Heaven and Hell.
Welcome to the New Directions Blaine Anderson. Next Chapter Story
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Heaven and Hell.: Welcome to the New Directions Blaine Anderson.

E - Words: 1,035 - Last Updated: Aug 30, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 19/19 - Created: Feb 23, 2013 - Updated: Aug 30, 2013
1,409 0 10 0 0

Author's Notes: Really short opening chapter. A little background to explain why Blaine is a badboy. (Because I like to explain things)Chapters will get longer as the story goes on.Enjoy. :)

Blaine so didn't want to do this. He'd rather light himself on fire than join the stupid Glee Club. These people aren't worth his time, he'd rather go hang out with the skanks, and he pretty much hates them.

"I think this will be good for you Mr. Anderson." Principal Figgins said in his thick accent.

"Whatever." Blaine mumbled as he slipped his worn leather jacket over his arms. He'd worn his usual white t-shirt, tight black jeans and converse. The jacket had belonged to his brother Cooper, he gave it to Blaine when he left for California.

"Alright, Mr. Shue will be expecting you. I trust you won't get lost."

"Yeah." Blaine exited the principals office and headed in the direction of the choir room. He forced the memories of his old school, Dalton Academy out of his mind at the thought of being in Glee Club.

See, Blaine hadn't always been the bad boy, there was a time when he was one of those losers who sang for fun. Things were different then, that was when his parents weren't completely disgusted by him, when he went to Dalton where everything was easier, simpler. Now he was stuck in this hell hole. McKinley High was nothing but a joke, a sick, twisted joke. He'd taken up the bad boy image his first week when the jocks shoved him into the lockers and made fun of his bowties. No one had even noticed, his parents didn't care, and his Warbler friends were too busy to really pay attention. So he went with it, and after two months, no one messed with him, not even Coach Sue who messed with everyone. He didn't have any friends, but he honestly didn't care. He was just biding his time until the year was over. He was a senior and he planned to get the hell out of Ohio as soon as graduation was over.

When he entered the choir room he heard the gasps and whispers of the Glee kids, but he focused his attention on Mr. Shue. "You were expecting me."

"Ah yes. Listen up everyone, Mr. Anderson will be joining us for the rest of this semester." Mr. Shue addressed the group, not really surprised by the looks of horror on their faces. Blaine had a rep, and it wasn't a good one.

"But Mr. Shue!"

"Hell to the nah!"

"No way man!"

"Enough! He's obviously here because he has to be, we all know badass Anderson wouldn't be here by choice and arguing about it isn't going to help." Kurt didn't want to listen to everyone argue over Blaine, actually he'd rather not even think about Blaine.

"Thanks Hummel, but I don't need your help." Blaine snapped. He didn't hate Kurt, not by a long shot, Kurt just.. frustrated him.

"Trust me Anderson, I wasn't doing that for your benefit." Kurt snapped back, fixing Blaine with an icy glare.

"That's enough guys! Blaine is here to stay so get use to it." Mr. Shue sighed, this was going to be a challenging semester.

By the time Glee Club ended, Kurt wanted to strangle Blaine, or jump his bones, he wasn't really sure. See, Kurt hated Blaine, hated his cocky attitude, his rude, hurtful comments, he hated him. Except he didn't. Kurt would never admit it to anyone, but he was completely in love with Blaine, he had been since the first day Blaine had transferred to McKinley. That was back when he wore those cute bowties and cardigans and rolled his pants up. Blaine thought no one had noticed the change, but Kurt had and it hurt him beyond words that there was nothing he could do to help. Kurt watched Blaine become this shell of a person, always so angry, not wanting to let how much he was hurting show, but Kurt saw it. Somehow, it made Kurt love him even more.

"You gonna stare at me all day Hummel?" Blaine asked with a smirk. He knew Kurt had a thing for him, and it wasn't that Blaine didn't want him, because oh God did he want Kurt. He knew a relationship would make him vulnerable and he just couldn't afford that.

"What? No, I-I wasn't-"

"It's okay, I know you were, not that I blame you. I know I look hot in these jeans, they hug my ass just right, don't ya think?" Blaine winked before sticking his ass out towards Kurt. Just because he wasn't looking for a relationship didn't mean he couldn't tease and flirt.

"See, that right there is why you don't have a boyfriend Anderson, you're too cocky." Kurt knew Blaine was teasing, so he decided to play along.

"I don't have a boyfriend because I don't have time to waste on something as stupid as love and relationships."

"Yeah, of course. You don't think anyone notices, but I do, you're lonely. You use this badass thing as a cover up when really you're just a scared little boy who just wants someone to love him and make him feel special." Kurt knew saying that would set Blaine off, but he couldn't stop the words from coming out.

"You have no idea what you're fucking talking about Hummel." Blaine growled. How was it that Kurt could just read him like a fucking book? Everything Kurt had just said was the truth, deep down, he was still that bowtie wearing, broadway loving boy.

"Whatever Anderson. One day you'll stop lying to yourself and you'll be happier." Kurt gave him a sad smile before exiting the choir room.

Blaine sighed as he watched Kurt leave. Maybe Kurt was right, maybe one day he'd drop the act and go back to being the guy he was before he transferred to McKinley. He heard Karofsky yelling from down the hallway, something about fairies. He knew Kurt had ran into him and was getting the usual bullying that he himself had went through that first week.

Yeah, maybe one day he'd change, but today wasn't that day. He took off towards the exit, ignoring the sound of Kurt being slammed into the lockers and headed for his car. He wasn't sure if he could handle being around Kurt, singing and dancing for a whole semester. This was going to be a beautiful yet horrifying mixture of Heaven and Hell.

End Notes: First chapter, let me know what you think.This is going to be multi-chapter (obviously) but since I have two other stories that I'm currently working on, I might be a little slow on the updating, but I'll update as fast as possible. I don't like to wait forever to update, so I'll do my best to be quick about it. I'll know more about when exactly I'll be updating once I see if people want it to continue.-Krystal :) x


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What a great start! Looking forward to the next chapter.

Thank you! :D-Krystal :) x

Thank you! :D-Krystal :) x

I'm glad!! :D Thank you!-Krystal :) x

Hahaha yeah, I wanted to have some snarky Kurt and that's something I think he'd say. :)-Krystal :) x

oh yeah i forgot i said that. but what i meant is that kurt thinks that his and blaines voices fit better than finn and rachel's. i laughed at that.

This was awesome. It was nice to see why Blaine is that way that he is and to see that although he denies it he does have feelings for Kurt. I thought it was great that Kurt called Blaine out on his behavior and didn't get intimidated by what he said.

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it! Thank you for deciding to hop over here and read this story as well. :)-Krystal :) x