May 8, 2013, 9:22 a.m.
May 8, 2013, 9:22 a.m.
The morning of the wedding, Kurt and Blaine woke up early so they could shower and eat breakfast before the car arrived to take them to The Woodlands.
Showers done, both boys dressed in sweats and t-shirts, they headed to the kitchen.
"We really don't many options for a fast breakfast right now. There's Pop Tarts, Oatmeal, cereal-"
"I'm too nervous to eat." Kurt interupted Blaine, looking at him with wide eyes.
"I-I'm just scared that something is going to go wrong. What if the flowers weren't delivered on time? What if someone gets left at the hotel? What if-"
"Kurt, Kurt stop. Listen to me, Rachel, Adam, and Lucy should already be there to make sure everythinh is set up or being set up. They will make sure it's perfect. Let's just focus on us, okay?" Blaine had taken both of Kurt's hands in his, running his thumbs soothingly over Kurt's wrists.
"O-okay. Oh God, I'm getting married today. We're getting married today. I-I think it just hit me that this is really happening."
"Better now than in the middle of the ceremony." Blaine joked.
"How are you so calm? Are you not worried?"
"I had my breakdown last night, remember? I'm good now. Come on, breakfast will be Pop Tarts to go since the car should be here any minute." Blaine let go of Kurt's hands to grab the food out of the pantry.
Kurt turned to go to the sitting room to grab their suits and bags, but stopped. "Hey Blaine."
"Thank you."
"For what?" Blaine gave Kurt a half amused half confused look.
"Everything." Kurt smiled softly before continuing into the sitting room to get their belongings.
Rachel, Adam, and Lucy all met at The Woodlands early that morning just as they had planned.
"I've already been inside and I have to say, it looks fantastic." Lucy greeted Rachel and Adam in the lobby.
"Everything's here?"
"Yep. The florists are just finishing up, the caterers are hard at work, and-"
"What about the cake? I know Kurt said he had something special planned for the cake?" Rachel asked.
"Taken care of, so far, everything is perfect." Lucy smiled. She couldn't wait to see her friends get married.
Finn woke Cooper up at 7am, giving them an hour to get to The Woodlands to meet up with their brothers.
"Dude, it's way too early for this." Cooper groaned.
"Well, it's a big day for them so deal with it. We only have an hour so you'd better hurry and get ready before the car gets here." Finn had already changed into his tux.
"You go, I'll be there after-"
"No man, you're going to get up and be ready when the car gets here. I'm sure Kurt and Blaine are stressed enough, you're not going to give them a reason to be more stressed."
"Fine, fine, I'm up."
Finn walked out of the rom to get coffee, telling Cooper to be ready when he got back.
When Kurt and Blaine arrived at the Woodlands, they were greeted by Finn, Cooper, and Rachel.
"Let me take your suits, I'll put them in the dressing rooms." Rachel rushed to grab the garment bags from Kurt and ran off down the hall.
"Okay, so I talked to Steve, everything is ready to go." Finn spoke as he reached for the other bags Kurt was carrying.
"Thanks Finn. Are the Warblers here yet?" Blaine asked.
"The car went to get them, they should be here in about fifteen minutes,"
"Okay thanks, just let me know when they get here."
"Of course. Why don't you and Kurt go check out your dressing rooms while you wait?"
"Sounds good. Kurt?" Blaine extended his hand for Kurt.
"Yeah, let's go." Kurt smiled and took Blaine's hand as they headed down the hall.
Fifteen minutes later, the Warblers arrived, heading straight towards the reception hall to check out the stage.
"Hey guys, is the stage going to work?"
"Blaine! Hey man, it's perfect. We're going to go ahead and warm up, wanna join?" Wes asked, hugging Blaine.
"I'd love to, but I need to go check in with the caterers, then get ready to greet my parents."
"Alright, well catch you before the ceremony starts. And Blaine."
"Yeah Wes?"
"Congrats, you and Kurt deserve this."
"Thanks Wes. Thanks for everything." Blaine was holding back tears as he headed towards the kitchen. This was going to be the happiest day of his life.
Three hours later, everyone had arrived and were mingling in the ceremony hall. The actual ceremony wouldn't be starting for another two hours.
Finn, Cooper, Sam, Mike, and Adam were already dressed and ready to go. Tina, Rachel, and Mercedes ewre in the process of getting ready with the help of Kurt who insisted on doing their make up.
"Are you nervous?" Tina asked while she waited on Kurt to finish up with Rachel.
"Absolutely. This is a big deal, of course I'm nervous."
"You're not getting cold feet are you? Because if you are, I swear-"
Kurt interupted Rachel's threat by putting his hand over her mouth. "No Rachel, I'm not getting cold feet. I've waited too long for this, I couldn't walk out now."
"I always said you'd be the first of us to get married. Rachel and Finn almost beat you to it, but you still managed to be first." Mercedes spoke up.
"You know, I've always dreamed of getting married, but I never really thought about it seriously until Blaine. It just seems so right with him."
"You and Blaine are perfect for each other Kurt, of course it feels right." Tina gave him a smile.
"I'm just glad I get to share this day with all of you, it means the world to me having you all here." Kurt finished up the girls' make up just as Finn came to tell him he needed to go get dressed.
He spotted Blaine outside of his dressing room.
"Well, this is it. Are you ready?" Blaine was looking at Kurt with nothing but love.
"I've been ready for quite a while.' Kurt pulled Blaine in for one last hug before they headed to their seperate dressing rooms to get ready.
They had decided early on that they wanted to walk down the isle together, keeping things equal between them. Their parents were going to walk down the isle first, followed by the groomsmen, the best men, then finally, them.
"Before we go out there,, I want to say that you look very handsome in that tux." Blaine turned to Kurt smoothing out Kurt's jacket.
"As do you Mr. Anderson." Kurt said with a smile, straightening out Blaine's bowtie.
Blaine smiled softly, linking his arm with Kurt's. "We're up."
Kurt took a deep breath before starting to walk down the isle with Blaine, smiling at all their friends and family as they passed.
Once they reached the front of the room, they stopped and turned to face each other, linking their hands in front of them.
The officiant moved forward and addressed the crowd. "Welcome. Today we are here to witness these to young men become one. Marriage is a commitment, a promise to always love and respect your partnet. It is a celebration of love and I'm sure anyone who knows Kurt and Blaine, knows the love they have for each other. Moving things along, let's have the rings please." The officiant looks to Finn and Cooper who hand the rings over to Kurt and Blaine. "Alright, the boys have decided to write their own vows, so Blaine, go ahead."
Everyone turned their attention to Blaine.
"I'll be honest, I really don't know what to say. I'm not all that great with words, but I'll do my best. Kurt, from the moment I met you, I knew there was something about you. It took me a while to figure out that I was in love with you, but when I did, I knew there was no turning back. I know it's rare to find the love of your life in high school, but we found each other there on the staircase of Dalton Academy. You gave me a reason to stay, you gave me a purpose in life when I thought I had nnone. I watched you grow from this scared kid into the strong, happy, carefree man you are today, and I am so proud of you, of us. Standing here with you, getting married, is a dream come true. I love you. You'll always be my Teenage Dream." Blaine finished, wiping a few tears that had started to fall.
The officiant turned to Kurt. "Kurt, you have the floor."
Kurt took a shaky breath before speaking. "Oh wow, how am I suppose to top that? Okay, here goes nothing. Blaine, when I met you, I was being bullied, I was scared and unhappy with my life. I came to Dalton that day to spy on our Sectionals comepition, but what I found was this wide-eyed, handsome, lead vocalist who didn't understand the concept of a shortcut. Seriously though, that day and all the days after, you showed me that there was more to life than what was inside the walls of McKinley High. You saved me, you gave me hope. Now, four years later, here we care, exhanging vows, getting married. You have given me a brighter and better future and I will spend the rest of my life doing the same for you. I'll love you until the end of time." Kurt finished with a watery smile.
The officiant turned back to Blaine. "Blaine, do you take Kurt to be your husband, to honor and respect him until your dying day?"
"I do." Blaine whispered, slipping the ring onto Kurt's finger.
"And Kurt, do you take Blaine to be your husband, to honor and respect him until your dying day?"
"I do." Kurt choked out, slipping his ring onto Blaine's finger.
"Then by the power invested in me by the state of New York, I pronounce you husbands. You may kiss."
Blaine and Kurt met in the middle for a passionate, loving kiss that seemed to last forever and not long enough at the same time.
When they parted, Kurt heard Blaine's whisper over their friends and family's cheers. "Kurt Anderson-Hummel. My husband.
Kurt smiled so big his jaw ached and whispered. "Blaine Anderson-Hummel. My husband."
They turned to walk back down the isle, hand in hand, ready to go celebrate with their family and friends.