Glee Headcanons
It Was Never Over Series
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Glee Headcanons

It Was Never Over

Reunion fic based on spoilers, speculations and headcanons of 4x04: The Break Up.

K - Words: 1,932 - Last Updated: Aug 13, 2012
1,264 0 4 1
Categories: Angst,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Tina Cohen-Chang,
Tags: hurt/comfort,

Author's Notes: Because we all need some Reunion!Klaine right now. Just a oneshot on my headcanon for a Klaine reunion. Because we all need a little Reunion!Klaine right now.

Kurt had mixed feelings about going back to Ohio. After his break-up with Blaine about a month ago, he’d completely cut Ohio and thoughts of it out of his mind, excluding his family. He had called Burt after it happened and wished that he could be there with him getting hugged and reassured everything would be okay, but he lived too far away for that and ended up just having to settle for his father soothing him through the phone has he cried, sitting against the door of this apartment.

It was hard for Kurt. They’d been together so long that Kurt could look at almost anything in his small apartment and be reminded of him. Upon the break up happening, he changed his coffee order the very next day. It didn’t taste the same, but it was something he needed to do if he was going to be able to drink it. His previous order had too many memories attached to it.

As Kurt pulled into the driveway of the Berry’s house, he noticed the cars. None of them were familiar, and this was a good sign for Kurt. Before he had left, his dad had said not to hesitate to leave early from the festivities if he felt like he needed to. But Blaine’s car not being there was a good thing. He wouldn’t have to spend the night around him and have to hold himself back from begging Blaine to take him back and staring longingly across the room while he mingled with the glee club friends.

Kurt entered the house and was immediately mauled by hugs and screaming friends that he hadn’t seen since before he moved away. Finn stood back from the crowd and Kurt finished hugging them and just let his brother hug him for a little while.

“How are you holding up bro?” He asked quietly.

“I’m trying.” Kurt replied.

“If it makes you feel any better, Blaine hasn’t sung since it happened.” Said Sugar

“He’s really heartbroken over it.” Tina added.

“Yeah, the dude doesn’t wear his usual clothes or smile any more.” Stated Puck in a tired tone from the stairs.

“Guys, can we please just not talk about this.” Kurt sighed. He was so tired of having to act okay when people brought Blaine up, he still loved him just as much as he did before.

“Alright, but just fyi Curly Sue might be here later.” Santana reminded the group.

“We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it” Replied Kurt.

And with that, everyone dropped it.

The group spent a good couple of hours while the turkey was cooking to catch up. Kurt was thrilled to be hearing about all the new glee drama and the new couples and everything that they had going on. But he missed it. He sat with his legs pulled up to his chest with his arms wrapped around them. This had been a usual position for Kurt since that night, almost like he was guarding himself.

The table was being set as Tina sat talking with Kurt about some things that hadn’t been brought up in the group conversation. She had a constant look in her eyes that she was holding back.

“You can ask me, you know.” Kurt sighed “I just didn’t want to cry in front of the group.” Tina had always been a person Kurt could go to if he needed to cry. She was always so gentle and patient with him.

“Let’s talk about this out back.” Tina said. They ended up walking to the back yard and sitting away from the main window so as not to make a scene.

“So, how are you really doing?”

Kurt sighed “I don’t know. There are good days when I’ll go to class and do my homework and just not think about him but then there are the bad days when I go and order his coffee order by accident or I find myself waiting by the phone, or leaving my skype open waiting for him to call,” Kurt sniffed “but he never does.”

"I'm falling behind, Tina. I can't concentrate any more. Someone at the internship's ringtone is Somewhere Only We Know and over the first week whenever I heard it, I would run to the men's room an cry. I just feel like everyhing that mattered and was important to me has been ripped from my life leaving me empty. I still love him Tina and I don't know how to stop." Kurt cried, tears now flowing freely down his face.

Tina wrapped an arm around him. “It hasn’t been easy for him either. It’s true what Sugar said, he’s never happy or singing any more. When he gets slushied he doesn't even react. He just stands there and takes it. He will walk into glee still covered in slushie and he doesn't even care. There have been some days when he come to school without his hair gelled.” Tina paused. “And every time someone sings a love song or serenades their boyfriend, he cries."

“He was the one who did it. He thought he was holding me back from dating New Yorkers that I'd be attracted to, and that it would be easier emotionally for us to stop instead of always missing the other. But this hurts more than missing him, because I can’t call him mine anymore.” Kurt was quietly sobbing.

“TINA, KURT DINNER.” Rachel called.

“We’re coming just give us a minute!” Tina yelled back. She lead Kurt to the bathroom using the downstairs entrance.Kurt went in and splashed cold water on his face a few times. Apart from his eyes being still wet he looked about back to normal so, they went upstairs.

Rachel had saved him a spot beside her and it took him looking across the table from the spot to see the new body joining the party. His heart clenched. They had been right, Blaine didn’t look himself. He was quiet and drawn in on himself even as Puck tried to make small talk with him. Kurt turned his attention to his plate when he started noticing how small and vulnerable Blaine looked.

Dinner was quiet when people weren’t asking him about his internship, and every time Kurt went to answer someone he’d see Blaine flinch or tense so slightly no one else noticed.

When dinner was over, Tina excused Kurt and herself to the living room. Kurt sat down and was shaking. “Tina I don’t know how much longer I can stay here.” Kurt whispered. "I don't want to leave, but it just hurts too much."

“How about you just go outside and take a minute. The cool air might help you calm down a little. I’ll cover for you.”

Kurt cringed, he knew his coat was in the kitchen on the back of his chair he walked into the kitchen and just has he was about to grab his coat his phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and noticed it was Tina calling him. It took him a moment but he realized that this was her covering for him.

“Uh, if you’ll excuse me, I need to take this. Hello?” he replied into the phone as he walked out of the house.

The cold air was refreshing against his skin. He sat curled up as he usually did, resting his head on the railing beside him. He let a few tears escape. It had started raining just after he walked outside, but he didn’t care. He cried a little more as the rain came down harder.

Then from behind him her heard the front door closing. He didn’t bother turning around. It was probably Tina checking on him.

“Tina, I just need a minute” Kurt said in a thick voice. “Why did I even come here, I knew this would happen.” Kurt mumbled to himself.

“Probably the same reason I came here.” The voice replied.

Kurt’s breath hitched “What do you want?” he demanded.

“Um, well if we’re being totally honest, I want my best friend back.” Blaine said, his voice breaking on the last phrase.

“I was happy to wait for you.” Kurt stated, as he got up. He descended the stairs and faced Blaine. “I had a future in mind for us.”

“You think that you’re the only one who thought about the future?” Blaine asked tearfully “You don’t think I didn’t think about the apartment we’d buy after college? Or what kind of engagement ring I wanted for you? Or what we were going to name our kids?” Blaine wiped at his face as he stood on a stair lower. “I did Kurt, every day I imagined what it would be like to be married to you for the rest of my life."

“Then why did you do it?”

“Because I was scared.” Blaine sobbed. “I was scared that you’d meet new people in New York and guys your age who design clothes and who are more charming and better looking. And I was scared that you’d fall for one but you’d still feel obligated to stay with me. I thought it would be easier for you, you wouldn't be missing me all the time and being miserable because I'm not with you. I felt like I was tying you to Lima, and you hate Lima.”

“I hate everything about Lima, you’re right.” Kurt replied. “But I never hated you. Ever. Not when you couldn’t be there on Halloween to dress up with me, not when you called me at four in the morning freaking out about a glee assignment. Not even when you broke up with me. And not even now.”

“Kurt I don’t know w-what to do anymore.” Blaine said walking down the stairs.

“No one ever knows what to do Blaine. Even I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to do when I find myself waiting by the phone for you. I don’t know what to do when I have a terrible nightmare and I wake up and you’re not beside me or easy to get ahold of, and most of all, I don’t know what to do when I miss you. And that’s all the time. Even more now that we're done.” Kurt cried. “Just-forget it. I shouldn’t have come. Everything’s over.”

“You really think it’s over, Kurt?” Blaine muttered. Kurt just stared at him. ”It was never over.” Blaine cried. He moved forward and Kurt met him half way. Blaine cupped Kurt’s face and brought it to his. The kiss was passionate but careful. It felt like a dream that if they kissed too freely they  would wake up and be apart again. Kurt brought his hand up to angle Blaine's head so he could pull on his lower lip slightly with his teeth, this causing Blaine to moan into the kiss pulling Kurt closer by the waist.

They heard a whoop of joy and broke apart to see Puck standing in the doorway slow clapping for them. Blaine leaned his  forehead against Kurt’s and smiled genuinely for the first time in a long time. Kurt wrapped his arms around his neck and pulled him back into a short kiss. “You’re never doing that to me again, Blaine Anderson.”

“I won’t ever. I love you Kurt.”

“And I love you.” Blaine took his breath away with a beautiful smile before he let Kurt wrap him up in a tight hug with happy tears streaming down both their faces

He was right. Things were never over between them, And they never would be.

End Notes: I haven't written fic in a while so, hopefully that was decent. I'm trying to get back in the swing of things


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where are the spoilers? te video? link please :))

They're kinda all over the place...if you have tumblr go and check the Klaine tag if not just go to my main tumblr ( and it's just like, all over it. there's not much else on tumblr right now that isn't related to this.

thank you i needed that i am still a wreck after that whole breakup scene i was crying when reading this

I'm sending you cuddles and big hugs, love. Don't worry, they'll be okay and everything will be solved