Aug. 30, 2013, 10:26 a.m.
Aug. 30, 2013, 10:26 a.m.
As the weeks went by, Kurt and Blaine continued to meet up after Glee practice and go for coffee or go to Kurt's house just to hang out. The Glee kids had stopped asking questions about their friendship after Kurt told them off for being judgmental idiots. They didn't actually speak during school because if Blaine was going to keep up his image of being a hard ass, he didn't need to have Kurt hanging around him. Blaine would nod to Kurt as he walked past his locker though, and shoot him quick, breath taking smiles before ducking into his class. Kurt was sure he was falling even more in love with Blaine each day, if that was even possible.
Kurt loved spending time with Blaine where they didn't have to pretend, which is why weekends were his favorites and this weekend he'd convinced Mercedes to cover for him so he could spend all weekend with Blaine. As he was packing his back that Friday morning he couldn't keep the excitement from flooding through his body. He couldn't stop thinking about having the whole weekend alone with Blaine, he'd never been to Blaine's house before. Sure they technically aren't boyfriends and they haven't kissed since Kurt kissed Blaine the first time, but when they spend time at Kurt's house they always end up cuddling on the couch with a shared blanket and a movie. He couldn't wait to have a full weekend of doing that, just him and Blaine, no one to interupt them
Blaine pulled into the McKinley High parking lot shortly after fourth period. It wasn't unusual for him to show up halfway through the day or just not show up at all, but today he had a reason for being late other than just because. He'd spent last night and part of the morning going through his closet, pulling out some of his old outfits and pulling them in the front with his worn t-shirt and jackets. He was going to have the whole weekend with Kurt and he had decided he was going to put his badboy image away for the weekend.
"Ah Mr. Anderson, how nice of you to grace us with your presence. Did you misplace your hair gel and have to spend all morning looking for it?" Sue piped up when she saw Blaine making his way to his locker.
"What is it to you if I was?" Blaine questioned as he opened his locker, hoping she'd just go away.
"It's nothing to me. You know, I would've thought that all that time spent with those Glee kids would've changed your attitude, maybe even turned you into a flaming gay like sweet Porcelain, I guess I was wrong."
Blaine slammed his locker and spun around to face Sue. "Don't talk about Kurt like that." He growled, anger sweeping through his body.
"Whoa calm down there Elton John, I always talk liket his, it's nothing personal." Sue smirked, seeing that she'd hit a nerve.
Blaine took a deep breath to calm himself before walking off towards his class. He couldn't wait until school was over so he wouldn't have to deal with idiots for two days.
Kurt managed to slip Blaine a note during their shared American History class, telling him to meet him in the choir room as soon as school was over. Mr. Shue had canceled Glee practice for that evening since it was Friday. So as soon as the final bell rang, Blaine found himself heading towards the choir room, a little nervous, wondering why Kurt wanted to meet him here.
"Hey, how was calculus?" Kurt smiled when Blaine came into the room.
"Boring as always, why are we meeting here?" Blaine looked around the room for some sort of sign to tell him what was going on.
"I just wanted to meet her instead of in the parking lot where everyone would see. You're going to follow me to Mercedes' house so I can drop my car off there in case my dad would drive by, then I'm going with you to your house."
Blaine relaxed once he realized Kurt wasn't going to back out of spending the weekend together. "That's the plan. You know, I'm supose to be the bad boy here, yet your the one sneaking around your dad's back."
"Oh shut up, let's get going. I can't wait to get this weekend started." Kurt said excitedly.
"Me either." Blaine smiled and followed Kurt out of the door.
They sang along to the radio the whole way to Blaine's house, laughing and joking about certain songs that came on.
"You know, our voices are amazing together, we should do a duet for Glee club." Kurt suggested once they finished singing along to Misery by Maroon 5.
"And why would I ever agree to that?" Blaine asked, flashing Kurt a quick smile to show he was only slightly serious.
"Because, even though no one in Glee actually knows it, you love singing, and our voices fit so well together, better than Rachel's and Finn's if you asked me."
"I do love to sing, and you're right about our voices. What song would you suggest?"
"Not sure, give me time to thing. I'll let you know before the weekend's over." Kurt said, already thinking of songs that he'd like to sing with Blaine.
Blaine didn't answer as they pulled into his driveway. "We're here."
Kurt just stared at the house, it was huge, almost like a mansion. "It's so big." He whispered.
Blaine laughed as he got out of the car. "Yeah, my family likes to flaunt their money. Wait until you see the inside, my mom spent three years getting it just the way her and my dad wanted it."
Once they were inside Blaine took Kurt's overnight bag and headed straight to his room.
"Wow Blaine, your home is amazing." Kurt was having a hard time processing Blaine living here.
"Yeah, even though my parents are hardly ever here, they take great pride in their home, only the finest will do for Mr. and Mrs. Anderson." Blaine said with disgust, opening the door to his room and allowing Kurt to go in first.
Kurt couldn't help but laugh a little as he looked around Blaine's room. It just screamed 'Blaine'. Kurt wasn't sure what he had expected, but the trophies, books, entertainment center, and small desk wasn't it. Even Blaine's bed was a surprise, it was made up with a simple black sheet and dark green comforter, a massive amount of pillows sat neatly in a row at the head of the bed.
"Not what you expected is it?" Blaine asked, setting his and Kurt's bags next to his desk.
"No, not really, but it's so you. I like it."
"Thank you." Blaine beamed. "I'm going to go change and freshen up a bit, if you want to change and get into something comfortable, feel free." He headed towards the bathroom.
"Okay, thanks." Kurt smiled, watching Blaine retreat to the bathroom.
Once in the bathroom Blaine opened the cabinet and pulled out the outfit he'd stashed there that morning. It was one of his favorites, dark wash jeans, rolled up of course, with a white polo that showed off his muscles. No bowtie with this, that would come later.
He changed as quickly as he could, taking one last look in the mirror before heading back out into his room.
Kurt's mouth dropped open in surprise when Blaine stepped out.
"I told you I'd give you a private show." Blaine suddenly felt very nervous. Here, with this, he didn't have a fake image to fall back on, this was him letting Kurt in completely.
"Wow Blaine, you look-"
"Like a dork?"
"Amazing, handsome, perfect, beautiful. This is the real Blaine Anderson." Kurt was still a little shocked, this wasn't something he had expected to see.
"Yes, this is the real me. You really think it looks okay?"
"I think okay is an understatement, you look fantastic."
Blaine blushed at Kurt's complement. "T-thank you."
"Hey, don't be embarrassed, I love getting to see this. Thank you for trusting me enough to let me see this side of you."
Blaine moved to sit beside Kurt on the bed. "I decided that since we're going to be alone all weekend, I was just going to be myself, I want you to get to know me, not the person I pretend to be." He paused and hesitantly reached for Kurt's hand, watching their fingers interlock like they were made to fit together. "I want to be this person for you Kurt. When I first moved to McKinley I noticed you, I wanted to talk to you but I thought you were way out of my league, so I didn't. Then the bullying started and I let myself turn into someone I'm not just to protect myself, but the old me is still here, he still notices you, his heart still races when he sees you smiling at him. I wish I was strong enough to let him out because he wants that, he wants to be with you, and the fact that you're here, right now, with me, is unbelievable. When you kissed me the other daym that was my first kiss and I spent the entire night replaying it over and over again in my head because I couldn't believe that Kurt Hummel had actually kissed me. I really like you Kurt, I'm just afraid of what could happen if I showed you how I feel."
"I-I really like you too Blaine, I always have, even when you were being a total jerk to me and my friends. I noticed you when you first started at McKinley, I wanted to talk to you but I didn't want to make the bullying worse, so I sat back and watched, and it killed me. I watched you go from this," He gestured to Blaine. "To this, hollow, empty shell of a person and I hated that I couldn't do anything to help." Kurt had never told anyone about this, about his feelings for Blaine.
Blaine just sat there and stared at Kurt like he wasn't quite sure if he was real or not.
"So uh, what did you-"
"Will you kiss me again?"
They both started speaking at once, laughing awkwardly and blushing like crazy.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"
"Blaine, calm down, it's okay. I'd love to kiss you again." Kurt laughed.
"Yes, definitely." Kurt smiled, leaning in and placing his lips on Blaine's, chuckling softly when Blaine's gasped.
Blaine's breath hitched when Kurt's lips pressed against his. Slowly, very slowly, he started moving his lips with Kurt's, letting his hand come to rest on Kurt's thigh. It was like pure, amazing, heaven.
Kurt moved his hand to cup Blaine's cheek, stroking his thumb gently under Blaine's eye. He pulled back slightly, smiling like he'd just won a prize only to be met with a matching expresson on Blaine's face.
"Wow, that was- wow." Blaine said, slightly dazed.
Kurt laughed and placed a short chaste kiss to Blaine's cheek before pulling away completely. "Yeah, wow is right. What do you say to watching a movie and cuddling?"
"I say hell yes, what movie should we watch?"
"Doesn't matter, just pick one and get over here so I can cuddle with you." Kurt settled himself into Blaine's bed while Blaine picked out his favorite movie from his childhood, The Little Mermaid.
"You just keep surprising me Blaine Anderson." Kurt laughed when the movie started.
"In a good way I hope."
"In a great way." Kurt held out his arms for Blaine. They laid there, holding each other, singing along, and enjoying just being together. Both of them thinking the same thing: spending time together like this was something they could get use to.
poor kurt he's got it all wrong
He's got it all wrong?? How so? I'm actually quite curious... -Krystal :) x
This chapter was absolutely perfect. I fell even more in love with Blaine after he made his speech about how he felt for Kurt. I am off to read the next chapter.
Awww thank you. I'm glad you're liking the story.-Krystal :) x