March 28, 2013, 11:19 p.m.
March 28, 2013, 11:19 p.m.
Just a silly drabble with sick!blaine and Kurt taking care of him.
The first thing Kurt notices when he wakes up is that Blaine is not sleeping next to him. The second thing he notices is that the blaring red numbers on his alarm clock only read 3.57AM. The combination of those two elements is enough to wake him up completely, despite the ungodly hour. Blaine is most certainly not an early riser, which means something must be wrong.
Kurt unwraps the blankets from around his legs and turns on the light on the bedside table, squinting his eyes (damn it, why does it have to be so bright?)as he gets out of bed and makes his way over to the door of his bedroom. He stumbles slightly, clearly not as awake as he first thought, and almost falls over one of Blaine's shoes (they'd been in a bit of a hurry to get undressed and hadn't paid much attention to where their clothes ended up), but eventually he reaches the door and goes out into the hallway. As soon as he does, he sees light coming from the kitchen, and when he hears a dry cough coming from that direction, his suspicions that Blaine might be there are confirmed.
When he enters the kitchen, he sees his husband sitting at the kitchen table with his head resting on his arms, a glass of water in front of him.
"Honey?" he calls out, softly so as not to startle Blaine. "Are you all right?"
The only answer he gets is a moan, (most definitely not the sexy kind), which soon turns into coughing.
"Oh sweetheart," Kurt mumbles, making his way over to where Blaine is sitting and crouching down next to him. "Are you ill?" He starts rubbing his husband's back while he waits for him to answer.
It takes Blaine about half a minute to lift up his head enough to respond. "It's not the flu or anything, but I have a really bad headache, so I decided to get up to take a painkiller," he says, motioning towards the glass of water and the package of painkillers, which Kurt hadn't noticed earlier. "I also have this incredibly annoying cough that keeps me from going back to sleep." As if on cue, he breaks off into a coughing fit. Kurt hums in sympathy and makes the movement of his hand on Blaine's back a little firmer until he finally stops coughing.
"Why don't we get you back to bed, okay?" As he feels Blaine shiver, he adds: "I'll wrap you up in a warm blanket and let you pick your cuddles. I'll even let you sleep as long as you like, I won't wake you up in the morning."
"As nice as that sounds, I can't keep you to that promise." Blaine pauses for a moment to let out another cough and then continues: "I have to be at work at 9."
"Oh no you don't," Kurt says firmly. "You're staying home until you can speak in full sentences again without stopping to cough." Blaine looks like he wants to object, but as another coughing fit hits him, he decides against it. Instead he says: "I still can't let you cuddle me though. Don't want to get you ill too."
"Don't you worry about that, sweetie. I don't care about that right now. I just want to make you feel better and I know for a fact that cuddling always makes you feel better, especially when you're ill."
The fact that Blaine doesn't even try to protest this time makes it clear exactly how bad he is feeling. He stands up and lets Kurt lead him back towards their bedroom, unable to stop another cough. When they're back in their room, Blaine immediately lets himself face plant onto the bed with a faint oomph sound. Kurt settles in at his side and gently turns Blaine onto his side as well so they're face to face. He hugs Blaine close and feels him respond by putting his arm around his waist and nuzzling into his shoulder.
"You don't get to blame me if you're sick tomorrow," Blaine mumbles, making Kurt smile, humming his agreement.
"I can live with that," he says and softly kisses his husband's forehead. "Now go back to sleep."
"Mmm 'kay," is all the answer he gets. Two minutes later, Blaine is fast asleep in his arms. Kurt pulls up the blanket so it covers the both of them, very gently so he doesn't wake Blaine up. When he settles back down, he lifts one of his hands to run his fingers through Blaine's soft curls and thinks to himself, well, if I'm sick tomorrow, it'll be totally worth it.