Heaven and Hell.
I'll Stand By You. Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Heaven and Hell.: I'll Stand By You.

E - Words: 593 - Last Updated: Aug 30, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 19/19 - Created: Feb 23, 2013 - Updated: Aug 30, 2013
148 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Again I'm sorry for being MIA, but I will start updating more, I pinky promise.-Krystal :) x

The week of suspension just about drove Blaine insane and it was only the first day. Kurt had called him that morning, promising he'd call at lunch and again before Glee rehearsal, and again when he got home. Of course, Kurt thought it was completely crazy to call so many times, Blaine had insisted and Kurt wanted to keep Blaine happy, so he eventually agreed.

It was the waiting for Kurt to call that set Blaine on edge, the time seemed to be going exceptionally slow. He still had two hours to wait until the McKinley lunch period, he was going to go crazy before the week was over.

Kurt wasn't doing much better. Finn kept giving him weird looks, his dad kept asking him questions about this Anderson boy, and his friends wouldn't leave him alone about if he was dating Blaine or not.

"So are you two dating or what? I mean, you too seem pretty close and that's saying something, Anderson doesn't have friends." Mercedes asked him before 4th period started.

"As I've told you already, I don't want to talk about my relationship with Blaine." Kurt huffed, counting down the minutes until he could call Blaine, 42 at the moment.

"If you are, it's okay, we'd all be happy for you, it's just-"

"What? He's Blaine Anderson, the resident bad boy and you're afraid he's going to end up hurting me because that's just the kind of person he is? Well let me tell you something, you don't know Blaine, like at all, so before you go and judge him, get to know him, you might be surprised by how much he's like us."

"Kurt I-" Mercedes didn't get a chance to finish because the teacher started the lesson. Whatever was going on with Kurt and Anderson was something she needed to get to the bottom of, before her best friend got hurt.


Blaine was contemplating sneaking into school to check on Kurt when his phone went off. "Kurt? Are you okay? Did they try anything?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine, and hello to you too." Kurt laughed, happy to hear Blaine's voice, he really missed him. Was it normal to miss someone this much?

"Are you sure? Because if anyone has tried to-"

"Blaine, I'm fine, really."

"Okay, I just don't want you getting hurt when I'm not there to protect you." Blaine pouted, happy no one was around to see him, it would be bad for his reputation.

"I'm not a damsel in distress Blaine, I don't need you to protect me, but I do appreciate your concern."

"I know you're not, that's not- I just don't want you getting hurt."

"And I don't want you getting hurt either, which is why you're not going to go after Karofsky again."


"I mean it Blaine, I don't want you to go picking fights with him, this is my battle, I need to fight it." Kurt looked up at the clock, sighing because he only had three minutes to get to class. "I have to go, but we're not done talking about this, I'll call you later."

"Okay. Kurt, be safe." Blaine knew he wasn't going to get anywhere with this now, but he wasn't about to give it up completely.

"It's school Blaine, what could happen?"

"A lot, so don't say that. Call me before Glee rehearsal."

"I will. Bye Blaine.

"Bye Kurt," Blaine heard the phone disconnect. "I love you."


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