Welcome to the Supernatural
Chapter 11 Previous Chapter Story
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Welcome to the Supernatural: Chapter 11

T - Words: 1,451 - Last Updated: Aug 09, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 12/12 - Created: Apr 03, 2012 - Updated: Aug 09, 2012
833 0 4 0 0

Author's Notes: Um, I am officially the lamest person ever. I thought I uploaded this chapter weeks ago, but apparently not. Derp. Sorry guys. Last one :)


@RachBerryStar:  Some ppl don’t have any respect for our animal neighbors.  Or other people’s cooking :( @FinnQB94

“Look at this!” Kurt shrieked.

He was currently shoving his phone into Blaine’s face as they sat in the latter’s bedroom doing last minute homework for their Monday classes.

This is the tweet that almost got her killed!” he continued, “I can’t believe her…..”

“Somehow I’m not surprised,” Blaine laughed, “Have you talked to Rachel today?  How is she doing?”

Blaine hated the idea that Rachel had gotten involved in this mess.  Sure, she was a lot to handle sometimes, but she was one of his good friends.

“Oh, you know, mourning the loss of her stage career because of the paper cut on her cheek,” Kurt rolled his eyes.  “I was there with the paramedics though.  They said it should be healed by the end of next week.  No scar or anything.  So no worries.”

“That’s good to hear,” Blaine said, “Does she, you know….. suspect anything?

“If by ‘suspect anything’ you mean does she have any idea that she was almost murdered by a paranormal entity,” Kurt said dubiously as he returned to his calculus textbook.  “Then no.  I convinced her that my irrevocable chivalry and friendly concern was what caused me to go after her to make sure she got home safely and that the accident was merely a coincidence.”

“Good,” Blaine sighed, “I’m not sure I could handle trying to explain this stuff to Rachel Berry.”

“Agreed,” Kurt nodded.

There was a light knock on the door before Cooper poked his head inside the room.

“Hey, Blaine, can I talk to you for a sec?” he asked.

“Sure,” Blaine answered.

Blaine shuffled off the bed and into the living area of the apartment.  It was then that he noticed that Cooper’s things were packed and set by the front door.

“You’re leaving?” Blaine presumed.

“Yeah,” Cooper shrugged, “I found out where Dad’s coordinates point.  It’s a place over in Colorado.  Looks like there might have been a case he was working on there.”

“So, you should probably head over there to see if he’s okay,” Blaine figured.

Cooper sighed and looked at his brother for a moment.

“You could come with me, you know,” he told Blaine.   “I want you to come with me.”

Blaine looked at his brother quizzically.

“Coop, we’ve been over this.  You know I don’t do that stuff anymore.”

“Oh c’mon, Blainey,” Cooper scoffed, “You gotta admit the last few days have been pretty fun!”


“Well….. interesting to say the least,” Cooper corrected himself, “You’re a good hunter, Blaine.  I want you to help me find Dad.  Despite all your differences, I know you care about him and want to make sure he’s all right.  I figure if we take turns driving, we could be in Colorado by Tuesday night.”

Blaine could tell that his brother was being earnest.  He even had to agree that the rush of adrenaline he felt while hunting this weekend was great and he was surprised by how much he missed it.  It was also good to spend time with his brother again, now that they were on good terms.  But…..

“I can’t go with you, Cooper,” Blaine said solemnly, “I have school tomorrow.”

“Skip it.”

“Cooper,” Blaine said sternly, “I can’t just skip.  I have tests this week and homework due tomorrow.  The glee club is starting rehearsals for Nationals.  You’re right, I am worried about Dad and I want to find him as much as you do, but I can’t just leave.”

Cooper nodded.

“I thought you might say that,” he frowned.

“I’m sorry,” Blaine sighed, “But this isn’t like before.  I can’t just pick up and leave with you and go to some other school.  I have a life here.  I have people that I care about and they care about me…. Kurt’s here.”

“Hey, listen.  I get it, Blainers.  And I’m happy for you,” Cooper smiled, “If it’s okay with you though, maybe I could come visit once I finish up in Colorado?”

“Definitely.  McKinley’s spring break is in a few weeks, so I can see you then.  You know, if you’re not working on a case or something.”

“Awesome!” Cooper agreed, “And even if I’m working on a case, I’m bringing you with me.  Like I said, you’re a good hunter, Blaine.  I could use your help.  Kurt’s too, if he’ll come.”

“We’ll see,” Blaine grinned.

“So, I guess this is it for now,” Cooper extended his hand toward his brother.

Blaine laughed and swatted Cooper’s hand aside before throwing his arms around his older brother.

“It was good to see you, Coop.”

“Same here, squirt.”

They pulled a part and Cooper patted Blaine on the shoulder before heading toward the door and collecting his bags.

“Tell Kurt ‘bye’ for me, okay?” Cooper told him.

“Will do,” Blaine replied.

“See you in a few weeks?”

“See you in a few weeks.”


Blaine walked back into his bedroom where he had left Kurt working on homework.  Kurt looked up as he heard Blaine close the door behind him.

“Cooper left?” he guessed.

“Yeah,” Blaine answered gloomily as he slumped into his desk chair.

“I’m sure he’ll come see you again soon,” Kurt assured him.

“He said he would,” Blaine frowned.


But over the years I’ve learned to take promises from members of my family with a grain of salt.”

“Oh, Blaine,” Kurt soothed. 

He reached out to his boyfriend, pulling him over to the bed where he was sitting.

“He’s going to visit,” Kurt insisted, “And if he doesn’t I’ll kick his ass.”

Blaine barked out a laugh.

“I’m serious, Blaine!” Kurt asserted.

He walked over to Blaine’s bookshelf and pulled out a tattered hardcover book covered with ancient looking symbols. 

“There’s probably some sort of ancient voodoo curse I could put on him in here somewhere,” he muttered whilst flipping through the dusty pages.

“Perhaps,” Blaine teased, “But you’re not going to find any voodoo in there.  That book is about exorcisms.”

“Oh, whatever,” Kurt said as he replaced the book, “Seriously though.  I know I haven’t known him very long at all, but I can tell that he cares about you.  He’ll come back.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right,” Blaine agreed, “I’m just paranoid, I guess.”

“Exactly.  Until he does visit though….” Kurt quirked an eyebrow, “All these months we’ve been sneaking around my house trying to find privacy from my dad, Finn, and the whole rest of the world.  Meanwhile, you have been hiding an entirely empty apartment from me this whole time.”

Blaine grinned sheepishly as Kurt settled himself in Blaine’s lap.

“I thought you’d think this place was small and dingy and creepy-“

“Blaine, sweetheart, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but my family doesn’t exactly own a mansion in Bel Air either.”

“Still…. it is a little creepy” Blaine mumbled.

Kurt took his boyfriend’s face in his hands so that he was forced to look him in the eye.

“Listen,” Kurt insisted, “I’m only going to say this one more time, okay?  I don’t care about the supernatural stuff.  I’m not going anywhere, especially not because of that.  I actually think its pretty interesting.  I love you.  Everything about you.”

“Really?  All of this?”

“Definitely,” Kurt said as he pressed him lips against Blaine’s.

“To be honest,” Kurt continued, “The whole hunter thing is kind of sexy.”

“Yeah?” Blaine laughed breathlessly as Kurt kissed down his jaw.

“Mhmm,” Kurt answered.

“Hey, Blaine, did I leave my –whoa!”

Kurt removed his mouth from Blaine’s throat to find Cooper smirking in the bedroom doorway.  He gasped and quickly scrambled away from Blaine.

Cooper,” Blaine groaned, “What are you doing here?”

“Blaine said you were gone,” Kurt mumbled into the pillow he was currently hiding his face in.

“I was in the process of leaving when I realized I forgot my jacket,” Cooper replied, gesturing to the leather jacket resting over Blaine’s desk chair.

“But by all means,” Cooper snorted, “Carry on.”

With that, Blaine grabbed one of his sneakers and chucked it at his brothers head.  Dodging the shoe, Cooper quickly snagged his jacket and ran out of the apartment before Blaine could inflict any further damage on him.

“See you over spring break!” he laughed as he made his way back out to the parking lot.

Once the door was closed again, Blaine pulled Kurt’s face out of the pillow and kissed him.

“Just to clarify what you were say before,” Blaine giggled, “You love everything about me?  Even the fact that my brother is…. well, Cooper?”

“I think I can handle, Cooper,” Kurt grinned, “Now, where were we?”


End Notes: That's it for WttS!I'm thinking about writing a sequel-ish thing, so let me know if you'd be interested in reading that.This is the first fic I've done for this fandom so please please please review and let me know what you thought!Please favorite this story and rec it on tumblr/lj if you liked it :DThanks for reading :)P.S. If you're interested, the episodes "Pilot" and "Route 666" of Supernatural are the episodes that I borrowed some elements from.


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Yay the ending!!!!! I love this story so much and would love a sequel to this, hell a whole supernatural world to it. And when coop said carry on, Carry On My Wayward Son started playing in my head lol. Maybe all summer it can be Kurt, Blaine and cooper hunting monsters! Lol

oh my gosh I didn't even realize I made a COMWS reference! haha! The sequel I have in mind doesn't take place during the summer, but it does bring the three back together to fight monsters :D

I loved this and the ending was great. Thanks for writing and sharing this.

Thanks so much for all the reviews!