June 12, 2014, 7 p.m.
June 12, 2014, 7 p.m.
Annnnd thats the first chapter! The next one will be coming at you next week!! As always, reviews are greatly appreciated!
-Krystal :) x
April 16, 2011. 6:00pm. New York City.
Kurt couldn't believe that he was finally here, New York is a lot bigger and a lot better than any picture can show. Being here makes Kurt know without a doubt that this is where he wants to be after graduation. He'll whatever it takes to get to this city. For now, he's here with the Glee Club for Nationals, he'll have to go back to Lima and go through one more year of high school, but knowing that he has something this amazing to look forward to makes it all worth it.
“Alright everyone, no one leaves this room until we get these songs wrote!” Mr. Schue yelled over the noise of the glee club. He knows they want to get out and explore the city, but they have to get these songs wrote and practiced if they stand even a slight chance at getting into the top three.
“But Mr. Schue, I thought we'd get to go see the city and get the whole New York experience.” Mercedes complained.
“We will, don't worry, but right now we need to focus on these songs, we still don't have words to all of them, let alone any music or choreography. We have to get moving on them if we want any kind of chance at winning.” Mr. Schue tried to get the group calmed down and focused on music, but soon realized he wasn't going to stand a chance. “Fine, fine, you guys can go, but make sure you're back by eleven. We need to get up early tomorrow if we want to get these songs down before the competition.”
“Thanks Mr. Schue, you're the best!” Finn shouted.
“We have to go to Broadway and at least see the theatres.” Rachel said, pulling Kurt out of the room by his arm.
“Then we should hit up some of the clubs!” Puck said, coming up behind them.
“I don't think so Noah, Kurt and I will be just fine by ourselves.” Rachel tried walking in the opposite direction but Puck just followed them.
“Oh come on, you mean to tell me that you don't even want to try one club while we're here? Isn't New York like the gay capital of the world? Shouldn't Hummel be dying to get into a gay club?”
“Maybe he's right Rachel. I have always wondered what it would be like to go to a club.” Kurt looked from Rachel to Puck, hoping she'd give in. He wasn't sure if he'd enjoy the experience, but at least he could say that he'd had the experience.
“I don't know Kurt, I really don't think it's a good idea.” Rachel had heard bad things about some of the night clubs here in New York, her dads had warned her about all the dangers. “What if someone tries to drug us or something?”
“Loosen up Berry, no one is going to try to drug you.” Puck rolled his eyes and focused his attention on Kurt. “ What'da say Hummel, you up for hitting the club scene tonight?”
Kurt thought about it for a minute, wondering if it was really a good idea to agree considering it was Puck offering, but when would he get this chance again? “Fine, I'll go on one condition, I get to pick the club.”
“Deal.” Puck held his hand out for Kurt to shake. “We'll meet back here at nine.”
“Fine. See you then.” Kurt shook his head at how excited Puck seemed to be about going to a stupid club, honestly, Kurt couldn't see the appeal, it was just a crowded place where people drank, danced and shared each other's sweat, nothing too exciting about that.
“I can't believe you're actually going to go partying with Puck, of all people.” Rachel said as they exited the hotel and headed towards the bus stop.
“Who knows, it might actually turn out to be fun.” Kurt shrugged, hoping he'd at least get some enjoyment out of the night.
April 16, 2011. 9:45pm. New York City.
Blaine made his way into his usual Friday night club, realizing he was probably late and all of his friends had probably already started drinking and dancing. He knew he should've taken the bus like he always does instead of trying a cab, but he couldn't change it now, he'd just have to catch up with his friends. As soon as he walked inside, he immediately felt better, here he didn't have to worry about rent, school, work, anything. Being able to let loose and just have fun is a big reason why Blaine comes here every Friday evening with a few of his co-workers.
“Blaaaaaine, you made it!” Wes spots him at the bar and makes his way over, slinging his arm over Blaine's shoulder.
“Yeah, sorry I'm late, I took a cab this time.” Blaine could tell that Wes was well past drunk, he always drinks too much when they come here, he's surprised they even let him in after the last time when he almost took out the DJ.
“Did you come straight from work?” Wes asked, noticing Blaine's dress shirt and necktie. Blaine always wears bright polos and bowties to the club.
“Yeah, I stayed a little later since I had to miss this morning for classes.” Working as an intern for a law firm while going to law school doesn't leave Blaine much time for anything else, but he loves his job and his school, so he deals with the long days and nights.
“Just think man, two more years and you'll be done with school and you'll be able to work at the firm full time.”
“Can't wait.” Blaine smiled, signalling the bartender for a drink. “Why don't we stop talking about work and start talking about dancing?”
“That's my boy!” Wes practically yelled, halling Blaine over to where the rest of his friends were dancing in a group. Most of them worked at the firm, only Nick and Jeff were friends from school. “Hey guys, look who finally showed up!”
“Blaine! Hey man, it's good to see you!” Nick yelled over the noise of the crowd, slapping Blaine on the shoulder.
“You too, how was your vacation?” Blaine asked as he sipped his drink. He never liked coming here and getting full blown drunk, he liked remembering his night.
“It was awesome, you have to visit one day, you won't ever want to leave.” Nick said, pulling out his phone to show Blaine some pictures from his vacation in Hawaii.
While Blaine was looking at the pictures, he noticed a group of kids, they couldn't be much over sixteen, come walking in. Being an all ages club, there were different people of different ages, but Blaine was sure this group was the youngest here tonight.
“Are you even paying attention dude?” Nick nudged Blaine's shoulder, causing him to look away from the group of teenagers.
“Sorry, I-”
“You know, the more you stare, the more you look like a pedofile. So maybe keep your eyes to guys your age.” Jeff suggested, nodding to the group of kids Blaine had been watching.
“I wasn't staring, I was just noticing how young they are.” Blaine said, taking another sip of his drink.
“That doesn't sound much better.” Wes piped up. “If you're so desperate that you've got to look at a group of kids, maybe we need to find you a guy.”
“You don't need to find me a guy, I'm not desperate, I was just noticing that most of the people here tonight are our age or older, except for them. Can we change the subject please?” Blaine loved his friends, but sometimes they don't know when to drop things.
“I think we should dance!” Wes yelled as he made his way to the middle of the dance floor.
Blaine laughed and watched his friends from his seat at the bar, he didn't feel much like dancing tonight, he was exhausted from a long week of school and work.
“I don't want to drink Puck, I learned the hard way that alcohol and me don't mix very well.”
Blaine looked up when he heard a high pitched, but very much male, voice speak up. He wasn't sure what made him look, but he was sure glad he did. Standing right beside him was the most beautiful man he'd ever seen. He was a little on the pale side, dressed in a dark, blood red button up with black skinny jeans and white boots. His hair was fixed in a messy, but not too messy, style and his eyes were the brightest blue that Blaine had ever seen.
“Come on Kurt, what's the point if you don't drink?”
“The point is I'm here, you talked me into this, I would like to at least have a few good memories of the night, not just some alcohol induced half memory. You can drink if you want, but I'm going to stick with soda or water.”
“Water's probably your best choice.” Blaine couldn't stop himself from speaking up, even if it meant admitting he had been eavesdropping on their conversation.
“Excuse me?” Kurt turned to look at the man who had spoke and almost fell over. He was gorgeous. He was wearing black dress pants, a white button up with a bright red tie, and dress shoes. His hair was gelled down but you could tell that a few of the curls were trying to escape and to be honest, Kurt couldn't blame them.
“Water. It's probably your best choice of drink if you don't want alcohol, it'll help keep you hydrated.” Blaine explained. “I'm sorry for eavesdropping, it was just kind of hard with you standing right there. My name's Blaine.” He felt he might as well introduce himself since he'd already made himself look like a creepy stalker.
“Kurt. And it's fine, I really don't mind.” Kurt smiled at the man, Blaine, and hoped he didn't look too much like some high school kid who had no idea what he was doing, even if that's exactly what he was.
“It's nice to meet you Kurt. Is this your first time here?” Blaine felt like hitting himself as soon as he asked, what a cheesy pickup line.
“Uh yeah, I'm actually here on uh- visiting. It's my first time in New York actually.” Kurt wasn't sure why he was afraid to tell Blaine the reason he was in New York, maybe he felt that if Blaine knew he was just in high school he'd stop talking to him or something.
“Oh wow, a first timer to the city. You should definitely check out Time Square and Central Park. There's a lot of little things too, a lot of tourists forget to check out the little shops and stuff because they're too busy with the Statue of Liberty, which is stunning and something you should definitely see before you leave. I'm sorry if I'm rambling, I just really love this place.”
“It's fine, I appreciate you giving me advice, I'm kind of on a time limit, so I may not get to see everything this time, but I'll definitely be back.” Kurt smiled, feeling like he was talking to an old friend, not some stranger he just met in a club in New York City.
“I could make you list of all the must see things in the city if you want.”
“Really? That would be wonderful.”
“So tell me Kurt, what brings you to the big apple?” Blaine asked as he wrote some things down on a spare napkin.
“Well I uh-”
“Dude, you're still here? Why aren't you dancing?” Puck asked, appearing beside Kurt.
“Because I'm talking to this nice man and dancing in a crowd of sweaty people isn't exactly what I want to do right now.” Kurt replied, hoping Puck would go away so he could turn his attention back to Blaine.
“But we only have a few hours before we have to be back at the hotel, Mr. Schue will kill us if we're not back at eleven.”
“Since when did you care about things like that?” Kurt asked, hoping Blaine hadn't heard what Puck said.
“Since now. I don't want to get pulled from the competition just because I didn't get back on time.”
“Competition? Wait, are you guys here for the high school show choir nationals competition?” Blaine asked, feeling a bit like an idiot for not realizing that Kurt was a high schooler.
“Uh, yeah, actually we are.” Kurt said, feeling embarrassed, why did Puck have to ruin everything.
“Oh, I uh- I didn't realize that you were in high school.” Blaine said dumbly, pocketing his pen. “Here's that list, if you get a chance.”
“Thanks. I should probably go now that I've completely embarrassed myself. It was nice meeting you Blaine.” Kurt stood to leave, but a hand caught his arm before he could get very far.
“You have nothing to be embarrassed about Kurt. It's me who should be embarrassed, I was just flirting with a high schooler, not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just- I'm not sure how to say it without sounding like a douchebag so I'm just going to say it, you're a nice guy Kurt, but you're underage and I don't want to end up in jail. I should have realized that you were too young and I'm sorry I didn't.” Blaine let go of Kurt's arm, watching as the boy finally looked at him instead of at the floor. “Good luck at Nationals, I'm really glad I got to meet you Kurt.”
“Thanks, really, thank you.” Kurt felt like he was going to break down any second. Why was this guy being so nice to him?
“No problem Kurt. Take care of yourself.” Blaine watched Kurt walk away, knowing it probably was, but hoping it wasn't the last time he'd ever see the beautiful blue eyed boy.