Give Your Heart A Break.
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Give Your Heart A Break.: Chapter 34

E - Words: 1,409 - Last Updated: May 08, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 44/44 - Created: Jan 14, 2013 - Updated: May 08, 2013
144 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Chapter End Notes: So we have the venue, just keep in mind that even though it's scheduled, things could change. :)Also, if anyone has any ideas for the wedding, please let me know, I will gladly put them in the story and credit you in the author's notes. :D-Krystal :) x

Kurt was the first one up the next morning, too excited to sleep past 7:00 am. Today was the day they were going to see about making reservations for the wedding. Both he and Blaine were leaving classes early to meet with the manager of The Woodlands.

Blaine woke up to the sound of the bathroom door shutting. He rolled out of bed and padded over to the closet to pick out his outfit for the day while waiting on the shower, only to find a pair of darkwash blue jeans, a red polo, and a black bowtie with white poca dots, laid out along with a pair of loafers. He just smiled and move the clothes to the bed, it had been a while since Kurt had picked out his clothes for him, he mostly wears sweats and jeans with t-shirts because of his dance rehearsals.

They ate breakfast after they'd both showered and gotten dresses. Blaine was going to meet up with Kurt at NYADA before heading to Long Island where the venue was located. They would have to take the subway, but neither of them really cared, they were just excited to check the place out.



Blaine sat in his improv class, not really paying attention. Instead, he was making a list of things to ask the manager, Steve, when they got to the meeting.

"What time is your meeting?" Lucy asked. The class had been paired off to work on improv exercises.

"Two. I'm leaving here at eleven to go get Kurt, then we're going to take the subway to Long Island."

"Are you excited?"

"Absolutely. If we can get this place, it will be a dream. It's beautiful." Blaine smiled. Both he and Kurt had fallen in love with The Woodlands as soon as they started looking through the pictures they had on their website.

"Have you picked a date yet?"

"No, we're waiting to see when they have available, but we want sometime in the fall."

"Well I hope you guys get it." Lucy smiled as they continued to work on their exercise.



Adam couldn't help but laugh when he'd catch Kurt tapping his foot ot pen impatiently. He knew Kurt was excited for the meeting. "You know, if you would stop looking at the clock every five seconds, time would go by faster."

"I can't help it, I'm excited and a little nervous. We could very well be getting the venue for not only our wedding ceremony, but our reception too, so I'm really wanting time to hurry up so we can get there."

"I know, it'll be time before you know it. You said Blaine would be here at 11:15 right?"

"Yeah, then we're taking the subway to Long Island." Kurt explained.

"You'll be there way before 2:00, but being early could mean they'll meet with you earlier as long as they don't have anyone else."

"Maybe." Kurt was really trying to focus on the conversation, but all he could think about was that Blaine would be there in an hour to pick him up.



Blaine arrived at NYADA at exactly 11:15, finding Kurt waiting for him. "Ready?"

"Yes. Let's go." Kurt took Blaine's hand and pulled him off towards the subway station.

"So we're meeting with Steve, he's the manager." Blaine said once they had gotten their seats in the subway car. 

"Mhmm. I really hope we can get worked in, I can't imagine getting married anywhere else, it's perfect." Kur sighed.

"Me too, but we'll just have to wait and see." Blaine squeezed Kurt's hand.

"I still can't believe this is actually happening, we're actually planning our wedding."

"I know, it's pretty amazing." Blaine started twirling his ring, a habit he'd picked up when they would take about the wedding.

"I love you Blaine." Kurt took Blaine's left hand and brushed his lips over Blaine's ring.

"I love you too Kurt." Blaine mirrored Kurt's actions, takinng Kurt's left hand and brushing his lips over Kurt's ring, before linking their fingers.

They fell into a comfortable silence for the rest of the trip.



"Hello, welcome to The Woodlands, how can I help you?" A woman asked as soon as they walked in the door.

"Uh, we are suppose to be meeting with Steve, we have an appoitment." Kurt said, walking over to the desk.

"Oh yes, right. I'll let him know you're here and he'll be with you shortly. Just have a seat right over there." The lady smiled, gesturing to the chairs that lined the wall.

"Thank you." Kurt took Blaine's hand as they walked over to the chairs.

"Kurt, this place is magical." Blaine was in awe of the mansion, the pictures didn't do it justice.

"I know, it's perfect." Kurt whispered, looking around, taking in his surroundings.

Mr. Hummel, Mr. Anderson?" A man came walking up to them, smiling warmly.

"That's us, you must be Steve." Kurt stoof, shaking his hand.

"That's me. So, first of all, congratulations on your engagement."

"Thank you, we're very happy and excited." Blaine said, shaking Steve's hand.

"You should be boys. Okay, so you are looking to have your wedding here, correct?"

"Yes sir, we found your website and fell in love with it." Kurt spoke up. They had decided that Kurt would be in charge of this, seeing as he was planning everything.

"It is a truly enchanting place and we'd be honored to host your wedding. Around when were you thinking of having it?"

"Sometime in the fall, we don't have an exact date yet."

"Fall, very nice choice. Why don't you come with me and we'll see what we can do." Steve led them to his office.

"Are you looking to have the reception here as well?"

"Yes, it would be easier."

"Okay, let's see, by the looks of it we have the last two weekends of October and the first weekend of November open, that's assuming you want the wedding to be on a weekend."

"Yeah we want a Saturday date."

"Alright, so that gives you October 19th or 26th and November 2nd." Steve sat back in his chair. "I'm goinng to go make a phone call while you two talk it over." He got uo and left them alone to discuss it.

"Well, what do you think?" Kurt asked, turning to Blaine.

"I want to have the wedding here, we have three dates to choose from and I think we should pick one."

"But which one?"

"I like November, what about you?"

"November sounds perfect. Oh my God we just picked our wedding day!" Kurt was even more excited now, they had an exact date.

"So, have you decided or do-"

"Yes. We want November 2nd." Kurt interupted Steve as he came back into the room.

"Okay then, let's get it into the computer and then it will be set." Steve started typing as he talked. "Anything else you need to know, any questions?"

"I have some questions." Blaine spoke.

"Ask away kid."

"Well, for some reason, Kurt thinks I should be in charge of getting the catering, do you offer catering or do I need to bring someone in?"

"We offer on-site catering or you can bring in someone, which ever you want."

"What about a site fee?"


"Um, okay, and what about the amount of people we can have?"

"Our capacity is 450 people." Steve finished typing. "All set boys, you are officially booked for November 2nd."

"Thank you so much, this is perfect." Kurt was literally bouncing with excitement.

"You're welcome, we are happy to have you, if there's anything you need, just let us know and we weill try to make it happen." Steve stood up and walked them out of the office. He had a feeling he was in for a special and memorable time with these boys.



Later that night, once they had called everyone to let them know about getting the venue, they were laying in bed watching Moulin Rouge.

"Hey Blaine, we're getting married on November 2nd, it's January 8th, that's only ten months away." Kurt paused the movie and rolled to where he was facing Blaine.

"Only?" Blaine chuckled, wrapping his arms around Kurt. "But yeah, I know, it's like it's really, really official now."

"Yeah, I can't wait, it's going to be perfect."

"I can't wait either, and as long as I'm marrying you, it would be perfect no matter what." Blaine smiled and leaned in to kiss Kurt.

"You say some of the cheesiest things." Kurt laughed.

"But you love it."

"I love you." Kurt winked as he hit play on the movie.

Blaine pulled Kurt closer, nuzzling Kurt's hair and whispering, "I love you too. Until my dying day."

Kurt just hugged Blaine tighter. Blaine was right, their wedding would be perfect no matter what because they would be getting married, and that's all that really matters. 



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