Heaven and Hell.
I Want to See You Be Brave. Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Heaven and Hell.: I Want to See You Be Brave.

E - Words: 2,431 - Last Updated: Aug 30, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 19/19 - Created: Feb 23, 2013 - Updated: Aug 30, 2013
151 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Please don't hate me!! Everything will work out, I promise! Next update ASAP!-Krystal :) x

Two weeks after applying for a job, Blaine heard back from the Lima Bean and went in for an interview during glee rehearsals. He'd told Kurt and Finn why he was skipping rehearsals, but asked them not to mention it to anyone else, everyone was use to Blaine skipping classes so no one even mentioned the fact that he was gone.

Kurt and Finn got home around six, finding a note from Burt and Carole saying they were going out for dinner and wouldn't be back until late. Finn took the opportunity to shut himself in his room to play a marathon round of Halo with Artie, Puck, and Sam. Kurt just rolled his eyes and went to check Blaine's room to see if he was home from his interview yet.

"Hey, how'd the interview go?"

Blaine jumped, not having heard Finn and Kurt come in. "You're looking at the newest employee of the Lima Bean. The interview went great, I start tomorrow after school."

"Really? Blaine that's wonderful!" Kurt smiled, pulling Blaine into a hug and kissing his cheek. "Blaine the barista, I like the sound of that."

"I even got a cute little name tag, and an apron. Can you believe it? I have to wear a fucking apron."

"It can't be that bad, besides, I'm sure you'll look absolutely adorable in your apron." Kurt winked, moving to sit down on the bed. "What were you working on before I came in here?"

"Oh it's uh- I was working on some college applications. After we talked about it, I figured I should probably start working on it."

"That's great Blaine, I'm glad you're taking charge like this. You've changed a lot from the guy I first started talking to."

"That's because I never was that guy. Speaking of, I want you to give me your feedback on the outfit I plan on wearing tomorrow." Blaine smiled, going to his closet to fetch the outfit he'd worked on after he'd gotten home.

"I'm sure outfit will look just as good as it looks everyday Blaine, you never wear anything different unless it's a red t-shirt instead of a white one."

"Very funny, but I'm being serious." Blaine held the outfit up to his body. "What do you think? Is it too much for one day?"

Kurt's mouth fell open. Blaine was standing in front of him holding up a red polo, black bow tie, dark wash jeans and a simple white belt. "You're going to wear that to school?"

"I was thinking about it but you're the fashion expert of the house, is it too much or-"

"It's perfect Blaine, I just- what about your image? You won't be seen as the back talking, class skipping slacker that you've worked so hard to become if you wear something like that. I thought that was the whole point behind your plan t-shirts and leather." Kurt was confused to say the least. Blaine hadn't given any hints to wanting to drop the bad boy image he had at school.

"Well that's kind of the point silly, I'm tired of pretending to be that person." Blaine laid the outfit on his desk and sat down beside Kurt. "You've showed me that it's okay to just be me."

"What about Karofsky and the rest of the jocks? What if they come after you?"

"I'll be ready. I'm done being someone that I'm not."

Kurt smiled and leaned in to kiss Blaine. "I'm so proud of you."

"I hope so, I want you to be."

Kurt didn't say anything else, he just pulled Blaine down to lay on the bed, never letting their lips part. He was so proud to call Blaine Anderson his boyfriend.


The next day at school proved to be more challenging than Blaine had expected. He was greeted with stares and whispers as soon as he walked in the front doors and he was still getting them by lunch time.

"I swear, if one more person looks at me like that I'm going to punch them in the throat." Blaine threatened, slamming his tray down onto the table, causing everyone to jump.

"Don't worry about them, they're just idiots." Finn offered with a shrug.

"Dude, what are you wearing? Is that a real bow tie?" Puck asked, trying to hold in a laugh.

"Yes it is Puckerman. You got a problem with that?"

"No man, I was just- nevermind." Puck could tell Blaine wasn't in the mood so he dropped it, which Blaine was thankful for.

"So, I was thinking maybe we could- oh my god, Blaine? Are you wearing a bow tie?" Rachel sat down, staring at him in wonder.

Blaine sighed, wishing Kurt was here and not stuck taking a makeup history test. "Yes I am Rachel."

"It's weird not seeing you in your leather, but I like this look a lot better."

"Thank you, I think." Blaine wasn't sure how to respond to that, but he assumed it could have been worse.

"What's with the new look Anderson? Did lady boy Hummel give you a makeover?" Karofsky sneered from his table across from the glee kids.

"Shut up Karofsky." Rachel threw a warning look over her shoulder.

"I knew it was only a matter of time before Hummel turned you into a lady boy too." Karofsky kept it up, trying to push Blaine.

"You'd better watch your mouth Karofsky, just because I'm dressed differently, doesn't mean I can't beat your ass." Blaine warned, not looking up from his tray, afraid he would go off he looked up.

"Yeah right, there's no way you could beat my ass princess." Karofsky laughed and rolled his eyes, standing up to go throw his trash away. "See ya around faggot."

Before anyone could stop him, Blaine was up and across the room, knocking Karofsky to the ground and jumping on top of him. "Don't. Call. Me. A. Faggot!" Blaine said each word with a punch to Karofsky's face.

"Blaine stop!" Rachel yelled. "Finn, stop him!"

"Blaine dude, come on." Finn tried to reach for Blaine's arm to pull him off but instead he got a fist in his face, causing him to fall backwards.

It took Coach Beiste, Sue, and Mr. Schue to pull Blaine off Karofsky. Sue yelled at everyone to get to class as they took both boys to the principal's office.

"I have to find Kurt and tell him what happened." Finn said, heading towards the history class, wincing when his jaw popped. "And then I need to go to the nurse."

"I'll go with you." Rachel followed him, knowing Kurt was going to be upset when he found out.


Rachel was right, Kurt was distraught when they told him what had happened. This was exactly what he'd been worried about when Blaine had told him he was going to drop his bad boy act. Even though Rachel and Finn had both told him it was a bad idea, Kurt still followed Finn to the office under the guise of taking him to see the nurse.

"You're still waiting?" Finn asked as he walked out of the nurses office holding an ice pack to his jaw.

"Yes, and I'm going to sit here until Blaine gets out of there." Kurt said, his eyes never leaving the closed door that lead to Figgins' office.

"He's probably going to get suspended, maybe even expelled with his record." Finn sat down beside his brother, not wanting to leave him alone to wait.

"He's not that person Finn, you know that, you've seen the way he is at home." Kurt finally looked at Finn, his eyes red and watery like he'd been crying.

"I know, but you didn't see him, you didn't see the look in his eyes when he jumped on Karofsky. I've never seen him like that."

"He snapped, so what? Everyone does eventually. Blaine isn't a bad person, he's just had bad things happen to him."

Finn knew there was no use in arguing with Kurt so he just nodded and let the conversation fall into silence, hoping for Kurt and Blaine's sake that Kurt was right.


Kurt had lost track of how long he and Finn sat in front of the office, waiting for Blaine to come out. He was about to give up and leave when he saw his dad and Carole walking through the front door followed by two very professional looking people who looked very unhappy to have to be here. "Dad, what are you doing here?"

Burt just shook his head and went into the office.

After they had all disappeared into the office, Finn spoke up. "I think that was Blaine's parents."

"What? Why would they be here? He doesn't live with them anymore." Kurt wanted more than anything to see Blaine, to make sure he was okay.

"He may not live with them, but they're still his legal guardians. Maybe that's why Burt and my mom are here too."

"I can't lose him Finn. I just can't."

"Don't worry, I'm sure everything will be fine." Finn lied, hoping to ease Kurt's mind. Something was going to happen and it wasn't going to be good for Blaine. "Maybe we should just go back to class, we can't help him anyway."

"I won't be able to concentrate on anything. I think I'll just head to the auditorium, I just want to be alone right now." Kurt sighed as he stood up and grabbed his bag.

"I'll let you know if I hear anything." Finn called after him, waiting until Kurt was out of sight before he sent a text to Rachel, asking her to keep an eye on Kurt while he waited to find out what was going on with Blaine.

"Where'd Kurt go?" Burt asked about ten minutes later, walking out of the office with an unreadable expression.

"He uh- auditorium. Rachel's keeping an eye on him. What's going on with Blaine?" Finn knew whatever it was, it couldn't be good.

"His parents are talking to him and Figgins now, I think they're going to have him come home with them once this is all settled. Blaine doesn't exactly have a good record when it comes to things like this, Figgins is discussing what kind of punishment he'll get and I'm afraid it doesn't look good for Blaine."

"It wasn't Blaine's fault, Karofsky called him a faggot, Blaine just snapped." Finn knew it wouldn't make a difference, he just wanted Burt to know that Blaine wasn't really this person.

"I know, but as far as the school board and Figgins are concerned, this isn't the first time Blaine has acted out and that means there are going to be consequences."

Before Finn could say anymore, Figgins opened his office door, letting the Andersons out into the hallway.

"We'll get the paperwork sent in right away, thank you for your time." Mrs. Anderson said, shaking Figgins' hand before pushing Blaine towards the front door.

"I'll be bringing Blaine by later this evening to pick up what he has at your home, if that's okay with you Mr. Hummel." Mr. Anderson asked Burt, looking very unhappy to be talking to him.

"Of course, we'll be home."

"Good." Mr. Anderson turned and followed his wife and son out of the building, leaving Finn and Burt standing in the hallway, unsure of how to break the news to Kurt.


"Make it quick, we don't want to be here any longer than we have to." Mr. Anderson said as he ushered Blaine into the Hummel home.

Blaine remained silent, he hadn't spoken since his parents showed up at school and took him home. He headed upstairs to his room, hoping Kurt wasn't around, he didn't want to have to explain anything right now.

"Hey, need any help?" Finn stepped into the room, causing Blaine to drop the shirt he'd been holding.


"He's not here just so you know, he hasn't been home all evening."

Blaine just nodded, willing the tears to stay back until he was alone. He didn't want to cry in front of anyone, especially not Finn who would surely tell Kurt later.

"He's going to ask about you, I know Burt will just say that your parents made you move back in with them, but if there's anything you want Kurt to know-"

"Stop. Just leave. Please."

"Fine, if you need anything, just let me know." Finn smiled sadly before heading back to his room, sending Kurt yet another text. "Blaine's leaving. His parents are taking him home. You're going to miss him." -Finn.

"Hey kiddo, can I come in?" It was Burt at the door this time, Blaine couldn't refuse, not after everything this man had done for him so he nodded as he threw the rest of his clothes into his suitcase.

"Your father told me what's going to happen to you, they're sending you to a reform school."

"Yeah, to help with my attitude and my anger problem." Blaine laughed. "Honestly they just don't want to have to deal with me so they're sending me to a place where they won't have to."

"Maybe, maybe not, I'm not going to pretend to understand what's going on between you and your parents. I'm just worried about you, I've seen you, seen how you really are and the person you eerie today isn't him." Burt hoped he wasn't pushing Blaine too far, he just wanted to make sure the boy was okay.

"I guess after pretending to be that person for so long I sort of did become him."

"You're not a bad kid Blaine, don't ever believe for a second that you are."

"How do you know that?" Blaine asked, his voice wavering slightly as the first tear slipped down his cheek.

"I can just tell." Burt gave him a small smile, patting him on the back. "What do you want me to tell Kurt?"

"I don't know. Honestly, I just- "


"Kurt, where have you been? We've been looking for you everywhere!" Burt stood up, seeing his son standing in the doorway.

"It doesn't matter Dad, I just- I need to talk to Blaine."

"Fine, but you and I are going to have a serious talk later about answering your phone." Burt said seriously, turning back to Blaine. "You take care of yourself Blaine, if you need anything at anytime, just let me know."

"I will, thank you Mr. Hummel." Blaine tried to smile, to let him know that he really did appreciate everything he'd done, instead all that came out was a gut wrenching sob.

"I'm here, everything's going to be okay." Kurt sat down on the bed where Blaine was, pulling him close, trying to sooth him.

"I'm s-sorry K-Kurt, I-I-"

"Don't. You're going to be fine, I promise."

"T-they're sending m-me away. I-I won't be a-able to s-see y-you."

"We'll figure something out, don't worry. I'm not letting you go that easy." Kurt promised, rocking Blaine back and forth while trying to keep his own emotions in check. He knows this is going to change things, he just hopes it won't change too much.


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