June 12, 2014, 7 p.m.
June 12, 2014, 7 p.m.
Sorry for the late update, weve been having internet problems so its been kind of hit and miss. BUUUUUT to make up for being late, Im going to post a second chapter. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
-Krystal :) x
June 14, 2014. 1:00pm. Bushwick, New York.
“I'm so glad we finally had a day we could spend together, it feels like we haven't seen each other in so long.” Rachel said as she sat down on the couch. She had a day of from rehearsals and shows and since Blaine was going to be in court all day today, he was spending the day at the apartment to catch up with Rachel.
“I know, I'm sorry if I've been neglecting you, I've just been so busy with school and-”
“Blaine?” Rachel finished his sentence.
“Yes, Blaine. It's harder than you think, finding time to spend with him. He works and I go to school, we have to take what time we can.”
“So how are things with him? You don't bring him around enough for me to see how you two are together.”
“Everything's wonderful, he's wonderful.” Kurt smiled just thinking about Blaine.
“I'm glad you're so happy Kurt, you deserve it.”
“Thanks Rachel, he really is amazing. The first time I met him I thought he was the most handsome man I'd ever met, but I was just a kid so I knew nothing was going to happen, and now, now I just celebrated a whole month of dating him. It's like destiny or fate or something, I don't know. I just feel like he and I are meant to be together.”
“Maybe you are. That's how I felt about- well, you know what I mean.” Rachel's smile faded a little, it was still hard thinking about not having Finn around.
Kurt smiled sadly at his friend, quickly changing the subject. “I was thinking about bringing Blaine to one of your shows next week, he said he hasn't seen it yet but really wants to.”
“Oh Kurt that would be amazing! Just let me know what day you want and I'll be sure to reserve your seats!”
Kurt felt his phone go off in his pocket, he briefly wondered who would be calling him right now until he saw the screen light up with Blaine's number. “It's Blaine, I have to take this.”
“Okay, I'm going to start cleaning up.”
“Hey B, I thought you were going to be in court all day today.”
“I was suppose to be, but something happened with the case so they're postponing it for another two weeks. I won't bore you with the details, but I was wondering if you wanted to catch a movie with me since I have the day off. Call it an extension of our anniversary celebration.”
“What movie did you have in mind?” Kurt asked, already heading over to his “room” to get changed into something better than sweats and a t-shirt.
“Not sure, I thought maybe we could meet at my place and decide from there.”
“Sounds good, I'll meet you there in about twenty.” Kurt said, putting his phone on speaker while he got dressed.
“Alright, see you then. I love you Kurt.”
“I love you too.” Kurt smiled brightly, he was still getting use to Blaine saying that he loved him. It made him feel jittery just thinking about it.
“I thought Blaine was working today.” Rachel called from the kitchen, having heard Kurt's side of the phone call.
“The case got postponed so he thought we should go catch a movie. Maybe I can convince him to go shopping with me since you won't.” Kurt called back, already plotting how to get Blaine to say yes to a mall trip.
“I don't want to get too tired for my shows tomorrow Kurt, I've explained this already.”
“I know Rachel, I know, it was a joke.” Kurt re entered the kitchen with a smile, he loves picking on his friend, especially since it's so easy. “How do I look?”
“Wonderful. Now get going, you told him twenty minutes.” Rachel ushered Kurt towards the door, happy that her friend finally has someone like Blaine. She's always wanted for Kurt to find someone he could share himself with and Blaine seems like a very nice guy, at least he makes Kurt happy which has to count for something.
“I'll see you later Rach, enjoy your day off.”
“I'll see you tomorrow, I'm sure you'll end up spending the night with him.” Rachel winked, practically pushing Kurt out the door.
Kurt laughed as the door shut behind him, she was probably right, he usually did end up spending the night at Blaine's, in fact, Santana had asked him just recently why he hadn't just moved in already since he was there more than the loft. The truth is, Kurt doesn't want to push anything with Blaine, he would love to live with him, it's an amazing feeling getting to wake up next to him, but they've only been together for a month, he doesn't want to do anything that would ruin what they have. He'd have to bring it up eventually, at least he and Blaine could talk about it, that wouldn't hurt anything.
As soon as Kurt arrived at Blaine's apartment, he was swept into a huge hug. “That's a welcome that I could get use to.”
“I'm just really happy to see you.” Blaine said, smiling like a little kid at Christmas.
“I'm happy to see you too, but what's got you so happy, you can't be this happy that your court date got pushed back two weeks.” Kurt asked, knowing something was up.
“You would be correct, but I am happy about that too. I have a surprise for you and I hope you like it. Follow me.” Blaine took Kurt's hand and led him down the hall towards his bedroom.
“What's going on? What's in your room that's a surprise?”
“You'll see, come on.” Blaine opened the door and led Kurt to the dresser. “I know we've only been together for a month, but it feels like I've known you my entire life, so I hope this isn't rushing anything.” He opened up the three drawers on the left side, all three were completely empty.
“Why are your dresser drawers empty?” Kurt asked, not catching on to what Blaine was proposing.
“Why don't you go look in the closet and see if you can catch on.” Blaine motioned towards the closet, his bright smile still firmly in place.
Kurt turned the light on and looked around, all of Blaine's clothes had been moved to one side of the closet, leaving an entire rack empty. “Are you moving?”
Blaine laughed, walking up behind Kurt, wrapping his arms around his waist. “No silly, I can't believe you haven't figured it out.”
Kurt spun around in Blaine's hold so he could face him. “I don't know what I'm suppose to figure out here Blaine, you moved your clothes around, you made room for something, what does that have to do with- oh.”
“There he got it.” Blaine said, gripping Kurt's waist and holding his breath for Kurt's reaction.
“I can't- you mean- are you sure?” Kurt wasn't sure what to say, what do you say when your boyfriend asks you to move in with him.
“I'm more than sure, I love you Kurt, and I want to spend as much time with you as I can. If you don't want to, I'm not going to be upset, I just wanted to offer and let you know that you can.”
“I- of course I do Blaine, I would love to live with you!” Kurt said, wrapping his arms around Blaine's neck. “I can't believe you did this for me.”
“I would do anything for you Kurt.” Blaine said softly before placing a sweet, quick kiss on Kurt's lips.
“What happened with your case?” Kurt asked, as he pulled back.
“Your case, the one you were suppose to be in court with today, what happened?”
“Oh that, I uh- it's nothing, I don't want to bore you with the details.” Blaine said, brushing it off but unable to hide the flush in his cheeks.
“You did something didn't you?” Kurt asked, trying to sound serious, but his smile gave him away.
“Maybe, it's not important though.”
“Blaine Devon Anderson.”
“Kurt Elizabeth Hummel.”
“You're impossible, you know that?” Kurt asked with a sigh, trying to hold in his laughter.
“Yep, but you love me so you'll put up with it.” Blaine said with a grin.
Kurt just smiled, of course he would, he loves Blaine for every part of him, his sometimes childish attitude included. “I think we should go back to the loft so I can start packing.”
“I think that's a wonderful idea. Lead the way.” Blaine gestured towards the door, knowing the next time they walked through it, they wouldn't be walking into Blaine's apartment, they'd be walking into their apartment. Just the thought made Blaine want to jump around and tell everyone that he has the best boyfriend in the world.