Two Times is Fate.
The S-E-X Talk. Previous Chapter Story
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Two Times is Fate.: The S-E-X Talk.

E - Words: 1,214 - Last Updated: Jun 12, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 6/? - Created: May 12, 2014 - Updated: May 12, 2014
146 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Hopefully Ill have the next one up on Tuesday like its suppose to be. (As long as my internet stays on) Have a lovely weekend and thank you for reading. <3

-Krystal :) x

June 22, 2014. 12:00am. Brooklyn, New York.

Maybe going out to the club they first met in wasn't such a good idea. Both Kurt and Blaine have to be up early the next day, one for work, the other to go to the airport to get his dad and stepmom. So yeah, definitely not a good idea to go out for the night, and Kurt made sure to voice that thought as soon as they made it back to their apartment, both slightly buzzed but not really drunk.

“We shouldn't have went out, we're going to be so tired and we have a busy day. You have to be in court at nine and I have to be at the airport at nine. What were we thinking?” Kurt groaned, falling onto their couch.

“We were thinking about the fact that we hardly ever go out for the night like that and we wanted to go back to the place we first met and have the night we should have been able to have then. Tell me you didn't totally enjoy tonight.” Blaine said, sitting down beside Kurt.

“I did enjoy it, the last time I was there was when we first met. I just feel that maybe we should have planned it for another night, you know I need to be well rested or I get cranky in the mornings.” Kurt sighed, leaning his head on Blaine's shoulder. Even after saying that, he doesn't feel much like sleeping.

“We could go to bed now and get almost a full seven hours of sleep.” Blaine suggested, knowing exactly how cranky Kurt got in the mornings if he didn't get enough sleep.

“I don't feel sleepy though, maybe put a movie in and we can watch it until we fall asleep.”

“Sounds good to me. What do you want to watch?” Blaine stood up and headed towards their t.v., already knowing what Kurt wanted to watch, but thought it would be a kind gesture to ask anyway.

“You really have to ask?” Kurt laughed, grabbing the blanket they kept on the end of the couch just for this sort of thing, waiting until Blaine had the movie in and was sitting back down before he got settled.

“And to think Cooper got me Sex and The City as a joke, I guess the joke's on him.”

“I guess so.” Kurt smiled, getting as close as possible to Blaine. Usually he's not one for cuddling, but times like this its hard not to want to cuddle up to Blaine.

They fell into a comfortable silence, both content to just sit together and watch the movie. This was one of Blaine's favorite things about his relationship with Kurt, they were happy just being around each other, they don't always have to be out doing things, sometimes just sitting in and watching a movie together means more than any fancy dinner. As they got farther and farther into the movie, Blaine found his mind drifting, he has a tendency to lose focus while watching movies, usually he's able to power through it but this time is different. He notices that Kurt is really into the movie, his eyes haven't moved from the t.v. screen since the movie started. He also notices that Kurt is practically laying on him, his head in on Blaine's chest, one hand behind Blaine's back and the other resting on his stomach. Usually Kurt doesn't get this touchy feely during movies, not that Blaine's really complaining, it's kind of nice actually. Not long after he notices all of that, he notices the hand that's resting on his stomach is now tracing patterns up and down his stomach, it feels nice but Blaine's worried it might feel a little too nice. He tries ignoring it, tries thinking of anything else other than how amazing Kurt's fingers feel ghosting over his stomach, but as soon as he feels Kurt brush the top of his pants, he knows he has to say something. “Uh Kurt, could you uh- your hand is uh-”

“Am I distracting you?” Kurt asks, his hand momentarily ceasing it's movements, coming to rest right at the  top of Blaine's pants.


“It's uh- it's not that, I just-”

“I'm distracting you.” Kurt doesn't let Blaine finish. He sits up, moving his hand from Blaine's stomach. “Why haven't we had sex yet?” He doesn't look at Blaine, instead he moves his hand to Blaine's thigh, lightly tracing patterns into Blaine's pants.

“W-what?” Blaine asked, wondering where this conversation came from.

“I just- I've been thinking about it a lot lately, especially since I moved in and I've just been wondering why you haven't even tried to have sex with me. Is it because you don't want to? Am I not sexy enough?”

“Whoa Kurt, slow down. Of course you're sexy, you're unbelievably sexy, and of course I want to have sex with you, believe me, I just think we should wait.” Blaine sat up straight, he hadn't been ready for this conversation, not tonight anyway.

“Is it because I'm a virgin and you're not? And don't tell me you are, I know better that. Do you think I'm not going to be good enough because I don't have experience?”

“Kurt please, stop, listen to me, I love you okay? I love you and I don't care if you're a virgin or not, that doesn't make me love you any less or make me any less attracted to you. I don't want to screw this up, I want to make sure that we are comfortable enough with each other before we decide to take that step. When we're both ready, I want us to discuss it, I want us to decide together, and when we do decide to take that step, I want us to both be ready and comfortable.”

“O-okay. I get it. I just- I thought you were waiting because you didn't want to have sex with me or something.” Kurt felt stupid for thinking that way now, he should have known better but he's still working on his self esteem.

“And that's exactly why we still need to wait. You're not ready Kurt, and it's not your fault, you're still getting use to us without sex, imagine what it'd be like if we threw sex into the equation.” Blaine gave Kurt a small smile, cupping his cheek.

“I'd probably freak out and things would get weird.” Kurt admitted, knowing it was true. He's spent his entire life believing that he wasn't good enough for anything.

“Exactly. When you're ready, we'll talk about it again. Just remember that no matter what, I love you and I will always want you.”

“I love you too Blaine.” Kurt smiled, leaning in and capturing Blaine's lips in a soft kiss. He's the luckiest guy in the world, he never imagined finding a guy like Blaine, let alone finding him at such a young age.

“Why don't we go to bed, we both have a long day ahead of us tomorrow.” Blaine stood up, holding out his hand for Kurt.

“Yeah, that sounds good.” Kurt took Blaine's hand, letting himself be led down the hall to their room. Blaine's right, he's not ready for sex yet, but knowing that Blaine wants him, makes him feel like he could be ready soon.


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