May 8, 2013, 9:22 a.m.
May 8, 2013, 9:22 a.m.
Blaine woke up Wednesday morning before the sun came up. He'd conviced Kurt to spend the night with Rachel and to stay out for the day so he could set up the condo for their New Years plans. He wanted everything to be perfect.
He made a trip to the nearest Party City for some supplies for the living room. He knew he wouldn't be gelling his hair down with having balloons in the living room, but he was recreating their first New Years, so that meant balloons. He set the kitchen to look up like a romantic, fancy restaurant. He had candles, dimmed the lights, and put on soft, romantic music. He even made his mom's pasta recipe because it was the food they'd eaten their first New Years together. By the time Kurt was due back home, Blaine was completely exhausted.
"Blaine! I'm home!" Kurt called as he stepped into the dark living room, toeing off his shoes.
"In the kitchen babe!" Blaine called back, lighting the last candle and setting two plates of pasta on the table.
"Is that your mom's recipe?" Kurt asked as he sat down, admiring the work Blaine had done to the kitchen.
"Yep. We're recreating our first New Years together so I asked her for the recipe."
"It's perfect. I love it and I love you."
"I love you too."
They spent the rest of dinner in comfortable silence, just enjoying being together, in New York, on New Years.
Once dinner was finished and the dishes cleared, they headed into the living room. It was only 7:00 pm, so they had time to spare.
"I brought out some board games, or we could just talk." Blaine said as they took a seat on the couch.
"Either is fine with me."
"Can we talk about the wedding? We haven't really mentioned it, at least nit to each other." Blaine let himself be held by Kurt who wrapped his arm around Blaine's shoulder.
"Of course we can sweeite. What do you want to talk about?"
"Have you looked at places for the actual ceremony?"
"Really Blaine? Of course I have and I found one that I think you'll like. Just let me go grab my laptop." Kurt got up and ran to their bedroom, coming back with his laptop open to a wedding planning website. "I've had this bookmarked for longer than I canre to admit. Take a look and tell me if you like it."
Blaine took the laptop, reading out loud. "The Woodlands at Woodbury. I've heard of that."
"Look at the pictures, it really is beautiful."
"Yeah it is, I thin, it would be lovely, but we'll need to set up a time to go see about reservations. They might already be booked." Blaine was scrolling through the pictures, imagining his wedding happening there.
"That's the good thing about not having an actual date planned. We'll go once the New Years buzz is calmed down, as long as you're sure you would want to have the wedding here." Kurt didn't want Blaine to just pick it because Kurt wanted it, he wanted Blaine to have input in everything too.
"I think it's great, but we should keep looking, just so we have options."
"Can you believe this is actually happening? We're actually getting married, to each other, we're going to be husbands, each other's husbands." Kurt wasn't sure he'd ever get use to that.
"It's going to be fantastic. I love you so much and I can't wait to call you my husband." Blaine smiled, placing a quick kiss to Kurt's temple.
"On the subject of the wedding and being husbands, I think we need to decide early on about any name changes we want to make." Kurt took the laptop and set it on the coffee table.
"That's a good idea. What are some of our options?"
"Well, we could choose not to change anything, which I think is boring and stupid. Or we can choose between Hummel-Anderson and Anderson-Hummel that way we both still get to keep our names, plus gain each others."
"I like Anderson-Hummel, it flows better than Hummel-Anderson."
"I thought the same thing. Kurt and Blaine Anderson-Hummel." Kurt smiled hearing the names out loud.
"That is one of the most perfect sentences I've ever heard come out of your mouth." Blaine said, hearing Kurt say their names like that made his sking tingle.
"You say it, I want to hear you say it."
Blaine just smiled. "Kurt and Blaine Anderson-Hummel. Oh wow, that sounds perfect. God Kurt I can't wait."
"Me either Blaine, me either."
They sat there, wrapped up in each other, making small talk until time for the ball to drop. Blaine turned the t.v. on, taking in the party that was happening in Time Square.
"Next year, we are so going to see this in person." Kurt said.
"Sounds like a plan. Oh! here we go!" Blaine pointed to the timer that was counting down the final five seconds.
When the clock struck midnight, Kurt turned to Blaine, taking his face in his hands. "Happy New Year Blaine, I love you."
"Happy New Year Kurt, I love you too."
They met in the middle for a short, loving kiss. A kiss full of promise and commitment to their future, to their relationship, and to each other. This really was a new year for them, the past behind them once and for all. Their focus now on the rest of their life, the wedding, school, family and friends. They were finally ready to begin their new life with no weights from the past pulling them down.