Sept. 2, 2013, 10:28 a.m.
Sept. 2, 2013, 10:28 a.m.
As the weeks went by, Kurt felt himself starting to feel almost happy. Everytime he talked to his dad, the cancer seemed to be getting better and Blaine would always confirm that Burt was doing fine and eating healthy. He was really thankful for Blaine being there when he couldn't, something he constant told Blaine which was always met with the same response: "I care about him too, you don't have to thank me."
Then there was Adam. Adam who is a senior and obviously very interested in Kurt, which is something he really hasn't experienced since Blaine. Sure Adam doesn't make his heart flutter the way Blaine did, or hold his hand quite the same way, but it was nice to have someone there who cared. They had talked about their relationship and what it was exactly, and they both agreed that taking it slow was a good idea. They weren't official, but if they shared a short, chaste goodnight kiss after an evening spent together watching movies, Kurt wasn't going to complain. He really likes Adam, Adam is new and makes him feel safe, and right now, that's what he needs.
"So, movie, my place, 8:00?" Adam popped up behind Kurt as he made his way towards his improv class.
"Sure, sounds great. I'll bring pizza."
"Alight, see you at 8:00, enjoy the rest of your day Kurt."
"Thanks." Kurt smiled before walking into his classroom, feeling truly happy for the first time since before Blaine had cheated.
Blaine was sitting in AP History when Miss Pillsbury pulled him out to talk to him. "What's going on?"
"It's Burt Hummel, he was just taken to the hospital and you were on the list to be notified."
"What? When did this happen?" Blaine felt dizzy. Burt had been fine that morning, better than he had been in the past week.
"About ten minutes ago, I'm sorry I don't know more." Miss Pillsbury gave him a sad look.
"I-it's fine. I need- I have to get to the hospital." Blaine turned and headed for his locker. He needed to check on Burt then call Kurt, not wanting anyone else to have to tell him.
"Okay, okay, so we have Moulin Rouge, Hairspray, and Rocky Horror, which so you want?" Adam asked Kurt, holding up the DVDs for Kurt to see.
"Hmm, Hairspray sounds good." Kurt cringed slightly at the mention of Moulin Rouge, that was his and Blaine's movie, he couldn't watch it with Adam.
"Hairspray it is then." Adam popped the DVD in and say down beside Kurt on the couch.
The movie had just started, they were still in the opening song when Kurt felt his phone going off in his pocket. He debated on just ignoring it, but thought better of it because it might be his dad or Blaine with news, so he fished it out and smiled apologetically to Adam before answering. "Hello?"
"Kurt hey, it's Blaine. I know it's late, but you need to get here, your dad is in the hospital and you need to be here." Blaine hated having to tell Kurt this over the phone, but he didn't have a choice.
"What? I thought he was getting better, he was fine." Kurt couldn't even think straight, his father is in the hospital and he's not there.
"I know, we all thought he was, but Kurt please, he's asking for you." Blaine could hear the fear in Kurt's voice and he wanted nothing more than to be there so he could wrap his arms around him and promise him its all going to be okay.
"I-I'll be there as soon as possible. I hate to ask, but can you-"
"I'm not going anywhere, don't worry."
"Thank you Blaine, I lo- thank you." Kurt didn't wait to hear what Blaine was going to say next, he hung up and let out a shaky breath. He had almost said I love you to Blaine, what was he thinking?
"What's wrong? Is it your dad?" Adam looked at him worriedly.
"Yeah, he's uh- he's in the hospital, I have to be there."
"Okay, lets go, I'll walk you to your apartment." Adam stood up and offered Kurt his hand.
Kurt smiled and accepted the hand he was offered, needing the comfort. "Thank you."
"Don't mention it." Adam knew who Blaine was, Kurt had told him everything, and he knew that deep down, Kurt would never be over Blaine, and hearing him almost slip and say I love you made Adam realize that Kurt would never be able to love him the way he loves Blaine. All he can do is be there for Kurt, in whatever way Kurt needs him, even if that's just a friend.