Heaven and Hell.
Against All Odds. Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Heaven and Hell.: Against All Odds.

E - Words: 1,099 - Last Updated: Aug 30, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 19/19 - Created: Feb 23, 2013 - Updated: Aug 30, 2013
149 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: So yeah, Finn and Rachel are assholes, but don't worry, their attitudes will change soon. Keep in mind they only know Blaine as the badboy asshole he pretends to be and they have no idea what went down between Kurt and Karofsky in the last chapter. The only one who knows everything is Mercedes.-Krystal :) x

After admitting their love for each other, Kurt wondered if this meant Blaine would change. Would they come out with their relationship now? Would Blaine finally start dropping the whole bad boy act now? Kurt was so focused on that side of things that he didn't think about how everyone else would react to their dating.

Kurt returned to school the next day and found Blaine waiting by his usual parking spot, still sporting the leather jacked, white t-shirt, old jeans, and combat boots. He couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, he had hoped them finally being open about their relationship would make Blaine see that he doesn't need to hide behind this image.

"Good morning handsome." Blaine smiled brightly at Kurt as he got out of the car.

"Good morning." Kurt awkwardly stood in front of Blaine, not sure how to act right now. He wasn't one for PDA, but he really wanted to reach out for Blaine's hand.

"Come on, we'll be late for class." Blaine took Kurt's hand and pulled him towards the building. He could tell Kurt was tense, so he stopped right before going in. "You seem tense."

"I'm just- it's nothing, lets go." Kurt gave him a half smile, squeezing his hand as they walked through the doors, ready for whatever the population of McKinley High had in store for them.


By lunch time, news of Kurt and Blaine's relationship had spread throughout the school. Everyone was talking about it because over half of the student body didnt even know Blaine was gay.

"You know the entire Glee Club knows about you two now, right?" Mercedes asked while they were in the lunch line.

"So?" Blaine really didn't see the problem.

"So, most of them pretty much hate you." Mercedes said like it should have been obvious.

"Pretty much everyone in this school hates me, I think I can handle a group of show choir nerds."


"What? I didn't say- oh, I called them nerds. Sorry." Not being a dick around the glee club was going to take some getting use to, but he would do it because they're Kurt's friends.

"Just don't let them hear you say that and you'll be fine. Come on, might as well face the music now and get it over with, for both of your sakes." Mercedes guided them to where the rest of the glee club was sitting.

Everyone just stared at Kurt and Blaine as the sat down beside Mercedes, it was like the entire group was speechless.

"Would you guys please stop looking at us like we're some kind of aliens, please." Kurt have his best bitch glare before turning to focus on his salad.

"Wait, so it's true? You two are, dating?" Tina looked between Kurt and Blaine with a confused expression.

"Yes, we have been for a while."

"I thought it was just a rumor. Huh." Puck just shrugged and went back to eating.

"When the hell did this happen?" Finn was still looking at them like he didn't want to believe it.

"After Blaine joined Glee Club." Kurt really didn't want to have this conversation with his brother right now, not for the entire cafeteria to hear.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Finn asked before glaring at Blaine like it was his fault.

"Because I knew how you'd react Finn, and quite frankly, it's none of your business. I don't question all the girls you date so why should you question Blaine?"

"Uh, maybe because he's Blaine Anderson and he's bad for you."

"You don't know anything about me, or what's good for Kurt."

"Blaine don't." Kurt put his hand over Blaine's where it was gripping the table. "Finn, drop it, now."

"You hurt my brother and you'll be sorry Anderson." Finn warned, getting up to go dump his tray.

"Don't worry about him, he's not worth it." Kurt whispered to Blaine.

"Wait until Rachel finds out, she'll go nuts." Mercedes was pretty sure that's where Finn was headed right now, to tell Rachel she needed to talk some sense into Kurt.

"She's already certifiable, we'll be fine." Kurt squeezed Blaine's hand, telling him a silent thank you for not going off on Finn. He'd definitely have a talk with Finn tonight about his behavior.


They made it the rest of the school day without anyone saying anything about them. They did get a few odd looks, but nothing they couldn't just brush off. But now they have glee rehearsals and Kurt would be lying if he said he wasn't a little worried as to how this was going to go over.

"Alright guys listen up, we have competition coming up- where's Rachel and Finn?" Mr. Schue looked around the room at everyone.

"We haven't seen Finn since lunch." Sam spoke up.

"What about Rachel?"

"She was in the auditorium practicing at lunch."

"Would someone-" Mr. Schue was interrupted by the door swinging open. "There you guys are, we need to get started."

"Mr. Schue, before we begin Finn and I would like to say something."

"Sure Rachel, go ahead." Mr, Schue sat down, giving the floor to Rachel and Finn.

"Finn and I were talking and we think Blaine should leave the club."

"Wait what? Why?" Mr. Schue looked back and forth between Rachel and Blaine, who had gone rigid beside Kurt.

"He doesn't want to be here anyway Mr. Schue, and besides, we don't need him."

"Whoa, whoa hold up just a second." Mercedes stood up. "I think we all know exactly why you're doing this. No matter what you think Rachel, you don't run this club, Blaine is a good singer, we do need him. I think we all know why you're doing this anyway and it's not going to work."

"Blaine, you want to tell us what's going on? Mr. Schue looked to see if Blaine was going to say anything.

Blaine looked to Kurt before standing up to speak. "Look, I know you guys don't like me, and I know you're upset that I'm dating Kurt, but like I said, you don't know anything about me and contrary to what you said, I actually do want to be here."

"Well that settles it then, Blaine stays. Now, lets get started on this dance number."

As they all moved to their marks to begin the dance, Kurt leaned over to Blaine. "I'm sorry they're being such assholes to you about this. I never wanted this."

"I know, it's- to be honest, I was expecting it, so don't worry." Blaine smiled at Kurt, hoping me didn't notice when it didn't quite reach his eyes. He was expecting the hate, just not from Kurt's friends, and their words hurt more than he expected them to. He would get through it though, he wasn't going to make Kurt choose between his friends and him.


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