Sept. 2, 2013, 10:28 a.m.
Sept. 2, 2013, 10:28 a.m.
Two weeks went by and Burt still hasn't woken up. Kurt hadn't left the hospital since he'd arrived and Blaine had been there when he didn't have school.
"How is he?" Blaine asked, walking into the room after a long day of school.
"Still the same. How was school?" This was their usual evening routine, Blaine would come in, ask about Burt, Kurt would deflect and ask about school, Glee, or anything else. They hasn't talked about Adam since Kurt told Blaine about him.
"It was good. Mr. Schue have us our new assignment, we're doing a Katy Perry tribute week." Blaine put his bag beside the door and say beside Kurt.
"You'll have that one in the bag."
"I don't think I want to participate."
"Why? You're voice is perfect for her songs." Kurt asked, giving Blaine his full attention.
"I just- it reminds me of- you know why Kurt, please don't make me say it."
"We haven't talked about Adam, I know you said you were happy for me, but I know you're hurting. I never wanted to hurt you Blaine."
"Why not? I hurt you. I cheated on you Kurt, I deserve-"
"Don't. Blaine, you don't deserve anything. Yes you cheated, but that doesn't mean you deserve to be hurt." Kurt just wanted to pull Blaine into his arms, he never wanted to hurt Blaine, even after everything.
"Are you happy? With him I mean, are you happy with him?" Blaine wasn't sure if he really wanted to know the answer.
"I'd like to think I am. He's a great guy, we're taking it slow." Kurt smiled, he is happy, just not as happy as he was when he was with Blaine.
"I want you to be happy Kurt, even if its not with me." Blaine swallowed down the lump that was in his throat before continuing. "I'm not giving up on us Kurt. We may not be together now, but you're the love of my life and I'm not giving up on that. I'll wait forever if I have to."
"Blaine." Kurt didn't know what to say to that. Of course he still loves Blaine, he'll always love Blaine, but can he ever move past what Blaine did? Sure they're friends now, but will he ever be able to trust Blaine enough to be with him again?
"Excuse me boys, I'm just here to check on Mr. Hummel, I won't be long." One of the nurses popped into the room with a warm smile.
"I'm going to to call Rachel, can you stay with him?" Kurt asked Blaine. He needed to talk to Rachel about this.
"Of course, take your time, I'll come get you if anything changes."
"Thanks." Kurt mumbled, closing the door behind him and heading to the lobby.
"And he just said that? Kurt!" Rachel squealed in his ear.
"Rachel, I don't know what to do. I still love him, but I'm dating Adam now and-"
"Have you even talked to Adam since you got there?"
"Well, no but-"
"Kurt, you can't keep leading them on like this. You're going to have to choose one." Rachel said seriously.
"I know, I know. I just- I'm not ready to trust Blaine enough to be with him and Adam is a nice guy, we have fun together."
"Do you love him?"
"Adam? I-I-"
"Let me answer that for you. Adam is your rebound, he's safe, Blaine is the guy you planned your life with, he's the one who, even after he hurt you, you still love. You're settling for Adam, you'll never love him like you love Blaine."
"I just need more time to think. I have so much on my mind right now that-"
"Kurt. I'm sorry, but you need to see this." Blaine walked up to him, his face unreadable.
"Rachel, I gotta go. I'll call you later." Kurt didn't wait for her to respond before hanging up and following Blaine back to Burt's room. "What's- Dad?"
"He's still weak, but he's waking up." The nurse smiled at him.
Kurt just stood there, staring where his dad was laying with his eyes open.
"Kurt?" Blaine was standing beside Kurt, his hand on Kurt's elbow.
"Dad." Kurt took a step towards his father's bed.
Burt didn't say anything but he did smile the best he could.
"I'll let you two have some time alone." Blaine started to leave the room but Kurt stopped him.
"Please stay. I want you to stay."
"Okay." Blaine moved back to his seat, happy that Kurt still wanted him there.
One week later Burt was wide awake and re-gaining strength everyday. He could sit up by himself now and was eating solid foods. Needless to say, the doctors were very pleased with his health.
"Where's Kurt?" Blaine asked as he walked into Burt's room after school. It wasn't like Kurt to not be here at this time of day.
"I had Carole take him shopping, he was driving me crazy." Burt laughed motioning for Blaine to sit down. "I wanted to talk to you alone anyway."
"O-okay, what about?"
"First, I want to thank you for being there for Kurt, he wouldn't have gotten through this without you."
"I promised you I would."
"Yes, that's not all I wanted to talk about though."
"I wanted to talk to you about you and Kurt. Any change with you two?"
Blaine sighed. "No, and I don't think there will be any time soon. He's seeing someone in New York."
"I wouldn't worry about it kid, he loves you, it's just taking him some time."
"I'm not giving up, he's the love of my life. I just- what if I'm not his?"
"Don't say that, I know my son, you just have to wait him out."
"We're back!" Carole walked through the door with Kurt behind her, both of them carrying shopping bags.
"Blaine and I were just catching up. How was your shopping trip?"
"Fantastic!" Kurt smiled brightly, shopping always made him feel better. "You should come with us next time Blaine."
"Yeah, next time." Blaine smiled, happy to see Kurt smiling, he missed that smile. "I really need to be getting home, I'll come back tomorrow after school."
"Alright sweetie, have a good night, be careful driving home." Carole hugged him tightly.
"I'll walk you to your car." Kurt opened the door, letting Blaine go first.
They walked to Blaine's car in silence, neither really sure what to say.
"So, I got you something today, it's not much, but I wanted to thank you for everything you've done for me and my dad." Kurt said as they made it to Blaine's car, handing one of the smaller bags he was carrying to Blaine.
"Kurt, you didn't have to get me anything."
"I know, but I couldn't resist once I'd seen it." Kurt smiled as Blaine pulled the blue silk bowtie with gold stars out of the bag.
"It's beautiful Kurt, thank you so much." Blaine hadn't worn a bowtie in what felt like forever.
"Can I?" Kurt asked, stepping closer and taking the bowtie from Blaine.
"Uh I- yes, yes of course." Blaine lifted his chin, trying to hide hitch in his breath whenKurt started tying the bowtie.
"There." Kurt finished but didn't step back.
"Thank you, it's beautiful."
"You're welcome. It looks good on you." Kurt whispered, looking from the bowtie to Blaine's lips.
"Kurt, I need-" Blaine didn't get to finish because Kurt's lips were on his. He wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist like he was afraid he would disappear.
When Kurt finally did break the kiss, he gripped Blaine's face in his hands. "I can't do this Blaine, I can't pretend anymore. I love you."
"Kurt." Blaine couldn't say anything else. He'd waited, he'd hoped to hear those words, but he'd started losing hope.
"Blaine." Kurt smiled, obvious relief in his voice.
"I don't- what about Adam?"
"I'm going back to New York tomorrow to get some things, I'm breaking up with him. I can't ignore this anymore, I can't pretend like I don't love you."
"I love you too Kurt, so much." Blaine's voice cracked.
"You need to get home, I'll see you tomorrow before I leave, okay?" Kurt smiled, squeezing Blaine's hands.
"Okay." Blaine smiled back, reluctantly pulling his hands from Kurt's and getting into his car. Smiling to himself the whole way home because he finally had Kurt back.