave," Kurt says after a while, turning his gaze towards the Ponte Vecchio, his voice soft, almost reverent.
"That's a pity," Blaine answers, already expecting the confused look Kurt gives him when he turns his head away from the magnificent view before him to look at Blaine.
"Well," Blaine starts, whispering in Kurt's ear, "I was rather looking forward to having some mind-blowing sex with my husband in the hotel room later tonight. But I guess I'll just have to spend the rest of my honeymoon just standing here instead."
Kurt giggles. The sound never fails to warm Blaine's heart, no matter how many times he's heard it before, and he can't wait to hear it many more times in the future.
"Would it be so bad though? I wouldn't mind standing here for the rest of my life, as long as I have your arms around me."
Suddenly, Blaine feels tears pricking behind his eyes. During the years he and Kurt have been together, he has found out that Kurt doesn't often say cheesy things like this, but when he does, he absolutely means them.
"Well, when you put it like that, I don't think it would be that bad at all," Blaine answers and softly kisses Kurt's temple. Kurt smiles at him, leans back against his chest and turns back around to gaze at the Duomo dominating the skyline of Florence. The sun is setting, and her last rays fall on Kurt's face, highlighting the blonde streaks in his hair. He looks like an angel. No, he looks like he belongs among the statues on the Piazza della Signoria. He could put Michelangelo's David to shame.
He must have been staring at Kurt's face longer than he realized, because it seems like only a few seconds later when Kurt suddenly exclaims: "Look, Blaine, they're turning the city lights on!"
And indeed, when Blaine finally succeeds in tearing his eyes away from his breathtakingly beautiful husband, he can see the lights winding their way along the river Arno.
"It's breathtaking, isn't it," Kurt asks, taking in all the beauty that is the city looking before him.
"It is," Blaine replies, winding his arms a little tighter around Kurt's chest. "Bellissimo." He's not talking about the city though. Not really.


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